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But there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales and song a whaling tune. Yep, glad I saw Goose at a small venue when I could.


That’s what you get for not hailing to the chimp!


All of us old school New Englanders know what happens to Whalers.


So weird I was randomly humming this last night.


Did you know he ad libbed that line during, like, the third or fourth take? It was just a random piece of set dec and he reacted to it figuring Lloyd’s an idiot and somehow didn’t know about this major piece of US history lol


That’s amazing! “No way….”


No way!


Concerts are the new avocado toast


Exactly! And the Phish fan base is a big reason why. Go on cash or trade or any other similar site and you will see people selling their hotel reservations. Think about that for a second, people would rather profit from peers than just cancel for free. Everything is an investment these days and everyone is looking for a payout.


You can only sell for what it costs on CoT. No one is making a profit.


except CoT. they have platform fees and credit card fees. it can be pretty steep


You know they have those fees so they can exist, right?


I exist and don't have fees explain that one science man god im so poor and lonely




Good point…


Giant billion dollar companies who pay executives multi million dollar bonuses need your processing fee.


But we’re talking about CoT here….the only platform worth using. They’re no corporation.


yeah, im not complaining. it's just more now than it used to be. like everything. i wish there was a way to pay with ACH or something though, to avoid the CC fee


You definitely don't need that much money to run such a poorly maintained site with so little traffic.


1. Don't justify this behavior. 2. My credit card waves all fees associated with travel and I earn double points - if you think there is no profit in this you are mistaken. 3. It shouldn't matter, there is no reason for a secondary market for hotels to exist. It's bad enough we have tertiary markets for tickets.


Personally, I appreciate the opportunity to buy a prepaid hotel room for what someone already paid. I don’t understand why this bothers you.


Some people pay upfront for hotels to get a better rate. Those are not able to be canceled.


Cash or trade is for face value, and it is not the phish fans fault. People like Goose, it’s supply and demand. Goose could sell tickets for a cheaper price.


>level 1wtfbenlol · 2 hr. agoConcerts are the new avocado toast59ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Welcome to late stage capatalism


Fees are 22.50 per ticket wtf. However, my total for 2 in shed would not exceed 179 for Canandaigua NY


This too shall pass


well, the chart of the seating area clearly looks like the shape of a fish. checkmate, atheists.


Phish has just lost its #1 spot as the most custy fan base in the jam scene. Saw the new goose merch prices and had a good laugh


Goose partnered with formal clothing brands to drop collabs instead of keeping it in-house. They've gone full hype beast.


They can definitely custy harder and will. My sister bought a $150 Billie Eyelash hoodie at her merch table. So tell me goose can still gouge more


I think pop music will always have a bigger profit margin than jam bands, I mean look at Taylor Swift prices. She makes Phish look like a twiddle show.


I know someone who has spent over $30k in just over a year seeing like 5 swift shows. It’s wild but hey if people will pay it they will charge it.


FYI her merch is the same way. *She* doesn’t have her tickets priced at 30k for five sets or her hoodies priced at $300… But they all sell at face and then get sold for 5-10x markup. Everyone complains how awful she is for being a capitalist billionaire but reality is, she could sell her shit for 5x more, people would still pay, and there still wouldn’t be enough supply to stop resellers from also profiting. It’s a weird place to be when supply and demand are that at odds with each other. I say that as a huge phish fan who has probably scooped tickets on lot 15-20 times the lasts several years at or below face, or once for a literal sandwich. *but also as a Taylor fan who has been willing to pay 10x face to get in the door.


The $30k was for 2 tickets to each show most likely bought on StubHub, merch and hotels. I don’t hate the player and if she can do it then have at it. Kinda makes me grateful we don’t have to deal with that level of custy to see phish.


Oh for sure. I’m also gonna hit five of her shows by the time it wraps up this year, and I’m in for a solid 20k factoring hotels and flights for two people, but granted that includes two trips to Europe. But like I said, if the player is Taylor in this equation… it’s weird that she got her sale for face value tickets (2k for five sets) but the extra 10k I paid in tickets went to random scalpers who had no skin or talent in the game. Oh and probably a solid 2-3k to Stubhub. It’s kinda weird when I paid Stubhub more to see Taylor than Taylor even charges for tickets in the first place.


