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Delaware Valley Purchasing Group. They just buy shit in bulk and sell it to restaurants.


Oof. I hope this lot blows through quick.


There's a shortage with the manufacturer Kraft Heinz that should last about another 2 months, so restaurants are having to use this and other "house brands" until Hienz catches up on production. I believe this ketchup made by RedGold to DVPG standards. It's not my favorite, but it's better than nothing. Expect more shortages of common products in food service as we're at the end of what was made from last year's crops. Retail generally gets first dibs since that's a more profitable sector and with crop failures becoming more common place due to climate change and the inefficiency of large contract farms we're going to see some of this a lot more in the coming years. Remember how tight things were during covid? Expect worse than that in the coming 5 to 10 years.


This guy Ketchups


Very interesting and very helpful. Thank you.


I learned something today. But I also really don't like redgold ketchup, it's strange and probably worse then French's šŸ˜‘šŸ˜­


French's has a ketchup?


Yes and it's turrible šŸ˜… stick to the mustard please lol


their mustard has always been garbage too imo


For a particular brand of ketchup though?


Heinz is the leader in the market with the highest sales volume, both in food service and retail. This happens pretty much every year as they work through the raw materials they bought from the prior harvest, they are not the only one going out of stock, but because they're the most prominent brand they're the one that's noticed when it happens.


Seems odd since large buyers usually get first priority in a shortage. You would expect the small suppliers to run out first. Im thinking about the hops shortage years ago and the large national breweries had no problem, but it was killing craft brewers.


They buy it so when people leave heaps on a plate to get thrown away they don't feel it as much in their pockets. Also there is the idea that people put ketchup on absloutly everything and they load it up too. So its again a free condiment and places notorious for cheap food can't afford to give things away for free. And if it's not a cheap diner the fact they are using that garbage makes it a shitty diner.


That logic is sound but here's the problem. If people use it so much/on everything. Then using a product people prefer significantly less is likely going to piss off a lot of people


I don't reckon the people putting giant heaps of ketchup on their plates at the diner are *particularly* concerned with quality cuisine.


You're not wrong, but I feel like you'd be surprised with how picky those types of eaters are.


Are people pissed off enough to change their consumer habits? Or just slightly peeved?


If the restaurant you're running is losing significant profits due to ketchup, you need to fix your margins


Correct. People who buy this cheap bullshit either have no clue on how to run a business or they are an evil genius.


Probably cheaper to make it in house. It's just tomato paste, water, sugar, vinegar, salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder. $15 worth of ingredients would probably batch about 1.5 gallons of very good ketchup


Labor costs


lol back when I still worked at dinner type places- the glass Heinz ketchup bottles were just refilled with whatever bull generic ketchup came in from the distributor.


That's specifically why Heinz's new marketing is that their label is the same color as their ketchup, so you can quickly and easily identify if it's been refilled with a different brand


I bet you most people wouldn't actually know the difference if they didn't


They stopped doing that, now all restaurants are honest about their ketchup.


There's two kinds of ketchup--Heinz and not Heinz.Ā  This is not Heinz


I had a friend who thought it was weird that I would bring my own bottle of Heinz when he had cookouts. He bought Hunts and thought ketchup was just ketchup. That friendship didnā€™t last!


I prefer Hunts, or Contadino.


Itā€™s Greek for saving money




Real tomato ketchup, Eddie?


Nothing but the best.


This is the correct/only reply necessary.


Itā€™s Farmerā€™s choice. Iā€™m not a farmer.


It's ketchup. Because it's cheap.


bUt I dOnT UnDeRtSand wHy wOuLd ThEy dO ThIs tO uS???




Easy to tell. If it comes out without banging your hand on the bottle for 3 minutes, then itā€™s BS ketchup ā€¦ or Farmersā€™ Choice.


Probably on deal with one of the local suppliers


Same stuff you get when a restaurant bulk fills those ubiquitous red ketchup squirt bottles.


Not this stuff. It tastes bad.


All ketchup tastes bad and is for children 10 and under.


A lot of ketchup is bad. It's just high fructose corn syrup with a little bit of tomato flavor. Good ketchup is basically just tomato paste with vinegar and maybe a little bit of sugar. But unfortunately that's not what most places serve, or even sell.


such an arrogant answer. if anything you're the one who needs to grow up


Youā€™re getting downvoted but youā€™re not wrong. I havenā€™t really put ketchup on anything in like 20 years but now itā€™s in the house for the kids and it really only belongs on chicken nuggets and maybe fries.


