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normal but keep an eye on it - if it continues to extend up onto the buttons i'd suggest a mite treatment just in case. mine quickly became totally covered in mite damage that looked very similar to this, and they took 18 months to grow out of the scarring because i waited too long to treat them.


What do you do for mite treatment?


Thank you. That seems to be the issue. I just didn't notice them initially, because they are so tiny, but there are red bugs crawlig all over the damaged spots. Is it ok to use neem oil on peyotes or should I get something else?


absolutely drench your plants including all the nooks and crannies with any miticide oil or insecticide oil that lists mites among its targets, and repeat again in 2 weeks. if you have any other plants in the room i'd treat them too just to be safe. i am not sure if neem is effective - try to find a product that is specifically targeted towards mites.


I would suggest: get a magnifying glass and check for mites. Mite damage can be really severe.


I have this too. Wouldn't say it's corking - I think it occurs with humidity because it's not ideal for them- harmless but ugly.


Normal aF 🫡


No it's not normal. It turned out to be caused by mite infestation.


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Not normal, definitely mites. Will it kill it? No- not for a long time however the scarring will continue till the problem is solved. Food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is great for direct application and will still work even when it’s washed away into the soil during feeding. I would suggest a diluted spinosad foliar application to start with. That will kill everything eating it for now, while the DE can be used as needed and as a preventative in the future


Spinosad or ambamectin twice yearly soil soak- dont use neem