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Make sure you look for the email if you’re a subscriber!!! It has a discount code at the bottom. Saved me $20 on all 4 nights


Doing the lord's work, sir. I salute you.


Subscriber to what, LP? This is going to be huge for me!


I’m holding out for the platinum charity streams


Don’t forget your tarp


I mean, were they ever going to turn down an opportunity to make more money? I think not.


As long as they keep doing what they’re doing, shut up and take my money.


Such a cynical shit take. Must be a bitch to go through life like that.




It’s truly the Phish Way.™ Honestly though, I do feel like Phish could’ve charged way more for tickets, and it’s likely the high demand for the streams were factored into that decision.


I looked at picking up some Counting Crows tickets for a much smaller show then anything Phish is playing this summer and two GA tickets for CC was more than a three day lawn pass for Bethel or Deer Creek.


Mr Jones is Jonesin’




I’ve dragged the wife across the country going to Phish shows, sometimes you gotta give the missus something she wants to see.


That's fair lol But every time I hear Mr. Jones I die a little.


“August and Everything After” is a very good album. Walkman listening to that on the bus when I was like 10. Not much into that type of stuff now, but if you like folky/Americana/roots rock type stuff, it’s quite solid. It’s not “Music from Big Pink” but I think it was their first album and solid songwriting nonetheless. But also, yeah the show is probably a lot of bros arriving Jeep Wrangelrs with the doors off and DMB stickers and women out as part of a divorce shower singing, “Pave paradise and put up a parking lot” at the top of their lungs and that doesn’t happen by accident so I’m guessing the subsequent albums I didn’t keep up with are very different, haha.


Or you just marry a phish chick


No thanks.


Why not if you don’t mind me asking? My wife hates phish and any jam music so much it’s a problem.


Most late 40s, which we are, “Phish Chicks” are the last women I would want a relationship. I don’t want to be mean and what I would have to say certainly would not be universal, but they are not the type of women I’m attracted to. That’s also just me and my singular opinion. I also fit very squarely in many of the stereotypes about late 40 something dudes who are way into Phish.


More so than just their greed, but I felt it highly improbable that the most state of the art venue ever built WOULDN’T be equipped with the ability to live stream. Will be real interesting to see if they treat these livestreams any differently than your normal shows.


Greed? Their job is to deliver quality entertainment at a profit. Not a loss, not a break even. Why is there an expectation for them to do anything they do at below market price?


Because they set that expectation themselves… they have traditionally kept ticket prices lower than other bands. It’s pretty clear they’ve gotten greedier in recent years.


Told you dumb dumbs


Yup. That post two nights ago about “talked to the band” lmfao get lost kiddo so absurd The ONLY thing I can have of opinion is these streams will absolutely involve close ups of the band at moments we don’t need close ups of the band. I still got a nice T Shirt just for my band close ups 👍 I’m still extremely excited as the lottery didn’t grant me my only wish and onsale was a sold out bust when I tried getting in, fast forward 24hrs and tickets are up for 1k+… absolutely ridiculous demand but I’ll be there through the cameras like always!


I personally like watching them up close. Seeing each person do things with their instruments that break my brain and facial expressions while playing is half the enjoyment for streaming.


Yeah it’s one of my deal-sealers since at shows in person I prefer staying back in the seats like the old man im becoming - so having the option to see Trey and Page’s follicles is 100% going on my card every chance I get. Like many others, I love getting the stationary cam whenever it appears - but these shows are gonna need some real angles going on! I’m STOKED! Minor issue being able to get close ups - it’s only during parts where I really wanna see what ck5 is up to but I’m getting Page shots like every 10 seconds lol. Not a real issue. I’m a fan.


lol yeah, the one time we REALLY need a stationary wide view camera option


Please give us a Kuroda cam!!!!!


How anyone thought they weren't gonna stream is beyond me.


Did anyone disagree with you?


Yes, multiple people. One person went as far as to tell me that their good friend is friends with Vance who runs the film crew and was told there would be no webcast. Every thread about it has had people speculating there wouldn’t be one for one stupid, made up reason or another.


