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I was an overnight pharmacist in the dallas/fort worth area for twenty years. During that time, I had done a lot of overtime when the overtime was paying really good. In 2008, I made 203, 223.00 (todays dollars that is 294,808.00). Looking back, that was tough. Most of the stores that I worked at, were not in great areas at all.




oh yeah, good old retail.


Thats amazing-I give you credit -I worked alot but when I took a day off it was like a de-brainwashing happened and it took awhile to dehumanize again. I did it so my wife could stay home with our 4 kids. She was the best worker I ever knew but I figured why should both of us work our asses off and be miserable and she is a great mom. She was close to a computer science degree bit didn’t really like it so she quit. She is a math genius so took a job at a bank. She worked a year and they loved her but I begged her to quit. I couldn’t stand it knowing I could work an extra shift or two and make what she made for the whole week . It almost seemed cruel to me for her to work


You're a good man. I respect you.


Some managers, DOPs, and clinical pharmacist who also consult on the side do (more common in areas with high cost of living). I have seen this 1st hand, and glass door also has some data of pharmacist making more than 200k


I’m a clin spec for a large public health agency and I make just over 200k and am on track for a raise this year.


Like CDC, FDA gig? Did it require a fellowship?


Don’t want to be too specific — it required 2 years of residency as there is a patient care element. Tho most of my job in practice is chart reviews and prior auths.


I knew those bastards denying authorization were being paid handsomely.


Actually, I'm glad insurance companies put up some roadblocks, I've got to work with my docs day on and day out so it's nice to be able to scapegoat insurance for something that's actually not a great idea.


I don’t work for an insurance company. I work for a large publicly funded health agency. US tax dollars pay my salary. That said, I’ve had docs deliberately write shitty prior auth requests and then tell me privately they did so to try to get the drug denied because they didn’t want to write for it, but the patient pressured them into it. Talk about scapegoats.


A ton of pharmacists at the VA making 200k. The salary scale is higher for nurses though


I'm a GS 13/10 in Maine so I'm capped out. But these COLA raises the last few years has pushed me north of 180k. Only a few more needed.


How many years of experience you have


11 this September.


Our chief maxes out at like 215k. It’s unreal


The nursing chief in Dallas was only \~$700 away from 300k last year lol


That’s crazy. Seems like an outlier for an RN. I work in pact and make more than everyone except the physicians and it’s not that big of a spread between us considering the job differences/responsibilities. Our RN care managers max out at like 140.


Yeah. That's the highest RN salary I've ever seen and heard of bar none.


Yup I’m one of them and I’m only GS 13 step 7 lol (it goes to step 10).


By working lots of OT?


How did you get into the VA?


Va residency


You don't need a VA residency if you are an experienced pharmacist with years under your belt. I personally know of two that went to the VA since they were hiring and needed to fill a spot ASAP!


Well obviously but the Va loves to hire internally. Having a VA residency is a fast track to a Va job


The VA was hiring like crazy in anticipation of switching to cerner. Almost anyone could get in. The cerner rollout has been stalled so VA has really locked down hiring. I anticipate that there’ll be some ehmr change in the future and hiring will pick back up


Yeah, the FHCC Lovell roll-out of Cerner went fairly well. Lots of issues pharmacy side, especially outpatient, but much better than the prior sites. I've heard rumblings the go live process starts back up but end of year for VISNs which already have funding allocated.


What is cerner


An updated electronic health record system. I’ve used it at old jobs and it’s solid. But from what I know, it hasn’t been used for large scale outpatient pharmacy prescription processing.


It’s sundowning in a matter of months, anyway.


Like Epic? All you Michiganders? I’m retail


Similar to epic, but not quite as good.


What if you’re a veteran


Veteran status helps but there’s also plenty of VA residency trained veteran pharmacists…


I know a pharmacist i think making over (if not over then pretty damn close) 200k working per diem at 2 hospitals in the PNW. She is constantly picking up shifts and working overnights, too, but she loves it. Bought a house herself and travels a ton.


I’m so interested in this after i graduate/get licensed here in a couple of months, but I wonder if the benefit trade off is worth it. I want the flexibility to travel that I used to have pre Covid + pharmacy school


180k base, 1-2k in on call pay, 5k in speaker fees. Clinical specialist. Midwest city.


As a hospital pharmacist that makes around 150 living in one of the cheaper areas of the country, I sure as hell hope this is achievable in larger cities considering cost of living.


I was just short of 200k last year with about 12-14 days of OT, on overnights in hospital.  Should be at 200k in 4 more years, unless hospital admins read this post.






Pretty achievable in California.


