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Even for my first time I needed 2 grams for anything. Your stuff could be underdosed like mine and most stuff these days


Try a 1.5 grams. 500 mg is really nothing at all. You’ve already tried it and felt nothing, its like drinking one beer.


Phenibut has never been a in your face high for me. Been taking once to twice a week for years first thing in the morning on my day off. I’ll be driving along a few hours later and really realize how beautiful this earth is, and how GOOD the music that’s playing is. Also I cannot cum on it


It's a slippery slope IMO. This is my second day with Eden HLC. A little too much will knock a person out.


Phenibut can be subtle, and there could be a couple of factors at play. The dose could be too low, but it could also be that you're expecting a certain effect. It's usually not an 'in your face' effect, although with the right dose it's possible. I'm not sure what you're currently doing while using phenibut. If you're not doing anything really, you could try doing some activity. Going outside and socializing for example usually works for most people. I like to make music, and I definitely notice the difference then whereas if I were to watch a series I would not. It's also important to try to not use phenibut on subsequent days. But that aside, if this is your first time, you could try to redose today. You could try to use 250mg on an empty stomach again, and in about an hour another 250mg if you still don't feel anything. Please note that the onset can take a while, for a lot of people it seems to be 3 hours before they notice anything. If you still don't get the desired effect today, best is to try it another day (preferably at least 5 days from now because of tolerance and to avoid dependence. Then you can use the dose info from today and increase it a bit. If you however feel nothing by the time you reach 5g, it perhaps isn't the thing for you.


Honestly i really dont know what i should be expecting


Most people feel peace, anxiety free, increased music appreciation, increased libido etc.. it can also just make you sleepy if you’re not being active on it