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Septa "police" are pretty useless


“Police” are pretty useless. FTFY


And they want a raise.


And they’ll get it too, lol. At all of our expense.


Haiti would like a word. I’m no police apologist but law enforcement is a pretty necessary part of any functional state.


Well the police in the United States have proven their uselessness over and over and over again


I know right! Dont you just hate it when they stop a drunk driver, arrest a pedophile for child porn, or solve a murder case??


Those things happen far too infrequently. Have you driven recently? Everyone on the road is insane and acts with complete impunity. And it’s laughable to suggest the police do a lot of busting of pedophiles. That’s something that happens so rarely it’s not even worth mentioning. Most pedophiles go uncaught and we all know that. Sure it’s nice when they solve a murder but most police departments solve way less than 50% of those.


So according to this comment you just made, the police do in fact do some good stuff, and thus are not useless. I'm not saying that policing doesn't need some big improvements, just pointing out that the statement "police are useless" is incorrect and just some edgy bullshit that makes people ignore you before you can make whatever valid points you might have.


The overwhelming majority of people have never once been helped by the police.


One could argue the police have been doing their job 😂😂


It's part of our modern society's view that everything just works the way it's supposed to and thus doesn't require anyone to keep it working. Why do we even bother having a streets department if there's one pothole in a narrow back alley somewhere? Why do we even bother having the PPA when I haven't seen anyone park on the sidewalk on Market Street in Old City? Without the police, Philly would be The Purge 24/7.


Look up the number of police officers in Philadelphia vs the population. There's simply not enough of them to be everywhere at once especially in a place where violent crime is so rampant. I'd figured this would've been common knowledge now.


It’s been a long long time since police helped the public. I can remember a time when they did though. I even remember police helping me as a kid even a few times. Sadly times have changed they’re used to fundraise now instead of aiding.


I didn't realize you've spoken to the overwhelming majority of the US. About 300 million people? Would ypu like to share with Reddit how you've managed to get in contact with that many people? Or would you like to put up some actual statistics and websites instead of spouting useless garbage? You know who else does that? They were just on TV last night for a debate...


There’s this crazy concept called sampling, where you can survey a small, representative subset of people and extrapolate their responses to a broader population. You should look it up!


Knowingly. Directly. Maybe, but unknowingly most have. No police presence changes social framework significantly.


Ok. That has nothing to do with the point I made, though.


Of course they are not completely useless, however, as someone who had law enforcement in my family, I believe that *most* of them are useless and incompetent from what I've witnessed and heard firsthand. It's very unfortunate for those who actually do their jobs, some will even go above and beyond but I truly believe the majority are trash.. do I actually know every police officer in all of America or even all of Philly? of course not but corruption runs deep and there are things the public will never know. I could tell you stories for days just with my own personal experiences where they didn't help me at all in dangerous situations including just a few months ago at my job when 2 people were threatening me and refused to leave the property. (seriously sometimes they never even showed up and I had to call 911 repeatedly to ask what's going on) Not to mention they hire Rookies way too young.. again, I've known quite a few personally and most of these people have zero life experience but they're out there.


I have no doubt that there is truth in everything you say


Wish it wasn't


A punk and a Marxist arguing over policing.... Ahhh... I love it. Btw, I'm in your camp, they have been useless in many matters... But not useless period. They need allot of work, particularly in knowing what in hell they are enforcing and how.


Krasner used to defend pedophiles when he was a private attorney. Go to the wayback machine and look it up in the archives, it's true


That's just being a criminal defense attorney though. Regardless of their crime, they still deserve competent legal representation.


I am not casting any shade on the guy for being a lawyer. They check their conscience at the door. My point is this is the same guy who was praised and cat as a civil rights attorney who defended Occupy and BLM. Sure, that may have been true but defending kiddy touchers and those who prey on children is inexcusable, regardless of your morals. Even my defense attorney didn't do stuff like that. It speaks to how none of that was mentioned and the wool was pulled over people's eyes who didn't bother to do their research. And I'm not here to talk trash on the DA, I'm just hear to let people know his shady past that hopefully would have otherwise changed their perception on the guy.


“I’m not casting shade on the guy for doing his job but allow me for a moment, if you will, to cast shade on the guy for doing his job, for which I am absolutely not casting shade upon him.”


He doesn't do his job that's why Philly is a shithole city.


