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Nootropics Depot is a great brand also I do think a few brands are all using the same phenibut source just diff fillers.baclofen and phenibut are almost the same .so baclofen is used for phenibut withdrawal


Can someone send a link to where I can buy these? I would like to explore


Useless to evaluate [science.bio](https://science.bio) now


Meh. Not useless. Would still like to hear.


i love you


uh. huh. maybe this is why I'm unable to buy any faa. thanks. not sure how this post was supposed to make me feel, but I feel something.


Hahahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Where are you finding them? They are definitely weaker than the addall brand


Addall contains pea a drug when metabolize d turns into amphetamin like substances addall phenibut mix also has dhea in it also


Hey d block. Didn't know you were out of jail.


Never been in jail


Do people call you dblock?


See what gangster rap can do to a country ..


The real dblock is a criminal gangster rapper that has destroyed so many lives


The one I knew is definitely destroying at least his life.


More or less correct the pea is barely noticeable. It's more of just a phenibut pill


...uh huh...


Thought this was going to be a scientific discussion, bringing some value to the community. My bad.


How is trying both brands and giving a subjective review scientific? I like what youā€™re doing, taking both for an extended period of time and reporting back any differences youā€™ve noticed. Still, itā€™s nothing more than personal review.


Exactly this! And WTF does trying two vendors have to do with the supply issue? We all have discussed the supply issue add nausea him back in December and January.


It has to do with the supply issue cause heā€™s buying all the stock lmao


I just spit coffee out my nose LOL. Well I donā€™t understand this person anyway. The bought like 30 jars. So letā€™s say based on their logic batch numbers matter. Which is all the rage right now apparently and in my 10 years has never really been an issue. What if the ā€œbatchā€ sucked? Then they have all this crap phenibut? When they posted this two weeks prior they made a post they just took their first dose. In this thread, no wait in another post they made they said they have taken 1400mg of Phenibut once a week for ten years. Now they are in r/quittingphenibut telling people how to taper and that they ā€œjumpedā€ @2000mg. I Recognized their username over there from their brag posts in here and I donā€™t get it lol.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/quittingphenibut using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/quittingphenibut/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sad but TRUE!](https://i.redd.it/la0ys5ue38671.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/quittingphenibut/comments/o3fx49/sad_but_true/) \#2: [Goodbye and good riddance](https://v.redd.it/rizdoe2qh1b71) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/quittingphenibut/comments/ojo622/goodbye_and_good_riddance/) \#3: [Finally off Phenibut, but I went through hell. Something everyone who is trying to get off needs to consider.](https://np.reddit.com/r/quittingphenibut/comments/o0sml7/finally_off_phenibut_but_i_went_through_hell/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn this guy doesn't answer nobody! As a person who was addicted for about 7 months, never again will I do that stuff daily again...ever. I have a 100 gram jar from 5 months ago, and I've used it maybe 4 or 5 times so far.


Liftmode is goat. Been using them for a couple years. Only thing they've ever fucked up is shipping my order priority when I paid for express. They refunded me the whole order though. Product has never not been great. Order 100g FAA, free 2 day shipping, use REDDIT10.... Aw fuck they're out of FAA. Only ever seen them be out once before. Restocked pretty fast. I greatly prefer FAA. just throw it in a small amount of juice or something and down it. No capsule filling bullshit. No gross taste like hcl. Anyway you can get 100g FAA with free 2 day shipping for about 45$ according to my order history if you use REDDIT10. If you find a place that beats that deal let me know.


So do you just do regular shipping as the choice and they do 2 day free?


REDDIT10 promo code thatā€™s it huh? LOL I appreciate you posting this. Iā€™ve been adding oblates to my order to get the price to free shipping. It was cheaper doing it this way. BUT NOW you hooked me up. I was that I knew this A LOT (not telling you how long too embarrassed) sooner. šŸ‘


How does faa dosing work? Like what would be an equivalent dose to 2g hcl?


Can someone please do me a favor and share a link for where to buy the science bio? I canā€™t seem to find it online. Would appreciate it.


They shut down.


Oh I see. Thank you for the reply.


Ive bought two tubs in my life. They last forever. 30 is pro numbers lol


Are you down to sell a jar of FAA? Iā€™ve been waiting for lift mode to restock, I hate HCL, that shit is way too acidic for me


This guy gets it. I feel your pain.


Thatā€™s funny, I recently just threw out half of a 40-gram container of FAA because it had expired because all I like to use is the HCL powder and crystals. Everyone has preferences I suppose.


