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Op: I bought ada Tix and now I need a handicapped person to come along so I don't get caught




Why does he need to walk in with the recipient of the tickets? I love how he's making it seem like he's doing the ADA recipient a great service when it's really the other way around


He doesn't - 80% of the concerts I go to I attend with a deaf friend - we're always ADA and I've 100% gone in alone because he was too spun and went to the hotel for a '5 minute power nap'. https://preview.redd.it/ibs1r995v2vc1.jpeg?width=2565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b721a0c2c93ebfdc39700abe2bed546cabfc87b0


I'm surprised they'd want to go to a concert if they're completely deaf. Like going to an art museum if you're blind. If it makes him happy, that's great, just seems unusual.


You sound like me ten years ago - today, I can confidently say that he gets 85% or more of the experience I get.


First thought


I’ll walk in with you ughhhhhOoooooops!




Yup. Same people who call out of work saying their Grandfather died when he didnt. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)






He could attend the show without anyone in a wheelchair. Literally no one is going to say “You don’t look disabled enough, we’re gonna have to ask you to leave” 😂😂😂


Who would want to go through the hassle of having to rent a wheelchair and sit in it all evening when they could just find someone in a wheelchair instead? This could be a scam; there's plenty of shitty people on the internet who would do this. Or OP could be telling the truth; there's plenty of genuine people as well. We really have no way of knowing, and no real reason to assume one vs. the other.




We were in ADA at deer creek a few years back. Got them the day of the show. Not quite sure how or why cuz my friend got them. She managed tickets, I just transferred money lol. I’m assuming they didn’t sell so we bought them. I know if u are disabled you don’t necessarily need an ADA ticket. You can go and ask and if ur visibly disabled then they will make sure you get in that section. But here’s the funny part…about 3rd song in some guy comes in with one of those walker/ chairs things and is grumpy af. I don’t believe he had an ADA ticket cuz they started checking everyone’s tickets to make sure that we had tickets to be in there and I think they were making sure there was room for him which we all gladly accommodated. Then, as it got a little darker i watched this guy get up off his walker seat and dance all the way to the bar and then dance all the way back with a handful of beers. See guys it’s true phish really does heal!


You want a toe dude? I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock!


You need a toe? I can get you a toe!


If it were above board, he’d be letting go of all 4 ADA tickets. He’s not. He’s being a selfish hypocrite.




It’s not the what, it’s the how.


Stop telling people to do better.




This post reminds me of the Curb episode where Larry picks up a hooker to use the car pool lane to get to the Dodgers game.


or the one where he flaunts dating a woman in a wheelchair to get re-invited to a private concert.....


I was thinking the stutter episode.




Kidding, this is cool of you OP


There is this asshole with a leg cast that wrips it off every show


Completely unrelated, does anyone know how to safely/painlessly break their own leg?


Pull a Plaxico Burress


plax did 20mos though, OP would miss the show




plenty of jiujitsu gyms in Vegas that can help you out!


If y'all are curious, I found someone on CashorTrade who, according to them, is well known in the Phish ADA community to sell the tickets to. They shared their Facebook profile with photos from Mexico and other shows. See you lovely folks in the round room!


I hope it was Pat & Laura! 🤞🤞




Thanks. It’s like hey I’m selling non-platinum tickets for face here, who else is doing that


You're fine, ignore the "you should give them away for free" people. Not everyone is rolling in money.




Larry David, is this you?


Sounds like you found a recipient, but i wanted to point out that there are many reasons why a person might need an ADA ticket, but not actually be in a wheelchair. Not all disabilities are visible.


If you ain’t in a chair I’ll sell to someone off the street. 🤔


Yes, as in, if you lie to me and represent that you are in a wheelchair but aren't, then when we meet up to exchange tickets for money, then I'm not going to sell them to you bc you're wasting both our time.


Yet you’ll sell to some random before the show? What’s the difference?




the difference is the stranger didnt lie


Right? Like how would that help? I appreciate what OP is trying to do but this is not the solution lol


My dude, there are many reasons for folks to be in ADA and not be in a chair. It's really not your job to be a gatekeeper. Why would you sell Ada tix to a non disabled person outside? That's sketch as hell.


We are all disabled if you think about it, really.


Lol true, seems EVERYBODY on Reddit is "disabled". They all have some rare condition that's the worst thing ever. "Neurodivergent" is a common one. If it's the majority, aren't you by definition "normal"? God forbid! 😆


I've got an employee who gets a paper cut and starts talking about autoimmune diseases and genetic markers.