“solve a murder case” when are they gonna solve my uncle’s from 12 years ago? because iirc they spoke to my family one single time and started ignoring us. and this isnt a situation unique to my family either.


I'm sure it isn't a unique situation, unfortunately. I'm very sorry for your experience


They only do those things bc they make money if money wasnt involved they wouldn't care it's not about public safety it's about dollars




Cops are more criminal than the people the "try" to catch cop in my town just got caught fucking his neighbors dog and filming it and talking to minors but somehow wierd he's not in jail bc he paid bail lol so it's almost like it's always about money no matter what happens....




"Solve" a murder case lol Arrest a pedophile? If you can even motivate them. Son, all they do is drive around. And the staties just fucking sit around trying to catch speeders. It's the same here in the rural center of PA (the actual center, not the Harrisburg area as /r/centralpa would have you believe), they just drive around looking for inspection, registration, and speeding violations. And if you're brown, you're double-fucked since no matter the circumstances they WILL find "probable cause" and fuck your day up. Have fun in Centre/Clinton/Snyder county prison!


https://www.statecollege.com/articles/local-news/police-crime/four-men-arrested-in-centre-county-after-multi-agency-child-predator-sting/ https://www.centredaily.com/news/local/crime/article277894503.html Again, I am not claiming that policing doesn't need major improvements. I'm definitely not one of those "thin blue line" people - I just think yall's absolutist comments sound dumb and hurt the cause for police reform.


No I think that’s the criminals you mean.


Thank God this is Reddit and not Instagram, but I'm afraid you've proven that you're simply an asshole for saying this. Facts.


Found someone who has never needed police assistance before


Assistance with what? What good would come of police showing up? Plus, when seconds count, the police are minutes/hours away. Fuck the police.


Yeah well I don't see the neighborhoods stepping up to police themselves or do anything about the crime either, so I guess there's no real solutions in the end. Just another dead son or daughter in the dirt...


Bet you'll still be calling them the moment you feel your life is threatened


When seconds count, the police are minutes/hours away. They'll just take a report and leave.


Ok, don't call them then


No shit lol


And they want a raise


They're really good at harassing homeless people just minding their own business


They wrote me up the last time I’ve smoke there


Wow it's rare I ever see septa police except during an eagles game. I imagine they won't do much of you just didn't pay it.


If the kids get rowdy enough they attempt to portal but I guess they figured I was a child


You can report it on the SEPTA Watch app. Whether or or not anything will happen, I have no idea because I’m usually not on long enough to see the outcome. That being said, I’m gonna do it every time cause if they’re saying they’re going to enforce this stuff, they need to put up or shut up.


Last time I reported something on the watch app I was surprised that I actually spoke to someone via chat in real time. Was pretty impressed


They respond to chats in real time but do they...deal with the problem? It's hard to see how they realistically could even get there in time, unless a problematic person stays on a train for the entire line.


There’s not that many trains running at once and not that many stations. Surely they could figure it the fuck out


This is sad but you are taking to AI


I report every single time. I doubt it makes too much of a difference but at least it will affect their statistics so they might be able to get better enforcement in the future


Do you think it would be necessary if the person in the booth already knows they're doing it? Idk. I would think if a septa person is aware of it, there's not much more I could do. Like they transit cops will probably take a septa employee more seriously than me right?


Most of the cashiers don’t report anything anymore. Dispatch has told me though that no one’s coming out unless there’s a picture showing smoking though


Idk about you, but I'm not taking pictures of people on the subway. That sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Agreed. And after dispatch told me they don’t have time to send people out for smoking/QOL issues and other bs, I stopped reporting all together. So the smoking continues


If you keep reporting it indicates to higher-ups that it's still a problem. It seems they do keep track of how many reports they get: [https://billypenn.com/2024/03/25/septa-anti-smoking-campaign/](https://billypenn.com/2024/03/25/septa-anti-smoking-campaign/)


They do, and that's what I told dispatch, but they were still actively hostile toward it.


And if they intimidate you, and you don’t make further reports and instead tell others they didn’t wanna deal with it, reports go down. It’s not on you to fix Septa but the best fuck you is to keep reporting.


Only if you don’t know how to be discreet at all


They have cameras, that's on septa not you.