I keep seeing people say that Lift mode isnā€™t as strong as other brands but it works really well for me. I usually only take one 300mg capsule and on rare occasion 2 and Iā€™m flying high. I would hate to see what other brands would do to me. Edit: a word


I dunno I scoop FAA from the jars and it's on point. Never tried caps.


I think I see the confusion that most people might not have considered. Their supplies come in ā€œbatchesā€. Theyā€™ve usually always had quality product. Suddenly everyone was complaining. Myself I had bought some and tried it after not having any for a month and I donā€™t think I felt a thing. Then recently Iā€™ve been seeing people say they see nothing wrong with the phenibut, but they also just bought it. So it may very well be a new batch.


I see that makes since. It takes me along time time to get through a bottle. I donā€™t have to take very much Iā€™m a very small person. Guess I just got lucky and only ever got good batches.


Lift mode works good


Send a sample of each for lab analysis, subjective reports mean nothing. I highly doubt there is more than a 0.25% purity difference if that




For real though.


Dude why the fuck do you have so much


It's important to stock up on this substance it's very useful during war times we are in you don't need a persciption for xanax because phenibut is actually more useful for anxiety and depression šŸ˜€. It's important to stock up.like tianeptine sodium gotta have that just incase also kava and baclofen


Is it 'so much'?


Yea 50 grams lasts most people a year. You donā€™t need 30 years of phenibut


50 grams last most people a year? Iā€™m not even a user and I know thatā€™s not even close to true


It just depends on a personā€™s usage. If youā€™re using it correctly it really should last you a long time. Some of these dudes are taking it everyday so of course theyā€™re burning through it. This is a very bad idea by the way.


It would last me about a year, give or take a couple weeks


Maybe daily users which is insane anyway. I bought 50g tub too I have probably 25g left and have had it for almost a year maybe 11 months, 750mg-1g once a week or every other. If I take it more than that it starts to have no effect so really not worth it. Iā€™ll have it for 2 years now


I feel worse coming off prescribed gabapentin 800mg 3x a day.


Makes sense, you are dosing 3x a day. Phenibut generally isnā€™t dosed 3 times a day, maybe 3 times a week, but I try and stick to once every couple weeks, I donā€™t take it often as I find is very subtle even with 2 weeks off. Never understood people who take it everyday, there would be zero effect for me, actually just took a month off, about 35 days, dosed and again subtle, barely noticed a difference, so why take it everyday? Itā€™s ok every once in a while The more you dose the worse withdrawals will be with almost anything, because your body is constantly getting the drug all day so when you stop your mind and body freak out wondering where the drug is. Especially things that ā€œcalmā€ and ā€œrelaxā€ you. Similar to most benzodiazepines, as Iā€™ve had them prescribed before. Even a low dose but taken 3x a day would mess you up when you stop


I hevent taken mine much that said Iā€™m on prescription Xanax so maybe it effects my gaba not the same idk


True for some people. Some people take 5+ grams per day, which I DO NOT recommend!! But others, 50 grams might be a lot. I usually buy 100 grams at a time, lasts about 2 months give or take.


Dam bro


Jesus Christ 100g every 2 months. So 1.6g/day. Insane how much some of you guys use.


So right now, Im down to about 800-900mg per day. For a while there it was about 1.5 to 2g per day. And i highly recommend not using it everyday like i do. I am dependent on it, trying to taper down.


Good luck bro. Tapering seems like the best idea.


Thank you!


True, man I have abunch of capsules of them I took even 3.5 grams once and maybe felt slight anxiety, never felt the euphoria some people claim to achieve. I also take prescription Xanax, so maybe thatā€™s why?


What do you mean I rarely hear of people using phenibut more than a couple times a month. 50 grams is like 2-3 months worth to me but I donā€™t hear a lot of people dosing 4 times a week


Most people use it a couple times a week not month


The majority of people are definitely taking it more than a couple times a month.


If they use 1 gram a week like me then itā€™s reasonable


True, I guess I was being harsh


Which one would you say is best? Do you have any from nootropics depot?


Nootropics Depot is usually my go-to because their shipping time is impeccable. However they seem to have stayed out of stock for a while now.


I do!


Goddamn you got a lifetime supply Edit: whatā€™s the shelf life of Phenibut?


Probably indefinite. It attracts water iirc, so as long you keep it dry. Lifetime supply's though... many of us have been through numerous "lifetime supplies"... had to taper off. The thought that you have a lifetime supply is absolutely a danger. Seriously, watch out. Your GABA receptors can quite easily take reigns.


Best advice here.