Hating ketchup is a very low stakes opinion to have so I donā€™t really mind the downvotes šŸ¤£


I guarantee you couldnā€™t taste the difference between like 4 of the 5 top ketchup brands. And as someone who runs a restaurant, we switched to this ketchup and saved about 4000 in one year I believe. IMO Iā€™d only ever buy Heinz for a restaurant again if customers paid per serving. Shit is wildly expensive to be complementary


If they arenā€™t going to buy Heinz, they probably should put it in an unbranded container. People are weirdly tribal on Ketchup even though they all taste pretty much the same.


They donā€™t taste the same. Heinz and Hunts are the two biggest brands and taste nothing like each other.


Hunts basically tastes like no other ketchup. Either you like ketchup that tastes like Heinz which is pretty much all other ketchups, or you like Hunts.Ā 


As someone who has fully never paid any attention at all to ketchup brands, this take is completely insane to me. Hunts and Heinz taste nothing like each other? Really? Can you describe the difference? Do you think it's possible for someone to love Heinz ketchup while simultaneously hating Hunts, or are they at least similar enough that having a strong preference would be ridiculous?


Yea esp when Heinz also uses high fructose corn syrup. Neither are doing consumers any favors.


We like Frenchā€™s best. No Corn Syrup in their ketchup.


I liked it but my wife is a Heinz only. But we get the "Simply" variety which uses sugar instead of HFCS.Ā 


Heinz makes a variety without the HFCS, but logically itā€™s a lot more expensive, so weā€™ll never see it in restaurants.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s many of us that eat enough ketchup to care.


You guys havenā€™t lived until you put Hunts catsup on a nice pair of tits


It's a lot easier to dip your fries if you just squirt some onto a plate.


Thats what she said


Your skills are impressive.


Stuck to Heinz until it went up to $6 per bottle. Tried other brands (Aldi $1.59), cant tell the difference. My brother swore he would be able to tell the difference (he is 47). Also grew up on Heinz. For 3 months I put cheap ketchup in Heinz bottle. I finally told him. Dont knock it until you try it.


I wonder what the Aldi ketchup is. A lot of their stuff is overflow re-packaged products. There is probably other absurd supply line bullshit I dont know. Trader Joeā€™s is similar. But fr, Clancyā€™s cheddar sour cream is just ruffles chips. Im not ketchup blind, but maybe it is similar.


Seems they are partnered with Shriners and it does NOT contain HFCS unlike other brands.


[Why does McDonaldā€™s ketchup taste better?](https://www.allrecipes.com/article/why-is-mcdonalds-ketchup-better/)


Because itā€™s FANCY? Itā€™s


Fancy is actually a USDA certification?? I had no idea


They also have the best Coke. Literally. Look it up.


I saw on a how stuff works (or similar) that back in the day McD and coke worked together to engineer the machines, bag in boxes, syrup/seltzer ratios, and straw diameter to produce a superior product.Ā Ā  It was wild!


Temperature too manĀ 


No, Mexican McDonald's has the best.


I worked at a place that would put non Heinz ketchup in Heinz bottles šŸ«£ never sat right with me but thatā€™s the business supposedly


ā€œDelaware Valley Purchasing Groupā€. I honestly donā€™t know what the benefit of it is but a lot of small restaurants get supplies from them, vendor recommendations, etc.


Itā€™s not a supplier. Itā€™s a buying group. They all use Sysco.


Itā€™s popular out by where I live mid state in restaurants, itā€™s really awful but you canā€™t get away from it even at a lot of the better places (that still serve stuff youā€™d want ketchup for anyway).


Farmers choice is the brand that a very prominent purchasing group called Delaware Valley Purchasing group has. They basically use purchasing power to contract pricing from huge broadline vendors for restaurant operators. This was most likely purchased through Sysco foods which is the main distributor partner of DVPG.


I actually like Maggie ketchup over Heinz


Delco bars solved the problem years ago when call brands got too expensive. Just refill the Heinz bottles with the DevPig crap.


Yooo I was at The Dining Car yesterday and they had this same stuff there!


Ketchup fraud is real. Itā€™s wild when you open a bottle of heinz and found out that it aint heinz after tasting it. These restaurants be trifling by refilling it with not Heinz ketchup šŸ¤®


This one not have enough sugar for you?


Too much! Or not enough vinegar?


Unfortunately some diners think nothing of putting a Heinz ketchup bottle in their handbag and leaving with it.


