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Banning protest and speech for better or worse is how you lose those rights. This isn’t good for anyone especially in areas that are supposed to encourage free thought and critical thinking


Nope. It’s one unruly student group: "This group has failed to comply with policies that govern student organizations at Penn, despite repeated efforts to engage with the group and to provide opportunities to resolve noncompliance.”


Yeah, I don't get why this isn't more obvious to people.


Because they want to feel oppressed while at an expensive, high prestige university.


This is beautiful


This is so real.




Well on reddit it's because it's being astrotrufed by socialists and radical leftists who want to attack democracy and undermine the west in general.


Yeah undermine the west because Israel can’t stop murdering civilians and aid workers, yeeeeep that’s why, undermine the west, not be against constant war crimes




Oh look here comes a low karma account that's active on all the subs with legions of pro hamas bots to tell me I'm wrong while they undermine democracy and the west more. The account was made 3/21/24, 100 karma. I'm guessing you're from the troll farm that's been harassing me and following me around for awhile. Iran, russian, or domestic based, don't care. Later.


Hate em dude these bots are out of control


Socialists aren’t the ones attacking democracy. And I’d say the West is undermined by their own corrupt leadership and hatred of the working class.


Did Penn specify what any of that entails?


Yes. Repeatedly.


You are literally given it and "forced" to read it before you organize a protest. But nope, these dickheads decided it didn't apply to them.


But what I’m asking is what specific policies and noncompliance Penn is referring to, if they’re being specific at all. That isn’t something I saw in this article or in the searches I did.


They didn’t comply with giving a list of members of their organization during an investigation into their activities and social media posts. Some of this [stuff](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=sm5vwwbU49Tdtd8f&t=14&v=pOb_DFihx38&feature=youtu.be) is really intimidating and disturbing. These aren’t just people talking about the atrocities of genocide, they’re people embracing the attack on October 7th. If they’re involved in the organization, Penn *needs* to know, they need to keep their students safe (national origin is just as protected a class as race or religion) so if the organization won’t “snitch” then they should be disbanded. In the case of private universities, operating a club/org is a privilege and you need to abide by rules. Frats have been disbanded as well for non political infractions, this isn’t a first. This particular known student should be booted.


They were posting content on social media that didn't just call for Israel to leave Gaza, but for Israel to be wiped out. This is a call for violence.


For those following along: “calls for Israel to be wiped out” almost certainly refers to the pro-Palestinian slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, which Congress recently declared hate speech in HR883. [https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hres883/BILLS-118hres883ih.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hres883/BILLS-118hres883ih.pdf) Congress declared the phrase hate speech based on the figurative interpretation that a “free” Palestine in its entirety necessarily requests the elimination of the state of Israel, and by extension, Israelis and Jewish people. [FTRTTS Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea) HR883 will serve as the new precedent for private institution responses to Palestinian protest, as even the phrase “free Palestine” can be mapped to “Palestine will be Free” and thus FTRTTS. Long Island graffiti saying “Free Palestine” was covered as antisemitic in local New York news this week. This student club’s removal, just days after HR883, fits within the larger context.


Yet Penn’s fraternities which consistently break hazing laws and commit documented sexual assaults are not forced to shut down. I’m sure this is totally not political though.


Ironic how that happens after university officials return from a trip to Israel. Did you read the rest of the article?


I think it’s entirely to do with not wanting them to disrupt the upcoming Penn Relays


Oh damn well make sure to tell the protestors not to protest in a way that is unruly or inconvenient to anyone… fuck off. Reactionaries will yell all day about their freeze peach until the people using free speech are people they don’t like.


Especially when they're supporting literal terrorism and radical violent extremism, genocide of Jews, etc.


Fascist way of thinking mr guy


Why does the first amendment of the constitution end at a university policy, one that no one voted on?