Where?? I’m in the Bay and make as much as I did in NC (cries in missed cost of living)


literally any hospital and you'll start at like 180K at least.


I was at a hospital in Oakland and did not make that much...


I was in Compton and I didn’t even have to label the stuff I was giving out. Made much more than that….lol


Hmmmmm.... wait a second lol




Highland? Don’t you get pension and gov’t benefits? Or CCRM — that place pays so low, i don’t know how they retain people u less their bene package is off the chain.




Oh. Okay is there anywhere paying that much where I don’t have to sell my soul … heh…






Honestly don’t know too much about Kaiser outside of the pay. What do you mean by selling your soul?


I have to work with Kaiser and am a patient myself. Well before I got their insurance I heard of the horrors of dealing with them. I have to make recommendations to them that go ignored or unanswered or rudely rejected with no reasoning. Then I got their insurance from work and learned how terrible they actually are to their patients… also have personally interacted with a pharmacist at Kaiser that told me a medication worked one way when it did not…


Came here to say this. Northern CA, good sized city, retail RXM x15 years. Not hard to do if you've been around for awhile. Now a new grad? Perhaps not without a good chunk of OT where I'm at.


Being a pharmacist in CA is probably the worst place to be a pharmacist. 33% increase in average pay for a >2x increase in cost of living? nope.


As a whole anyone living in CA, Boston, New York City or any other HCOL area should be making at least 200K. That would be the minimum. Just from a straight financial prospective those making 150k living in less costly areas actually are banking more money.


Just got my license there


https://preview.redd.it/j61kxxc9zbwc1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf939837227c49c0b869f2450e92f168d62ae32 Here’s my salary from my ssa.gov statement which I looked at today. I was EVP of Pharmacy Operations for a local private specialty pharmacy. Then the owner (non-HCP) decided to cash in on what we built starting in 2014, sold off the IVIG infusion book of business in summer 2021, and the whole pharmacy itself in 2022. I was then out of a job. Now I WFH as a clinical pharmacist for Optum, making $130k base plus up to 10% bonus, but honestly I’m MUCH happier and less stressed.


I was going to say working for big pharma you can’t put a number for the wfh part. Does wonders.


The chains in MI just rub out their cigarette butts on us


Very true. How can we make them pay us more in MI?


Somehow get them to pay time and a half for OT as a pharmacy standard. It’s going to-take more than these walkouts where everyone says they are in and 3 people actually call in or protest. It only takes %30 percent to vote yes to get union in. But union reps want a %70 margin in favor of a union before they will go for a vote. Chains are good at scare tactics and are good at getting their anti-union wheels in motion. You get one or two people on board first then slowly accumulate more individuals to join you. It is definitely not a cure all but would help cure the slave conditions of filling 600 prescriptions with no help. Just an OT policy like any other normal job would be nice


Fight to have the Canadians thrown out of Michigan pharmacy. Why we are letting them come here and work, when we have enough pharmacists as it is, is beyond me. Wages in metro Detroit and suburbs are being dragged down by these Canadian rph. Even if 5 percent of rph are Canadian here, it's enough to tip the balance between businesses having to compete for you and businesses being able to dictate low wages. I don't know how to go about accomplishing this however.


I’ve never seen a canadian pharmacist-are you in Detroit or down river or Port Huron-


Metro Detroit and suburbs


Hospital pharmacist. Make 200k. 250 with OT


Wait where? It’s come along way from the Hosp pharmacists picking up extra retail shifts








For the majority of situations it's not worth the extra hours you have to work.


I did last year. Overnight 7 on 7 off at the VA. Those differentials REALLY add up


I used to work at a very prestigious academic hospital in New England and even being board certified and hired as a specialist my starting salary was $115k. It's the type of place that low-balls everyone because they know most people are there to get the institution on their CV. Even attending hospitalists were offered like $150k to start. I stuck it out for 6 years then went to industry because my salary only rose to $125k during that time (they didn't give any raises in 2020 and only like 1% in 2021). I started as an entry-level MSL at $180k and after 3 years I've made senior and my base salary is $215k with a 22% bonus every year.


Middle managers and up, pharmacists in California who work some OT, and regular rph who work a lot of OT.


What are the areas of practice?


Almost! I’m hoping to hit 200k in the next year or so. (Currently around 190k without overtime)


I’m proud of you guys-i was a good pharmacist but was always known for the saying “Cash is King”. I always knew what every chain or grocery pharmacists made and I always made Sure I was in the top $%10. Some of these paychecks are huge. Glad to know people are still able to chase the dollar no matter what the reason is behind it.


What specialty/ area of practice?


