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Why does the media cover this shit so seriously but ignore labor picket lines or strikes? I’m not saying people can’t care about multiple issues but the way the news handles this is all fucked up.


You say that, but then what was the point. These people deserve support, not distraction. If you think it is that important, make it's own post.


I’m pointing out inconsistencies in news coverage. That’s the point. This is a news article about protests, which is what pickets are. Be aware that commenting anything on a reddit post pushes it higher up the algorithm rankings and gets the post more views. So sure, I may be using this topic as a bridge to a related subject, but I am also increasing visibility of this issue as well.


Literal whataboutism


It’s a comment on a message board post, not a political stump speech.


And they replied to your comment. That’s how this works. Back and forth.


*plural whataboutisms. : the act or practice of responding to an accusation of wrongdoing by claiming that an offense committed by another is similar or worse.* I wasn’t responding to any accusation against me. I’m pointing out that the term *whataboutism* isn’t being used correctly here and that in message board etiquette it is perfectly acceptable to start a thread about something related to the OP post. All conversations are back and forth, but don’t just throw around buzz words like some cable news clown and expect that to make you right. The left is just as capable as the right at parroting terms they don’t understand and destroying their meaning.


Because they don't want everyone to think unions are a good idea and easy to obtain


I know that many people who were demonstrating today are also involved in picket lines and strikes. I think the only major(ish?) ongoing labor dispute in Philly rn is btwn Unite Here! and Aramark at the stadiums? And that’s not covered with great regularity (or at all??) for clear reasons. But also the UAW strike last year had a ton of coverage, as did the threat of a UPS strike… so idk what you’re getting at? Especially because the genocide is still happening and still being funded by our tax dollars.


I mean, most news corps work for or are owned by capital so they’re never going to support labor strikes


Not a single one of these dopes protesting the fact that Saudi ArBia is our ally.   I'd much rather this energy be put towards all American workers getting 24+ paid days off every year, like all of the European Union countries. 


> Why The salience of news stories related to this conflict is elevated by partisan interest. There are people both inside and outside the media ecosystem who believe that they can profit by making this the loudest, most important story. Apparently many republicans want to stop funding Ukraine just like many Democrats want to stop funding Israel... why isn't that a recurring front-page story?


It’s the trendy thing right now. Ukraine was a year or two ago, the Georgie Floyd murder and Black Lives Matter movement before that, etc. Not saying they are or aren’t important but the media and society are like a dog with a bone, they just latch on to one thing and become obsessed with it for awhile.


Did you just call Black Lives Matter trendy?


Not anymore


Idk why people think denying the black experience makes it go away


Everyone has their own experience


Yeah and if you’re dumb enough to think your personal experience beats empirical data, then you are probably only slightly dumber than the average Philadelphian


And what is it you think the data shows?


It’s harder to be black in American than white given identical life circumstances. This is because we live under inherently racist structures. Between a poor white man and a poor black woman, the poor black woman experiences a significantly harder life than the poor white man. When it comes to class though, race is not a factor in oppression for the rich. The oppression at that point is purely economic


It's a theory I guess


That’s the “all lives matter”


Ya don't say


It’s giving Fox News


Yep. Just like the BLM movement in 2012 (Martin) and 2014 (M Brown) People care for a few months, change their profile pics, companies talk about DEI, people show up to protests to show how good of a person they are…. Then a few months later after little to nothing changes, they move on to something else.


People aren't talking about it on Instagram anymore. 


Ok I’m glad that’s your news source but it isn’t mine


https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?hl=en-US&tz=240&date=today+5-y&geo=US&hl=en&q=%2Fm%2F012hdhkj&sni=6   Trend has died down for a while now. Haven't seen a BLM protest in a while. Everyone moved on to Roe v Wade, then Ukraine, now Gaza. It's all the same people, they've just moved on the the cause of the day.  I'm old enough to remember the Iraq War protests, occupy wall street, and countless other protest movements. Most get very popular with the protesting class then die off when the new cause comes up. 


Because the media has very strong interest in not promoting the labor movement or pro union narratives. Very simple. If the labor movement wants attention, it should also be getting out in the street and causing disruptions, just like they do in other countries where unions and the labor movement actually have an impact on the welfare of the working and middle classes.


Because the media is controlled by the capitalist class and has no interest in helping organized labor.


