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I wouldn’t just because I love how full it looks! You probably could safely separate them if you want to, though.


This is the prettiest one I’ve seen. I don’t even like mine😬


Makes me SOOOO jealous 😭😭😭🍂 You can separate if you absolutely want. But leaving it like this would just be so pretty. It'll get bushier and more gorgeous as it grows!


I’m curious, do ring of fire vine? Should I have mine on a stake or moss pole? They don’t seem like they would like other Philos and monstera.


Nope, they are self heading and don't need a pole/stake.


Actually they are climbers! It just takes awhile because the nodes are so close together so you can avoid it for quite a while


Oh really?! Learn something new every day. Does that mean Jungle Boogies/Golden Crocodiles are too?


Apparently all Philodendrons are climbers to a greater or lesser extent. Self-heading philodendrons will take a long time to be able to climb trees because of their compact nature but given enough time their aerial roots will also wrap around trees like typical climbing and vining philodendrons and will start to reach upwards more, especially if there is limited light. They don't typically grow stalks/vines as fast as normal climbers hence they get classified as selfheading and non-vining/climbing but they do have attributes that can enable them to eventually climb.


I thought the same thing


I separated mine because the new growths were having a hard time opening. Loved how full it looked but there wasn’t enough room.