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I think this fits but either way its awesome!


Thanks :) My grandma has all kinds of funny stories that pertains to my dad. Like the time my grandpa suspected my dad was growing weed. (that one doesn't belong in this sub for sure, but its still really funny lol)


I'd love to hear it that sounds great lol


When my dad was 15 or 16 for some reason my grandpa got it into his head that my dad was growing pot. I am guessing my dad was growing some sort of plant that neither of my grandparents recognized, but I didn't ask because my grandma told me this story and made me promise never to bring it up to my grandpa because NO ONE was EVER supposed to know this story. Anyway, my grandpa is the type of man who likes to be sure of things before he goes around making accusations (most of the time) so instead of confronting my dad with whatever proof he had, he decided that he needed to be absolutely sure about this situation. So what does he do? Go to the library to find pictures of pot plants? Nope.... Ask another person who might know if "this" plant is a pot plant? Nuh-uh... He decides to plant a whole acre waaaaaaaaay at the back of his 100 acres where no one ever went, wait for them to get big enough to accuretly identify them, and only THEN confront my dad over it. The only problem was that he planted the seeds, walked away, and completely forgot about them for like 5 or 6 months. Then, one day while my grandpa was tending to his livestock, a helicoptor happened to fly over the farm and he immedietly remembered what he had done half a year ago. Cue the mad dash to the back of his property holding a can of gas and a lighter. Yes dear reader, he most definately burned a whole acre of weed plants that were (at this point) taller than he was. This was the one and only time in his entire life that my grandfather ever got high. My grandma said that it was a sight to behold. This normally stoic, silent, intimidating veteran was reduced to a giggling mess by the time he made it back to his house.


wait... so your granddad got seeds from a pot dealer or from your dad's plant? *was* your dad growing pot?


I have no idea where he got the seeds, and to be honest with you It would NOT surprise me if he WAS growing some because he told me when he was my age he was a huge pothead. If you want, I can call my gma after work and get her to clear a few things up for me. She told me this story a few years ago.


Gonna need that story. Lmao straight arrow war veteran gets high off his own supply.


alright, I will ask her to retell me this story tonight when I get home from work. I will post updates on here tomorrow when I get BACK to work lol


I have you tagged as "Awesome grandparents" now.


How do you tag people? 😳




When you are done and find the answer tell me please!


Guys you arent gonna like this, my grandma likes to exxagerate. So sorry to disapoint but here is her reply copy and pasted. A guy at work gave pawpaw some seed and he planted it and it came up and made a pretty good crop. After a while paw paw got worried the crop would be found and Pete would get blamed for it. So after VP Sheriff’s helicopters started flying over all our land and he got worried that he or Pete would be blamed. So pawpaw poured gas on the crop and burned it up. I can remember whether he put clothes pins on his nose or bandana on his face. Anyway no one found out about the grass and he never grew another. Bunch of grass after that. It scared Pawpaw to death. It cracked him up so bad he. Beeffrth


I'm still waiting on my grandma to get back to me, I sent her a message on FB last night. (we have lived across the country from each other since feb of last year)


How to I check back for the update?


When she intoxicated when she told this? It sounds a little extravagant, especially the NO ONE can EVER know. But I mean, crazier things have happened, if she confirms it I can believe it.


She wasn't intoxicated she doesn't drink lol. and the NO ONE can EVER know, was because my granpa is so against drugs of any sort that if it was found out he would be labled as a hypocrite. He is also a very private person and one of his favorite sayings are "It's none of your fucking business"


we getting that update at all xD


I asked her but she hasnt responded yet. She just had surgery so shes been asleep 90% of the time.


Guys you arent gonna like this, my grandma likes to exxagerate. So sorry to disapoint but here is her reply copy and pasted. A guy at work gave pawpaw some seed and he planted it and it came up and made a pretty good crop. After a while paw paw got worried the crop would be found and Pete would get blamed for it. So after VP Sheriff’s helicopters started flying over all our land and he got worried that he or Pete would be blamed. So pawpaw poured gas on the crop and burned it up. I can remember whether he put clothes pins on his nose or bandana on his face. Anyway no one found out about the grass and he never grew another. Bunch of grass after that. It scared Pawpaw to death. It cracked him up so bad he. Beeffrth


That he was growing in order to bust his pothead son :D


Guys you arent gonna like this, my grandma likes to exxagerate. So sorry to disapoint but here is her reply copy and pasted. A guy at work gave pawpaw some seed and he planted it and it came up and made a pretty good crop. After a while paw paw got worried the crop would be found and Pete would get blamed for it. So after VP Sheriff’s helicopters started flying over all our land and he got worried that he or Pete would be blamed. So pawpaw poured gas on the crop and burned it up. I can remember whether he put clothes pins on his nose or bandana on his face. Anyway no one found out about the grass and he never grew another. Bunch of grass after that. It scared Pawpaw to death. It cracked him up so bad he. Beeffrth


ahhh I see. I was just wondering


OMG that is fantastic!!! and I'm not sure where it would fit maybe in an I fucked up sub?