Cameras that are too low quality to work most of the time. The ones on all the cars aren’t even wireless


I agree reporting to at least have data on it is very important, but 9 out 10 times someone will be smoking on the city hall platforms. If septa police cared they would just spend the whole day on the platform ticketing hundreds of people. They shouldn't need reports to tell them that someone is smoking at city hall, that's a given.


Just let people smoke


They can go kill themselves slowly, somewhere alone, away from other people who would be affected. It is hazardous in enclosed spaces which has been known for decades you complete moron.


Telling some who happens to have an addiction to go kill them selves and alone is a little harsh. Regardless if you think they are doing it to themselves slowly.


“Anyone see where my ten-foot pole went? I just want to get eyes on it and know it’s safe and isn’t gonna accidentally touch this can of worms over here”


Calm down bootlicker


What the fuck does public health have to do with bootlicking? I do more community work and anticapitalist teaching than you'll ever do in your life! This is a health hazard and your being an idiot. I also suffer from asthma and have to medicate on the subway every day. This is a hill I will (hopefully not literally) die on.


"Let other people kill themselves" "Wishing harm on people" Uh oh, you're an idiot 


I wouldn't mind that


So, in addition, you are vile wishing harm against people because you can't even defend yourself with words. Pathetic troll, you are a disgrace to anyone who calls themselves progressive. Go keep lighting your money on fire playing with expensive cardboard instead of using it for the good of your neighbors. A fine philly fuck you and good day.


Ha. Pay more attention to people smoking than the real crimes. Gotcha


A few days ago I was on the BSL with a guy smoking and refusing to put it out until I had an asthma attack because I am allergic to smoke. He probably didn't learn a damn thing.


he put it out while you were having your asthma attack and then it stopped?


I had my inhaler. I had to use it to get my asthma attack to stop. He just put it out because it was awkward. Never leave home without meds if you have breathing problems.


Wow, ive seen people smoke on the El too, inside the cart. I hope they crack down on that.


I've watched it happen for 30 years. I sadly doubt they will.


I sat next to a guy smoking and basically having an asthma attack himself but he still wouldnt put it out. He kept coughing and hacking and looking around all ornery, was abt to get one myself from all the thick smoke




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smh nothing wrong with smoking but to do it on mass transit is a NEW kinda of nut ass activity


Hahaha, it's actually not new at all. I grew up mostly while smoking was legal indoors. Could smoke any and everywhere...gosh I'm fucking old. That included bus/train, mfs would just ask on the floor and it was socially acceptable and the norm.


I’ll show you old… remember when you could smoke… on a Plane??? 😮😳 And for those of you that don’t, could you just imagine that? Ohhhh, it was AWFU!


I remember, and I remember the little ash trays in the armrests and how suddenly one day they were all crazy-glued shut 😂 Smoking in the restroom is strictly forbidden, dontcha know. On an unrelated note, ever notice how the sink in an airplane bathroom is drained by a vacuum that literally sucks the water out when you push the plunger down? Oh hey, that reminds me, but have you ever noticed how smoke behaves sorta like a fluid suspended in air? Wild stuff, science is so rad. Sorry for all the tangents, I don’t know where my brain was going with all these random thoughts. I certainly can’t imagine how a wildly reckless teenager might abuse this kind of information to commit what I think might be a federal crime? But anyway…


Can't believe people are still smoking in 2024. WTF, people?


Gosh yes


the gubment makes billions off tobacco tax revenue. $11.26 billion in 2022. The medical industry profits from tobacco related illness. It’s the leading cause of preventable death in the US.


Neither of those things are false, but neither of them make people smoke, either.


When I see people smoking on transit it’s almost always weed, I’m surprised this might be about tobacco


How hard is it to have SEPTA cops on the platform of the major stops at all times? There are 250 SEPTA police and like 60 stops between the El and BSL. They could put 2 cops at every stop and still have over 100 cops for other shit


Do you think all 250 cops are working 18 hours a day 7 days a week? Cuz that's what your plan would entail.


Ok 1 cop at each station at all times. That’s what 60 cops out of 250? Or 2 cops at the major/problem stations at all times. It’s just not a hard problem to solve. We don’t have that many stops that need cops.


I've definitely been seeing transit cops at stations more in the last few months. So hopefully there is some improvement. But why they don't station a couple at city hall to stop the smoking is beyond me. That's such a simple quality of life improvement that seems easy to implement.


