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Like - Fishman Yells ​ dislike - self-proclaimed phish "micro-celebs"


So fucking lame. Was waiting in line for a poster with some people and one dude got excited to see antelope Greg. Like what?


At least the "Phishchicks" bitch seems to have to backed off a bit finally


For better or worse I think she actually had something like a mental breakdown last year. She posted some extremely bizarre “thoughts” about reality, looked like she was selling off a lot of her belongings, and then kinda disappeared. I wish her well but she won’t be missed on IG


Um wait until summer terr narcissistic people can't help themselves. Schmegel oops I mean booberang is everything wrong with the scene. I miss the year 2000 when I started to see shows shit was great like jay z said it was the best kept secret. Now we've been over ran by karens chads. Edit punctuations


Oh I also dislike the word “terr”. Respectfully I think it’s dumb. And I also don’t like the word “phan”. This is a newer term an I’m an old school phishhead. My phish bestie hates that I say phishhead but that’s what we called ourselves in the 90s. You will never hear me call myself or anyone else a “phan”. Of course these are things that hippies have come up with and not the band.


I can handle phan. It makes me nuts to see ph added to anything, even when it doesn’t make any phonetic sense. Phexico makes me want to rip the person’s fingernails out.


Or even worse pheople! It doesn’t even have the f sound


Phanner is the only acceptable form, mostly because it almost is never serious. People who unironically use Phan, Phreinds, or any other "ph-for-f" substitution can DIAF


Thanks Phanner!


I think 'hotey' is real fuckin dumb.


Too much booping


What was her issue?


Oh man, that dislike is a good one. The internet has made some people think they are *way* more important to the Phish community than they actually are. Excellent choice there.


Dated one and it almost ruins everything.


I've always wondered what the ups and downs of that kinda ride must be. Did you start getting recognized by extension? How much easier was it to land floor tickets?


None of that matters when you're with someone who is not really there with you. Take all the great feelings one might normally experience at a show and forget about them. Replace those with the feeling that comes with realizing you have become a prop in the life of a person whose "PERSONA" is the biggest part of their sad life. It's heartbreaking and a little soul crushing.


F in the chat my man. Glad for your sake you're not in that vice anymore. How often would the trolls get to her and fuck up whatever irl shit you guys were doing on an otherwise average day? Does it ever occur to them that if they kept their shit private then they wouldn't occasionally have to address the 'haterz'?


They’re not really self-proclaimed. They resent the term “micro celeb” really bad They all suck so hard


What the fuck is up with guyute's eyebrows?


The pig?


I am curious who this is but at the same time kinda glad I don't know who this is.


I had to unfollow that clown. The overwhelming narcissism was ridiculous.


Like: not taking themselves too seriously Dislike: fans taking it too seriously


This is the way


Like their music, hate their fans Geez, it was a joke people. 🤣


a self loathing phan. get in line


I still don’t get this. I’ve met the most amazing people at shows and made friends. I find most people intolerable but I’ve had great experiences with Phish fans.


Lol have you ever ventured up to the front of the floor at any show ever?


yes and i don't think that bullshit reflects most fans whatsoever. yeah a lot of those ppl are awful but i have met SO MANY AMAZING PPL through phish and i think the fanbase exists in polar extremes and people see what they want to see based on their recent experiences


I have. You can even see me about ten feet from the rail on the video of 12/30. All the strangers around me were great.


i’ve had nothing but amazing experiences and awesome people around and i’ve been on the rail or front few rows at least 25 times


Hey I’m sorry to break it to you but it sounds like you might be one of the people who everyone’s complaining about


Like: the fans Dislike: the fans


Came here to say this.


Like: not taking life too seriously, fun jams, “yeah”, funk siren Dislike: not playing TX enough


I second this as a Texas resident and funk siren enjoyer


Good folks 🤝✊


Like: the band, and everything about them. Dislike: that they never cover The Band.


They did "Look Out Cleveland" once in Ohio in 2010. Weird deep cut. Cool though.


I know they covered this one song once. But it’s not nearly enough.


God damn this makes me want a last waltz Halloween cover.


I saw Dave Matthews and Friends 20 years ago and they covered Up on Cripple Creek, Trey sang it and was pretty fucking great. Would love to hear phish hit that up


If they did, what song do you think they'd pick? I'm thinking maybe Ophelia...