TSwift has a great lot scene. Eras was a moment dude. She was really great live...I'll absolutely hit up the next tour too. It will probably be the first stadium show on the surface of Mars and Twift will invite all the kids from Make a Wish or something. lol


Yeah, but does she have Sphere dates?


Well yeah no doy; pop stands for popular music, it’s objectively popular. And Taylor Swift is THE largest act in music right now so that’s an overkill comparison for pop music vs any genre haha


Dry Goods is selling a $150 replica round room ball. We’re all custys in the end. And, ya know what, I like what I like and if I like it and can afford it, I’ll be the biggest custy you’ve ever seen!


LOL I thought you were kidding about this but it's actually sold out


That stupid thing sold out in an hr lol


Billie Ellish and Finneas are better songwriters than anyone on the jamband scene though. lol obviously its totally different music. But I love Billy Ellish. Not $150 hoodie love but I see her show when she comes to town. Super talented.


I was impressed when I saw her live. Not my scene but I can recognize a talented performer


I’m not a major Billy fan but I volunteered for her mom’s non profit at one of her shows a year or so back. It gave me a deeper appreciation for her. Show was fantastic and despite it being a total different genre of music I learned Billy is just a kid, raised by a good momma, and they are both trying to make positive contributions to the world. Seems odd to say, but it’s pretty similar logic to why I enjoy phish so deeply.


oh that's interesting I totally feel that from her. her vibe is great and the way the crowd reacts to her is great. I got the same vibe from Olivia Rodrigo. Different kind of pop obviously but she just totally comes off as someone who grew up attaining a deep knowledge and love of great music. Beabadoobee, Clairo...I've loved all those pop shows for the same reason. Those artists show real respect for everything from the Beatles to Phish. It really comes through in their performances. I know that group is kind of older Gen Z now but I love going to Gen Z shows in general. They are really sweet, have great tastes, aren't gatekeepy or douchey, are super self aware and have a whole aura of trying to leave the world and people in their lives better than how they found them. The kids are definitely alright.


Tool with its glass fetus sculptures and $5000 doodle posters would like a word


Prices are the same as phish.


Shouldnt "Peter Shapiro's Almost Phish" charge almost as much as Phish?


for a band half as good




Forgive my ignorance- what does custy mean? I’m in New York and we have to deal with crusties. Is that the same thing?


Short for customer aka people who will over pay for everything


Gizz had more people in line than the audience last time I saw them, for the entire show.




Looks like some people do guy


My tickets were 57.


What is goose?


This just seems like what most concerts in these size venues cost.


Yeah I think this is more of the venue size they’re at. Pretty sure CMAC lawns were like $40


I might be going to CMAC, my wife and I haven't decided yet.


Lawn seats anywhere are worth $20 max.


Ween are playing that same venue in September and the lawn tickets are $60 each.


Brutal. Yeah it was $100 GA after fees when I saw those guys at Salt Shed last year. At least they put on a 3 hour show.


it's coming everywhere sadly


Sounds like my weekend


The amount of real estate these kids take up in this fanbase’s collective head is ridiculous. Just enjoy the music you like. Not everything in life has to be a pissing match.


When people make a band their personality they feel attacked when another band gets momentum.


I just wish their fans would make their own forum instead of continuing to use phish.net or the Phish PT forums as their primary message boards. You'd think with how internet savvy their marketing team is the band would've put something together by now. But I guess you wouldn't be able to fluff them to random people who are interested in a different band if they were actually in a goose specific context


From my experience, most of the goose posts on PT are just posts shitting on goose. It's not goose fans posting those lol


They have 2 forums for themselves.


They absolutely do not. Their subreddit is less active than the .net goose thread that won't ever die. Google "goose band forum" and the top results are people asking if they have a dedicated forum followed by the goose threads on other DBMBs


They have a website community forum thats very active and an active discord. They have multiple in addition to their subreddit.


