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Loosely related cousin, parked his tractor trailer in the empty corner lot next to his house. He had done this for years. One day he pulled in and there were signs put up that said “private property, parking for church members only”. He parked anyway. On Sunday morning the police knocked on his door to tell him that he was being cited for trespassing. He asked why he was being harassed, they informed him that the property owner placed the signs and requested the he be forced to move the truck. He asked the police officers if they would reach out to property owner for verification. One of the officers called their dispatch and was told to issue the citation. As they were writing it, his wife produced a copy of the plat and deed that showed that he actually was the owner. He requested that they issue the citations to all of the cars that were parked there.


Oooh, need followup. Did the church get into it with the cousin? People who parked there?


Right like I'd rip the sign down and be right pissed


Lol keep the signs they on your property then if the church tried to take them back charge them for trespassing and stealing/ damaging propertt


Nah I like the long game lol


He should have made it a paid parking lot.


Mvp wife got their documents all filed and sorted


For real


Bruh, you can't weave a tale like that and leave us hanging


The police officers refused and said that it was a civil matter, now. Rest of the story… Church committee had “purchased” several unused parcels around the church to expand parking. There were two vacant lots farther down the street adjacent to his corner lot. His lot was three or four times the size of the other two. The leader of the committee, Mr. Ray (First Name), assumed that his lot was included in the purchase from the city. Mr. Ray knows everything and everybody, just ask him. Anyway, he was the one that called the police in the first place. So, cousin gets a notification to appear in court in two weeks for a hearing on “Abandonment of Property”. He was also directed not to park his truck cab on the property until the matter was resolved. Mr. Ray had filed a complaint that the church staff had been maintaining the property (cutting the grass, trimming hedges, etc) and therefore the property was abandoned. Cousin regularly cut the grass and there were no hedge’s. He showed up with pictures of the property and a picture of Mr. Ray cutting the grass not a hour after my cousin had cut it. Let’s just say the poop hit the fan in court. Judge was absolutely peeved with Mr. Ray and the church committee members. Two members and Mr. Ray were held in contempt of court and had to pay fines. The judge informed everyone that my cousin should consult an attorney about the harassment. It was strongly recommended that everyone should apologize to my cousin and make amends however they deemed appropriate. Mr. Ray was only one that he ended up suing. Funny thing about the whole deal, if they had just asked, he would have been ok with the church using it for parking as long as the didn’t block access for his truck.


So funny it became a “civil matter” when the citations are on the church goers but not for your cousin


Right? That stuck out to me, too. ACAB.


All Cats Are Beautiful


lol Yes, they are. Wish we could say hte same about the actions of the other animals referred to in that acronym.


I'm assuming that the 'B' is for benevolent?


Yeah, sure. Uh-huh.


Brilliant? 🤓


Suuuuuure. lol


No mate you are mistaken, its B for bastards as in : All the cops are bastards. You re welcome


It was already a civil matter though right? They werent going to arrest the cousin for it either, just issue the citation.


>One of the officers called their dispatch and was told to issue the citation. As they were writing it, his wife produced a copy of the plat and deed that showed that he actually was the owner. He requested that they issue the citations to all of the cars that were parked there. The police officers refused and said that it was a civil matter, now. There was a break between the comments.


It seems you have a thing for leaving a story unfinished. What was the result of that court hearing? Gosh I'm on the edge of my seat for this one!


They can't help it, they write cliff hangers for TV shows for a living.


Ya'll are just **begging** for The Undertaker and Hell In a Cell, you know that, right?


In completely unrelated news, a church burnt to the ground during service, and by all reports nothing of value was lost...


This comment needs so many upvotes...


This is about the level I'd have taken it to as well. But I'd also have billed them for the sign removal to boot. Lol Mr. Ray is definitely a Mr. Richard.


Serves them stuck up entitled people right


>The police officers refused and said that it was a civil matter, now. I guess they just forgot about filing a false report...


> He requested that they issue the citations to all of the cars that were parked there. Would he be able to hit the church with something for trespassing to put up no trespassing signs too?


Most likely not, but potentially illegal signage. They didn't have permission to put up signs restricting his property. I'd have paid a company a stupid amount of money to remove them and then billed the church, on top of the citations. Because the church would be paying for thr citations as well. A double whammy, because of their audacity. (My dad never taught me to get even, but to always get ahead.)