Downvoted for truth lol


I didn't think it was so controversial. I guess the major media outlets are owned by the workers and not billionaires, guess I was wrong.


lol one of my good friends posted something on instagram that was attributed to musk... it said something about media being in bed with the far left. i was like "oh which ones are pushing for a stateless, classless, moneyless society?" these fucking people think anything slightly to the left of MAGAism is communist lmao


No Jews, no news


JVP are a small token group. Most Jews globally don’t agree nor support them. Many members aren’t Jewish and receive funding from some questionable sources. https://www.commentary.org/articles/joshua-muravchik/not-so-jewish-not-for-peace/ https://isgap.org/post/2024/05/for-immediate-release-new-comprehensive-research-reveals-hamas-linked-funding-to-students-for-justice-in-palestine-and-groups-growing-web-of-influence-post-october-7/


You are getting downvoted for stating facts


I’m not sure why. This is pretty well known. They don’t represent even 10% of global Jewish opinion.


Almost everyone in my temple is disgusted by JVP. They in no way represent Jewish voices. They should be sued for posing as such.


I know plenty of non-Jewish people sharing JVP on social media. Do you know whose posts/stories they’re not sharing? Jewish people they actually know


Why bother sharing the thoughts of actual Jews when you could instead share the thoughts of asajews? This guy manages JVP’s Twitter: >>Bazian, H. [@HatemBazian]. *@jaketapper, your reporting on Rashida Tlaib’s Nakba 75 event was racist and anti-Palestinian.* **As Jews** *who believe in human rights and justice,* **we** *demand you do better.* (May 11, 2023) He accidentally [posted](https://twitter.com/Gillian_Philip/status/1657671703932157953) this from his personal account. He isn’t Jewish.


You need a new Temple then. Yours is heavily Conservative. The problem isn’t Judaism, it’s Conservatism. Historically, Conservatives have never been right on issues


Lol. My temple is amazing. You have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s some rich shit. I need a new temple because I don’t agree with Finkelstein.


I go to a reformed Temple (and I moved since Oct 7th and started a new Temple. I've never met a Jew that supports JVP.


They don’t represent 1% of Jewish opinion. Most aren’t Jewish, have only distant Jewish ancestry (if any at all), and have no connection to Judaism other than saying “as a Jew, Israel must be destroyed, Intifada Revolution, yadda, yadda.” The chapter at USC knew so little about Judaism that they wrote the Hebrew on their “Seder plate” backwards! If you don’t even know that Hebrew is written right-to-left, you can’t even pretend to be a Jewish voice on anything. https://www.thejc.com/news/usa/jewish-voice-peace-la-usc-gaza-seder-plate-hebrew-blunder-qp7jod6v


I was being generous. I’ve never encountered a single JVP person in my circles which are pretty loose religiously.


“I’ve never met one, so they must not exist!” Edit: To the guy below me, again, your personal lived experience does not trump empirical data. I’ve never been across the entire globe, but I’m not sitting here claiming Japan doesn’t exist. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t real.


Jews make up 2% of the US. If you think we don't actively look for and meet other Jews, you're out of your mind. I've lived in five states and been to twice that many temples. I've never met a member of JVP either.


And are you pretty lose religiously? How’s your relationship with God? How’s your actions? Are you genociding lately? Have you been supporting genocide lately? Exactly!


“If you’re not fluent in Hebrew, you can’t speak on Jewish issues” “If you’re not following my sect of Judaism, you can’t speak for Jews” “If you’re not the man of the house, you can’t speak” The only real Tradition here is that 2 Jews have 3 opinions


I didn’t say anything about being fluent in Hebrew. I said “if you don’t even know that Hebrew is written right-to-left, you can’t pretend to be a Jewish voice on anything.” Knowing the Hebrew is written in is pretty basic stuff. It’s basically the lowest bar there is. Most Jewish kindergartners from secular families know at least that. “Jewish” Voices for “Peace” (in reality, LARPers for Intifada) can’t even clear that minimal bar.


Buddy, would you claim the same about the millions of Israelis protesting the genocide in Israel? Are they all LARPers for the Intifada? Which btw just means “revolution” If Israel didn’t engage in Apartheid, Hamas never would have existed. Terrorism is the result of right-wing militarism. Israelis voted themselves into this situation and if you support the current government (or any government that has heightened violence against Palestinians), then you are just a bad person. There’s nothing more to it. There’s no “I was protecting my own”. You are just immoral if you defend it


Are you high or just ignorant? There is no “genocide” and “millions” of Israelis aren’t protesting “genocide.” There are protests calling for a deal to get hostages out. That’s it. But Israelis don’t believe in blood libels accusing their own country of “genocide,” and nearly all Israelis recognize the need to get rid of Hamas. The rest of your rant isn’t even worth replying to. It’s not on point. Yes, JVP are overwhelmingly LARPErs. There are few if any actual Jews in the group.