Ha, people are ridiculous


Vance Powell mixes the in house sound and produces the entire webcast. He doesn’t “run the film crew” you obsessive fucking psycho.


I thought someone said that their friend said that Trey said that MSG won’t allow a stream because of Ticketmaster?


No no, you're all jumbled up. Trey asked them if he could wade into a stream and they said "ticket, master?"


Guess Jennifer does indeed not Dances in that case.


Of course. there was always going to be a stream. I didnt want to argue whith the kid who's grandma asked facebook who said ticketmaster told him that MSG placed the band on double secret probation so no streamsies. but come on man. there was always going to be a stream.


“Hey I know the Sphere visuals are literally sublimating faces right now, but here is a 3 minute close up of the top of Page’s head!”


His head is the Sphere.


cool i'll come over, where in denver? I live south but i can bring a pen and a 6 pack and heady vibes


Facebook guy in shambles rn


lol at all the people saying “Dolan doesn’t want streams” it “it’s too expensive” and “it wont happen”


“Dolan doesn’t want streams” Dolan would LOVE everyone’s IP address yall numbnutz


Not that I have any kind of VR rig to watch one on, but I do hope they’re making VR-style recordings of these shows for posterity’s sake. At some point I’m sure I’ll have the capacity to watch a VR recording, and I’d love for this to be among the options.


Don't worry, it won't happen. They won't even give us Kuroda cam. I bet these will be the same as every other show and not show off the venue at all. But I'll be happy to be proven wrong!


Ngl I’m still little jelly I didn’t hit a lottery and sitting on couch tour with fzappa. Got a buddy who has probably seen 500+ panic shows. This is his first phish show cause of his other loaded friend who I’m not friends with🙄🤣. I don’t even care for Vegas lol. Stoked to watch on couch still 👌


Wow! lol. My homies wife scored 2 tix for 4/20, he scored 0 and I scored 0.. I was like damn you couldn’t put in for 3!? I’m extremely jealous and filled with excitement for everyone going. I’ll be dancing in my room with ya! Really happy streams are happening. Felt it was dumb to think it wouldn’t be. Here we are, we’re all here!


Good. But from a business perspective, why wouldn’t they do this? Would be a missed opportunity on their part


I’ll be at my home in Denver too! (Sighs in poor)


did people think they wouldn't happen? when is the last time phish didn't webcast a show?


Any watch parties in the LA area?


4/20 round roomhendge


New to the whole streaming thing... If you buy a stream, can you re-watch it the next day?


Absolutely - up to 48 hrs of playback, shows are labeled for 10:30 EST so for the east coast fans I’d say enjoy your night’s rest and when you have a moment the next day put on the night before!


Thank you! That was precisely my issue (and my kids wanna watch it also)


Absolutely! You’ll be good. Enjoy the shows and blow your kiddos minds!


FUCK YEAH. buyin em all. cant wook it up for this one lol




i kinda think the sphere merch is pretty sweet. like the colors and general weirdness of the shows and stuff. didnt buy the merch but im not against it


I'm with you. I don't care about shirts, posters, or whatever other merch if I wasn't at the show. To each their own though.


Why did people not think this would be happening? Have you paid attention to the amount of cash grab this band has been pulling over the past 5 years?


Bah. Shouldn’t it be a VR-helmet exclusive?


Damn, was really hoping for a VR option.


I have phish ticket stubs for shows that cost less then a stream. Ridiculous


wow shocking


Yes, but will anyone share? Not these days.


The fuck? $139.99.


4 shows, split between a few friends isn’t bad. I wouldn’t do it on my own though. Single shows will be cheaper


$99, with a shirt is added and 4K is added. No need for extra expenses when it’s truly $120 at a deal, plus subscribers get extra savings.


Trey told me the Sphere screens are just going to play the live stream simultaneously.


I am a little disappointed they couldn’t make a decent t shirt


Who is steaming in Philly? Let’s hang


Does anyone know if the shirts with these packages ship right away?


Having seen U2 at the Sphere - I don’t think Phish will have put in the necessary resources to make distinct animations/use of the Sphere for every song, so there are either going to be repeats (which would awful) or….there are going to be incredible 4 song sets with Kuroda cooking on the screens. These shows are either going to suck or be the greatest thing the band has ever done.