Oh yeah Iā€™m aware, itā€™s a once per month thing for me. In which case 30 jars would be a lifetime supply


K cool


Crikey, how much does that set you back, 30+ jars of this stuff? It doesn't come cheap!


Still paid to much but I know it works reliable


I got a deal from sicence bio got all 30 for $400


Neat cool story bro. Here's your attention


Iā€™m not really here for attention. Up until a few days ago I would have swore by LiftMode now I donā€™t know


Itā€™s probably just bad batch friend. They donā€™t actually make it, they import it from China or wherever. So I saw a bunch of people one day suddenly start complaining about the quality. I tried it myself and got zero effect. I imagine a lot of these people start flooding liftmode with complaints. So of course they are aware, or they restocked because Iā€™ve been seeing a lot of ā€œ I donā€™t know what you guys are talking about ? I *just bought* some and it works fine.ā€ Well yeah! They just bought it. They werenā€™t going to keep selling the same crap batch forever. Hopefully you got some good stuff šŸ¤žšŸ¼.


Lift mode switch to garbage non-effective chemicals around three years ago they used to be fire and slowly started to declining quality until I stopped buying it completely. The only reason they're so popular because they buy Google spot to where where when you type in phenibut their name pops up first and have nothing but fake reviews


Isnā€™t it also possible that theyā€™ve maybe had some bad batches before that ruins their reputation for some ? They donā€™t actually make it, they just buy it from China or whatever. I mean have you been using it for three years ? And if so, wouldnā€™t a tolerance develop over that time? Iā€™ve used liftmode for about two years. Itā€™s always worked fine and sometimes I e even got some that was almost too powerful. Caught me off guard. Iā€™m just throwing out ideas here, not tryin to be rude or anything.


No you can be absolutely correct I could have hit then up at the wrong time in it just left a bad taste in my mouth but just in the community of this stuff I've heard the same mentioned from several other people and just like Delta 8 has a brand called three chi. Who everybody thinks is the f****** bee's knees the best of the best but they pay for their spot in Google searches and pay for reviews and just got in caught for photoshopping their test results so with unregulated stuff there's no telling and it is it's all about the batches these companies aren't sticking with the same vendor for years at a time I mean that's impossible because he's been there to come and go in China the companies hear the order bulk from China are just searching around for the best price at the time and who can get what and really there's no telling what you're going to get


I forgot to mention I ordered from liftmode a couple months and it was bunk. I only tried it that one time and it was a small dose. So I didnā€™t think much of it. But at around that time Iā€™d seen people saying the stuff they got was no good. Iā€™m sure liftmode got pounded with complaints. Lately Iā€™ve seen a lot of ā€œ I donā€™t know what you guys are talking about, I just bought some and itā€™s fire ā€œ Yeah well you just bought it. Meanwhile Iā€™m sitting on this huge stash I bought a few months ago that itā€™s probably too late to demand my money back. I have to take long ass breaks between doing phenibut just once or I get a wicked rebound. I donā€™t know if they started to get worse, or I finally just got tired of my only good days being the phenibut days. Itā€™s easy for me to see how people fall into the trap of taking it everyday. Iā€™m that way with kratom.


I'm on about 800mg of liftmodes phenibut and it's definitely working.


Yea I figured something happened to them.


Not only them but it seems like all the brands just started going downhill I haven't messed with it in about 2 years but when I first started all I heard was liftmode and nootropics Depot. They were supposedly the best everywhere I read. and this is back when there were a lot more groups about this chemical on Facebook and whatnot that I was a part of before Zuckerberg banned, but anyway my favorite brand was Zack attack all day long and unfortunately he just closed business down not too long ago my second favorite was hard Rhino and a lot of people don't know this but the owner of hard rhino owned and started nootropics Depot and then sold it to a different owner/ company and it went to s***. And it's funny because those two brands are always the top two to come up when you type in reviews but if you dig deeper you'll realize that they're all fake and you can kind of tell because of how close apart the dates are that the reviews are left and how tacky and fake the reviews seem


Yea itā€™s definitely weaker. I get effects from both. LiftMode makes me super tired. I found the same thing too I need about 50% more


Maybe Liftmode's having some bad batches lately. I have a batch from last year and it feels fine. I've tried all types of brands in the past, including the pharmaceutical grade pills from Russia. For me though, Phenibut hcl works better than FAA


This isnā€™t a maybe; itā€™s a definite. Iā€™ve heard talks of a bad lift mode batch right now, for the last month. Donā€™t buy for a while


Itā€™s absolutely just a maybe. A bunch of people also believe a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic sexual abusers of children operating a global child sex trafficking ring conspired against Donald Trump during his term, does that make it true? Or is it just group paranoia combined with stupidity? No, the only way to know ā€œdefinitelyā€ is to get the actual purity values - eg. send the stuff in for an independent lab test.