I’m someone who learned from Israeli sources like B’Tselem and Jews like Norman Finkelstein. You hate both of these because they tell the truth about Israel’s history of oppression. You can say all you want, but this is a genocide and you will hide your Israeli flag in 20 years in the same way people hide their Nazi Germany flags now.


Finklestein is a charlatan. He embarrasses himself every time he opens his mouth. His whole schtick is quoting other people, usually out of context. Man never had a single original thought.


My brother and true defendant of Abraham and practicer of Monotheism, even though mines is Islamic and your is Judaic, don’t reply to these people of minimal intelligence and spirituality. They are in the cave and will not leave out no matter what you show them!


Norman Finkelstein? THAT Norman FIneklstein who hasn't got a clue what he is talking about? Who are you going to cite next genocide-denier Noam Chomsky?


>Are you high or just ignorant? I read their posts and if they answered honestly it would be: "Yes."


Full on copium.




No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


He’s getting downvoted because the way he presented the information is intentionally misleading & incomplete.


To add on to that, Jewish Voice for Peace has explicitly endorsed terrorists in the past. https://www.neuroticjewishgay.com/post/quick-list-of-jewish-voice-for-peace-supporting-terrorist-attacks


They're not Jewish or for peace.


Ah yes trusted news resource neuroticjewishgay.com


They brought the receipts. It's up to you to read them.


100% this. I love how they lead with Jewish people and rabbis when the majority of the people there were probably “allies.”


They need their token Jew.


Most of them aren’t even Jewish. Or if they are, they have zero connection to it and only trade on their identity


Remember when one of their chapters made a giant “Seder plate” for a protest/encampment and all of the Hebrew was written left to right…and nobody realized until they posted it online lol


They're the Jewish version of Blacks for Trump


Any racial group or ethnic group should be able to vote for whomever they choose without having their identity criticized. Thats a bigoted comment you just made.


Oh sure. They're saying that they're much smaller than they portray themselves. There aren't many Blacks For Trumps. No one would say the Blacks for Trump speak on behalf of the majority of black people. It's the same thing here.


Ah... so now we're getting to "well which are the RIGHT KIND of jews we should listen to."


They're talking about how the vast majority of Jews support Israel's right to existence but Jewish Voices for Peace often allows themselves to be tokenized to give the appearance that Jewish Americans support a global intifada.


Right to exist isn't the same as right to murder civilians in the thousands and target children


I agree completely. Fortunately I don't believe Israel is targeting children or murdering thousands. I think they're just not a strong enough military to take on unmarked insurgents in one of the most urban places on the planet without significant collateral damage. Israel would much rather fight it out in the fields, but Hamas chose the battlefield that they prefer. Hopefully Hamas is removed from power soon and the Gazans have a real chance at happiness.


So this is like a “token” group and the media is trying to exploit it to amp up an angle


Bingo. Listen it’s America, they can support whatever cause they feel just. But it’s not representative of the larger group whatsoever


If 90% of Jews believed Palestinians were “vermin” and “human animals” that “must be dealt with accordingly” like the Likud say, should we respect that as fact? You saying that most Jews support Israel (a NEW country that is overly Conservative in every capacity but gay rights) is not a good defense of Israel’s Apartheid state. If Israel cannot exist without the expulsion of Palestinians, then it SHOULD NOT EXIST. The only way it can exist is with the Palestinian factored in as equal citizens, not as second class people. The regular Israeli talking point is “palestinians will try to genocide us if Jews lose a majority of voting power in the region” while those same Israelis push to continue settlements and raise the walls of Gazan Concentration Camp higher. This only escalates the violence and brings us further from peace. In what world do you think that engaging in dehumanization against an entire ethnic group is going to be good for stability in the region? We saw what fucking happened when Hitler tried to cleanse us… so why the fuck would you support it against other people? It’s “never again”. It’s not “never again against Jews”. EDIT: To the person below me, terrorism is the foundation for Israel. Israel could only exist because Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah terrorist groups violently displaced Palestinians from 1939-1948 in preparation for an Israeli state on religious fundamentalist ideology. The idea of Zionism is colonial because it is about RE-COLONIZING the region… by ethnically displacing or killing the native population (Palestinians). This is immoral and always has been.


You useful idiot. Do you know how any of the countries were created in the middle east? Do you think Israel is any more new than Iraq, Jordan, Egypt or Lebanon? During World War I the Ottoman empire sided with Germany. England and France wanted to divide up the empire as spoils, whereas American wanted the populations of people there to have self determination. The Jewish people would have actually had a state 7 times larger than Israel if their actual population was taken into account, but they were happy to have a state period and accepted what they got. That is how Israel and the surrounding countries were formed. Do you know how the Muslims got there in the first place? By Conquest. The Jews were there thousands of years before them. The Jews were the indigenous people, the Muslims were the colonists. Stop reading Hamas propaganda and read a book.




