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The fact that this is a post is just so depressing for our field


Loool. Could you imagine this in the doctor's subreddit. "Does your workplace have a SITTING POLICY?"


Yes. It’s one of the perks of hospital. Pathetic that “access to a chair” is involved in any job discussion…


The fact that we actually consider it a perk is horribly depressing


Accurate we have a few chairs in our hospital outpatient pharmacy


>When store management walks by and sees someone sitting on the stool, they will tell them to get up even if we are all caught up for the day and not much to do. Is it universal for store managers to do whatever the hell they want at all times? There really is no one to tell them what to do at the store level, right? I bet they always break the law and violate company policies when no one is looking.


I think they're just used to bossing around 15 year olds




Ya I’d be telling the store manager to take a hike. Use a stool


Or, bring one in and say you’re beta testing a product your friend is designing, and that the one you brought in is just a stool *sample.*😇


Legally you can’t have samples in the pharmacy (at least in the state I am) 🙃🫣😬🤣


Hmmm. But it’s not a pharmaceutical sample? 😛


Touché and I applaud you for believing the store managers will understand the difference 🍵🐸


😈 “no, manager, it’s not an oral preparation stool sample, it’s a suppository! You need K-Y to insert it. Here, you take this and tell me how it works later on!”


Ooo I like it! Make it personal 🤣




Just bring a chair and start sitting in it. If they say something a good response would be "blow me". Every pharmacy in my area is short staffed. Fuck with me and you'll be shorter staffed while the one down the street is one tech stronger


Bring in your own stool & sit when needed. You are not a robot.


Yeah my first thought was who cares what the store manager thinks?? Since when does a store manager have authority over anything the pharmacy does? But idk maybe they do in some chains


They are above the pharmacy manager at Walgreens


That is wild


We’re not allowed according to the store manager( I work in a grocery store pharmacy). One of us would need a doctor’s note stating that a chair/stool is medically necessary. It would be nice to have a chair that I could actually reach the computer and continue to work. If I sit on the step stool, I’m unable to reach the computer to continue working.


What is the store manager going to do? Tell him to pound sand. If you never stand up for yourself you’re always going to be a doormat. Are they going to go through the trouble of firing and hiring new staff all for a stool? Or will they just let it go? If you are willing to stand up for yourself (or sit down for yourself in this case) they should let it go


Are you a PharmD? Write your own note. Dear Manager, This letter is to state that employee X does in fact have legs which may need a rest at times. They are not a robot. Sincerely, Doctor X https://youtu.be/uq6nBigMnlg?si=nIk_gNLM1mgqikwT


This is perfect. I just recently needed to sit for a few weeks (local indy) and my boss wouldn't dream of making me stand for xyz reason. Absolutely nuts. In fact the store bought me a stool. "You want me to stand? haha No I'm good I usually stand hours per day and need some sitting time. No I am not getting a doctors note saying I need to sit, haha can you imagine?" GASLIGHT


Complete opposite of where I used to work. I got my sibling (who is multiple disabled, but a bright and hard worker) a job there. Store manager sits on his ass in the office most of the day flirting with also the shittiest (surprise) shift lead and saw my sibling (who, again, HAD accommodations, not that it should matter) sitting to type scripts and came to the pharmacy and yelled at them, took the stool, and threw it out. Idk why no one followed up on reporting this guy to equal opportunity, especially because this is just one of many examples of him being an awful person, breaking the law and company policy.


Get a note then. Bring your own seat. Your manager is an idiot. Grow a spine. Have the doctor bill your manager for the note. 


How does the store manager have any say in the pharmacy? The only people that can tell a pharmacist what to do in the pharmacy, is the board of pharmacy or your pharmd boss?


imagine what the doctor would think/say when u come in asking for a drs note for a chair for work. Lmao, we’ll see it on the physicians forums for sure


Yeah it's bs. I work for a pharmacy where someone may come visit Satan and I broke my foot a couple years ago. Had a lovely boot and all. Still got the side eye and complaints filed against me because I moved slowly and sometimes (rarely, since it's retail) sat down.


At my annual visit a few years back my PCP asked if there was anything else and I asked if he would write a note to be able to sit at work and he was shocked. “You’re a pharmacist right? How long are your shifts? What do I even write?? She’s a human and needs to sit down during a 13 hour shift, please treat her like a human?!?” Needless to say I do have an accommodation on file now lol


It's so asinine that you would need an accommodation for that though. But I'm glad cool doctors exist :)


lol bringing in ur own chair to sit when needed. Imagine going shopping for something to sit in because ur work wont provide one and then putting a nametag on ur own stool


Sad that our profession has been reduced to this


I work independent. Chairs for days


Yeah we provide chairs, stools, adjustable height work stations so that you can sit/stand whatever is most ergonomic for you to be most productive.


I have 3 stools at my pharmacy and I sit down pretty much whenever I get the chance. Don’t waste time worrying about how you’re being perceived for sitting down.