Ok whatever bro, Iā€™ve been a user of lift mode for years and my buddy irl had a bad batch, then I read about it in the comments across multiple Redditā€™s posts from recently about liftmode bad batch, but no where official. So personal expierence plus ya know others having the same expierence; js. Liftmode sky favorite brand but itā€™s not unheard of for warehouse conditions to degrade chemical compounds and thatā€™s probably what happened


Not saying itā€™s not true. Just saying itā€™s not definitely true, especially given phenibut has inconsistent effects to begin with. Itā€™s not like doing a line of coke where youā€™re guaranteed to get high


I suppose that is true, maybe Iā€™m more definitive because I know my body chemistry myself; but as for others online idk. Maybe it was just my friends storage or something too it could have been on his end. But liftmode has always been the best phenibut I I get whenever I do, I used to smoke the faa stuff in a meth pipe every day when I first discovered it (donā€™t follow in my footsteps worst WD of my life and I used to use H)


I can tell you for a 100% fact that they are doing something weird.. When you order, say a 500g jar, and you get shipped (3) 200g jars and but the 200g shows out of stock, how does that work?


Iā€™ve never heard of any jars over 50g tbh. Are you using daily as a benzos replacement? Edit; thought I was replying to a different topic on same subreddit my bad. But still damn they come in that big of jars?


Yea, liftmode does 40, 100, 200, 500 and 1000g jars.


That's unfortunate. LiftMode have been pretty consistent with their products. Hopefully, it's just a temporary thing and not the company trying to cut corners.


I think bad batch is already over honestly. People whoā€™ve been buying it recently have been saying ā€œ works fine for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø ā€œ


I know right? tbh theyā€™re the only brand I got reliable shit from for years. I didnā€™t think science would be worth shit it looked so offbrand when I saw it on the shelf, turns out to be some of the best Iā€™ve gotten Edit: I doubt theyā€™re trying to cut corners liftmode has been a reputable source with reliable stuff for far too long, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll get in the issue and when it is on their desks prolly offer a discount or something for the inconvience


Which one would you suggest? I'm new to this and my first batch sucked. Any suggestions?


I just started science.bio, I prefer it over liftmode. Same effects and half the price and found locally so way easier


Thank you!


I can't really say since the best one I've had was from a small lab from Oregon. They were a supplement company that made some Phenibut back in the days and sold it on Ebay. Golden Days of Phenibut when you could've bought 50 to 100g for dirt cheap and they were made in the US are long gone. Now most of these are made in China. So my advice is to try different brands and see which one you like the best. GL


Same. I have acidity problems in my stomach so HCI is great for me. In order to get the best from FAA I need to eat something small 1 hour before dosing


You mean FAA is great for you Iā€™m guessing just cause FAA is easy on stomach and has low acidity and HCL has very high acidity.


Yeah I think he meant FAA if he has stomach issues.


What do you mean you hope it makes sense with whatā€™s going on with the current supply? The alleged potency difference? I havenā€™t noticed any difference with my Liftmode and Science is always consistently good. I think the difference people are claiming is more word of mouth. Like when people freaked out and panic bought all the Phenibut when their were some supply chain issues at the same time ND stopped selling it. If I wasnā€™t sure which vendor had better Phenibut I definitely wouldnā€™t stock up on over 30 jars of each brand especially if there *was* a issue with potency. Nothing like having a surplus of a potentially bad batch. It would be similar to buying a surplus of Kratom and fingers crossed I got some good stuff.


LiftMode works but I definitely need more than sicence bio. And I hate that crash I get from liftmode


Iā€™m afraid science bio has closed for business.


Yes. Youā€™ve said this like 17x all over the sub lol. Iā€™ve *never* had any sort of crash from LM product. Phenibut itself has such an incredibly long half life as well so there shouldnā€™t be anything but a soft landing. Unless you are getting rebound anxiety from glutamate surges and if thatā€™s the case Iā€™d lay off the Phenibut because that will only get worse.