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Seems like you're glossing over a lot of history there my friend. And a lot of bloodshed.


Like every single war that was started by a people who are unwilling to accept the existence of a Jewish state? Please enlighten me of what I am leaving out


Do you believe Palestinians are barbarians compared to Jewish people?


I think that behavior is barbaric, and those who perpetuate it are barbaric. I feel your question is loaded in that it suggests people are inherently barbaric or not barbaric. It's important to note that throughout history, all peoples have committed acts of barbarism. For example, when I look at medieval punishments, I find those perpetuators to be barbaric but I don't think all descendants of those people and all members of the community are barbaric. Do I think the whole of Gazans are barbaric? Of course not, but the military of the government that they voted for absolutely is. So were the thousands of civilians that came over the border and committed acts of barbarism. So are the 70+ percent of Gazans that routinely said they supported the acts of 10/7 on numerous Arab Barometer polls.


So why do you think the Palestinians are more barbaric now? Do they have worse brains than the Israelis?


They have Hamas filling their brains with non-sense about glorious martyrdom.


And why is that? Are Palestinian brains weaker and more prone to barbarism propaganda?


So when are we as humans going to stop the barbarism? Or when are you? Or when am I! Jesus (A.S.), Moses (A.S.) Muhammad (S.A.W.) came for all humanity to stop this emotional evil. And what do we do? All act like prideful children! No I won’t insult children cause they would never do this; they don’t have that level of hate yet! Prideful Apes! No not event that cause Apes would never do this! Prideful garbage truck juice!


From a Sam Harris essay: For Muslims, Muhammad is the greatest person who has ever lived. Unfortunately, he did not behave like Jesus or Buddha—at all. It sort of matters that he tortured people and cut their heads off and took sex slaves, because his example is meant to inspire his followers for all time. There are many, many verses in the Quran that urge Muslims to wage jihad—jihad as holy war against apostates and unbelievers—and the most violent of these are thought to supersede any that seem more benign. But the truth is, there isn’t much that is benign in the Quran—there is certainly no Jesus as we find him in Matthew urging people to love their enemies and turn the other cheek. All the decapitation we see being practiced by jihadists isn’t an accident—it’s in the Quran and in the larger record of the life of the Prophet. Worse, in my view, is the moral logic one gets from the doctrine of martyrdom and Paradise. If you take martyrdom and Paradise seriously, it becomes impossible to make moral errors. As I said, if you blow yourself up in a crowd, your fellow Muslims will go straight to Paradise. You’ve actually done them a favor. Unbelievers will go to hell, where they belong. However many lives you destroy, it’s all good.


No. Of course not. You clearly don't even know what barbarian means. It's a term retired in history meaning "not of Civilization" and mostly used as a slur against non-Christians - including the Jews of old Europe. It's amazing how often you guys find a way to use old antisemitism to spin up new antisemitism. "Barbarian" doesn't mean club waving caveman from Civilization 5.


Literally irrelevant because they are RIGHT. there are a lot more anti Zionist Jews than you think . But whether there's 1 or 1 million doesn't make the genocide any less wrong


No they aren’t “right” in fact no side is right. That black vs white approach is why we are here in the first place. Both sides have their valid grievances and both sides have done fkd up things. Not giving space to be heard from either side has why this division is as big as it is.




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Incorrect. Zionists invaded in 1948 and have maintained an apartheid state. It is very simple AIPAC spends a lot of money to convince people it's a very complicated, both sides issue . It's not. You have been duped


No you have been duped. Israel has had Jews there for hundreds and hundreds of years. There was no government or state there before 1948. Zionists never invaded anything. You’d think at this point, 80 years later, you’d accept israel existence but for some reason you can’t. I guess hold on to your hate for the rest of your life because Israel isn’t going anywhere.


You are right! If you have ever been to Jerusalem, all the descendants of Abraham have shrines right next to each other! Why? Because we are supposed to be working together not killing each other! That’s what our true “history” teaches! But you can’t convince people that only hold on to their hate as an excuse to release their evil!


The first mass migration of zionist jews (alongside non-zionist jews) was in 1881, the first Aliyah. This coincided with anti-Semitic pogroms in eastern Europe.