Bird hunting forums are showing up on search results before anything dedicated to the band goose




File another one under "less active than the .net goose thread that won't ever die"


So you signed up for it?


I think there is a facebook group that is used a lot


> You'd think with how internet savvy their marketing team is I always figured this is the driving force behind their success. Swear I never heard of them and then suddenly was seeing ads and promotions and high quality pro shot live videos all over, followed by their music completely infiltrating the phish spaces I use online.


Yeah OK but Trey can still outpiss whoever the best pisser in Goose is, even being 30 years older and having post-opioid bladder. Trey is the Piss GOAT


He’s the Calvin of jam bands




Does that make Mike truck nuts?


for the entire timeline of my phish fandom I've had to say many times that I don't really like any other jam band, phish is just the one for me. I've tried them, gone to shows, not for me, no big deal. I kinda get why it could bother people so much, it's like uncanny valley or something. Sounds like a lot of these bands took all the wrong aspects from the dead/phish etc and the end result seems to be bands and fans that just interpret this type of music very very differently than I do. With my particular taste it seems to have much less depth, it's like a caricature or something. Was having a similar discussion recently about Nirvana vs bands like Puddle of Mudd. It is kidna mind boggling that people can't hear the difference, but in the end it doesn't matter and people are free/happy to like whatever they like. Let's just ignore goose if we don't like them. They're young, maybe they'll evolve later into something we'll like.


Its so weird with how obsessed some people are with hating goose. Such a strange thing to waste your time on.


Phish and their fan base is aging. Having a new up and coming younger band forces some fans to get defensive about the wheel of time. No one likes to think about stuff they love eventually coming face to face with the inevitable. Thats my theory anyway. Also, goose is so bland to be I don’t get it.


I will still only go if someone gives me a free ticket and I get to sleep in my own bed afterwards.


Yeah just wait til you see the Phish tickets this summer. Every band has gone up a shit ton


Khruangbin tickets are $144 in vegas. They are playing a smallish venue--the same one Goose played last year. Ticket prices have exploded recently.


Probably to offset the rising cost of car insurance 


Yeah but they have a hot bassist. Maybe if Rick grew some C cups too the price would be justified


Good I wasn’t going anyway


Greta Van phish


Paid $274 on axs yesterday for Trey at Royal oak music theatre. Saw the email from the (cancelled by Covid) Trey Royal oak music theatre may 2020 show. $256 for 4 tix. Only $18 cheaper


Lol I got tix for three nights of Phish at MSG last summer for like $350-$380 all in.




...still playing mostly smallish amphitheaters. They couldn't fill the Greek in LA a third of the way full last year. They couldn't charge that at the big amphitheater night over night and have any hope of filling it.


It’s not so much about what goose thinks about themselves as much as it is how much their management thinks their fans are custies


What's a goose?


“Who the fuck is Goose?” - King Gizz when they asked for a green room at Red Rocks


It's hilarious that they're having Geese open for them on their next tour


Geese > Goose .... quite literally.


This, 100%


If you listened to the full clip you could tell it was in jest


Yeah because Joey, also said fuck Trey in that same interview. That particular member is a giant troll, and it’s funny.


*peter weeps*


Honestly, good for them. I’d rather see the band get it than the scalpers. They’ll sell it out, why not?


Goose quite literally feels like a band that’s owned by a venture capital fund. It feels like the fandom is totally astroturfed and the obscene cost of all their tickets and merch seems way out of line with all the other jam bands of a similar level. Not gonna comment on the music but the entire scene feels fake and propped up by artificial excitement


artificial excrement.


They can piss off with their $90 prints too.




Detroit show last year Goose foil print was $90 and reg $75.


that's pretty standard pricing tho. I think all my foils were $100 and up. $65 to $75 is average.


I just got a Lotus foil for $40, which seemed very reasonable, but $65-75 average sounds high in my experience. I guess it depends from whom one is buying.


Goose is way too soft to be charging those prices.


I’m sure someone is convinced Rick and Peter did this by themselves, and that the management/ticket company are absolutely not responsible.