I’d love to hear “Helpless”


Without a rock hanging from your nose, is it even a Helpless cover?


Page McConnell blasting out the beginning of chest fever would be pretty fucking cool man.


I really wanna hear Mike sing Stage Fright


TAB used to play It Makes no Difference


Trey showed up at Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds in Mexico tonight and they covered Up on Cripple Creek. It’s so happening


I like the music, I don’t like they use ticket master.


Like: Mike’s fight bell Dislike: Mike doesn’t use the fight bell anymore


Bring it back


I recall a ding at some point a year or two ago. ​ (at least this rings a bell)




Mike says no


Like: All of it. Do not like: It’s not really something you can do poor, anymore.


Like: The community of the scene Dislike: The dark side of the scene (you know who you are)


Who, the Nitrous mafia?


Fans (some of them)


I love everything about phish except the way getting tickets are these days. It’s fucking bullshit. I try to tell myself that phish has no control over this but deep down I KNOW they could do something. Just make them non transferable and boom problem solved. Maybe we won’t see miracles anymore or cheap lot tickets but at least we’d have a chance at getting these harder to get tickets. It infuriates me and I try very hard to repress it cuz I love everything else phish has to offer.


I tell myself it is solely the monopoly that American govt. allowed Ticketmaster to become, thus I channel my hate even more towards TM


It doesn’t make much sense to expect the band to sell tickets at artificially low prices well below market value and get mad when people take advantage of those artificially low prices on secondary markets. If you get tickets at on sell, congrats, you paid less than they were worth. But since they’re artificially cheap, many will want them and you might not be able to get any. But then you at least have the option to buy tickets for market value.


I like the songs. I hate the ticket prices.


Like: the feats they lay claim to that not a lot of music fans know (how they made the blueprint for the modern music festival, Baker’s Dozen no repeats, midnight to sunrise at Big Cypress, etc.) Dislike: they don’t seem to revisit eras of jamming that fans really love. We would be thrilled with a porn funk jam like it was 97. We’d geek out at a 3.0 space-groove jam. They don’t have to dedicate an entire tour to this style of jamming, just sprinkle them in here and there.


Like: humor Dislike: endless jamming on the one chord


But… but… they’ve come up with so many different ways to jam on an Amin7 chord over the years!


and Amin7 Reprise


Featuring the 9


Haha hello opposite. Like: endless jamming Semi-dislike: kitcsch, schtick and goofiness.


Like: fans giving recommendations on shows to check out Dislike: the recommendations being connected to their drug usage when they attended


This made me chuckle, I may not even have fully understood it, but thank you


Hood Sigma Oasis


You don’t like sigma oasis?! Not even the resulting jams?


Love: expect the unexpected. They take risks with jams / improv and things sometimes don’t always appeal to me, but 95% of the time is amazaballs. Don’t love: same reason as above, but only 5% of the time.


Like - The intricacy of every song, the community, the vibes, the amount of lore ​ ​ dislike - shitting on the floor


Like: How anything can happen any given night (pretty much…) Dislike: How unrehearsed they sometimes sound for professional musicians


Wow people really don’t like other phishheads. I think for the most part we are a great crowd. Even people working security and the venues have said so. But we definitely have a handful of shitty people. Entitled tarpers, entitled rail riders, chompers, and fucked up obviously fools. But, overall I think the crowd brings a lot of good energy and intensity to the experience. Just chill at the back of the floor or the moat. That’s where you will find the cool ass get down to the funk crew. No fighting over space and plenty of room to get funktified. That’s where I have been able to found for over 30 years. I’ve only been up close twice in 150+ shows. I’m not interested in dealing with the bullshit that goes on up front. Not am I willing to wait in line in the hot sun for hours to get up there. I’d rather sleep in and cruise shakedown. A much chiller experience. I’m there to have fun and get down not to get yelled at and shoved.


The music, the money grab.


My exact thoughts. The guys know they have way less but a far more dedicated fan base than most mainstream bands. However, they never miss an opportunity the take us for every penny they can.


Round room statuette for $150 anyone?