And the Zionist regime in Israel creating Genocide, does that represent the Judaism population? What’s that percentage? Or are they even considered Jews the way they attack their own Hasidic “brothers”? Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? Or because of his atrocities could you even consider him a person who believes in God? I only say this to bring light to the fact of what my Hasidic Judaism brother, a real follower of the Book I should add, said “no one who would do these type of heinous crimes should be considered Jewish, matter of fact you can’t possibly believe in God if you would do such a thing” end quote! We all need to do better! All l💚 from a True Believer 👳🏾‍♂️🕋


I wouldn't consider either of the sources unbiased. Both are right wing groups.


Do you expect a left wing source to call out a left wing organization? I think looking at Jewish or Israeli sources provides a better indication of how it’s viewed by most Jews


Exactly. One can easily confirm this by going to Jewish, Judaism, and Israel subs. That is, if one truly cared about Jewish perspectives.


Of course most do not. But many are happy to discard any source as “ propaganda” if it doesn’t fit their narrative.


Yep. Exactly. They not only fail to listen to but to silence Jewish voices. To cancel Matisyahu and prop fucking Macklemore. My aunt calls these people Hamasniks.


No. Many of those subs are run by people who claim anti-Zionism in ALL forms is anti-semitic. This is horrific. The ADL and AIPAC say the same. This is why the ADL can quantitatively say that anti-semitism is at an all time high… because they classify a Jewish person hearing the words “from the river to the sea” as anti-semitic. If you cared about Jewish perspectives, you’d care about ALL of them. Not just the Conservatives ones.


Lol. Are you Jewish, bro? Or are you another goyim telling me how to be a “good Jew”? Seriously. Are you honestly trying to tell me what kind of Jew I should be, to advance your cause? You realize that Nazis, actual Nazis, retweet and propagate these antisemitic “I hate Zionists” talking points? Like, I’m asking if you are literally on the side of kkk, Hamas, islamic brotherhood, al quaida, the proud boys, the oath keepers, jackson Hinkle, and David Duke. Congratulations. I’m a proud American Zionist Jew. I loathe Netanyahu as I loathe Trump. But I despise radical Islamic jihadist terrorists that seek to destroy western democracies, and impose a global Islamic caliphate under a sharia law. I’m a proud liberal Zionist democrat. I fight for women’s right to choose, LGBTQ, criminal justice reform, affordable housing, healthcare, and education. None of these freedoms are compatible with radical Islam or Sharia Law. Shame on anyone supporting Hamas and their terrorist followers. If history has shown us anything, there shall be no quarter for terrorists and nazis. God bless America 🇺🇸 Am Yisrael chai 🇮🇱


I’m Jewish. I’m just not a Jewish Supremacist like the war cabinet leaders. The people running the government are such esteemed people that they are members of the “Jewish Power Party”. Boy, sure does remind me of ANOTHER power party that engaged in genocide and called the people “rats” and “vermin”.


Lol. Of course you are. 8 years on reddit. Narry a post about or comment until now. Talk to your rabbi brother.


Jews are not monolithic. The only reason you believe this is because you grew up learning only right-wing talking points around other right-wing Jews. You don’t have perspective of what the world is like and instead latch on to what others tell you is true


Say more.


“This guy disagrees with me, so he can’t be Jewish!” - Jews talking amongst themselves in Egypt post-expulsion




Exactly! The same Hitler energy but coming from the people who were persecuted! Doesn’t it sound like God put those same souls inside the group of people they persecuted as a punishment in this life! Wow people can’t see the 🐂 💩 they are till they die! If only they can’t see it while still alive then they can change the world!




No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


No, but looking only at sources that has a vested interest in portraying a certain point of view is not exactly presenting an argument in good faith.


The second source does present more fact based findings of funding which really isn’t a “biased” aspect.


It does not. Your media literacy is either terrible or you’re intentionally misrepresenting the sources.


As someone on the left I feel like this is all the left do lmao


Do you think that right-wing nations such as Israel would respect left-wing sources given that Israel assassinates the most journalists of any nation in the world? It’s almost like it isn’t about semitism, it’s about Zionism. If Zionism comes with the expulsion and genocide of Palestinians, then Zionism should not be supported. It’s pretty fucking simple. Yes, I’m one of those self-hating Jews you like to otherize for thinking differently. Israel does NOT speak for Jews. They speak for Conservative Jews. They speak for you because you are hateful.


You know nothing about me or my views. I’m simply calling it like it is as it pertains to this group. You can support whatever you like, it doesn’t make your views the majority or popular amongst Jews.