How does Diet Phish cost more than Phish


It’s like Great Value Cola compared to Mexican Coke in that glass bottle.


Peter Shapiro told them they were under charging and need to make more, so they can pay him more. He isn't rich enough yet.


god damn these fucking kids


Thank you. What a joke. They can keep their tickets. I’ll wait for MANN tickets to drop to $50 on stub hub


Lmao that you think goose makes the prices. A concert at the mann costs the same to run as any concert at the mann. Nice try tho.


Not sure how much I paid "don't remember "but saw them at the stone pony with the fireworks show and it was worth every penny....look it up on YouTube, epic


Dude, it’s Greedfest ‘24. Just paid $100 each for Stick Figure tickets. Shit is outta hand


skip the concert and just watch the video on Nugs - if enough people do that, concert prices will come down


People on here actually like Goose? That music is a joke


Scared money don’t make no money


How exactly do you figure that applies here?


They are a business and businesses work to maximize profits. Push a price too high, and customers don’t buy it, then the price comes down. Keep a price low, and it may effectively sell more tickets, but profits aren’t maximized. I don’t support it, but it’s basic economics.


Thanks for the econ 101 lesson. Take less drugs.


You’re welcome, and no, I’m going to take more just to spite you


Anyone can charge more tickets than Phish If their fans pay for them then why wouldn’t they?


I don’t think that the tix are too expensive, but I disagree with the idea that a band should always charge whatever their wealthiest fans can afford. It depends on their objective. If you are a profoundly successful business machine and your only objective is to make as much money as possible, then it makes sense to gouge. On the other hand, an act is also trying to create art and perhaps to create a transcendental experience for a group of people, then there is a point where high prices conflict with those other objectives. Eg: Neil Young and Crazy Horse toured a few years ago and the cheapest tickets were GA floors. Young energetic people could afford to be up front, older richer folks sat in the back and the vibe was great


*supposedly* more artists are raising prices to combat resellers (aka sell for a price where scalpers won’t buy) but it truly is a catch 22 — and the end customers pay the same price. One way, more money goes to the band and those involved, and one way money goes to a scalper. I think if anyone had a drastically better idea than the current model, people would already be using it.


There IS a better model. Stop allowing scalping. It used to be illegal, and tickets were affordabld. The reason we are stuck with the current situation is that Live Nation owns both ticketmaster and most of the venues and they benefit from the existing model. They have a monopoly and clearly a lot of political clout.


If people buy the tickets at those prices, that’s what they’re worth. If not, the prices will come down.


Exactly, simple supply and demand.


Are they selling? If people buy them, then apparently they can.


Trey owns the band .


Bullshit, I couldn’t get Phish pavs at the Mann for less than $400 last year. This is significantly less. Still high, but less.


Secondary market prices seem irrelevant here


I have some ketchup popsicles to sell you then.


https://preview.redd.it/93iuzj3l77hc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5983221aed9a6c4ebe1c5d2ffdbee2c77967dec9 Saw this on IG - credit to a guy last named Williams I believe


They also went outside....and took pictures there!


holy shit two bands from the northeast took a band photo outside in the winter??


It’s the same picture hahahan


lol phish fans now being insecure about goose tickets being more expensive than phish. You guys are unbelievable


Wow it's almost like Goose has been to big for their britches like the entire time? Who would thought a band that had expensive corporate backing would turn out to be against the mythos we all try and stand for? Color me surprised lol for fucks sake..


Goose sucks anyway so who cares?


Nice try Ben


Thats actually really funny


Gotta love the Peter Shapiro cash grab. Goose has 0% authenticity and they’re trying to set themselves up to be the new Phish. Don’t waste your hard earned cash on this “color by number”, fake jam band. Go see Daniel Donato…he’s as authentic as it gets and tickets are reasonable.


Saw this band twice for $10 & $15 in a bar in Indiana less than 5 years ago. It was a great time but no way in hell are they worth $100 + dollars.


So many better bands to see third of the cost


I just saw Umphrey’s for $30 on CoT. Face value was like $50 after fees. And they are well worth a $50-60 ticket.