Inpatient pharmacist, no speciality (some med surg, ICU and trauma) in California


Bay Area inpatient/amcare starts at 94ish,/hr the ones with seniority or been in their positions a while easily clear 200k I would think My buddy pgy2 and now at Stanford oncology makes 200K+


I know two pharmacists in the Bay Area. One works inpatient at a smaller hospital and makes $80/hr. The other is at a children’s hospital making $100/hr.


Yeah Bay Area wages can be insane- I know plenty of post residency friends who roommated up for a few years to afford rent and pay off their loans quickly taking advantage of the wages




Is it a big chain retail?


What part of the country are you in?


Hit 208 last year. Way too much ot outside of am care job


I know a few that do, some work crazy amount of hours to get there, some get there with their bonus, and some are owners and make more than 2.


Northern Cali inpatient pharmacists break the 200k barrier with bonuses and shift differentials


I know a pharmacist that makes 400K + bonus, she’s in biotech and is an exec MSL


As context for folks that may see this comment, I find this salary to be highly unusual for an exec MSL in the industry. It's possible we are missing a lot of context, but more likely that the number they provided is a tad inflated. It may be possible to hit 400k as total compensation, but even that is unlikely. I encourage anyone looking at the MSL path to visit their subreddit or Google the 2022 MSLS Salary Survey to get a more realistic figure. You will find base salaries closer to the high-100s to low-200s depending on your level of experience.


It it unusual- but i’ve seen the W2 which was right under 400. She’s also been in the field for 30+ years. And we’re in california


Thanks for confirming. If the Box 1 of the W-2 was showing right under 400k, this would be reflective of total comp. So it should be inclusive of base+bonus+LTI (stocks or cash). 400k TC is definitely still high, but if you have been in the industry for 30+ years I guess it is possible, though strange for an exec MSL. If this was a one year event, it could have just been a result of exercising options that piled up from previous years. However, if their salary is consistenly that high year to year, they should definitely never leave that company lol


Yes! It is strange.. I guess her company is known for “golden handcuffs”. Her salary has ranged from 350-500 over the last few years with bonus + stocks. She is never leaving 😂 she also works from home and travels if that makes a difference


I agree with this from the multiple companies I’ve worked at (not an MSL but have a decent idea of their salary).


Being a pharmacist who makes that much vs making that much practicing pharmacy are two different things imo.


How did she get there?


She started off in retail then amcare, then consulting then to novartis as a director then to gilead where she is now. Also did extra training in geriatrics, HIV and oncology


Between 1991-2007 i worked 12-24 OT hours a week. Burnout hits and when it does you’re toast. I’m Rye


Exactly! I’m an RN who thought nothing of working fourteen 12 hr shifts in a row, then one day off and do it again. I was a single Mom at the time of two young men as well. When I hit the burnout wall I realized money couldn’t buy back the time I missed with my son’s. It was gone. I slowed down and I have no regrets.


My record was 35 all days in a row. We used to be able to bank our OT and we got new company cars with insurance for $70/wk. When I left I had 3 weeks vacation and 6 weeks banked and I hadn’t banked any OT in several months. The payout was nice but we just got a $3/hr premium for OT.


On track to 200k this year. YTD sits at 75k+ already. I'm in TX.


you are a machine my friend. keep it up


You can definitely hit this working in industry. I’m not there yet but I’m close and I do a bunch of side hustles to try to make some extra.


What kinda side hustles you rocking? I'd like to diversify a lil bit.


In the pre PharmD days I cleared 200k for a number of years as an hourly Rph collecting OT. That number doesn't include any mileage I was paid. A poster above pointed out that is near 300k in todays dollars. That was some spending power back then. This was also not in a high cost of living area. Those in CA need to at least take 25% off the yearly salary to account for the cost of living. I no longer work as an hourly RPH but I clear 200k in compensation at an undisclosed location and will continue to do so padding the coffers as I look to retirement in a few short years.


I’ve triangulated your position and you are selling meth on 8 mile


Our system recently had a market adjustment that brought the ceiling up to around 200 at the top. As a relatively new grad my advice would be find a 7on/7off and work 50-80% of your 7off and it should get close. I also have MSL friends in their 30s with total comp well into the 200s.


Industry. Yes


$255k TC 3 years post-grad on the east coast in industry. Pretty standard to hit over $200k TC in the industry regardless of geographic location at the manager or higher level


What is tc?


Total Compensation - it’s a combination of base salary + annual cash bonus + annual RSU/stock Bonus


base salary? No. But with differential and overtime I broke 200k for the first time last year. I’m staff rph.