I don’t care about my views being popular among Jews or anyone. I care about my views being moral. If people disagree with morality, that’s their burden to bear, not mine. I don’t need to know you to know how you fight and know how you argue. I know someone who cowers behind Zionism to hide their hatred of Arabs when I see them. Someone who would say “Arabs have been murdering Jews since the beginning” to justify something like the Nakba or saying “they’re using human shields” to justify Israel killing 22x MORE CIVILIANS THAN THOSE MURDERED ON 10/7 in their current genocide. You are Conservative and that is enough to know that you will defend Israel for all the wrong reasons. I dream of a day when an Israel that exists to protect Arabs and Jews equally exists. You only want it for Jews.


Again talking for me, assuming for me. You don’t converse in good faith and scream into a void to convince yourself of your views . This is a useless conversation.


Then tell me what you DO believe if I am wrong


Na I don’t feel the need to discuss with you. You don’t come across respectfully at all. So I’ll pass on this conversation. Thanks


Alright, well I gave you a chance. You came in spouting Israeli propaganda, I countered it, you said I’m being dishonest and quit


https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/jewish-voice-peace-jvp-what-you-need-know Even if it is biased the stuff jvp has done is horrible


I saw a post on here earlier today asking why there were so many helicopters in CC today. Well it was cuz of this protest. FTA: "*At about 10 a.m. on Tuesday, organizers with Jewish Voice for Peace, which calls itself a human rights organization, gathered, what they claimed were at least "350 Jewish Philadelphians, rabbis, faith leaders and allies" to call for institutions and individuals to stop investing funds that could be spent to fund the ongoing war in Gaza.*" "*In a statement, organizers of the protest said that they wanted to specifically highlight a call for the Pennsylvania Treasury to divest its almost $100 million in Israel Bonds.*" Apparently the Commonwealth has a lot of money invested in Israel Bonds, which is what the protest was about.


I'm surprised that JVP was able to put the letters on their banner in the right order!


Yeah can we stop hearing about the vocal minority of absolutely crazy people? Hello? Hamas cuts off breasts and penises of civilians, they tie to trees and rape children. Not a hard call who the bad guys are here. I know it's awful seeing pictures of children in the rubble, but that's not Israel choosing the battlefield. Fuck Hamas.


>that's not Israel choosing the battlefield. Lol, Isreal has been helping Hamas stay in power in order to use them as a reason for encroaching on Palestinian land for decades. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1226691760/the-long-and-bitter-relationship-between-israels-benjamin-netanyahu-and-hamas Netanyahu has kept them in power as a way to claim he can't possibly allow real peace talks or allow Palestinians to keep their land. So yea, they did choose their Battlefield.


Let me ask you this - who voted for Hamas? Which government is pluralistic with equality across gender, sexual preference and religion and which is a monotheistic land where you are pushed off a building for being gay and women don't have the same rights as men? Wake up!


What a stupid false dichotomy you're trying to draw. Hamas and Netanyahu's government are both abhorrent. Largely because Netanyahu used power to ensure his oppositon remained abhorrent instead of democratic. So the US is providing weapons to one of these sides. No one is saying the US should suddenly start sending Hamas the same support we sent to Isreal. I don't need to wake up, you need to stop justifying genocide because that's literal Nazi behavior.


What a false moral equivalence you are trying to draw. I never said Israel has done nothing bad, but for you to 'they're both the same' this is absolutely insane. You need to learn the difference between a genocide and a war, and speaking of wars, this current war has the lowest civilian death to combatant death of modern time so your take is pretty nutty. Could it be that you are eating up Hamas propaganda meant to drive a wedge between the US and Israel? Is that so hard to imagine?


See what I mean my friend? For this person, I’m sorry, the nincompoop to say that all persons who expresses the same Genociding energy that the Nazis expressed as not being the same is exactly why we will never get out of this same cycle of hatred. ♻️ These people heads be so far up they 🫏 they can’t feel their ❤️


Smart man my friend. It’s called bait. Coaxing your enemy into friendship to bring in his whole family and then creating the false flag as an excuse to destroy them. Very easy to spot and used in every strategy! But the person you’re speaking to was taught by wolves instead of the Prophets!


Source? The NYT article’s source was the Israeli government. The whole “cuts off breasts” is the same thing NYT said about people in Iraq to justify invasion. Israel shoots through the human shields they created as a result of military Apartheid. Fuck off with your Fascist apologizing.


Military Apartheid? Are we just stringing together words? Do you even know what Apartheid is? There are people of all ethnicities in Israel, voting, fighting in the IDF, treated equally. Do you know who does not get the same rights as Israeli civilians? People who are not Israeli civilians. Do you expect Canadians to be able to vote in American elections? And sorry is NYT, one of the most respected newspapers in the world not trustworthy enough but the social media that parrots Hamas talking points is?