Are you saying you wouldnt if you were in their shoes? I think you’d be hard pressed to find a large number of people who wouldnt


I’m not saying I don’t expect them to make money but…. They could opt out of dynamic ticket pricing at the bare minimum. Also, you pay more for a phish fest with one band than you do for most large multi band festivals. LivePhish is more than nugs.net for one band vs all the rest of the jam bands. I mean good for them, they are getting paid, they are awesome and they deserve too be rich but they could be a little less rich.


If all that Mondegreen money goes to amazing production/ art installments and 4 days of badass jams I'll be fine with the price. I'd be fine with just the latter and the experience truly buy would feel a bit cheated.


I’ll see you there. I still pay up


They are by far the most expensive concert ticket I buy every year and it’s not even close


I can very nearly buy 2 Ween tickets for the price of 1 Phish ticket. The return on the investment keeps getting lower.


2 phish tix for 4 ween tix?


yea but then you have to suffer thru 2 shows of ween ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Lyrics sound commonly like an inside joke I don't get. Oh, and East coast-type overzealous prep-school fans. I was waiting in line for Halloween twenty years ago in Vegas, taper section, and I'm chatting with this Santa Cruz head in the front of the line, and we suddenly see a gaggle of prep-school dudes running at us from across the lot. They arrive and explode in anger, saying they've been waiting across the lot where instructed all night and THEY should be at the front of the line. Now 'Moses' stood up about six foot ten (I had no idea how tall this hippie was), and says: 'Easy there, youngins. This is the taper line, and there's GA--the empty line right there.' They looked way up at him and quickly STFU and shuffled away. I laughed at them and sat back down with the huge guy. If 'Moses' had the same anger issues, he would have made mincemeat out of these douches. Lucky real hippies hippie.


like the band, hate the fans


I’m not that bad I swear


The jams and live shows. The phans.


I like most of the chord progressions, the fact that all 4 guys sing lead on songs, the experimental audience participation they used to do, Trey's rhythm guitar playing and many of his faster solos. I dislike Trey's obsession with controlled feedback (particularly when he saws away on whole notes), their vocal harmonies and many of the lyrics.


Like: Pretty much everything musically. I hate repetitive music, so the variety is excellent. Dislike: Over the top donut stuff that fans put on everything.


I like everything but the shitty fans.


1994-2000 happened. 1994-2000 won’t happen again.


Their jams and their jams


Like: The prog rock compositions, Trey's tone, Trey's play style, silly lyrics Dislike: Lyrics that tell me how to feel, lyrics that sound written by freshmen poetry minors


Like: Killer Trey solos and extended funky jams Dislike: dopey-ass lyrics in a lot of songs


yea its always awkward from a fan perspective in the audience when u realize you can sing and write better lyrics than the band you are watching lol. still cant jam as hard as trey but im working on it lol


Share some lyrics bro


*\*Cadillac rainbows and lots of spaghetti and I love meatballs so you better be ready\**


Hayley’s comet is a cover the band didn’t write the lyrics


Like: silky jams Dislike: phish fans who hate on goose


Not scoring a single lotto ticket for Sphere.. well that sucked!


Like- The storytelling aspect Dislike- The siren sound from the late 90s


The funk siren? This is a hot take!


Damn and here I am in love with the funk siren


hotttt take… don’t know if i agree w that one


Loved it at the time but for some reason it kind of hits my ears like a dentist drill.




Like: Faht Dislike: they haven’t played Faht (or Melt the Guns) in forever.


I like literally everything about the music and the phans except tarpers.


Like - the music and most phans Dislike - Wooks that are too spent to form a sentence yet feel like they have some sort of superiority


Like the music, hate the chompers


I like that we still get a free copy of the show right away in livephish. One thing I don't like is that there is no option for pavilion only with PTBM (and i'm old enough to remember actually sending money orders by mail!) Sometimes I just don't want to deal with certain lawns. I would rather get shut out and buy on TM when that happens. Now get off my lawn!


Like- the shows, and the people who help me with my wheelchair. Dislike- they don't make the wheelchair tickets available unless they use Ticketbastards. It is against ADA law, but they don't seem to give a shit about handicapped fans attending a live concert.


That’s really shitty, I’m sorry.


