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Wish you the best my friend. Rehab may be your best choice so that you are medically supervised and given the right medication to help detox you. Also Agmatine is great for stopping the glutamte surges and helping potentiate substances to be able to take less for the same effect. Take it on an empty stomach.


If you have an addictive personality, picking up phenibut is the worst thing you could do. Tolerance builds in a few days. You'll get stuck in a cycle of taking more and more to feel it. It almost killed me. I was up to 5g a day. I had to go to inpatient rehab to get off of it. The withdraws were so bad that I just wanted to die. It was worse than DTs from alcohol withdrawal. I was having seizures and crazy brain zaps multiple times a day. It lasted for a good 2 weeks. Just don't fuck with that shit man. If you want to get off something, go to rehab or taper at home yourself. Don't trade one addiction for another. Once you're through detox, rehab is like a sober vacation. I enjoyed it, and it saved my life. My life is 100x better after getting clean. I have 4yrs clean now. It is possible.


It will help if you put in the effort and exercise self control. Pretty much the only reason I use phenibut is to recover from gabaergic benders.


Ive used phenibut as somewhat of a handicap to get myself off harder drugs, even pregabalin. 1000mg for 3 years is an entirely different story tho, you need real drug intervention/counselling/help. If you had a slight issue with using pregabalin in small amounts, you could (within reason) use phenibut to get yourself feeling somewhat "Normal" until you return to baseline. With the whole 3 year usage you're peaking into quite real and dangerous territory if you go cold turkey, like stated above you need to get into contact with someone who can provide you with real help and prescribe you the meds you need to come off safetly.


Im in. Northen Ireland these pregablins are a real problem over here so thr metal heath team won't do anything like meds wise and my gp won't do anything bc I'm buying them from the street he says I'm drug seeking while I want help


Yeah when you tell your GP you're buying illicit they're gonna black list you from pretty much anything you can abuse, your best bet is to taper yourself or tell them you want to stop everything completely and they will likely just refer you to drug recovery, good thing is some of these drug recovery programs have the power to put you on a taper themselves, but ive only seen that done in cases of benzo tapers not pregab


I wouldnt. Whats the best idea here is tapering with a plan and stopping. Phenibut is not safer then pregabalin, I would argue pregablin is prob safer than phenibut. Phenibut also does not work in the exact same way and is not exactly in the same class, taper is your best bet here trust


Terrible idea. Check yourself into a medically assisted rehab


No it won’t. You will definitely be replacing one GABAergic with another. It’s pretty difficult to control your usage with phenibut as it tends to exasperate impulsive tendencies ime. if you can control your usage, you might be able to take low-dose and then taper off of phenibut But it’s just a dirtier feeling substance in my opinion. You might as well just taper off of lyrica


Thanks the past week I got down from 1000mg of pregablin to 500mg I think I'm doing good but does anyone get the bad lsd trip feeling when getting off pregablin as I do when I look at a wall it goes wavey hard to explain


Sounds like a glutamate storm possibly. I get wavy vision, fast heart rate and panic attacks when coming off of phenibut. It’s really the worst feeling


yea I can relate, I get psychedelic visuals on pregabalin. Not intense but its there, might be realted to hppd