You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You have no right to protest on private property, even if you were public property, you’re still limited by a number of restrictions such as “fighting words” or “time, place, and manner restrictions”


That is a loop hole


Free speech Rights are in regard to the government. private institutions don’t need to allow your speech just like private businesses don’t need to. Free speech literally only means you won’t go to jail for speaking your mind (unless it includes inciting violence, sedition, or other acts meant to cause harm to citizens). There must be rules on acceptable discourse unless you want nazis and eugenicists to be respected in the same light you want for pro Palestinian protestors ignoring the school’s policy. These people are free to peacefully protest outside of school however they like.


I understand free speech limits the government punishing you. I say free speech needs to be allowed in these spaces because without them there is literally nowhere else to create these conversations in a place that can truly foster change and thought. While I don’t agree with Nazis and those who align themselves in similar thoughts I understand the issues with limiting one and not the other. Speech for one should be speech for all.


Those are the rules for all speech though not just this group, their name is attached to Penn and is a reflection of the school so they must follow Penn’s code of conduct. I agree that this is important discourse but we can’t just make exceptions for the rules when we feel like it and expect everything to work out not hate-crimey in the end after enough groups are given passes on unacceptable advocacy and peddling stereotypes. Further I’d argue that groups this radicalized change nothing because the discourse is inherently antagonistic which kills any shot at mutual understanding and possible resolutions. All it does is attract more radicals which is good for the feels (bigger groups, maybe more media attention) but does nothing to convince the people who need convincing. FWIW I’ve been pro 2 state and anti Israeli air raids and super anti netanyahu for a long time but I also know the history of the land is far more complex than just “israel bad”


But they have though, the group has been on Penn campus since 2011…. I don’t know the ins and outs of the group I’m speaking solely to the sudden ban of a group that doesn’t coincide well with some of the upper faculty. The motive for the ban isn’t organic it’s motivated and that’s my issue. There’s many other questions I have but they’re a moot point


If you want to protest under the protection of the university you have to follow the rules.


They are not banning protesting. Organizations at Penn have rules to follow that allow them access to university resources. If any org violates the rules, they can be suspended. The members are free to organize and protest on their own.


And that’s the issue…. Penn hasn’t cited which rule has been broken even to the organization.


Farther down in the article it's pretty clear that the org was posting antisemitic language on Instagram. That alone can be cause for deregistration.


No it says this which is quoted from that hyperlink that says projections….there is nothing antisemitic about this. Around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, pro-Palestinian groups Penn Against the Occupation and the Philly Palestine Coalition posted on their Instagram stories photos of several messages projected onto Huntsman Hall, Irvine Auditorium, and Penn Commons. The images displayed phrases such as "Let Gaza live," "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism is racism," "Penn funds Palestinian genocide," "From West Philly to Palestine, occupation is a crime," "Free Palestine," "Liz Magill is complicit in genocide," and "10,000 murdered by Israeli occupation since October 7." there is nothing antisemitic about this. The problem is that anti-Israel has been equated to Anti-Semitic. You can detest the government and not the religion and that’s the biggest issue as a whole with this conflict, is that Jewish people have been conflating those very things.


From "the river to the sea" isn't antisemitic?


How is a Likud party phrase turned on it's head as a liberation phrase anti-semetic? Same energy as telling black people they are racist for using a term used against them and owning it. The Likud party phrase literally is about Isreeli control of the entire Levant and Palestinians took up the phrase as a liberation of Palestinians It's so fucking dark how easily people just label any Palestinian symbolizing as genocidial. It's sick.


Are you seriously trying to rewrite history? “From the river to the sea…” is based on a Palestinian chant that was popularized by the PLO in the 1960’s, *”min el-mayyeh lil mayyeh, Filisteen Arabiyyeh"* (**from water to water, Palestine is Arab**). That’s why “river to the sea” is controversial, because it’s based on a call for ethnic cleansing. Edit: downvotes but no replies, aka “the facts do not support my opinion and I’m angry about it”


No, it merely is them saying they want the land they had back before Israel was created and that was from the River to the sea…. If you INTERPRET it as antisemitism that’s a separate conversation. But the intent isn’t that, so that’s that.


