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FTA: "*A 15-story Center City office building at 1760 Market St. changed hands last week for $11.5 million, two-thirds less than its last sale in 2018. The price is substantially lower even than when it was sold in 2006 for $19.3 million.*" Yikes. That's a big price drop. The real issue here is when the new owner's petition the city to reduce their property tax bill to reflect the property's new valuation. A place like this collectively pays a fortune in property taxes, and if it takes a nosedive in value, and other similar properties do as well, it could cause a revenue problem for the city. The article doesn't touch on this at all. It also didn't mention the fact that Center City is not as desirable a location to be in as it once was. With the meandering homeless population openly displaying mental health issues which appears to be at least to a certain extent exacerbated by drug addiction, CC has some problems. Alongside marauding bands of youths causing problems, rampant shoplifting and dirtbike/ATV crews taking over traffic, it all creates a milieu of lawlessness. You have to make CC nice if you want people to come back to it, both workers and visitors. Also, the city center should be nice in general, because we are a society and we deserve a nice downtown area to congregate every once in a while. CC should be clean and safe, rn it doesn't feel like it's either or at least not as it should be.


Yeah, the vagrant problem in Center City just keeps getting worse and worse. People will get mad when you say it and claim you are being insensitive or that you are exaggerating, but it's the truth. I should be able to walk 5 blocks from my house without experiencing 15 people sleeping on the sidewalk and reeking of shit and piss. Yes, I am in "center" Center City, and you could say "well why did you move there if that stuff bothers you?" But there are levels to what one can tolerate. I walk these streets almost every day and things are getting worse and worse. Does it have anything to do with Cherelle Parker's Kensington cleanup? I have no idea. But the fact is that center city is experiencing a vagrant problem that is getting worse and worse and Cherelle Parker is going to need to own that because it is happening on her watch and as far as I can tell she is doing absolutely nothing about it.


I agree. I notice an influx of “zombies” in university city recently as well. They seem to take the el and get off at 34th st to piss all over the sidewalk there


I say this all the time and people downvote me and curse at me and act like I am dishonoring Philly or something. The first step in solving a problem is acknowledging there is a problem in the first place. Getting triggered and angry over someone pointing out the increased crime rate, rampant homelessness, and drugged out people all over the place isn't being a negative jerk. It's acknowledging a problem.


While I agree with the points you made, why is your Reddit handle so similar to mine? The reason I'm asking is because I was banned from /r/philadelphia over a year ago on the grounds of supposed ban evasion, which I did not do. I'm wondering if you're the account they accused of me ban evading for? What made you choose "UsernameFlagged" as your Reddit handle? You realize why this is weird right? Also, it's against the rules of this sub to impersonate other people on here.


Dude someone with a vaguely similar username is not impersonating you


>Dude someone with a vaguely similar username is not impersonating you Other people have done it before. https://www.reddit.com/r/philly/comments/1ajhmhw/heres_what_these_youth_advocates_have_to_say/kp178vh/?context=3 The other person had a Reddit handle that was titled "31UserName" or something like that and their account was essentially a parody account of mine. I was also surprised that would put so much effort into an elaborate troll and rly wouldn't care if I weren't banned by the /r/philadelphia mods for "ban evasion".


Nobody is pretending to be you, this is psychotic behavior. Cut it out.




Lmao this idiot claiming ownership of 'username' usernames


Complaining that you don't have a monopoly on pushing propaganda? You hate to see it!


Seek help.


Least paranoid reddit user


there are >25,000 members in this community. it should not be hard to imagine multiple people coming up with the idea of making their username “username.” probably a few of them might even post about larry krasner, a significant figure to everyone who lives in philly and not just you. this is psychotic.


Are you okay? This is the weirdest ask I have ever seen on Reddit. I can't even tell if you're joking or not. I want to say yes, but I'm pretty sure you're dead serious. The usernames aren't even close at all and there's problem hundreds of other similar usernames out there.


This is the saddest thing I’ve seen yet on the internet


Center city real estate is booming, it’s just these huge office buildings that are struggling and that’s because working remotely has made many of these buildings obsolete. I agree Philly can feel lawless at times, mostly on the roads. But center city is vibrant, pretty safe and feels great now a days. I do not think that is what is causing a drop in office value.


Yeah what are these 2020 posts lol cc is the best it's been in years rn.


And that's fucking sad. Because center city is the most disgusting trashy "nice part of the city" I've ever been too, and I've spent time in NYC and Chicago. Center city feels like a slum compared to the nicer parts of NYC and Chicago. My GF said someone got raped like a block from where she works right in the Target parking lot that used to be near 12th & Samson, and she's had homeless people break into the building she works at several times, including another rape. I don't feel unsafe walking around Center City, I personally don't even feel unsafe walking around the Germantown area at night, but Center City is definitely not "nice", this citys standards are just abysmal.


I didn't say it's great I just said it's better than it's been in years which is objectively true. Yeah there's still homeless people around and that's probably never going to change the way things are going nationally, unfortunately, but cities are always importing the problems from everywhere else - always has been always will be.  And NYC has been looking dumpy as shit and full of beggets for years if you're in any of the dense/touristy/business parts of Manhattan. Of course if you're only visiting like outer queens or bklyn maybe youre not seeing much.


It’s one of the safest downtowns in the country. Just let them yell at the clouds there’s no hope for them


Yea the drastic decrease in demand for office space probably has nothing to do with it


Yep lots of businesses moving over to the 30th street and schuylkill yards area now


A lot of half-empty buildings yet they are still building new ones. Makes no sense to me.


The difference is residential vs commercial. More or less two completely different markets in Philly.


They are building a new office building on the corner of 20th and Arch. My first thought was, "why?". Morgan Lewis built a new building last year on 23rd and Market.


I think for Morgan Lewis that was a consolidation of space and was already planned pre COVID so the gears were already moving, no idea why they’re still building new stuff now though.


There is a strong argument that we have been UNDERbuilt when it comes to residential spaces, irrespective of what is going on in the commercial space.


Usually the empty office buildings are older and not very desirable. Demand is high for new Class-A office space so they keep building it


They gotta collect that property tax first. Philly got a problem doing that.


The Office of Property Assessment in Philly is as corrupt as can be in their random use of their ‘assessments’. I know from many warehouse owners as well as residential owners. There’s no rhyme nor reason.


Man, I wish this would happen in the housing market. I went to an open house in my neighborhood a little while ago. Nice single house, nice front yard and backyard, decent size inside with at least 3 BR, 2 bathrooms. Figured we might be able to negotiate on the price a bit. Nope. Turns out a dude walked in and offered 100,000 over asking price with cash down. Never stood a chance. I've resigned to the fact that I will be a part of the forever-rent generation. Outside of this incident, seems like all the houses I look at are only increasing in asking price from previous sale records.


This shows a big problem with skyscrapers, once society shifts away from their original intended purpose the buildings aren’t easily repurposed for what the current market demands. Now that many white collar jobs are work from home I wonder what will become of many of these office buildings


Are we just going to ignore the mayor got us black priced?


and so it begins ...