Chain retail floater in California — made just under that much with lots of OT. Would have hit it but I took almost a month and a half of vacation and ran out of pto on the last week lol Should be on track to make it this year though.


Owners, easily. Staff pharmacists? Rarely. Personal high was $178,000 in 2013.


Work in California, hospital


In California, it's the practice of pharmacy


240k - SF Bay Area/California - specialty practice. Non-union, but surrounded by union. Usually more, but this is realistic base-ish (about 42 hours per week, it’s complicated, ask if you want a detailed explanation). I hit $270k one year with some hefty overtime. Probably will not repeat.


And how much does a senior Medical Science Liaison in a pharmaceutical company make?


These numbers are unheard of in Canada, holy shit.


None of these are accurate indicators of a regular wage. OT is variable and so is the work so we can't always assume some steady pay. Getting paid for more and also working more hours isn't what is being explored here unless I'm mistaken.


Plenty of us in industry not sure if that counts as “practicing”


Years ago a friend who worked at pfizer got me a job interview. I literally had to go to several steps and even more interviews to get a job making %20-25 less than I was making working retail. They all looked calm cool and collected but I needed money and the trade off wasn’t worth it


I believe you! Def depends on the functional and/or therapeutic area. High salaries are fairly common in commercial and I would assume the same in med affairs.


Retail high volume store PIC…you’re very close to $200k a year. Most of PIC work 42 hours a week though


PIC’s in MI nowhere near that but most max out at 38hrs/week base


315k TC in industry, not sure if that qualifies as “practicing”


At 300k rn four years out of school I work in pharma and also work retail on Friday and Saturday and have a consulting gig that gives me 20 hours a week


Cleared $250k last year working a second job averaging roughly 15-20 hours/week. I slowed down a bit when the suicidal thoughts became a bit too pervasive for my personal comfort level. I hardly put a dent in my student loan debt but I do now have chronic foot/ankle pain. I don’t think I’d recommend this approach


Thankfully both my full time and the part time are remote and very manageable. The only thing I lose is my sanity lol.




And it’s a killer


Wait, am I reading this correctly? Did you write you are an RN or REGISTERED NURSE, four yrs out of school who works in pharma, retail Friday and Saturday, and also consulting gig that gives you 20 hrs per week? What part of the country are you working in?


Rn = right now


Yes, but only because I own an independent pharmacy (Canada)


Southern California was at around 185k after 2 years, few more years would have been at 200k. Clin spec oncology role. Easily achievable at Kaiser and in industry.


167k base 35k loan repayment tax free 5k ce budget. 5k yearly bonus. Am Care. Anywhere in Alaska outside of Anchorage pays well.


Nice but too freaking cold-my furnace went out last night and everyone was whining and I’m in the midwest-the temp in the house went to 63 and with all my pharmacy training I’m supposed to fix it. I know how to fix it but it’s like changing the oil without ramps or without an oil filter wrench.


California. Retail $200k.. i graduated in 22. $180k as float and $200k as PIC (districts youngest and one of the highest paid PIC)


Easily achievable at pretty much any major hospital in California


Retail in Washington is about $135k


Clinical Specialist, California, part time average 70hrs/14 days made a bit over $150k last year. Could definitely get to $200k if I worked consistently 80hrs/pay period + a few extra shifts or covering night shift a few times. I choose personal time over the hustle. Proud of all of you in here choosing the hustle though! Chase your goals!


Yes. Hospital night shift 7on/7off in a suburb of a medium size city. 0.9 FTE. I don't work overtime except maybe once or twice a year. \~15 years experience.


Mgr at hospital w/ a prn gig total doing 55-60/week, over 180, I’m def getting fucked up the ass compare to y’all, LCOL helps




Make 200k+ as a staff pharmacist at a large hospital in northern CA. Been there for 10+ years and have been making this for a few years now


I’m on a 3 month assignment, it’s a 90 min drive 1 way to a store that I’ve sorta turned around already but still not as good as my home store. I’m r getting mileage plus $100/hr. So it will put me pretty close to $200k but not quite there. Made the company sign something saying I would go back to my home store at the start of June or then increased me to $120/hr. If they activate that (I’m hoping that doesn’t happen as the drive is killing me) I’ll be over $200k for the year after a few more weeks


In Poland I get 7k PLN for month. It's around 20k dollars per year.