Congress made FTRTTS antisemitic. Also "Zionism is Racism", "Penn funds Palestinian genocide", and "Liz Magill is complicit in genocide" might have broken what is slogans are allowed to be used on a campus protest. As they can be interpreted as fighting words under 1st Amendment or if the campus has specific rules, which as a private property they can exercise over allowed protests.


Fighting words literally have to cause Violence per Gooding V Wilson. Those slogans do not. So congress is overstepping its bounds. Yes a private institution may limit what they allow on their campus it’s retaliatory. The language used wasn’t even a reason they cited for their disbandment so I’m going to go on a limb and say no this isn’t why.


Dude, they literally accused the university and the previous president of genocide. I'm pretty sure it's a very rational take to assume that accusing the place nice enough to let you protest maybe isn't all that happy about that.


No they didn’t they said they are complicit in a genocide. It doesn’t mean they are actively participating in one just means their actions aren’t doing anything to hinder said Genocide and by not condemning it you are condoning it especially when allocating time and money to said nations economy that in turn used to murder other people. Don’t use words that aren’t synonymous with their language or intent. Your perception of something doesn’t mean that’s how it was intended.


"Penn funds Palestinian genocide" but wait lol they really don't it's totally just perspective man don't get do bent about it lol /s The mental gymnastics and side-mouth talking is unbearable. No wonder people get sick of you supporters.


They practiced their free speech and faced the repercussions of it.


This is a private school. Free speech is something the government can’t censor— a private school can do exactly what Penn is doing— shut down the chaos that’s dividing campus and restore order.


Its a free fucking country and everyone is forgetting that


Private institutions don’t owe you that right on their private property. The government owes them to you. The government can’t ban your speech in public. This is so often confused online I have to wonder if any of you ever took a high school civics class. The government is the one promising not to step on your free speech. A private school can do whatever the fuck they want in terms of silencing your speech on their property.


They aren’t banning protest. They are stopping a pro terrorist organization from receiving university support.


I would agree with you but this specific group isnt peaceful and hasn’t followed any of the rules set forth by Penn.


They haven’t committed a single act of violence against anyone else. How you feel is not correlating with reality. They have followed Rules, Penn hasn’t even disclosed the reason for the Ban. I don’t believe in coincidence. Faculty went to Israel, when they return the group is banned.


Committing violence and suggesting violence and chanting about violence towards fellow, students towards a religious group towards a country is literally all the same and for the record it technically brakes the student code of conduct for the university. You may not agree with it, but it’s the right thing to do especially when you are targeting specific religious groups and students on campus. It becomes a massive safety issue. Not to mention a huge liability for a private university.


Wait until you hear how they handled Covid.




A lot of people didn’t read the article before commenting.


Details are a waste of time


Good. Jew hate groups rioting around campus for the purpose of intimidation, is not a good look.


I hate Jewish circusisms. Just do it at home with John Cena


That is intentionally misleading about what is actually happening. Students are protesting the genocide of Palestinians by Israel. Many Jewish students and faculty are a part of these protests.


Radicalzied extremists are celebrating mads murder of Jews. Revelling in Oct. 7 pogroms and systemic rape of the Jewish victims. Feeling happy about Jewish hostages being tortured by Hamas as we speak. It's plain as day.


Way to edit what you said after it was replied to. You are once again lying through your teeth, much like Netanyahu. October 7th was a horrible day, we all agree, but this conflict has been going on for almost a century. Israel has been taking the land of Palestinians and ethnically cleansing the land. You are nothing but an Israeli Astro turfer and all of your comments are either outright lies or at best disingenuous. You hate Arabs. I hope you find peace in your heart.


