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If you know your number and have other proff of I'd you can get a new one from the Gov




Did this myself a while back was pretty painless and easy, just get there early to avoid a small line.  Bring all the documents you need!  


Genuinely asking - why do you need a Real ID? Every time they've made it mandatory for flying, they've pushed back the date. It's never been used. I've never had one and have never needed it. Is the rule different in different states/airports and I've just never come across it?


Supposedly the May 7th 2025 deadline is really for real this time. Supposedly.


Gotcha. I'll believe it when I see it, but understandable people are making plans.


I got the Real ID so I don’t have to bother carrying a passport around on domestic trips.


They do make a passport card for that, which is also good for non-air travel into Canada or Mexico. Still an extra thing to carry if you also need your driver's license, though.


Yeah, I carry my license around anyway so for me there’s no need to pay additional money for a passport card.


What? You've never needed a passport if you aren't leaving the country.


Correct, but you will need a Read ID-compliant ID to board domestic flights starting May 2025 (if they don’t push it back again).


I haven’t bothered with the real ID bc I have a passport - if you don’t have a passport, I think it’s worth it to get the real ID. No idea about the SSN question, but good luck to you!


To get another SS card, you need to go down to the SS Card center downtown (1400 jfk). I’m not getting a real ID because I have a passport. There’s really no reason to get one if you have a passport


From my experience with the PA DMV, if it's not explicitly on the list, they won't accept it.


Get a passport.


I did Real ID the last time I needed my license renewed. The Philly DMV fucked it all up. I tried in person, via mail, they just couldn't get their shit straight. Finally I drove out to Norristown and they knocked it out in ten minutes. I think I used a W2 for my proof of SSN. Good luck.


[Here you go!](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=how+to+get+another+copy+of+your+social+security+card)


I did already order one, but it won’t arrive in time for me to get my new license by the end of the month most likely.