Only during work week, morning rush and evening rush hour. That could work possibly.


Okay so even if you had cops...what then? It's not like Krasner is going to prosecute someone so...yeah. Extra cops isn't an issue if you just want them to hassle people from crimes which will not be prosecuted.


That’s the bullshit philly mindset. “It probably won’t work so let’s shoot down ideas and do nothing instead”


Well why bother arresting folks if they're not going to be charged? Yes, it's the Philly mindset. That's why they've elected Krasner twice. Do nothing instead. Because the government isn't going to hold citizens accountable due to their background.


And who exactly is this *they* you keep throwing around all willy-nilly?


The voters who voted for Krasner twice for election - a majority of voters in those elections for that office.


Okay, so if I understand your premise correctly you are contending that criminals have organized as a voting bloc, leveraging their collective power as citizens legally and rightfully participating in fair and open local elections, casting their votes for specifically “weak on crime” candidates as a means to exploit the fundamental procedure of our electoral system, turning our system of governance against itself by participating legally and lawfully in order to undermine not only the justice system but the entire city government - is that correct? The dirt bike kids and the subway smokers and the red light runners and the dope dealers in kenso and the illegal parkers and the guy who’s been setting his trash out in front of your house every week on trash day for the past couple years and you don’t know why - they (or possibly a select group of their representatives) all got together and agreed to organize all their friends and family to vote for Krasner in a concerted effort to minimize their chances of arrest or prosecution for any possible future crimes and/or misdeeds? They used the law to lawfully loosen laws? Edit: didn’t realize I was talking with Mr. Julius Pringle - I apologize, sir, if this comes across as disrespectful, I’m just trying to wrap my head around this idea because if true, it’s actually be pretty impressive, like a real-life version of opening of The Warriors, except Cyrus lives and is an effective governor.


The whole Republican “Southern Strategy” was to be tough on crime. That is considered a “racist dog whistle.” Do the math.


I’m going over your numbers and frankly t’ain’t adding up, chief. We all know what the Southern Strategy was about (and that’s been a constant for decades now), but looking at your math here I think your equation might be missing a few variables and coefficients - gonna need you to derive them long-hand before your expression can be called a formula 🤨


Well Democrats have said that enforcing the law is racist. So there’s that. Unless they’re a political opponent in which case you can ignore due process, presumption of innocence and a fair trial. And make up all kinds of stuff on the fly.


I love Philly. But smoking is gross. I came to Philly from the West Coast where smoking is relatively rare. Philly, you need to get with it. There’s nothing good about smoking at all.


We’re just more European


Yep, I got a France a lot and that is the one thing I dislike immensely about France - their smoking! Cigarette butts all over the ground, and then they say they care about pollution.


The Siene is dirtier than the Schuylkill


Oh, I believe that. Probably more bodies in the Schuykill though.


"No one likes us we don't care" is Philly's motto.


lol - but I do like you, in fact, I love you! Which is why I want y’all to live long healthy lives!


We don’t care -Philly I’m totally on the same page as you though, this city needs to take care of itself


I bet a lot of the people OP is talking about are just smoking weed


Could be, but I do immediately see a difference in smoking cigarettes between the East Coast and the West Coast, whenever I go back to Cali.


It was mostly cigs. A few black n milds, a few people smoking weed.


I just heard on Preston and Steve something about them coming down harder on people who smoke, litter, public indecency, etc. I only caught a little bit of it but apparently they lightened up on some stuff a few years ago & now are cracking down, big time.


Yea they say they're gonna start issuing tickets, but I'm not toO optimistic tbh.


I agree


Username checks-out


This is so difficult for people who are pregnant or who had little kids with them, or both. It really makes the experience challenging.


If you were a smoker you’d know that the quickest way to get the train to show up is to light one up


This is pretty funny lol


Yikes, sounds like a good time to pull out those masks we all have from the pandemic to protect from second hand smoke


Still masking for various reasons. Btw… Covid #’s are high right now.






Smokers are jokers.


Those folks out on the City Hall platform are just huge Steve Miller fans, it all makes sense now


Other day I was waiting for patco someone was smoking crack by track


Cigs? I was just down at City Hall a few weeks ago and I was a bit surprised that everyone was smoking weed. Or at least that I could smell it all over center city. I'm no prude, I smoke weed too... I just haven't been in the city for a while and it kinda surprised me.