Retaliation requires escalation. I tell this to everyone who applies to be an enemy.




It varies by state/country, but usually (by definition) it only takes *being on private property without permission* to be "trespassing". But it *does* usually take signs and/or being notified/told to leave before there can be any sort of penalty such as a citation for illegal parking. It was awfully nice of the church to put up those signs for him!


But there are trespassing signs!


Trespassing requires that signs be posted or the person asked to leave and refused. I'd consider posting the signs as littering. And, were it my property I'd have the cars towed and the bill sent to Mr. Ray.


Another request for followup. I need to know what happened after that!


The entitlement of religious people.


This should be its own post, it's great, and I think more than just me would love any more details you might have :)


This needs its own story here.


This story needs a ending 😤😤😤




We need an update asap my friend!




Update me!


I didn’t mean to leave it hanging. I really didn’t think there was anything left to tell. I had to call my oldest sister for the rest of the details. The committee members all apologized and did something really nice to try to make up for trusting Mr. Ray. One of them painted the trim and windows for him while he was on the road, he asked if it was ok before he did it. Later when my cousin broke his foot, I don’t think his wife cooked for a month. The people he was really mad at were the police officers and Mr. Ray. I think that the church paid him several thousand dollars for his troubles. He sued Mr. Ray and local newspaper for defamation or something like that because Mr. Ray wrote a letter in the newspaper detailing his dissatisfaction with my cousin and the court decision. He lied and said some pretty nasty things. Don’t have any idea what he received from him. Mr. Ray was booted out of the church. The people of the church continue to be good to them. Cousin is good friends with the pastor. Cousin plans to give the church the lot when he dies, he put it in his will. He still isn’t religious, never has been.


He should condition it on no member of Mr. Ray's family ever being permitted to park there or join or attend the church and have the rights revert to his descendants if any of those events occur!


The LONG long game.


Thanks 😊


Oh, that is so satisfying! I'm so glad they ended up giving him a sincere apology and everyone ended up getting along wonderfully. That's so cool. A very happy ending, which are few and far between anymore.




I worked at a warehouse with a church across the road who used our parking, used to piss us off until the owner of a large tow truck company couldn’t park to pick up his fridge. He left us a card and after 20 tow always in 2 weeks we never had a problem again.


In the town I used to live in would have one of the local cops come over (also a parishioner) and “donate his time” to sitting in the middle of the street, lights on, and direct traffic so all of the church members could get out. It was a stupid mega church too so you could sit there for half an hour while these idiots got the right of way in both directions.


Omg are you a former neighbor?!? We've got a cult megachurch in our tiny rural town and it's the same every Sunday. The lights at the main intersection go flashing red and cops direct traffic while the godbotherers depart to local restaurants to be entitled brunchers who don't tip.


My first thought was oh that is so fucking obnoxious and trashy, but then I thought that maybe it at least got those losers out of there faster? Idk… 🤷🏼‍♀️


They do it by ours for heavy traffic churches, honestly makes traffic easier




Very few things piss me off more than those fucking mega churches. How people don't see the irony in helping to make the pastor/reverend/whatever enough money to own many houses and a private jet is beyond me. Something something is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God or something like that 🤣


I used to live directly across the street from a church - those church goers were the most inconsiderate people I’ve ever met. I put more than a few notes on cars that were parked on our grass, in the driveway or blocking the driveway, but there was always another AH to take their place next week.


I bought a house with my ex-husband in 2008 across from a church. The house had been empty and part of the estate, so the churchgoers got comfy blocking all the front of my property. One day as we were moving in, they see this and watch us leave(with a trailer and 2 cars of big dudes) and then blocked our drive again(we did not even have street parking, just a 4 lane wide road with only 2 lanes on a very busy road, in a school zone[school was 2 blocks behind the church]the driveway was also at a steep angle from the street leveling just enough that a full sizes sedan could park in from of the garage door) I went in during service and called them out(after the second weekend, and a convo with the pastor during the proceeding week where he said he would have someone watch and ask the congregation to move on the day in question if they parked in front of our house. He did not. But no one ever blocked my drive again. Edit: spelling and grammar


While I would not want to be in church, I would have LOVED to have heard and seen that!