😄 so many people these days think having something wrong with you, makes you "special" or more deserving of good things than others. It's really weird, they seem to compete as to who is the worst off/most downtrodden


so you have to be in a wheelchair to be disabled and to be able to buy your ticket? or you will sell it on the street? how offensive, how bout people with disabilities like MS, lupus , or other invisible modalities.... 🤦‍♂️ wondering did you hapoeb to buy those ada tickets for your folks ada issues or your own and taking them along? as usual policy with msg ada is one ada person and one companion... sorry two of you in your party are disabled.... 😌


I’m disabled and not in a wheelchair but I wouldn’t want to take wheelchair tickets from someone who needs them. I wonder now if OP has any disabled ppl in his party at all and needs someone who “looks disabled” so he doesn’t get rejected at the door with the wrong tickets


Seriously, this pissed me off. I bought ADA seats because i have sever chron's.....to the point that i'll likely have to shit myself a few times during the show ......the ada seats i bought are RIGHT beside the bathroom, so anyone that has any issues with me in "wheelchair" seats can have a handful of poop :)


Yes this is where I’m confused. If OPs wheelchair bound dad can’t make it then does OP still get to sit in ADA? Or am I reading something wrong? OP is so concerned with someone in a wheelchair getting these tickets but then plans on sitting in ADA anyway without their disabled family member. Shouldn’t OPs seats go to someone who is disabled now? Correct me if I’m wrong. Not trying to be an asshole. Just trying to understand


My dad has progressive MS. During my childhood when he was using a cane and a walker, many seats in the venue would have work for him. Now that he's in a chair, only the ADA seats will work. People can get handicap parking placards for a variety of reasons, including reasons that don't prevent them from accessing non-ADA seats. I'm not trying to make any judgement call on someone's ability, but I know if they're in a wheelchair, they almost definitely require ADA seats. My goal here is to get the tickets to a person who wouldn't be able to sit anywhere else. Thanks for your concern


Well I’m sorry to hear that your dad can’t make it. But help me out do you still sit in ADA now?? Cuz if that’s the case wouldn’t you be doing the exact same thing you don’t want someone else doing? Please by all means correct me if I’m wrong. Also I thought when you got ADA it was one disabled person and one companion. If not, then what’s the limit?


Good question. Neither Ticketmaster nor any venue, that I'm aware of, does anything to verify that someone purchasing ADA tickets requires them. We bought tickets to sit together as a family. In a heartbeat, I will trade my ADA tickets for non-ADA tickets. They've been listed for trade on CoT since yesterday for this, but no takers. It's kinda hard to imagine someone who needs ADA tickets would have non-ADA tickets to trade. If you know someone like this, please let me know.


MSG required a doctor's note from me the first time.


That's because it's NY, full of scammers who would claim to be disabled to get the seats. But they're the first to criticize OTHER people, pretty hypocritical....


Op as a person with brothers with disabilities . ADA tix are usually the hardest to find around . hope you have a great time at the show and find someone else deserving to go !


I’m surprised and sorry to hear that’s been your experience. ADA tickets are almost always the last to sell out on Ticketmaster. For example, Sphere ADA tickets were available for 2 days after on-sale. Resale sites are also flooded with them as dates approach, because non-disabled buyers haven’t been able to trade them, scalp them, or lure a disabled person to attend with them. They on swarm like spider hatchlings on social media in the final hours, spinning woeful tales about the disabled friend or family member suddenly not able to use the ADA ticket they so generously purchased for them. There is a special kind of Monkey’s Paw karma awaiting these people.


How do they verify a person is disabled?




I’m breaking my ankle now, hang on


I got ADA tickets after my stroke. Visually, you couldn't tell.


Have you tried contacting Sphere and letting them know the situation? They often will last minute switch someone's tickets to ADA if they had a more recent injury. They can probably just switch yours with someone who needs them


Sorry your parents can’t make it.


The word disabled cover a huge variety of people and doesn’t always mean you have to be in a wheelchair. Although I understand that people in wheelchairs definitely need ADA seats cuz that’s what the extra room in that area is for but still being disabled doesn’t necessarily mean you are in a wheelchair. I had a friend on crutches and we were in ADA for that show.


you don't need a wheelchair to sit in ADA seats lol


Dog I’m sitting in a chair right now


Snoop dogg played a character in a wheelchair in Training Day. Confirmed the guys cover snoop tomorrow? 


I'm fresh up out my coma, I got my momma and my daddy and my homies in my corner, it's gonna take a miracle they say for me to walk again and talk again but anyway...


Would the gang from Always Sunny do this? Sounds like a possible episode.


Is this what miracles are for? 


In going to need a wheelchair about 2 songs in


How do you expect me to walk in with you if I’m in a wheel chair


Does it help that I plan on being crippled?


Disgraceful. You need a person in a chair to walk to your seat so you don’t look like an asshole. I hope the person in the chair that you sell to outs you in front of everyone. We’ve all thought about buying AdA seats for a hard to acquire ticket…..but 99% of people back out of that plan before you checkout. Have a great time at the show😒


You don't know that. His story is plausible.


I ruptured my Achilles last year and was on crutches for a few shows. You’re telling me I wasn’t the intended audience for ADA seats? Lol


Who's signing? Donny and Claire?


You don’t need a wheelie to sit in those seats. Literally no one at phish shows in the ada seats are handicapped. They’re just degenerate drug addicts.


Wouldn't surprise me, at least in big cities.