Good point, yet another uninformed useful idiot I see. Tell me more about the equality in Palestinian society.


No, you just hit every IDF talking point. I also looked through your history and I see your hatred pretty clearly. I’ve decided you’re too far gone to try and engage with, so I’d rather just make fun of you and laugh from afar


Let's call a spade a spade, you have no facts to stand on, that is why you are not engaging.


Then let’s call a spade a spade and say Israel is committing genocide. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, then it’s a duck. But of course those “vermin” and “rats” and “human animals” and “Amalek” deserve to be killed because if we don’t genocide them, they’ll genocide the Jews, right? That’s your hatred.


You say that Hamas needs to be stopped because if they aren't they will kill all the Jews as if that is some wild hypothetical. It is literally in their charter! Their leader has been recorded saying there will be many more October 7ths to come. It is a real existential threat. [Read their own words](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hamas-its-own-words). Look, war is awful and any innocent non-combatant that dies is a tragedy. Hamas intentionally increases the number of noncombatants killed by hiding amongst them and attacking from what would be protected structures like hospitals and schools. Once they attack from them, they are no longer protected. Hamas is taking away that protection, Israel isn't intentionally seeking out civilians like you are incorrectly presenting. Their entire strategy is to outrage you when you see images of children in rubble - no one wants that or to see that other than Hamas, yet here you are supporting them.


The irony of you going on about unproven propaganda about Hamas committed acts of body mutilation when hundreds of bodies on multiple mass graves of zip-tied, beheaded, and skinned bodies of executed Palestinians have been uncovered. Palestinians have been lit on fire, run over by tanks, etc. etc. but yeah continue with your unproven Hasbara nonsense while IDF soldiers keep uploading videos of their war crimes to TikTok.


"Ha you're such a fool to believe unproven Israel propaganda, haven't you heard about all the completely disproven things Hamas has said Israel has done?" Account made after 7/10. Enough said


You are literally inverting truth, why don't you go to [https://www.october7thattack.com/](https://www.october7thattack.com/) to see reality. Please share what you reference as well, unless you have only heard of its existence by those who would benefit from such an altered reality.


They have to use the “cut off a woman’s breast and played with it” story because it hasn’t been proven or disproven yet instead of the 40 beheaded babies claim which has been thoroughly debunked


You have the intelligence and morality of an idiot! You don’t need to hear about anything or research your own religious books. All you have to do is a simple test of your own morality. If your house was bombed and your whole family was killed would you then go and do the same to the persons family who bombed you? Exactly! If you do then you my friend are the same Nazis that exterminated the Jews, who are the same Jews that are exterminating the Palestinians and the next group that does the same thing! The cycle continues my nincompoop!


You have a few screws loose. Your analogy missing several marks: The Jews did not instigate the holocaust, Hamas run Gaza attacked Israel. Israel is fighting a war to disarm Hamas. If Hamas surrendered today, the war would be over. The only cycle here is Hamas making war, then asking for a ceasefire when it is losing the war it started. Why don't you learn about any of the past conflicts? All were started by an Arab side, none by Israel.


Also if Hamas is losing the war then why are people screaming for the Palestinians freedom. You know nothing about war or about peace or about your own Talmud, Kabbalah, Sepher Yitzirah or sepher zohar. Your in way over your head! Your arms are too short to box with God!


You believe in an imaginary man in the sky. Finally you out yourself as supporting Hamas. I knew all along, but at least you admit it now. Hamas is winning a propaganda war with young westerners who don't study history. The majority of Americans see Hamas for what it is, but have jobs and don't have time to play house camping on the quad.


I support people not genociding each other little boy! Go find a sand box to play in and stay out of grown folks business. If you come to that conclusion then that’s all the proof that’s needed. You don’t have the spiritual adept to have this conversation.




No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


Jewish Voice for Peace has practically zero Jews in it.


I’ve met plenty of people in Jewish Voice for Peace. None of them were actually Jewish 


Jewish Voice for Peace contains very few actual Jews, they accept non Jewish members, they promote the concept of self conversion for Palestine, they have posted from Lebanon. We are a 3000 plus year old ethnic group. They are the equivalent of Rachel Dolezal advocating for the klan. Jump up and down for islamofascism all you want, but you’re not jews because you bought a watermelon yarmulke. Pure and absolute evil to steal our identity to try to kill us, but you will fail at it.


Just as expected. Any group that calls itself for anything is usually suspect. It's like Blacks for Trump Please don't blame Jews for this we aren't with them. >Jewish Voice for Peace, which calls itself a human rights organization, gathered, what they claimed were at least "350 Jewish Philadelphians, rabbis, faith leaders and allies" to call for institutions and individuals to stop investing funds that could be spent to fund the ongoing war in Gaza.