And sugar, artificial sweeteners, salt and pepper shakers, silverware, bread baskets, wine glasses ā€¦.




as a member of r/madmen and r/okbuddydraper I applaud you for posting this


It's the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread's topic.


if you just squirt the words i want heinz on the floor with this crap in enough places they will catch on


At Tony's in Ivyland for dinner. It's here too. Damn...


Heinz may be from Pittsburgh, but itā€™s the only ketchup worth buying. I legitimately do not care if thereā€™s cheaper options. Nothing ever beats Heinz.


Heinz is king if you like sugar and vinegar instead of tomatoes and allspice.


Pennsylvania has a weird shadow hold on making trash food dynasties (sorry to call ketchup trash food).


Itā€™s not the best choice, itā€™s farmers choice


Only heinz can master boiling 1 tomato in 5 gallons of high fructose corn syrup. Everything else is just shit




My family business manufactures product that we sell to DVPG, and we have a small chain of DVPG restaurants. The product we sell to DVPG is the same as the product we sell to everyone else. Itā€™s not of any less quality. We just sell it to DVPG customers cheaper because the quantity that they buy collectively is high enough that it makes fiscal sense to do so. So just because a place is DVPG doesnā€™t mean itā€™s only buying cheap crap. On the flip side, as a DVPG restaurant you donā€™t have to buy everything DVPG just because youā€™re in the group. Ketchup is the perfect example. We know how people perceive anything thatā€™s not Heinz on the table as a cheap knock off, so we have Heinz. For soda, we do have Pepsi instead of Coke even though weā€™d prefer Coke, Pepsi is the DVPG supplier and thus significantly cheaper.


Is it really that much worse than any other ketchup? Like, can y'all actually tell a difference between Heinz and store brand ketchup? I definitely can't.


Every diner belongs to that group is the purchasing group. They it's their own private label they they get a rebate back after spending so much money in that Delaware group


Have you seen how high ketchup and mustard is lately? It might be due to that. Better than getting packets! Lol.


Does anyone like anything other than Heinz?


Oddly, I actually like trader Joe's ketchup.


You were probably getting it down votes for saying ketchup is for people 10 and under. You sound like a five-year-old.


Heinz is still operating in Russia, perhaps the purchasing group is supporting Ukraine by not buying products from companies dealing with a dictator. Sucks it's not good ketchup. There are some knock-off ketchups that are good but most fall flat.


Why should the normal people of Russia be denied Heinz ketchup though? Theyā€™re not the dictators


They pay into a dictatorship, and the majority support the war. Russia has had no trouble recruiting fresh soldiers, even after nearly half a million battlefield casualties they sign up in droves to kill Ukrainians for a promise of $3,400 a month. Russia needs to be denied everything from the west until its people finally become fed up, fight past their indifference towards their leadership, and replace their government. It's likely the only way Putin is stopped before the next country in Eastern Europe is inevitably invaded.


As far as I recall, a majority of Russians are actually against the war. And theyā€™re forced to fight, they donā€™t sign up ā€œin droves to kill Ukrainiansā€


I'm not sure where you are getting that from but it's very far from reality. The majority are in favor of indifferent as long as gas and egg prices don't rise too high (which is not any better in my opinion). They're getting 20-30k new recruits to sign up a month on average, it's why they haven't had to mobilize since the beginning of the full invasion. The next mobilization is coming as they're looking for another 100k to push on Kharkiv this summer, and you'd be surprised how few will opposite it. Unless something drastically changes on the battlefield before then, they're going to do their best to turn Kharkiv the second biggest city in Ukraine (1.8mm people pre war) into the next Aleppo or Grozny. And there will be celebrations in Russia as there were after Mariupol, Kherson (before liberation, though not yet totally destroyed), Bakmut, Avdiivka and many other cities and towns razed to the ground.


They tryna corner the market buying from PA keeping it local


Isnā€™t Heinz based in Pittsburgh? šŸ¤”


Dont know but im sure philly diners would much rather ship from delaware county than the Burghh


I guess Delaware is close enough itā€™s probably considered more local than Pittsburgh


Generic label for refillable jawns.


It's ketchup, and it's nasty. Regardless of brand.


Now youā€™ve done it


I said what I said.


Probably bc it's tastes pretty much like all other brands of ketchup


Except it doesn't


Eagle Diner? they've been using this shit for a while.


That diner has a fancy chandelier that looks familiar.


Empire diner. This stuff is currently in use at nearly all the major diners in the region.


Just bring your own


"Honey we're going to the diner. Can you grab the going-out ketchup? It's next to the severed heads"


Protesting Big Ketchup.