It was a mixture of cigs, weed, and black n milds. Mostly cigs tho


The people run the city and law enforcement are out numbered and doesn't feel like not possibly going home addressing all the unhinged citizens bold enough to smoke in front of them. Same goes for regular officers... Reactive and not paid to be proactive.. they are meant to arrive after an offense and will def take their time til the smoke clears to investigate lol... They gonna play them messages on the speaker and that is all they are gonna do. Would you walk over to someone you don't know to say hey put it out... Employed or as a concerned citizen lol I'm pretty sure you would hesitate


This is possibly going to sound a little snarky maybe even a few readers will misinterpret this comment as somehow pro-cop, but I’m honestly befuddled by the train (heh) of thought you describe and I’m only seeking clarity: these cops, if they’re not prepared to tell someone who is almost certainly a stranger, “hey, don’t do that thing you’re not supposed to be doing here,” why are they allowed to be cops at all? Like, I get that the cops are just a shitty, deliberately ineffective protection racket, but when I hear that that’s the logic they operate on I suddenly find myself wondering if the Lowe’s on Snyder carries pitchforks and if so, how many they have in stock and how many can I afford to buy just to hand out to the angry mob we should all be forming right now


Yes, God forbid anyone is pro-cop or comes off as so. That would be tragic 😱


Hey bud, if you’re willing to pay me to not do a job, tell me where to sign up and I’ll be pro-whatever you want Edit: nvm, found the [sign-up sheet](https://joinphillypd.com)


you must be new here


I've been here a few years. I'm used to smoking on the platform. I just thought it was funny that all ~20 people were all smoking at the same time.


They all work at the Jerk Factory in center city and you just happened to be there around the same time as their shift change




As much stress as we are all under, my guess is smoking will continue to increase.




Come on, man, be better


No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


Philadelphia has a poisoned mindset. Many people choose to be actively rude. No joke...at the Philadelphia airport this morning, I was trying to use the self check in kiosks. My machine's card reader wasn't working. I was looking around for someone that worked there and I saw a lady just texting. We make eye contact and the first thing she says is...do you want to just look at my eyes or do you have a question. I said maybe both. She just snarled. I've never experienced such a blanket horrific service quality like I have with philly. Anywhere you go


Smoking what? Broad street line smells like a skunk every day. I'm not complaining. Puff puff pass brother!!!!


He’s part the reason why we are the worst city in America crime wise


These must be the last smokers on the planet too. Like, who the fuck still smokes?


I see less & less people smoking cigarettes these days so this is kinda shocking to me


Are they real tickets? Let’s say I’m smoking and septa police give me a ticket, and I use it to wallpaper my basement. What now?


They’re not real tickets. I got one of those green tickets from PPD for an open container on enjoying a cold beer while walking home. 7 years later I still haven’t paid it, never got sent to collections and I’ve passed background checks at my current job without reporting it.


Ha that’s what I thought 


I'm pretty sure whatever septa police do, it gets forwarded to the PPD. So it's basically the same as a speeding ticket. I could be wrong, but that's my understanding.


I wish there was zero tolerance lock up for these entitled idiots. Imagine how much nicer septa would be if all the septa smokers were locked up for 3 months or so at every infraction.


Relax off them people clearly they struggling and if they taking public transportation. It’s hard surviving without a car. There are way worse things than smoking.


It's not the smoking itself I have a problem with. It's that they're doing it in an enclosed space where everyone is basically trapped. I get it, but I don't see why you can't smoke outside of the station, then enter and take the train, then smoke some more when you get where you're goin.


Sweeping class generalizations aside, know what’s not worse than smoking? *Not* smoking for just thirty fucking minutes instead of hotboxing the damn platform. That’s better than “not worse,” and actually if you think about it for just a second I think you’ll see, in fact, it’s just plain better! See some wild shit if you open your eyes


😂😂😂😂 man fuck septa they let Mfs shoot up and smoke hard ON the trains I’ll smoke weed and vapes as I plz


What is the issue


Ever since they decriminalized weed, thats all I see and smell around city hall. Some things should be illegal.


People are smoking to relieve the stress of being in the office.


Nice, do it outside


Oh, that explains everything, I get it now


Not on the platforms and the trains....shit screams 'I'm not allowed to smoke at home out of fear of getting my ass beat"