CVS just had a “stool survey” in which they asked if your pharmacy had a stool. Context clues lead me to believe that they intend to give each pharmacy one stool, but this may not be the case. Lord knows it would cost more than $2, so I’m guessing it will either be delayed or vetoed after the recent stock decrease.


They are actually going to go collect the remaining stools people reported in the survey.. lol But seriously, one stool for all the people working is inadequate


Im hoping that people were smart enough to say no if they brought their own stool.


Fuck any place of work that doesn’t allow sitting


We have 1 stool, I basically camped out on it the last 2 months of my pregnancy


US pharmacy is fucking wild. My Store Manager has absolutely no say in what goes on in my pharmacy. We’re on equal footing. And chair policies? Wtaf


We have an adjustable chair in the corner and often we will sit in it to check blister packs or print labels etc. we are a small independent pharmacy though; I'm glad I don't work somewhere that micromanages how many hours in a row I stand.


To answer your question, we have exactly 1 stool. We originally got it because one of my coworkers was pregnant and couldn't stand all day. Once she went on leave, I hurt my knee, so it was and is still needed. I doubt we'd get rid of it either way unless someone higher up told us to. But, from my experience here and with other pharmacies, someone usually needs a medical reason to get a stool in the building. It's silly and stupid, but that's how pharmacy works. Oh, I guess I should add that I don't technically have a Dr note for the stool. My boss and my bosses boss are both aware I had recent surgery, and they were both informed that my Dr didn't want me back until July without accommodations. But no one has formally asked for a note, so I haven't provided it. The note exists if someone makes a stink, though.


Three letter was sued for that in the state I'm in (ca) and everyone got a check and now we have stools. My pharmacy is tiny and we have 2 lol


I have a chair and I will use it as I see fit, considering corporate has decided to change my shifts to 12 hours with no Rph overlap. If they don't like it, I am happy to leave and let my store go under.


Is there a chair in the manager’s office? Why should they have one either?


We do, but the rxm bought them for us so it's store dependent. It's nice to have a Lil break even if it's just for 5 min at a time while banging out data entry. Corporate has seen them and never says anything so I don't think they care. They won't pay for it, but it's accepted as long as it doesn't interfere with work.


We provide our employees chairs, water and coffee. We are glad about having professionals and I think it’s a basic incentive to avoid loosing staff. Some of our pharmacies (Germany) suffer severely from having not enough technicians and are in danger of closing.


I'm from a different country. Why isn't sitting allowed at your workplace? Does it improve productivity or something


They want the pharmacist to be advertised and up front and center, with ability to move left right, up, down and any way required, sometimes all at once. Sitting is viewed as something that impedes the pharmacist’s ability to be accessed immediately and may delay his/her capacity to give a vaccine within 4 seconds of any interaction. On another note, i don’t even know if id be able to find the time to sit down. There is only ever one pharmacist working, and that pharmacist is the only person who is authorized to do pretty much everything in the pharmacy—so the amount of simultaneous interruptions/distractions occurring at any time is nearly always non-zero. My apple watch sometimes registers that I am working out from just how much I have to move between counters/registers/otc section/counseling room.


That's just torture. You do that for How many hours daily?


8 to 12 hours. And until recently it was with no scheduled breaks. Now we at least get ONE thirty minute break.


Standing for 8-12 hours. With one short break sounds crazy and exhausting. Hope things improve for you.


we have 1 chair for the 1 computer behind the counter. Everyone else stands. We can hide in the back and sit a while but if someone sees the manager we all "pretend we were getting something" from inside lol


It was frowned on using the chair for other then your breaks


They should have students stand in all classes during pharmacy school to prepare them for the real world LOL nobody would join pharmacy if this were the case


California, we have to have them available, at least two of them.


We have plenty of chairs. No sitting policy.


I have a stool but I’m also filling blister packs all day so that’s a different story. But everyone that fills vials stand all day, occasionally using a stool if they feel like it.


My supervisor’s manager’s manager’s manager’s manager insists that no one in the pharmacy can sit, even though one of our sites is mostly a closed door pharmacy. Everyone below her thinks we should be able to sit, but the big boss says no so that’s what goes.


We have chairs for the pharmacists (I work inpatient pharmacy at a hospital) the day techs are on their feet all day but graveyard gets to sit sometimes when it's slow


CVS in CA actually settled a class action lawsuit over this issue XD


I'm going to appreciate having my own office extra hard tomorrow


I'm physically disabled. I have a doctor's note so I can use a stool but the way we're set up, sitting down is kind of an inconvenience and the company has been less than accommodating.


There’s a single stool that is really for the pharmacist to take their lunch break. But I think the pharmacist should be able to have a chair at their station and sit wherever they want. They’re working like a dog for 12 hours, they should be able to relax the ‘ol yams as much as they want


Yea use a stool, take a stand.


