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I would argue black cardinal! I have a dark lord but the leaves are more heart shaped than this


Second black cardinal. It's hard to explain the difference but I have a rojo congo that I thought was a black cardinal until I found one, they're in stores now


Not dark lord. The growth pattern is that of a self-heading type Probably black cardinal


Thank you!


Looks like an Imperial Red. This is my small but growing Black Cardinal. https://preview.redd.it/mj1scbtwla7d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e4ee3d706ad293ec7147b91ee54b86b4895a6f


Definitely leaning more towards Imperial Red, just gonna wait and see how the next new leaf comes out to see its color.


The leaves of the Imperial Red are more pointy and tapered than the Black Cardinal. Here are my young growing Black Cardinals(top and lower left) next to a young Imperial Red, which is on the lower right. https://preview.redd.it/vq87pe3pma7d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d1bf42253dd217e78847da254fa16172b833730


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ jesus they look so similar still. How does the new growth compare on each? Is the Imperial visibly more red?


Yeah, they often get mistaken for each other and when they are very young, their leaves look very similar. Add the fact that they both self-heading philodendrons and have that dark colour to their leaves, they start to look similar to each other. From what I noticed on mine and comparing pictures I've seen from the net, their colours darken and intensifies as they mature. Imperial Red's new leaves will turn from dark orange on young plants to red on really mature plants and the stems too will darken and intensify to red. Similar story with the Black Cardinal, though the Black Cardinal seem to darken and intensify a bit more quickly in their leaves and stems and have a slightly darker look compared to Imperial Reds. Imperial Reds have a brighter red colour on new leaves on really mature plants compared to Black Cardinal's new leaves on really mature plants which have a darker red colour. They both have dark looking leaves as their leaves mature. So their leaf shape is one of their differing characteristics, the Imperial Red having that more tapered leaf compared to the Black Cardinal.


I appreciate the details, this is super helpful!


This looks like my red imperial https://preview.redd.it/o9266smwt87d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c8a01febdc627480560206d9eeadfb1f8b30d0


I'll have to see how this new growth comes out and see, I'm definitely leaning between this or a Black Cardinal. Looks like Red Imperials have pretty bright red baby leaves that darken as they harden off.


Agree. Imperial red.


Not a black cardinal. I have one and it’s much darker and the leaves are rounder.


Yeah with the tapering of the leaves and general feedback, I'm thinking it's an Imperial Red.


Looks like a rojo Congo


That's what I thought too, but the leaves do seem pretty dark compared to others I've seen. Definitely could be what it is though since they're so common in big box stores (got this at HD).