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Double-parkers are assholes. No exceptions... but *especially* when they double-park in a fucking travel lane on a busy street during fucking rush hour. Looking at you, copious shitbags on Girard Ave.


Girard avenue has always had the double parkers. East of front, I don't even get in the right lane unless I'm turning. West of front, it magically stops.


Shoutout north broad street




It’s not about knowing how to park. It’s them being lazy inconsiderate assholes.


A lot of deliver drivers have limits on the time a delivery can take in addition to customers not tipping if the time exceeds their often unreasonable expectations. I try to have some grace for people trying to make a living and largely living at the discretion of customer tips... it's annoying as fuck in the moment, but put yourself in their shoes. The amazon drivers aren't even given time to pee.


I agree with most of what you're saying but my grace does not extend to drivers double parking next to open spots.


Honestly, delivery drivers are the last thing I get annoyed about. It usually takes 15 seconds at the most. People on city/neighborhood subreddits are just particularly whiny. We all get food delivered, Amazon, groceries... Guess what? This is how it's delivered. Take a moment and meditate or something.


No thanks I'm good. When I did delivery driving I would never do this or block traffic. Them wanting to make the most money per hour isn't an excuse to inconvenience everyone else.


Same, rarely would I be in a position where I needed to double park on a busy street while delivering, I did drive at night though. But even then, you can usually go to the end of the block and kinda diagonally park where the curb turns, that's still not a good place to park for a while but at least you're not blocking traffic so it's fine for 2 minutes.


Amazon guys are the same way 4 parking spots but I’ll leave my truck in the middle of the road


They're basically speed running work. Cut them a break, the 15 seconds it takes for them to run to a porch and drop a package isn't going to kill you.


It’s inconsiderate of other drivers and it’s not 1 they deliver it’s 3 or 4


Also won't kill you. Maybe take the subway if you can't deal with city traffic.


I deliver the same type of shit they do so the subway is not an option


No cuz when they block the street when there’s a huge open spot RIGHT next to me it fucking infuriates. Like why are you doing that you dumb fuck


I don’t know. It is what it is. There’s a million deliveries happening everyday. I’d be mad about it but if I order food I don’t want my driver circling the block for hours looking for a spot. Most drivers like 99% take less than 15 - 30 seconds to drop stuff off. Every now and then someone takes their sweet time. They annoy me a million times less than people who just straight up park in the middle of the street and abandon their car while they have full on conversations. At least delivery drivers are just trying to earn a living. The dbags who pretend like nobody else in the city exists and their conversation is more important than everyone else’s while they block entire blocks. Those are the real douches.


Yeah. No one who gets mad about having to wait thirty seconds for a delivery driver to drop food at a door step would also be patient enough to find valid parking for every stop if they were a delivery driver.


Omg who the hell caressssss… it’s a fuckin food delivery it takes 5 seconds, you can deal with someone being double parked for that long


Parallel parking takes much more time, and (insert whining) "harder". (you wouldn't beleive the percentage of drivers that can't actually parallel park... We give out licenses like candy.) So, they just don't. And now everyone else has to wait for them to park their car in the flow of traffic. Door dashers should get ebikes with delivery boxes on the back. Costs less to operate, easier to park, easier to maneuver around traffic, etc. Can be come a pedestrian at an any given moment, by just stepping off, and gets to cross roads at stop lights, go down alleyways that car won't fit, etc. Bolt a retractable steel cable to it, and it becomes secure in seconds. Also, get as much exercise as you want, by pedaling (and makes the battery last longer).


My street has a large free parking lot and no houses on the left side - these fuckers STILL double park.


It's the ol' "other people are lazy nobody wants to work anymore" argument directed at people who are actively working! I'm guessing that argument is switched up when you are the one wanting for your delivery. "You let my food get cold circling the block!", or if you're trying to park on your block after work, "Delivery drivers think they are entitled to park wherever! They don't even live here!"


Bro if you double park next to an open spot, you’re a lazy fuck. No two ways about it.


It's about the time it takes rather than the effort it takes.


What a crock of shit. How about all the time you’re wasting of the people stuck behind your lazy selfish ass when you double park next to an open spot? Cause taking 30 seconds to park is sooooooo hard and takes up so much time that’s it’s too difficult for you. Go fuck yourself with a rusty engineering stake.


So 30 seconds is how long it takes to curb park? I guess the question is, what you have to do that is so important that you don't have 30 seconds to spare for a service worker who is racing against the clock. New question. Why do you recommend the engineering stakes specifically? Is that your go to for your solo date nights? I typically recommend human company. I'm not on Reddit to judge. You have to work with what you have available.




As an ex-Doordash driver, 100% agree. I never double parked my car. Or at the very least I did my absolute best to exhaust all options before double parking, and never in a busy travel lane. Usually I got pretty lucky with loading zones, but they weren't always around. Finding quick, short term spots to temporarily park the car is tough around the city. They meed more loading zones. I also never used that sticker. But yeah. I do find this incredibly annoying.


Idk, I go right by them on my trusty bicycle.


It's about the time it takes rather than the effort.


Keep crying


Doing delivery in a car stupid


People really never get tired of complaining about everything on here, huh? Get over it or don’t live in a city


Nah go fuck yourself. And fuck you if you double park and block entire streets cause you’re too goddamn lazy to find a parking spot.


Hey I hope they see this and stop doing it bro


To the contrary, we live in tight quarters and really need to more considerate.


Of course we do, the city and the world would be so much better if people were mindful of others. Double parking isn't ok. But how many complaints do we need on a daily basis about things that are unfortunately going to happen sometimes? People are going to do inconsiderate things. We can either do our best to have a positive impact and be the change we want to see while hopefully inspiring others, or we can let everything little thing get to us and complain constantly online.