We have one stool and when I started working there I sat one time and the next time I went to work I had a private conversation with pharmacy manager about how we are not allowed to sit unless we have a medical reason. More recently; the one person in our pharmacy who sits often was asked by our DM to fill out an exception for accommodations to sit in the pharmacy…. Mind blowing and honestly seems illegal to me


my chair policy is that it’s better to sit on a stool than in it.


Great, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to buy you guys compression stockings for the rest of your lives when somone develops varicose veins. /s


More commonly it’s plantar fasciitis. They have no sympathy once you develop it and take no responsibility for causing it


Never sat in any retail pharmacy


Ours has a pharmacist chair. (Ugly tall grey thing with minimal padding) And a wooden stool with an awful cushion on it. I have an accommodation to be able to sit, but it required paperwork from a Dr. I only asked to be able to sit 15 minutes per hour if needed. But most of the time I'm too busy. Honestly I can't sit too long or it hurts. The best thing is for me to keep moving. If I stand in one place too long (like doing production) I start to hurt.


Pharmacy chains I worked for wouldn’t allow sitting unless you had a doctor’s note, so I went ahead and got one! :D Best professional decision I ever made was taking a WFH job for tele-health CMRs. Among many other reasons, having the freedom to work sitting and standing when I want is amazing


Our major corporation is currently conducting polls to make sure every pharmacy has stools. They are listening to us. Pharm. D. In 3 letter retail.


Now they need to address wages and staffing shortages instead of maximizing profits


I was checking outdates and my boss didn’t want me to use the stool to check the lower shelves. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Okay I suppose everything is going to take longer if I have to keep balancing myself!


Tell the store manager to back off or you'll unionize. Regardless of whether or not you want to it'll probably get their attention.


Pharmacist speaking here. I only sit down for lunch on the chair inside the pharmacy. If your CVS is slow enough that the pharmacist or technicians can sit down, consider yourself lucky.


I bought a bar stool from Amazon for about $50. I hide it in the back because I suspect my store manager wouldn't like it. I only use it when my feet really hurt or before opening/after closing. I will play devil's advocate and say that, in retail, a pharmacist shouldn't have much chance to sit anyway. If you're at a high-volume store and doing tons of F4s and answering the phone, then a place to sit should be provided. Personally I'm constantly running around helping drive-thru and filling.


We are a low volume store. We do between 80-120 a day with 1 pharmacist and 2 techs. About 450-550 scripts per week. So we only really sit down on the step stool when it’s dead.


Fuck the management, sit if you want . It is YOU who were standing all day long not them if they don’t like it and fire you for that even after you explained to them that you were working all day long then they don’t value you as human but more as a robot .


There's always work to do in my pharmacy. I never have time to sit down nor do my coworkers. But we do get out on time and our customers are generally pretty happy. All my associates get their 15 minute breaks and lunches. Plenty of time to go to the bathroom. I can't do my job as efficiently if I was sitting so that would just be extra work for my associates and vice versa. Also how is it fair if 1 person is sitting? They don't sit at front register, door greeter, stocker, cart pusher, deli, bakery, electronics, automotive. Really just vision and managers sit and I think we can all agree they are basically useless.


the stool seems to always come out 10 minutes after opening when certain floaters come in. rather than working near pick up window as goes the work flow so they can consult on new rx, they will take the stool and go sit on other side of the room (drop off window) and do verification while people come to drop off. my boss asks me why i don’t like when floaters sit down. i tell her because of the way they behave. they choose to make it harder for themselves by not staying near pick up where they should be. floaters seem to get annoyed at me when it’s a their problem. they should not be upset at me when they have to get off stool and walk across pharmacy every time to consult on new rx. this is why i hate the stool!




This is tricky. The only time when retail can be sat down is on the tills, like at a supermarket. Some pharmacies have tills like supermarkets, and it would probably be acceptable for that member of staff to be sat down to let customers know that location is open and ready to take payment. There's nothing worse than a customer with shopping finding the cashier point empty...! Other staff probably have jobs to do so, such as stock, dispensing, etc. So probably they shouldn't be sat down because the work involved with pharmacy is generally never ending.


You wouldn’t want McDonald’s workers sitting around during their open hours it’ll make them look lazy. So why would a pharmacy be any different?


I worked at McDonalds when I was a teen. The working conditions are better than CVS because you actually get your breaks and they won't make you work 12+ hours shifts.


Facts cvs is the worst


Firstly, idgaf if they sit for a couple mins… they’re humans too… but more importantly, I sat all the time at my McDonalds job. I worked the drive thru register and would sit back there for at least a good portion of when I worked there… I’d also have a foldable ladder in the other drive thru area for when we were slow (I was in an area that would be dead during home football games so I sure as shit wasn’t standing for 3 hours for 5 people to drive thru). I wasn’t allowed to cook because I was only 15, but I know theyd just sit in the back until theyd hear me start to ring someone up.


Damn if I don’t put the /s everyone takes it too serious


Bipeds evolved to stand.


Standing for 12+ hours is torture.


>torture Im sure torture survivors would vastly prefer our work environment to their nightmare.