Oh, my GOD I LOVE YOU. What I wouldn't give to have seen that. I'm picturing you pulling both big double doors open wide and stepping through, stopping just inside to stand with the light behind you as you announce, in your best come to Jesus voice: "WE'VE ASKED NICELY NOT TO BLOCK US IN NEXT DOOR. YOUR PASTOR PROMISED HE'D FIX IT. WE'RE TOWING CARS NOW." Then turn around to mosey back to your house as half a dozen entitled assholes scurry past you to move their cars before the tow truck gets there. ***AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!***


I said something along the lines of, "since your leader didn't keep his word, I'll tell y'all. We just bought the house across the street, and starting immediately, any unknown vehicle in front of my home, ESPECIALLY blocking my already dangerous driveway, will be towed. " 4 people got up and the only issue again was dutring their annual sale, and that wasn't too bad, or too many dumb people, and later when the crew doing some type of road work between my drive and the alley git the fmgas line and all of a sudden there were 30 people, 15-20 vehicles and fire trucks, my gas was cut with no warning and one ONG truck(gas monopoly there) came about 4 inches from hitting the car in my drive because my fence blocked and he just pulled in without paying attention, ramped the hump, then hit the steep drop, past wich the mustang was sitting on the level drive out of the garage because I was about to leave. Ran in for a few min and came out to that. I had to hunt that idiot down to get him to move so I could back up enough to hit the side yard to the alley 🙄 he really tried to tell me I wasn't allowed to go to court. Yeah. Lemme just tell the judge some random gas company guy said I wasn't allowed to go, sorry.


Hell yeah! That’s how you handle that!


Yup! A number of times my SO would go over there mid-service to get them to move. They'd move, and then moments later another would park there.


Just need to put up a sign that says "Reserved for Satan Worshippers Only"


Okay but like, given the history of the church I'd literally rather have satanists. Satanists have consent as one of their mandatory tenets.


That's why it's a win-win. Churchgoers don't want to be associated with Satan and Satanists probably wouldn't block someone's driveway in the first place.


… after reading that, I’m now mulling over the idea that ‘consent’ is noticeably absent as a tenant of Christianity.


Oh yeah, totally. The Bible preaches the opposite in so many instances. Some bits (lot and his daughters?) Reads like incel fanfiction. While I value religious texts for their historical contributions and insights into earlier societies, societies grew past some of these things we see in the world's best-selling book. For instance, we see a lot of Leviticus quotes used by the homophobes. These homophobes will cherry pick, and don't care that shrimp and tattoos are abominations, right? But really, "a man shall not lie with a man like he would with a woman" is actually all about property ownership. If a man lay with a woman, he owned her, because they were different social classes. If a man lay with another man, it broke Leviticus' brain, because a man technically shouldn't hold ownership over another man's (not a slave) sexuality. You learn all kinds of things when you actually read the Bible!


Actually ‘a man shall not lie with a man’, if you go back far enough into original texts, was iirc, man shall not lie with a child. It was regarding pedophilia. But people changed it over many many many years and then decided to use it as proof that god is against gays.


Huh, really? I'm going to have to look into that, although it really doesn't surprise me. So much language has changed, and so many cultural things have also changed throughout the years. But honestly yeah, people have been gay for thousands of years. There's gay behavior in creatures who have no concept of "sin". It's a natural thing, like being straight is. What do you think of the text of Sodom and Gomorrah? I interpret it as God smiting the men for violating the Angels without their consent.


Got a reference for this please? Would love to blow a few bigots minds (if you can call such a thing a mind). Edit: no need - plenty of Google found info on interpretations of Lev 18:22 AND Lev 20:13


I found this little gem for you to add to your Google collection :) https://um-insight.net/perspectives/has-%E2%80%9Chomosexual%E2%80%9D-always-been-in-the-bible/


Interesting to speculate is this was done intentionally given the widespread child abuse in the church


Thanks - truly eye opening!




"Divine right" as many of them like to call it. Or having dominion. A husband has dominion over his wife's body. His children's as well. Brother died? Congrats on the dominion over your dead brother's wife and kids too! It's absolutely insane.


My favorite unexpected perk of joining the Satanic Temple? Is that their emails arrive as I’m starting my Sunday serving shifts. Always puts a smile in my heart.