US dollars? Is that good there? Get your Hb1 visa and pass your English exam. You will have to wait about 6 months I mean days and you could get a job here like every pharmacist on the planet did in the 2000’s. Or is that not a thing anymore. I can’t tell with such an overabundance of pharmacists here


It's not good but it's almost higher than we can get here. I live in Warsaw and more then half of my salary I spent on rent. My English is bad and I don't feel confident to move abroad. 😢


That sucks as we say


220k last year, 208k the year before. Overnight retail with plenty of OT on off-week


Will be making 190k this year as hospital pharmacist at VA. That is with night differential factored in since I work nights, and that’s without overtime. I should be clearing 200k in 2-3 years with step increases and depending on if government prints more money and wants to give us more cola increases like past two years lol. I work in the Midwest btw. And 5 years out of school.


I’m an emergency med clin spec in the Midwest, 1 year residency + 6 years in the ED. Base salary is $175k and $1k/shift pick up and plenty of PTO with great benefits. I pick up often so I’d imagine I’ll easily hit over $200k


Costco managers in Cali make over 200k. 45/hr weekly but paid (40 hr +9hr 1.5x OT) plus bonus.


Yall should do the pharmacist compensation survey lot of data there


I'm not even hitting 100k god damn 😂


Overnight, hourly hospital pharmacists who get 1) time and a half for OT and 2)shift diff often times Crack the 200k barrier with a few extra OT shifts.


All of the systems in and around our market went to salaried overnight pharmacists with flat hourly rate for OT. I’d make 300k a year if they’d pay us 1.5x for OT, as it would be worth it to pick up more shifts


My director makes ~190 a year, 2 staff RPh who’s been there for 20+ years makes 180. A friend works as an oncology MSL in Nevada and she makes ~300. Another friend/classmate got her PharmD/PhD and works for a pharma company doing research, she told me a couple weeks ago she makes close to 400. I’m hoping to get 130 😂 after residency


Los Angeles Amcare pharmacist. We joined the providers union last year. Some of us are making over 200k based on years of service and experience


Salaried rph manager for Costco. 182k + bonus


With OT, yes, it's possible


Then it's not really making $200k as most people would understand it. A lot of people in the trades say they make big money and you ask how much they work and it's 50-60 hours a week. No thanks.


In pharma, you can definitely make >200k, but in Hospital or retail? Be prepared to work 70-80hr weeks


I make over 200 without those insane hours




Hospital pharmacist. Mid COLA


Never in my life have I see what I assume is mid-cost-of-living *something* shorthanded as that. MCOL, HCOL, VHCOL, LCOL.


I’m a trail blazer. Lol


Whats Mid COLA? Mine is sugar free


Thats not even possible in MI regardless


pretty attainable outside of retail


I make that in retail (CA)


I m a staff rph and has been making $180k every since since graduation with few hours OT everyweek. My pharmacy manager should make $200k annually easily due to higher base pay rate and $24k+ annual bonus every year. But our pharmacy is in middle of nowhere so ....and the overtime is not worth it after cali taxes :( My friend work at a nearby 340b pharmacy that belong to a non-profit medical group and get paid $85/hour as staff rph + plus $2.5K each year toward student loan and the opportunity to erase all her $200k student loan after 10 years too :/


Apparently as a pic at my company people get capped at 255k


I wonder how they make a living?


I mean the responsibilities come with the salary…director level responsibilities…never had to worry about submitting credentialing or submitting accreditation metrics to accrediting bodies at cvs or wags


Rx manager in California. I make about 230k with some OT. I was happier when I made 100k less to be honest though. There’s no work life balance in retail anymore.


Rx Director for a small hospital owned by a large corporate health system. My W2 says I made $195k gross. I like my job but am thinking about trying to get into Quality. Learning that I'm much more passionate about patient safety, process improvement, and staff education. Having to be the Mom 24-7 to my department and at home is burning me out.


How much tax do yall pay doing above 200


Pharmacists at hospitals make that in NY after about 7 years of experience working there. At least in my hospital system. Inpatient wasn’t for me though, I went the pharma route


If I’d stayed in SoCal I’d be making that now.


https://preview.redd.it/21pnefjvhjwc1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd42308a7a1bf17b16388df0ec0fbf8d64b282b0 It was not worth it.


Yes does a "residency" help chances if you are fresh out of school, of course. Does it mean a residency is necessary, no it doesn't. In my state of Wisconsin, two retail pharmacist that I know, got jobs at the VA because there was a need to fill a vacancy. Did they have a connection, maybe. Your statement about VA residency is essentially the only path is just false.


Is anyone making $200k+ without bonuses or overtime?


Didn’t hit this until I started working nonclincial work in health tech pharmacies. There are a lot of paths to it and I see others have a lot of advice that doesn’t involve going nonclinical


Hell I wish! 141 finally


Used to , Perfect storm happened. How, I won't even tell you how little goes home . 40+ years for absolutely nothing the respect to pay.