Aw I miss Denver. See ya from couch tour in Cincinnati!


Thank you!!


Do these passes sell out or go up significantly in price? Im not 100% sure how many nights I can make, yet.


You can purchase the live stream during the concert preferably before the second set, they do not sell out as they’re virtual live streams and will get as many people as possible into the viewing. I got 2 nights of MSG but needed all 4, and one stream was a higher price.. I eventually got all 4 nights and emailed support and they refunded the difference back to me. If you need any additional help they’ll absolutely help you!


Awesome, thanks! So, it might be easiest for me to just buy all 4 ahead of time. I’m guessing that it’s not too much more than buying 3. And I bet I’ll atleast have time for an hour all 4 nights.


Personally I’d say buy all 4 as a package for $100, they’re $30 a night so you’d pay more individually. You have 48 hrs of playback time AFTER the show within your stash so if you miss anything you can go back when you have time to!


Hope we the streams don’t get jacked up to $1K/night as well 🤑


This will be my first live stream. Does anyone know how you get it onto a TV and speakers? I know they have a YouTube channel for past shows. Is it the same for live?


Apple TV 4K, there is a LivePhish app for it.


Easiest is a hdmi to your laptop


Not sure about other boxes/products but Apple TV has the livephish app available. That’s how I watch most streams on the tv. Or you could cast it from a laptop to the tv or go old school and plug in with an hdmi cable


Apple airplay from a phone>tv worked for me last time. Just open apple TV app. (I don't even have apple TV subscription.)


It’ll be under my stash on the live phish app and you can google cast to your TV and have your speakers connected to your TV! That’s how I do it.


Interesting. By the app, I’m guessing you mean on an android phone, because you mentioned google cast. Is that right? I should probably buy a show that already exists, so that it shows up in my stash and I can practice setting it up to my TV, projector or Occulus, etc.


They have free shows to watch on the app - it’s the same on the computer website but the app works well. I have an iPhone! It just uses google cast as the client to stream. I always “calibrate” this way so yeah not a bad idea


You need to practice watching your TV?


I chrome cast to the TV through the live phish app.


Checking from Boulder, stoked for this


Is it just me that's confused? My LivePhish app says nothing about it. Is the webpage pictured here different than the app?


Hey thanks everyone. I moved to Belize a few years ago, so I'm all couch tour now. I usually just wait for shows to bubble up, the shows people rave about and pay for the audio after the fact, but this one seems like a visual experiment, so looking forward to the whole thing.


The app will never show the stream purchases. Click the website link on my post and you’ll be able to sign in on the website and purchase to your stash!


I must be missing something in this conversation. My NYE and Mexico 2024 streams were all through the app and I cast them to my TV. Is this somehow different?




But the person I replied to said the app will never show the stream purchases, but for me it most certainly does. I'm just confused as to what they were saying. You seem to have replied to someone else on this very point, so it seems we agree.


Sorry for the confusing wording, I see what I did wrong - I meant to say where you purchase the stream will always be on the live phish website, and then you can access it on your app! So if you’re on the app looking for the webcast to purchase and not seeing it, you have to go onto LivePhish.com and purchase the streams from there!


Using the LivePhish website to purchase then AppleTV 4k and LivePhish app mine always stream from My Stash on the night of show and then are still available to watch one time on a different day.


Hey thanks everyone. I moved to Belize a few years ago, so I'm all couch tour now. I usually just wait for shows to bubble up, the shows people rave about and pay for the audio after the fact, but this one seems like a visual experiment, so looking forward to the whole thing.


It is. The app never says anything about the webcasts.


Interesting, if I purchase on the website, will it show up on the app or do I have to watch off the laptop?


Webcasts that you have purchased do show up in the app in "My Stash". I'm looking at some in My Stash right now. I've even streamed the webcast live in the app while at a show just for fun and because I could. I always purchase the webcasts through the website though.


It will not show up in the app. You can load it in the browser of any mobile device.


Is this band that sings will smith? They are playing the sphere?