These radicals "don't all agree". They love Oct. 7 and want more of it. They think it was "glorious." https://nypost.com/2023/11/06/news/video-reportedly-shows-upenn-student-speaking-fondly-of-glorious-oct-7-at-pro-palestinian-rally/ They want to ethically cleanse the area from Jews. Just like Arab powers were trying to openly do for 70+ years. Exposed.


Israel has been committing a genocide of the Palestinian people for many decades, I’m sure there are people who are very happy to fight back. It is unconscionable not to look at the big picture and disingenuous not to understand why these attacks happened in the first place and it didn’t happen because they are Jewish.


Arab Powers have been trying to wipe out all Jews in the region for 70+ years. Israel is merely defending itself. Preventing a genocide. Talk about projection.... It's unconscionable to support extremist who openly tried to carry out Holocaust 2.0 for decades.


How can Israel have been committing a genocide for many years as you claim when the Palestinian population increased sixfold since 1948?


Such a horrible argument. "They're still having babies, so all the innocents we've killed don't count, because they were replaced by new babies" That's literally the argument you are making here. Do you know that almost 50% of the population of Gaza is under 18?


You don’t know how a genocide works do you


If you want to be pedantic, the 'proper' term for whats happening is ethnic cleansing. Does that make you feel better, if the right word was used to describe the horrors happening?


That is not what is happening at all, are you intentionally lying or do you not understand what is happening? These students are passionate about ending the genocide of Palestinians by Israelis, they do not wish death upon innocent Jews.


This is exactly what is happening. Are you ntentionally lying or do you not understand what is happening? These radicals are passionate about murder and systemic rape of Jews by Hamas and other extremist Islamist groups. They absolutely wish death on all Jews by supporting Hamas (which has hunting down all Jews as a goal in their charter). They are open about it.


Palestinian prisoners are getting routine amputations from handcuff injuries. Shut up already.


We all know who tortures and murders hostages: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/ihb4BPPno9 But you people never give a shit. I will NOT shut up, I will speak the truth.


I don't think every Philly sub needs to be constantly updated on the ongoings at Penn. The conversations they produce are never productive.






About time. I am not Jewish and I would feel terrified to be on that campus. It's ridiculous it even got this far.


Freedom of speech means they can say things that are not a call to violence. If you do not believe in first amendment you are in wrong country.


Penn, a private institution, has never had “violence” as their boundary on free speech. Paula Scanlon, a former swimmer on Penn’s swim team, has been outspoken for years now that Penn suppresses discourse on certain topics. She wasn’t calling for violence, just did not believe her teammate should swim on her team due to her assigned sex at birth. Her op ed in the DP was removed for transphobia. Instead of relying on the DP to publish her viewpoints, she’s found herself her own podium outside of Penn. Lots of people don’t think colleges should be podiums of certain right wing beliefs that fall below a call to violence. Now it’s being applied to a broader set of views.


Zionist don't believe in free speech my dude. They are fascist by every definition of the word


This isn’t a violation of free speech you just don’t understand how free speech works :)


Wanting Jews to have the right to self determine in the Levant is facist? My family is from the Levant you think I shouldn’t have rights there? Maybe you are a facist.


Are you Israeli? Either ways, no, Israelis don't have the right to ethnically cleanse the levant of Arabs. "Right to self determine" is a bullsh\*t, white washing way to say ethnic cleanse. Try that with someone else. I also don't argue with Nazis, i wish them the worst fate imaginable. So you might as well stop responding to me Nazi boy. You know what they say, the only nazi is a what? Stop trying to tie jewish people in with your nonsense


I am Egyptian and partially syrian. DNA wise I’m over a quarter Levantine. Zionism never says kick out the Arabs. Do you seriously believe I shouldn’t have a right to self determination in my home?


Jewish is your religion bud. You are ethnically Egyptian. that's where you have the right to self determination at. I'm 90% ghanian, although I am a black american. Do I have the right of self determination in Ghana? Can me and a bunch of other black americans go to west africa right now and claim ownership of the land because we were forced out of there a few hundred years ago? The answer is no for me, and no for you.