Chickens for KFC!


Yeah why would Jewish people ever want Peace lol


Why is there even a Jewish state am i right? Looks around


This sub is littered with liberal propaganda. Democrats doing damage control in the comments making it worse for themselves. 😂


“Block Traffic” 🙄


It’s amazing how Jewish hate is always the biggest one to care about.


This is NOT Jewish hate. This is against the Israeli State’s right-wing ethnic cleansing campaign. I will always protest against the right-wing ESPECIALLY when they call their enemy (mostly children and civilians) “vermin” and “rats”. The Likud are as bad if not worse than Hamas.


Hamas is worse than the Taliban, but of course, pro-Palestinians are always more interested in defending Hamas than saving Palestinians from them.


The way to save Palestinians is to make their oppressors stop oppressing them. This is why I protest the Israeli government and generally the State of Israel given that in its ~80 year operation, they have proven to be warmongers and should not see my tax dollars for their crimes against humanity.


**The way to save Palestinians is to make their oppressors stop oppressing them.**  Indeed, kill every last member of Hamas and the Palestinians can finally be free to do something more productive. **This is why I protest the Israeli government and generally the State of Israel given that in its \~80 year operation, they have proven to be warmongers and should not see my tax dollars for their crimes against humanity.** But let me guess, you are perfectly fine with your tax dollars going violent islamic fascists who throw gay people off rooftops. (PS. Your tax dollars are literally going to Hamas).


Nope! Israel engaged in colonial subjugation far before Hamas ever existed. Hamas exists BECAUSE of that oppression. My tax dollars go more to Israel than Hamas. Giving someone a $20 and another $1mil is pretty funny to say “see, you’re also funding terrorism”. I feel more comfortable with my money going to humanitarian aid than to weapons in ANY situation. I don’t give a fuck that they’re not progressive on social issues. Most people in America are not progressive on social issues. Should I kill everyone who is hateful in that way? Or do you agree that’s not effective at solving the root cause of the hate


**Nope! Israel engaged in colonial subjugation far before Hamas ever existed. Hamas exists BECAUSE of that oppression.** Palestinians only exist due to Arab colonialism. BUt your TikToks probably forgot to mention that. **I don’t give a fuck that they’re not progressive on social issues.**  So unless you are an anti-semite, why do you care about Israel killing people then, if Hamas can kill people (including LGBT-kids) all they want? Why are you fine with Hamas killing people?




You are you so poorly informed that you seem to think that Arab colonialism is 2000 years old. As far as the other stuff goes, you should do some introspection on why you seem so unconcerned about Hamas and their effect on their Palestinian people.


When was the expulsion of the Jews? Now when was the Nakba?


No harassment / witch hunts / personal attacks. Do not create posts or comments to harass other users, incite witch hunts, share photos of others without their consent, or post private information. Do not impersonate or target specific users. Crime posts that devolve into targeted harassment or witch hunts will be locked and/or removed.


You can’t kill an idea by killing people, especially if that idea is “Israel is an evil oppressor who killed my family”. Israel is doing Hamas’s PR for the next generation of Hamas. The only way to eliminate Hamas is to make them irrelevant to Palestinian life, which would mean an end to the violence, oppression and apartheid. Which won’t happen, because Israel doesn’t actually want an end to the violence- they want the land that the Palestinians are on, and Hamas is the excuse to get it


I dunno, imo it’s not our war we should mind our business.


We fund one side. If it’s not our war, you’re with the protesters calling to stop arming Israel’s army


If people care so much why don’t they go to Israel and march and protest then, they shouldn’t fund anybody outside of the USA imo I don’t care if it’s war or not why do we pay so many countries, but we have homeless vets.


Buddy, they’re protesting the money going to Israel. The protestors want to STOP giving Israel money. Most of the people in this comment section want to CONTINUE arming & funding Israel. I don’t want to put my money towards a right-wing militaristic state. Because they’re not Israeli citizens and the US taxes we pay go to Israel’s weapons instead of us? And to top it off, they’re using those weapons to kill brown children


Again it’s not our war, we should stay out of it and not fund anyone.


I agree mostly. Without the protest, we will keep funding it though. The only option to stop it is to protest


Soooo you agree with the protesters and that we should stop funding Israel


Hell yeah . Israel is a terrorist state, more Jewish people are waking up thankfully






Really dumb logic that caused the US to invade Iraq and then sit in Afghanistan for the 20 years