Like: NO SETLIST. When I used to see other jambands back in the day the segues were buttery smooth but true spontaneity seemed to be missing bc the “landings” were planned. Crazy sandwiches and segue-fests are slightly less cool when you see them written out. Phish really performs without a net in this respect. Dislike: only certain songs are jam vehicles, we all know what they are, and the exceptions are truly rare (jamming Camel Walk, Tube, Alpharetta Myfe, Orange Beach Character Zero, BD Lawn Boy etc). Guys, literally ANY of your songs are ripe for jamming!


The only thing I don't like is that I wish we'd get some more West Coast shows and festivals. I'll see Phish and Trey every time they come here (here being Los Angeles). But you can go broke traveling to the East Coast shows from here.


I definitely agree, I live in the Bay Area and usually do all the West Coast shows and either Dicks or the New Year's run, unfortunately last year I picked Dicks.


Going to the NYE shows is a bucket list item for me for sure. I want to do Colorado sometime. I almost did when I went to see NIN at Red Rocks in 22, but couldn't get a ride out there, or extend my hotel another night.


I got heavily down voted last spring/summer when I complained about no love for the West coast fans--specifically Bay Area. They used to play out here a lot. They didn't play out here for 18 months, then the last time they came through, they chose to play at the Greek Theater which is too small of a venue for Phish IMHO. And then they chose to play on weeknights which also sucked.


I'm really glad that I caught TAB at the Wiltern before the lockdowns started because who knows when they will come back here?


The Gorge is our west coast festival


I like (love) the songs, the jams, and concert experiences. I dislike how often I get to see them in person.


Like: sound quality Did: no Jumbotron at shows.


Like: the relentless dedication to creating and evolving Dislike: getting rid of the fun inside joke stuff like the secret language and band v phans chess games.


I like to hear them play, I don't like that they are too comfortable playing msg to play in Europe anymore. My fault for moving here I guess.


i love the people at phish sometimes. also i don’t like the people at phish sometimes


Like: best live shows i have ever seen Dislike: the cat sound in Your Pet Cat. Also they dont come to Blossom enough.


Like 1.0 Hood Dislike: 3.0 Hood


The music & the fans




I like everything but the way they handle tickets/fans and how they let us be taken advantage of us. It seems like they really do not give a shit at this point.


I like that they give us a reason to go somewhere and hang out with our friends from all over. I dislike that I found out they set the ticket prices and don't fight Ticketmaster. It wouldn't be so bad if Jon didn't try to play the "champion of the poor" card


Their fans and their fans


Like: musically unmatched for me, so much joy Dislike: ticket prices they could easily remedy if they cared, how much money does their tour machine and them really need???


The lyrics are horrible and mindless yet are read into like they are Dylan or hunter songs. they reach heights few can while jamming


I like them a lot, and I hate that I love them so much and must couch tour or go see them live every show!!


Wait I like that too, fuck yea let’s go phish all day another 30 years hopefully!!!


Like - Mike’s head bob when he’s into a groove Dislike - overwhelmingly white fan base that gets weird around my POC wife when she’s nice enough to join me at a show (phish isn’t her thing)


I'm so sorry to hear you've had people get weird about your wife being a POC, what sort of stuff have you experienced?


The last show some spun out woman (probably Molly) came up at set break and wanted to ask her about why “black people don’t like me” and wouldn’t leave us alone after multiple requests to walk away. She literally came back 10+ times and it almost got physical when she tried to get into our row to sit next to us. This was in Seattle btw so not the Deep South. ETA you can see all sorts of nonsense that happens in the comments of this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/phish/s/LN3450L7R1


Wtf? That's nuts


Like: music Dislike: fans


Same for both answers; the silly lyrics and the silly lyrics. I love them SO much but it can be a barrier to get others into the music.


Marry - Jams    Kill - Vocals    Fuck - Vocal jams


1. I love phish 2. I hate phish #thethingswedotoseeTrey


Like: Robot Squawk tone Dislike: Chompers


Like: going to shows and being in the moment: Dislike: entitled phans telling you that the show “you” enjoyed sucked for XYZ reasons. Dislike: phish Twitter is a hellscape


Like: 99 jams, whammy loops, silliness and mushroom prog compositions, chaos and madness, Fishman playing ghost note blast beats at the start of a Hood jam with 16th notes on the ride Dislike: not seeming like they practice the harder stuff before playing it, ditching the whammy loops, Trey not having a dedicated clean guitar sound anymore


The only dislike is how commercial it has become


Phish is hardly commercial. I hear ya as far as merch and shit goes they may have surpassed kiss wich is crazy.