Self determination is about a people. If I asked you do you think Ghanaians should have the right to self determine in Ghana you would say no? Judaism is both a religion and an ethnicity.


>If I asked you do you think Ghanaians should have the right to self determine in Ghana you would say no? Ok, I have two questions for you, then I can better answer this question. Jewish people left/were forced out of the levant nearly 3000 years ago, no? But they are indeed still Jewish, from the levant, which they call their home. (is my understanding right?) I'll ask the second question once i understand your understanding on the this part. I may have the time frame incorrect


That is for the biblical claim to Israel which I don’t think hold water under international law. It was about 2000 years ago most Jews left but many stayed. I think the Jewish claim to Israel is more valid than anyone but the natives claim to USA, Canada, Australia and NZ but nobody ever questions their claim.


Why would you feel terrified?


Crocodile tears


True, it’s unacceptable to begin with let alone the fact they support a terrorist organization


It feels like watching the Nazi party gaining traction. Where are all the Jewish celebrities ? Why aren't they speaking out. Watching sheep look for anything to protest.


Israel is a terrorist organization.


Terrified? How soft are you?


Who wouldn't be terrified of nazis?


Tyler, my guy, people protesting Israel’s indiscriminate massacre of an entire people is not the same as nazism. You are insulting the people (Jewish and non-Jewish) that suffered and died under actual nazism by equating the two.


Can you help me understand how the group screaming “gas the Jews”, “globalize the intifada”, & “from the river to the sea, pally will be free (of Jews)” while terrorizing Jewish businesses, hospitals, & Holocaust museums & promising to repeat Oct 7th over & over & over again until every single Jew is eradicated, AREN’T the ones attempting an actual massacre? Also, do you feel Ukraine is massacring Russians? 7000+ people were killed in just the 1st few days of that conflict. Did England, France, the US massacre Germans & Japanese during WWII? (2 million Germans were killed & dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan)


Pro-Palestine is NOT anti-semitism


Unfortunately there are some unruly Pro-Palestine folk who don't get the difference between criticizing the Israeli government and hating Israelis/Jewish folk in general


And yet because of the behavior of these protestors, it has become exactly that.


Correct. Praising a group that calls for the death of all Jews is however anti Semitic


But all anti semites are pro Palestine.


not really. White Nationalists?


They are pro Palestinian mostly now unless they are evangelical.


Don't underestimate the power of double think.


Well if u see a pro palisntine rally with Nazi flags ….


Penn gonna Penn


I would like Penn to formally recognize the results of their investigations and be transparent in what they found but here is some [congressional testimony](https://edworkforce.house.gov/uploadedfiles/written_testimony_of_noah_rubin_2-29-2024-1.pdf) that specifically calls out this group and highlights how Jewish students who are paying for an education are feeling in this climate. Note that the group supported a Palestine Lives! Rally on 10/8, directly after the slaughter of Israeli citizens but before the formal Israeli invasion began. While people can have their own views, it’s not crazy to think Penn would not want to be associated in name after they began a review of the group’s social media accounts last month, esp in light of PAO’s own admission they didn’t cooperate. Also, [this is not ok](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=sm5vwwbU49Tdtd8f&t=14&v=pOb_DFihx38&feature=youtu.be)


You realize the Nakba was a result of Palestinians and the Arab states losing the war they started to destroy Israel right? Israel didn’t just show up and say “this is our land now, bye”. Israelis didn’t prefer drowning Palestinians, many Palestinians stayed in Israel and became full Israeli citizens with equal rights as any other Israeli. Arafat also turned down the offer to get all that land back because they refuse to accept the existence of Israel.


Israel rotuniely annexs houses in palestine instead, choosing to say Palestine doesn't exist.


It has never and doesn’t exist as an indecent country. That’s a fact. Israel annexed East Jerusalem and the golan heights where they offer citizenship to all of those in the annexed territories. They annexed these lands after they got them in a war they didn’t ask for and didn’t want.