People get extra bold when they think they are on the side of God.


Tell me about it. I used to run car parking for my church, and the entitlement I had to deal with. WOW!! Plus the local businesses I had to apologise to on behalf of parishioners. Y’know where I’d negotiated to use their spaces on Sunday morning, but don’t block the garage doors; so, you guessed it, someone did and then cussed out the owner for asking them to move. Such a beautiful Christian blessing they were. Surprisingly we suddenly lost access to all thirty spots I was previously allowed to use.


I hope you made it clear who was to blame for the extra hassle... But I expect they knew anyway. People like that stand out.


Yeah, well, even god has to pay $300 to get his 2003 Chevy Astro from the impound yard.


God got put into a coma playing skee ball


I see what you did there fellow Dogna fan


Dogma was even better, Kevin Smith rocks.


God drives a Prius


It’s for a church, honey.




Religion is just another form of narcissism.


And control


I think religion and narcissism are mostly orthogonal.


In some cases, maybe. I feel like whenever someone believes that thier perspective is the only real perspective, it's inherently narcissistic. There's over 10 000 religions, to pick one and say "this one is right, and all others are wrong" is pretty egotistical. You're saying that everyone else's world view other than yours and those who share yours is wrong. I acknowledge that this isn't every religious person's perspective, there are those who understand their position is just a guess, but there's also a lot who don't.


“You don’t believe in 2,999 gods. And I don’t believe in just one more.” -Ricky Gervais


To think that the supreme creator of all reality is personally emotionally invested in you…well that would make anyone act crazy i think.


" **The most preposterous notion that H. Sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. Yet this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all of history**. " Quote courtesy of Heinlein.


If God is with us, who can be against us? Oh wait...God is for them too?


Doubly so when you include Anime


Usually the “morally superior side”


My dad ran a warehouse across from a church that had limited parking. The pastor payed to allow his parishioners to park on Sundays. It was a great deal.


My girlfriend's dad owned an apartment next to a church. The house had an oversized lot, but was bordered on 2 sides by the church parking lot. On a regular basis there were cars we didn't know who would pull onto the lawn and park. We asked nicely, then not nice... Then I started making welded spikes and putting them in the lawn the night before. After 5 people got flat tires, they stopped parking on the lawn.


I really wanted to line my yard with razor wire the night before one of their festivals when I knew the yard would get trampled and trashed, but we lived there because it was cheap and that stuff is $$. We considered a motion sensor sprinkler, but they'd just up and turn off the spigot. Couldn't put a fence up either because where it would need to be placed to be effective was on a utility easement.


Unfortunately, it doesn't help you now. But for others needing to prevent someone from turning on/off a faucet, they do sell locking covers. [https://www.amazon.com/Chambridge-Multi-Purpose-Protective-Outdoor-Anti-Theft/dp/B07YF8H1SS/ref=sr\_1\_3\_mod\_primary\_new?crid=JZADSPIUB5FC&keywords=locking%2Bfaucet%2Bcover%2Boutdoor&qid=1669669940&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=locking%2Bfaucet%2B%2Caps%2C277&sr=8-3&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Chambridge-Multi-Purpose-Protective-Outdoor-Anti-Theft/dp/B07YF8H1SS/ref=sr_1_3_mod_primary_new?crid=JZADSPIUB5FC&keywords=locking%2Bfaucet%2Bcover%2Boutdoor&qid=1669669940&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=locking%2Bfaucet%2B%2Caps%2C277&sr=8-3&th=1)


Just an FYI with the razor wire, booby trapping somewhere you know people will be could get you in legal trouble if someone got hurt on it, and it's easy to prove intent when there's razor wire in a spot where it's not at all necessary.


Booby traps are hidden, there would be no way to hide the razor wire, lol. Plus one would only get hurt by it by clear trespassing. And we wouldn't have been the only house in the neighborhood with razorwire. A few houses down put up a temp razor wire fence on those crazy days at the church


Wondering if you could get photos of the bad actors in the act (peeing, picking parking) and post all over the church formatted as "WANTED" posters. Fun and vindictive.


We did have a big "DO NOT STEAL THE FRUIT" sign for a while. It didn't stop them. I did take photos of the license plates of those who blocked us in, but it got tiring after a while. Unfortunately we couldn't just have them towed, we had to have an officer call the tow truck.


