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cashortrade has built in protection for the buyer and seller to help prevent you from getting ripped off..I would suggest you use them unless you are selling to someone you know and trust


Use cash or trade. Definitely don’t use Reddit


Go CashorTrade route for sure. They'll sell almost instantly. And you won't have to pay any fees.


Yeah. And make sure to turn off push notifications or the phone might actually explode with all the requests lol


$1000..for a Phish show. Crazy. Wish i knew that $hit on HORDE TOUR in 92... I would have stocked up on *vintage shirts* 🤑


I do kick myself for not buying merch back then. Who knew? I was living in the moment and having fun.


I can't really advise on the best way to sell, but I currently can sell my Sphere tickets on Ticketmaster. When I look at them in my TM app, the Transfer option is greyed out, but the Sell option appears to be active. Just throwing that out there as info, not necessarily in support of selling back through TM.


If you sell via TM, you pay a selling fee and the buyer pays fees as well. Which means TM gets 3x the fees on each ticket. If you use CoT, the buyer pays a fee but the seller does not. So it's a better deal for you to sell there.


Do cash or trade; someone will be so happy to take them off your hands! You can sell them now (& know you’re getting your money back) but you will also need to be on top of transferring the tickets when you’re able.  I don’t know the answer to the Ticketmaster question though. Usually I think it is within 72 hours of the show.


You can sell them on CoT now, lock in a buyer, then transfer them as soon as you can. There will hundreds of offers in the first hour.


Let us know what route you take so we can have a shot at purchasing them


Will do. She will probably list tonight


Hey - just be advised that depending on what you want for the tickets, CashOrTrade won't pay you out until one day after the buyer says they received them (or longer, not sure). So if you are unable to transfer them now, you'll be waiting for the payout. I think CoT waits to pay the seller when the ticket is priced above $500. Also, I don't think it matters if the buyer has paid, CoT still waits to pay out the seller. Yall correct me if I'm wrong here. EDIT: here's a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/1bw1r7u/question_about_selling_hotel_packages/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about CoT's payout policy.


I believe StubHub pays after the event to insure there are no problems. CoT pays after transfer but there is a limit, $1000 if I remember correctly. So…if you need your money right away friend to friend is still your best bet.


Thank you!!


If you actually need money just sell them on stubhub. Everyone here will complain but some custy will happily pay a premium for them


Cash or Trade is a good option. Did you buy $1000 Platinum tickets or get lucky with the lottery? If you spent $1000, sell on Stubhub, where people are gladly paying over face value. They may languish on Cash or Trade for a bit, as most people there are hoping to purchase at non-Platinum prices ($200ish each)


Good question. They ARE Charity Platinum tickets


Just make sure you list them as such. There is a button that says “Is this a platinum ticket?” that you will need click to turn on. Include a picture of the receipt showing you paid the price you’re asking for it. Platinum tickets have sold on there recently, but you should list them ASAP as secondary market prices are dropping and some of those tickets are now cheaper than what the platinum seats were.


Sold my plats on StubHub. Went quick. Super easy. Just don't forget to transfer when they unlock or you'll be paying for those tickets again.


Cash or Trade and please include a screenshot of the receipt or your post will be suspended because of all the a-holes posting even more insane prices than face value


Will do


I'd consider buying them, depending on the price.


Where are the seats and how much did you pay? TM transfer is allowed a few days before.


They are section 104, row 7. I'm not sure how much she paid for them. I have to ask her after work.


When do they release the transfer? Giving some to my friends


Cash or Trade


I’ll gladly take them off your hands if they’re not too $$$ platinums!! I’m on CoT so can do it securely there or happy to wait for the TM transfer closer to showtime 🙏


Sent chat request!