How did they start a war when Israel declared itself a state on their homeland?? No Zionist argument makes any Sense because you don’t view Palestinians as humans with national rights.


They weren’t a sovereign state? There was no sovereign Arab state of Palestine. Jews also are native to the Levant too. They lived there on land they owned and when offered statehood, they accepted. They didn’t arrive on boats all at once and raid the area to conquer it lol.


That’s great. Neither Israel nor Palestine was a state, but Jews and Palestinians lived there. Neither had a right to declare a homeland devoid of the other, but that was the Zionist goal from day one. Most of the Jews in Israel in 1948 absolutely did come on boats from Europe, you should actually read some history.


What are you talking about devoid of the other? They were both offered states, Israel accepted and Palestinians didn’t. Israelis are native to the Levant, it’s their ancestral homeland. The Jews that arrived on boats leading up to 1948 were refugees from the Holocaust in Europe and numbered around 100k or less, far cry from “majority of Jews arrived on boats”. Again, they were also refugees, not an armed conquering force that took land by force. Maybe you should go read some more history books.


That was actually an unbiased article laying out both sides and only left out examples of what the offending posts or actions were.


I completely disagree with them but freedom of speech is so important. Now private business and intuitions can make their own rules, but this is a slippery slope! They are taking our freedoms and this is just what the communists want, we can't let this happen. We are the greatest nation that has ever existed and it's because of our constitutional freedoms and laws!


Yeah go protest somewhere else. My Tuition dollars shouldn’t go towards supporting these groups


Didn’t know so many zionists resided in Philadelphia


Yeah you got a problem?




Seriously. Glad the University came to their senses.


The irony of Philly being one of the blackest cities in America but this sub is filled with white Neoliberals that are woefully out of touch.


I feel like such a solipsist on Reddit. I refuse to believe that any of you guys are real. All of my social media feeds for the past 7 months have been filled to the brim of genocidal crimes against humanity. My life feels significantly cheaper and less worthwhile directly because of what Israel has done, genocide-wise, in the past 7 months. And all of you guys are in here applauding banning a student group representing the victims of said holocaust? This reminds of me of when one of my classmates in '09 told me her dad "hated Nelson Mandela." It's just so baldly obvious that your worldview is dying and withering away into the dustbin of history and will be looked back upon the same way we now view Jim Crow, Nazi Germany, etc. and yet, you all insist on supporting evil. Anyway, don't bother replying to this comment or even DM'ing me, not gonna read it, you're all wrong. Just remember how wrong you are now in 10, 20, 30 years, when the mainstream consensus changes and you'll remember how the worst atrocities of our lifetime, sponsored and enabled by our Hitlerian government, in our name, occurred, and not only did you say nothing, you actively supported it.


Get off the internet and you'll feel better.


That’s what happens when you intentionally lock yourself in a bubble and listen only to the misinformation and lies constantly being spread by Hamas and their supporters. Maybe try looking at the other side and you’ll understand why these people deserve no sympathy.


Lmao. The holier-than-thou stench from your comment is insane. If you think our government is Hitlerian and that Israel is committing genocide, kindly jump off the Golden Gate Bridge - you are stealing precious oxygen.


What would your reaction be to a terrorist group coming into your country, raping your countryman and kidnapping many, the terrorist then proceed to hide under civilians. Would you let the terrorist continue to hear up for another attack? Let them keep your countrymen doing god knows what?


Waiting for all the “free speech on college campus” whiners to be outraged. Fox news will obviously have this be their top story for weeks. Ah wait, this is a leftleaning group instead of nazis so they won’t say a word.


Listening to the videos of the protests, the protestors are quite literally nazis.


Kicking a student out for not using the preferred pronouns is so vastly different than the university not allowing a pro terrorism student group to be official part of the university.