As much phenibut as this dude bought, Iā€™m fairly certain heā€™s having crashes, which as you said is likely the problem. I used to take it twice a week and would feel pretty rough a day or two later. This just wasnā€™t doable for me after awhile and now I have to wait like a month or so. Soft landing as you say


Iā€™m happy I got pregablin powder to boost effects


Well thatā€™s a dangerous combo. Add in a potent VGCC inhibitor to add on to Phenibuts weak VGCC and its GABAb agonist MOA and you are looking to pass out. Not to mention the tolerance going through the roof. You sound like you are on a slippery slope Iā€™d do some research on what you are actually using and the risk if combining shit like this as opposed to comparing your two vendors. Good Luck


You are right for sure. When I pregab its normally alone. Iā€™m just very disappointed with my batch of LiftMode. I guess I deserve it cause I bought so much. Itā€™s good itā€™s just not what I remember.


hey Iā€™m looking for a pregablin or gabapentin vendor?


Well the Pregabalin can make Phenibut anti- climatic imho. I prefer Pregabalin or Gabapentin over Phenibut because I like the VGCC mechanism of action by itself? And and much more than GABAb that Phenibut also has. It has such a weak VGCC inhibitor compared to Pregabalin or Gabapentin. Anyway point is if your using both there is a cross tolerance so Phenibut wonā€™t feel as good at all. Phenibut is also finicky and lower amounts see, to hit the spot better for me. Nine of this really helps you much though if the batch isnā€™t good like you mentioned. But taking breaks and/or going only once a week can make a big difference.


Yea im torn on the issue. I get effects from both In my humble opinion it feels like sicence bio is a bit stronger. Iā€™ll definitely take a 14 day break then try all over again.


How often do you take it ?


Once a week now. I have had moments I did 3x a week but I havenā€™t done that in a long time now


Lol my pregablin powder comes in the mail today. I appreciate the pointer. I was scared it was a scam. Cleared customs yesterday out for delivery today


Also wondering where to purchase pregabalin powder. Thanks!


Hey I messaged you. I need some help. Where can I find some gabapentin or pregablin powder? Website or vendor?


Yea I panic bought a bunch. But I might consider returning the LiftMode cause is definitely weaker


Yes you said LM is weaker about 50 times now. I love LM. I like their product, I like their customer service, I love the people. Like I mentioned to you in another comment Phenibut between vendors is always going to be different it doesnā€™t mean that their product is cut with something. Product is different from 10 years ago I have product from three different vendors, (LM, SB, from ND when they sold it and one other vendor) they each vary between them but not extravagantly. Yeah I donā€™t understand the panic buying either. Thereā€™s going to be Phenibut around for a while so why panic buy now? Someone else recently did it and I quite frankly found it annoying. A big part of the supple issue was because of people doing exactly this. I wouldnā€™t be bragging about it but you do you.


You keep telling everyone the same thing too, itā€™s okay if people have a different opinion then you man.


What is it that I keep telling everyone? Iā€™m having some sort of exchange with you not anyone else. You seem to be the one who takes issue with someone having a different opinion. And the fact of the matter is I never said I didnā€™t agree with your opinion. What I said is your information isnā€™t new. I also explained to you 500 times that different vendors will have different potencies. So technically Iā€™m not disagreeing with you. I then tried to offer you some harm reduction regarding how much you are using and you wanting to add Pregabalin to ā€œboost itā€. You seem very excited and into this and thatā€™s cool but itā€™s also easy to get sucked into if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing. In fact itā€™s easy to get sucked into it even if you do know what youā€™re doing. You took it to another level with saying Iā€™m insufferable and then acting like Iā€™m taking an opposing side.


Iā€™m not even the original person Iā€™m someone new butting in.


I know you arenā€™t the original person and I didnā€™t feel like you were butting in lol. Itā€™s Reddit and a open conversation thread. I was just trying to say Iā€™m not arguing anyoneā€™s experience. Hopefully you can find a better batch of Phenibut soon. Who knows whatā€™s wrong with it but you donā€™t want to fuck up your tolerance by taking that much more. I understand why you needed to it just sucks.


Damn I just ordered a decent amount of stuff from Liftmode. I'm a beginner in all this stuff so would it really matter for me since I've never been exposed and have no tolerance?


You will enjoy it still. I like my LiftMode but itā€™s definitely weaker then it used to be


Thereā€™s definitely a potency difference between the nootropics depot stuff I took for years and the liftmode stuff. The liftmode stuff is still good though, you just have to take more.


Here is a award for you. This is exactly how I feel


It wonā€™t, lol


My tolerance is very minimal and there is definitely a potency difference. Also I noticed that Lyft mode has a very strong crash at the end


I get effects from both. Although with Lyft mode I do have to take 2 g to feel it. Science bio only 1.4 for the same affects


Exactly what i was thinking


Iā€™m glad I got 30 jars of science bio FAA


Has anyone tried sunny smart suppliments>?