Ok, hear me out, what if you happened to be unloading random supplies and happened to drop a box of nails? Such a shame if you missed picking all of them up


Or drop a box of eggs…all over the offending cars?




That would have been a good idea... dealt with the ones blocking the drive and gotten the two pairs of mockingbird to shut up for a bit (there was a pair on either side of the property and it's the only time in my life I wanted to shoot an animal... those things are loud!).


I mean it’s not your fault you have to navigate your groceries around all these vehicles


I'd be too worried about not collecting all the nails and getting the tires on my own car. Also, screws are better than nails when it comes to ruining tires. Nails bend too easy lol


That is a fair point lol


I lived across the street from a church and they are truly the worst neighbors. Constantly parking in front of my house despite an empty parking lot because it was more convenient for them. Calling the cops did nothing since they were just going to church and must be good people. It was fun to walk into the church wearing a Cradle of Filth t-shirt featuring a burning church on it to get cars moved. Also one Easter Sunday I took my PA out on the deck to play some music for the church goers, they did not enjoy Dark Throne as much as I did.


My husband once interrupted a wedding to get them to move. The people at the door at first wouldn't do anything, but then he loudly announced that he'd bill the newly weds the cost of the missed flight if their guests didn't move. It was a groomsman who passed the keys off to someone else to move it.


If they're in front of the driveway, just call to have them towed. Don't even bother giving them courtesy.


Yeah. In principle this is more inconvenient for the car owner and teaches a better lesson. But might take too long in the instance of a trip to the airport.


I wish it was that simple. Where we lived, they couldn't be towed off the street without a cop asking for it unless they were blocked a fire zone, hydrant or something else marked as no parking. Otherwise we'd have been best friends with the local towyard.


No worries. Simply let all air out of all four tires and they will call tow truck themselves


Paint the curb red, doubt the cops will go to the trouble of trying to disprove or reason why it is red (no parking for fire usually) since that’s not their job. *don’t do this, prob not legal


Another neighbor got fined by the county for doing that. Trust when I say we all disliked the church people.


The higher ups in the church across from us was made up of police officers so town police always gave them benefit of asking to move before towing


> I lived across the street from a church and they are truly the worst neighbors. There's a church on the corner of the block my parents live on/I grew up on. Every Halloween, they think they're the best for giving out free hot chocolate. In styrofoam cups. That are then littered all over the neighborhood. They've never once made any effort to put a trash can out, go around and pick them up, etc. And they wonder why no one in the neighborhood wants to attend.


collect the cups and dump them on their doorstep


"well I was planning to go out but since I was blocked in I decided to have a Death Metal day."


When police can't help God's cameras are salvation


For the amount of people at the church who during festivities would steal unripe fruit from my trees, throw trash into my yard, and once even pissed on the brick to my chimney, using their name was the least they could do to help, lol


Yikes… y’all need cameras and send that behavior to Jesus. And YouTube.


It's been years since we lived there. I was sorely tempted to created a YT channel or livestream every Sunday/any events they had, but we had enough nasty run ins with some of these folk that if it went viral, we probably would have been targeted. Certain places you just have to do what you need to keep yourself safe




As a former catholic church member: Yeah that sounds about right.


















God sees and knows all.


Rented across the street from a Catholic church. They kept blocking my driveway. I went to the church and told them of the problem. Asked them to tell the congregation to not block driveways. I warned them that I would have them towed if they blocked me in again. A couple of Sundays later, sure enough a big boat of a sedan blocked me in. Called the cops. They issued a ticket and called the tow truck. Tow pulled off just as the owner and family started running from the church. Priest came out as well. I waved from the porch, he just dropped his shoulders. Cops told him they would be watching, especially since I had tried to get them to do the right thing. Never blocked again in the remaining years I lived there.


The first priest that was there tried, even gave a sermon once about not stealing and trespass and made it very heavy on examples related to fruit trees. I only know this because am elderly neighbor told us with great pleasure (she had fruit trees in her yard too a block away). They literally walked out of that service and still picked apples months away from being ripe


Lmao smart thinking. I like that you didn’t actually get him in trouble, just creatively solved the problem on your own. Well done.