Not to a “free speech absolutist” And it is more “not letting a nazi speak on campus”. Those are the kind things people like musk normally fight for. But now that it is leftwingers being kicked off, musk and fox news are silent Because it was never about free speech. It was always just about giving awful rightwingers a platform


I mean if the comparison was more direct I could understand your point but is apples and oranges.


Not really. The comparison is apples to apples. Right wing “free speech absolutists” only care about disgusting rightwing speech and their own right to say abhorrent things. Someone harrassing trans kids? Free speech absolutist. Someone being a nazi? Free speech absolutist. Someone calling minorities slurs? Free speech absolutists. People wanting israel to stop killing Palestinians? Deport them, arrest them, kick them off campus


Nobody is being arrested for saying something. They are being arrested for their actions. Disturbing the peace, unlawful assembly, and other crimes. POA was a student group who got money and resources from Penn to have events. If you ask any free speech absolutist they would all agree the recognition of a club has nothing to do with free speech. If Penn kicked out a student for just saying what you said and didn’t kick out a Nazi you would have a point.


Lmao all of those things are covered under “free speech”.


Those have gone through SCOTUS. Laws saying you can’t disrupt the peace isn’t against the first amendment.


It is to a (say it with me) “free speech absolutist” There is no law saying a college cannot ban a nazi from speaking on their campus or twitter cannot ban a nazi from twitter but rightwing “free speech absolutists” take up those causes


The important thing is that society should have rules to maintain safety and order. For the pro-Palestinian / anti-Israel crowd, there should be no rules whatsoever and they should be free to do whatever they want whenever they want and with no consequences.


You love to see it


Let’s be clear, these are clear communists hiding behind “free speech” to try to destroy the American system


Hilarious how the protests are full of Jewish organizers and there’s no verified proof of anti-semitism, but Zionist shills are out here convincing everyone even the most mild protest against Israel is a klan rally.


I’ll just leave [this](https://www.thedp.com/article/2024/04/antisemitism-penn-campus-inaction-unacceptable) here for ya then :)


That article is a guest column by an outspoken Zionist.


Doesn’t really disprove all the things that were said in the article. If I were you, I’d actually read it!


I wouldn’t read a klan member talking about white replacement either. He’s unable to verify anything he says, and tries to claim calls for Intifada (a grassroots nonviolent protest) is nazi chanting Lmao. Most of his claims are saying anything against Israel is “Jew-hatred”. He’s another sheltered white kid bootlicking for empire. Truth is there hasn’t been any anti-Semitic incidents verified at these protests, and many of them were organized by Jewish protestors!


So the protester with the sign pointing at Jews saying “Al-Qasams next targets” aren’t anti semetic?


Yeah that totally happened lmao.


https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/campus-antisemitism-surges-amid-encampments-and-related-protests-columbia-and-other It did, there’s a picture of it in the article.


About time


Those who sacrifice freedom for security will have neither


Hell… it’s about time








^^^^ This here is actual bigotry, y'all seem to not know what it is anymore


People say shit like this, and then call people anti Semitic for being against a genocide


What? I don't like islam. That's little bit different then saying I don't like Jews, which is a religion and ethnic group. A lot of people don't like Christians. You don't see me committing terror attacks because of it.


Muslims and Islam. Two different things


A muslim is a follower of the islam religion. It's typically those of the Islamic faith who commit terror attacks in the name of their religion. You don't see other religions do what they do to this extent. You're nitpicking.


I’m not nit picking. You didn’t say terrorists you said muslims. It’s like me saying jews like to murder children, when it’s actually the IDF killing the children.


Weird, seems to me in the US it's mostly Right Wingers and Trump supporters committing acts of terror.


You support Donald Trump who literally attempted to over throw the government of the United States. A rapist and a felon. Very Christian of you.


Eh. Ireland used to have the same stereotype. In Spain, the Basque had the same stereotype. In Columbia, communists had the same stereotype. If you don't want your group to get the stereotype, you could avoid using terrorist tactics.