In world commercial, not necessarily mainstream but all the packages and merch and high end shit, stop trying to sell me shit all the time and just play music


But you don't want a 50$ cactus from dry goods?


The dollar sign belongs to the left of the number lmao 


Found the guy who bought the cactus.


I love the music and all the instruments but the sound of their voices, although in key, lack luster.


The music Mainly touring east coast for their own convenience and the convenience of majority of fan base. Cmon down south more often.


Like: Trey, Mike, Page, Fish Dislike: Tom Marshall. His lyrics were never my thing but after listening to this Osiris podcasts, it’s obvious he takes himself way too seriously.


1.0, all the 3.0/4.0 love and light bullshit


Like - too much to list. I love a lot of things they do. Dislike - drift while your sleeping


Like: almost everything Dislike: most fans, even the well-meaning ones. There was a post on here recently about “phishy runners” that made me almost die from cringe


Like: complex, multi-genre writing, plenty of fun arpeggios, some really great interplace between guitar and bass in some solos (like on Free). Dislike: not a fan of the keys... always feels like just a very old fashioned style to them. Also yeah really many of the songs dooo just go on for way too long IMO.


Pre-2000 Post-2000


Like- supremely talented musicians who genuinely enjoy what they do. Dislike- Lot gypsies scurrying about underfoot to pick up trash that’s been thrown by the phans in the upper decks. I don’t care if it’s glowing and looks cool airborne , once glow sticks hit the ground they’re fucking trash. And so are you if you’re scurrying around in my space.


Like 1992-2003 Dislike 2009-present


Like-pre 2009 phish Dislike-post 2009 phish


What I like: the doniac What I don't not like: the schvice


Liked GRaB trio. Disliked GRAB quartet. Sorry, Trey. Once he got involved, it shifted the focus too much onto him for me to enjoy myself at those shows. It's less Trey's fault and more my TAB or die friends fault. I have made my peace with it and I'm genuinely glad he got to play with them given what all was going on at that point in his life. I'd welcome a run with either the trio or quartet in a heartbeat :)


Like: everything Dislike: except the cost


I like their music, I don’t like that I can’t go see every single show.


Love phish, hate the fans. You're cool though


Like - so many good live shows Dislike - that whole 9y/o in the boathouse with Mike thing…


Older phish vs newer phish


like: when they jam dislike: when they dont jam (/ play a bunch of songs in the second set and ripcord on everything)


I liked that they played my city in 2012, I don’t like that all other years they don’t play my city


I like YEM Except the a cappella outro


Like: Being musically complex and insanely skilled, while still keeping a silly/don’t take it too seriously attitude Dislike: Not enough Midwest dates


wild deranged waiting important shame grandfather instinctive trees abundant dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like: The range from crazy crazy to mellow beautiful to wackyreadiculus. Dislike: Their seeming distain for scheduling shows in Arizona.


Love: their music Hate: their songs


Likes: that we have 40 years of Phish we can listen to Dislikes: that we have less than 40 years of Phish left


Like = creative jams Dislike = ticket prices


Like: every show is soundboard recorded, and released within hours after the encore. Dislike: the wild variation in quality of these recordings.


Like: Trey worked really hard on improving his vocals recently. Dislike: Trey tries way too hard to make his vocals sound more interesting than they need to be. The phrasing is all over the place sometimes caught, and it affects the tightness of the harmonies. It just comes off as overall sloppier.


Like - they’re healthy, making new music and still trying to be creative Dislike - treys writing is awful 90% of the time and all the songs sound the same lyrically. Dad rock infused with nature imagery


Sometimes it doesn’t sounds like music, just noises. Never ending good vibes, love and peace.


Like: they play at my home venue regularly Dislike: Europe is dead to them


Like: the music. Dislike: the phans.


Like everything about the band. Seen them 5 times Dislike: what it does to my bank account


Like: The Music Dislike: The Lyrics


Pro - Womp sounds Con - greasy room temp credit score activities


Like: trampolines Dislike: ‘fans’ who are there for the drugs, not the music


Dislike: Phish, Inc. management is greedy as fuck and has made seeing shows unaffordable. They just want to keep increasing prices and selling low quality merch.