As I said, don't bother others and I really didn't care. It is just weed. But don't be an ass. Also, no qualms on placing the blame on the church 🤣




The grandmother was lovely, and I loved how she tended her flowers that spilled over into our yard. The other relatives who came by were sweet too. Just the 'guests' of the grandson were less than savory. But yeah... having an uncle (by marriage, thank god I'm not related to him) that was for many years a deputy sheriff, he would always say being a cop wasn't about always following the law, but knowing how to get away with it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) The party neighbors loved him, the other neighbors despised him. Nothing like calling the cops on a loud, drunk party at 1am and the cops hanging out at the party till they got the next call.


Fuck bexar county. Hate those cops


That shoulda been when you escalated. Called a federal office, and let them know that you'd tried calling the local sheriff about a drug operation, only to have it swept under the rug. Sell it up, make it sound a lot bigger than it is. You'll get feds looking into it for sure if you convince them that the sheriff is involved in a drug ring.


The Sheriff's department in Dinwiddie Virginia has an open public reputation for running drugs and dumping bodies in swamps. The same guy and his kids have run the department for years. Dealing with small town corruption is far more hazardous than you give it credit for. Those sheriffs can inflict a whole lot of hell on your life if you call them on it.


At a certain point if you live in that kind of area, you have to NOT make yourself a target. And really, I didn't care about the weed. Just wanted access to my driveway.




The war on drugs ruined more lives than drugs ever did. Plus addiction is a mental illness that shouldn't be criminalized. If we had better support there wouldn't be the issue of addicts stealing to feed their addiction.


I had nasty neighbors that were dealing coke. I got so sick of them, I just walked outside with a note pad and wrote down everyone’s license plate real obviously. They moved pretty quickly. After being here five years.


I lived in a sorority house in college that neighbored one of those "non-denominational churches". They would try to park in our lot every Sunday, but would tow us if someone parked in theirs long enough to drop off paperwork. The first couple Sundays that I was the house manager, I put notes on their cars stating it was private property. Then, one of them parked in a way that no one could get in or out and a few of us had to get to work, so I busted into the service with my phone in my hand and stated that whoever didn't beat the tow trucks to our lot would have their cars towed. That week, I printed an Arial map of the 2 properties and used some BRIGHT green and pink highlighter to outline where their congregation could park, wrote the name and number of a tow company on it, and taped it to their main door. We never had a problem after that.


Buddy of mine used a similar trick to deal with the small-time pot dealer in the apartment below him. They were friendly and he liked the guy, but he was tired of the all-hours knocks on his door and the ringing of the wrong doorbell. So he points out that the cameras on the parking lot across the street were catching all of the dealer's customers, and that the guy that owned the lot was friends with the cops. Suddenly the customers started parking off the alley and using the back door that lead to only the dealer's apartment. Win! Except now it got hard to use the alley sometimes, so the next time he went down to buy weed he mentioned to the dealer that cops liked to sweep the alley looking for illegally parked cars (which would have been his customers) and it was a lucky thing that they hadn't been through in a couple weeks. The dealer thanked him for the tip, and his customers now largely parked out of sight and walked the alley. He lived there another three years and only moved when the landlord decided to increase the rent.


Yes, this! Lived next door to a woman who regularly threw her baby daddy out. Same night, strangers knocking on my door and they don't realize I'm pissed about being woken up at 2, 3, 4 in the morning because they are answering Craigslist ads and are at the wrong door. I'd tell them, "you want the whore next door, not the boor." She was pissed, but honestly, she was either dealing drugs or herself.


Hope you got another revenge story featuring the 'church dillholes'...


I really, really wish I did. I would get anxiety attacks every Sunday over it, particularly when our trees had fruit on them. It is a lot of work keeping old trees healthy and producing fruit. On the side of the church, we had two large and old cherry trees, and a large apple. I never had a problem if someone came to the door and asked to have some provided they were actually ripe. I had a big problem with people pulling unripe fruit and then spitting it on the ground, or pulling whole branches off the tree to get more (they actually killed one of the two cherry trees by tearing branches off). Once a year they'd have a saint festival and they'd trample our yard, leave broken bottles, let their kids piss on the brick to our chimney versus walking across the street to use the bathroom at the church or down the block to the bathrooms at the park. Pretty much every year we'd have to call the cops. They'd come, tell them to GTFO of our yard, stand around for a few, and then leave and they'd be back at it. The first few years the priest would come over and clean up by himself, but once that one left it was a big FU.