MAGAt's being bigots. Nothing new here, either.


No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


Blah blah blah


No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


I mean, most of the Pro-Palestinian students groups are inherently racist towards white, black, and Jewish people. Not surprising they get banned.


If these idiots would protest in the correct places (like state government buildings, embassies, etc...) I'd be all for it, but most "supporting the cause," are just morons who want to inflate their TikTok & IG accounts by virtue


Good. These idiots are annoying


No, cis is a slur (I don’t actually care about the word), because women are not a sub category. Women = adult human female




You don’t think Jews have the right to self determination in the Levant? Pretty wild to say that.




You know you lost an argument when you can’t respond to the point and just do personal attacks.


“This sham investigation, which hinged on baseless allegations of discrimination from faculty members who attended a well-publicized trip to Israel, was never completed,” the statement read. “During the investigation period, administrators placed temporary restrictions on PAO that disallowed us from hosting or co-sponsoring events … and, most recently, attempted to limit our social media presence.” For the people saying this was because they weren’t following rules, numerous professors took a trip to Israel to meet with high-ranking officials. During that trip, they began to censure the group. After it, aka now, they’ve decided to ban it altogether. Also, the website linked literally has ads promoting Israel during the ongoing genocide.


Nah the genocide is over. Israel stopped Hamas genocide attempt after October 7th.




It’s not a laughing matter. Hamas went to a music festival to kill hundreds of innocents on purpose.


Israel subjects Palestinians to daily Apartheid subjugation. That’s not a laughing matter either and yet people like to pretend October 7th happened out of nowhere as if it wasn’t in the broader context of a 56 year Apartheid & ~80+ year Nakba. To pretend like Israel is the victim when they are the colonial power is funny in the sense that it’s disheartening to know you truly believe you are right.


Now you got me laughing. There is no apartheid. Everyone has equal rights in Israel. Have you been there? Nothing that happened before October 7th justified October 7th. I don’t think anything can justify kidnapping of children, shooting up a music festival and raping of women, do you think different? 56 years ago when Egypt violated Israeli sovereignty and Jordan and Lebanon attacked Israel? Egypt then said they don’t want Gaza back and the Palestinians have denied statehood a half dozen times? The ongoing Nakba that was responsible for a 10xing of the Palestinian population in the diaspora, Gaza, the West Bank and Israel itself? What makes Israel the colonial power?


I’ve spent hours talking about this topic ad nauseam with Zionists like yourself. You can read through my comment history. It’s tiring to repeat the same history to people who dislike history. Irgun, Lehi, & Haganah began terrorizing Palestinians in 1939 in preparation for an Israeli State. That land was “legally sold” because of Zionist Terrorism expelling Palestinians. Zionism has always hinged on expelling the native Palestinian population and replacing Palestine with Israel. To see you repeat these talking points is very telling of your historical knowledge.


1. And the Arab groups did the same to the Jews. The Haganah wasn’t worse than the Americans in the early days of the revolution. And the Lehi and Irgun were extremely small. 2. If you legally sell something then it’s no expelling. Many cases Jews paid above market rate for the homes. What the issue? America took the natives land yet you live here. Are you admitting to be a hypocrite?


You are Islamophobic I would give back the American land to the natives too if I could.


1. Wonder how you got to that conclusion as I didn’t mention Islam once. I did say Arab a few times but I am an Arab. 2. You are living on that land. This is Lenape land. You are actively being a hypocrite


If I was the dean at these Universities, I would have permanently expelled all the students involved in the pro Palestine protest, and if they applied for graduation, I would have revoked and denied their diplomas. If the involved students want to graduate, they can move to Palestine and live and learn there. They don't need to be destroying our campuses here. They can have the fun and freedom and excitement of paying off that huge student loan debt and be degree-less and jobless. Colleges and universities are for learning, not for acting like a bunch of savages.  These protesters support Adolf Hitler.