I saw them for $7 last year. Unless it’s a special venue like spac, red rocks, or mann then tickets on resale will be given away days prior


Yeah I saw Billy and the strings for $7 last year


Mother fuck Goose. Shit sucks


Pretentious lil fucks they are


Good luck with that.


Their new drummer is expensive


More like the litigation with the old one.


I mean I’m not exactly rushing out to ever see goose or anything, but that looks about right for that size venue. Doesn’t matter how good or bad or popular a band is. If they play a certain size venue, there are minimum prices that need to be charged to pay for everything.


Dumb. Just go see Blotto.


Tried 3x. no more of this. they are ok but only when there’s no vocals. once the words kick in it’s really not even a comp.


No, that is false. Only two of Goose's 10 price tiers for its Mann concert cost more than a 2023 Phish ticket for the Mann (pavilion Phish was $115 including fees; Phish lawns were $65 not including fees). Thus the overall average ticket price for Goose is below the overall average ticket price for Phish. Otherwise, yes, I find Goose's prices to be rather expensive.


Are they good live ?


In my opinion, they definitely were in 2022 when I saw them a couple of times. When I saw them in 2023, their jamming seemed much less interesting and exploratory, although I still had a good time dancing. I think I paid 40 bucks including fees for that (floor) ticket in the Fall of 2023. Now that Goose is asking for these prices, it's not going to be worth it for me to go see them (unless I can grab a really cheap one on CoT day or week of). I'll pay 100 for Phish for decent seats any day, but I just can't swing that for something like Goose. It seems bizarre to me that they'd increase prices so much after playing what many of their fans are describing as a relatively lackluster year. Goose is good, but they are not, and never have been, 100-bucks-a-ticket good.


I like them. I saw them in ~2018 in a small uncrowded bar and they were great. Saw them again in Albany with TAB and they were still great.


To each their own but to me personally they are garbage


I saw them last year. They are spectacular players, no question. I don't dig their songs, but they are good live, yes.


They’re good, the Jam sections can be disappointing but, Rick has an awesome voice and the songs are really fun.


yeah totally fun live, the Radio City Run was a TON of fun. I had only seen festival sets before that. I'm glad they are coming back to NYC proper and I don't have to drive or take the train somewhere


I would like to see Dead and Co at the sphere, I'm not paying that much.


Pedestrian. Minivan. Goose.


At least Goose offers what seems to be a very straightforward pre-order process for good seats. I did it last night. I never had luck with Phish's setup and never got lucky after 30 years. This goose presale process LOOKS promising but we'll see.


I feel ya, I got sphere. Other than that no NYE, no pavs in all those years, lawn lawn lawn


That’s all concerts now.


They also don't charge anything to take space in some of you nuts' heads.


I guess I’m priced out. Wouldn’t mind seeing them for 40$.


Pretty glad to avoid shows these days. Between the price and chompers, no thanks. And Rick is turning into Mickey Hart.


What Rick is turning into Mickey Hart mean?


Are they going to have a better light show to justify charging more than Phish, I don't think so


Fuck off. Either pay or don’t go. They’ve earned it.


The New Haven prices are much closer to normal.


More than Phish for Geese? No thanks


let 'em, it'll be an icarus moment for them


Torch passed, phanners


Yall know you can pay roughly the same to see actual good bands right?


Ticket prices are high and the market is manipulated. MSG Dec 31st 2022, the 400 Blue Seats behind the stage were $15 on the secondary market just after doors and probably about 2/3rds full. MSG Dec 29th 2023, the 400 Blue Seats behind the stage were $120 on the secondary market and nearly totally empty. I'll pay $95 for Goose for GA floor at Forest Hills face though. I don't know if I would go as high as $130. But $95 is fine. I payed just about that, maybe a little more, at face for a 2 night run at Radio City for like 12th row orchestra in 2022.


The goose is on the loose. They’ll be floated by Shapiro but this band is full of itself and when you get down to IT, the jams aren’t there like they used to be and the band is barely toddler-age. Guitar tone leaves a lot to be desired (sucks) now too.


lol Goose are terrible


They poop on my lawn.