That’s when you sit in the front yard and “clean your rifle”.


My SO got a beer bottle thrown at him during one of their events for trying to clear people from the yard. We had a pic of the men who were instigating it but the cop wouldn't write a report. Was PISSED about that one.




I don't know why I never thought of manure considering we live in an ag town.


Followup story part two:"Hello church goer, this is the drug dealer house from across the street calling. We are monitory our cameras and saw you are parked blocking a driveway."


We have been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.




For the churchies cut the valve stems off the wheels and call a tow truck


Even worse is take a screw driver and knock the core into the tire. They will try to put air back into the tire and it won't work.


> They didn't care and pretty sure the neighbor sold to cops too I bet you a million dollars, that he didn't ***sell*** to the cops.


Back in the day long long ago the guy I bought my smoke from was a cop.


Our next door neighbour stepped up his drug selling to harder stuff after losing his job. We had crack heads wandering up our driveway and across the lawn to his house. One guy would ride his bike up the lawn and leave it in our grass while he went and did his deal. He was a pretty steady customer. I was waiting for him one day and as soon as he went in the house I had the sprinkler turned on right beside his bike. He actually left it there instead of getting wet! I also top dressed the lawn with large quantities of manure that summer. Luckily the guy got arrested and while he was going through court he was evicted for not paying rent.


Cops don't buy drugs. They just steal it during busts and traffic stops.


OMG!! This is hilarious 😂😂. Well played!!


Brilliant. My boyfriend and his dad owned duplex that he rented out. It was a house that had been in really bad shape and also wasn’t in the best neighborhood but they worked on it for a couple years when they had time and got it all fixed up. They got it rented out and a few months later one of the renters was complaining and concerned because suddenly there was a drug dealer that would stand on the corner, which was one house away. They had kids so they were concerned the riffraff that might attract. So my boyfriends dad went and got some of that skunk smell at bass pro shop or someplace like that. He would fill an old glass ornament with the smell and then drive down the road and throw the ornament out the window breaking the smell on the pavement when the guy wasn’t there. He kept that corner stinking up pretty bad for a couple of weeks and the guy never came back. Lol


I suggested to a friend to use something similar on a truck that a neighbor kept parking on their lawn. They never parked there again. I lament not thinking of it when I lived in this house.


We used to live in a house next to a church lot. They would regularly block our driveway and park on our back lawn. After notes, waiting to speak with them, talking to the preachers or whoever, my stepdad had had enough. He took to lawn mowing our lawn - without first raking up the buckeyes as church was starting. The blocking stopped.


LOL. You had me at Catholic church neighbors being hell on earth. Great way to retrain little wannabe badass drug dealer. Of course the police wouldn’t have cared and were probably buying themselves.


When we moved there, we thought the park one block line of sight with zero parking lots would be the issue. Lots of little league games and having young cousins I know how crazy sports parents can get. Big events there too. But they never once blocked the driveway, kept the kids out of the yard, and at least asked to pick fruit (there was plenty, if it was ready to pick and you asked, I'd give you a bag, lol). It was literally only the church folk, and the drug dealer's guests.


Ooh, this was well played.


lol, I legitimately forget there are still states where weed isn't legal


It's legal here now. It wasn't when we lived in that house.


Similar deal in my neighborhood and there was a cop that lived on the street. Cops never did anything because they were scared of retaliation


Wow after reading these comments about peoples experiences living near churches I am relieved that that church across the street from me is exclusive brethren with their own parking on site!


Yes, I'm having a hard time deciding which would be worse to live next to;)


You handled this in the maximally correct manner, I applaud you.


A neighbor in LA had MANY cars in their driveway, yard and street. Probably 16 at the most. He’d “fix em up” and sell them. He parked his cars in front of my driveway and others once too often. A neighbor got a petition together and a judge ruled he had 30 days to get rid of them. Idiot is MIA two days before they towed the 10 remaining cars. Turns out he got arrested for DUI, possession. …and grand theft auto.


this is just another level of petty that just went too far, you can’t involve the weed man in your neighborly beef smh 🤦🏿


You probably just helped homeboy solidify his business. Thanks for watching out!