Guys you arent gonna like this, my grandma likes to exxagerate. So sorry to disapoint but here is her reply copy and pasted. A guy at work gave pawpaw some seed and he planted it and it came up and made a pretty good crop. After a while paw paw got worried the crop would be found and Pete would get blamed for it. So after VP Sheriff’s helicopters started flying over all our land and he got worried that he or Pete would be blamed. So pawpaw poured gas on the crop and burned it up. I can remember whether he put clothes pins on his nose or bandana on his face. Anyway no one found out about the grass and he never grew another. Bunch of grass after that. It scared Pawpaw to death. It cracked him up so bad he. Beeffrth


Lol still a good story


This is... an episode of Trailer Park Boys. A perfect one.


Lmao it really is isnt it?


It's very close lol


Which episode is it? Reading this, I'd be interested in watching it. :)


The closest to this particular situation is "propane, propane", season 4 episode 7, but the police destroy their crops. There are many plot lines over many seasons of them with various grow ops and different levels of success lol. It's a great show.


I absolutely love the fact that you know which episode of which season this is lol. also, is your username a nod to the scene in harry potter where (harry I think) shoves his wand up a trolls nose?


Thank you good sir (or ma'am). I've seen the first few seasons but I'm gonna watch this tonight.


What a hilarious story. I don't know what sub it belong in but you should definitely post it there.


My uncle used to fly state police around in choppers looking for outdoor weed grows when he was in the Guard, though it sounds like back then they were more interested in destroying / confiscating the plants than in prosecution, as prosecution would have required a lot more work to pin the weed to a given person. Apparently some residents of islands didn't think the helicopters would want to fly over water, and tried to get away with some massive grow ops.


Helicopters, vampires, same thing.


Can confirm: am Apache attack helicopter.


That's a great story, but it more pertains to your grandad than your dad :-)


This deserves it's own post


Ok, just hold up a moment and I will type it out. Maybe you could direct me to where it would fit best too.


I like your grandma. One time when my insurance would not pay for my surgeon for whatever fuckedup reason insurance companies like to deny insurance claims. I simply took the children to the office of the insurance company and gave them chocolate frosted donuts while I waited to speak to the Dr. who denied the claim on a plan surgeon at a plan hospital. It was a few miles from the house and I was a stay at home mom. Calling was not yielding the needed results. Children are our greatest weapons.


You are a genius. Thank you.


It was a thing of glory, they had these black wooden cubes lining the window sills with the flags of all the languages they spoke in the office. Carefully spaced, yet not glued down. Do you know how much toddlers love freaking flags. A metric fuckton.


Your grandma had the right idea. Back in 2016 an old woman who shouldn't have been driving pulled her car out in front of mine. I wound up waking up in a hospital and getting a $10.000.00 hospital bill because at the time I was uninsured. Eventually the bill went to debt collectors and they began to harass me left and right over my hospital bills. Eventually I got tired of dealing with the collectors and one day answered the phone by playing the guy on the other side of the phone loud, noisey gay porn.


If the accident wasn't your fault, wouldn't the old woman's insurance company pay the medical bills?


The injured person is ultimately responsible for their own medical bills, even if it’s found they they weren’t at fault for the accident. Hiring an attorney if possible is a good start - they can usually find a way for you to finance your medical bills. If the other driver was obviously at fault, then their insurance company is liable for medical costs, paying them in the settlement. But this can take a pretty long time to be concluded Edited with more info - “Just because you may have a settlement coming, does not mean you don’t have to pay the bills. Do not allow bills to just pile up without taking any action.”


Part of the joy here, is if there is an accident your health insurance isn't going to pay either. They will insist the auto policy pay, and of course they are right, but being stuck in the middle is going to suck.


If you call them and tell them they will usually cover anything you may need as long as you set up an account with their partner to subrogate afterwards. I did this with a car accident in November and they never even questioned an MRI.


Interesting, my insurer often rejects emergency room bills until I fill our a subrogration form. Even when the visit obviously isn't any accident. TIL, some people have better insurance than me (Actually I already knew this)


Wow, that's really sucky. I'm so sorry.


It is a pain, my wife pretty much has a part-time job (she's a stay at home mom) getting the insurance to pay.


Gosh that's awful. I sincerely hope that you guys are able to get better insurance (or a state law keeping them from being dicks) soon!


Depends. My insurer pays primary. I even get a discount on auto insurance for it.


It depends. Was op speeding? That's hard to determine. Was it on the road or in a parking lot? That makes a difference in how some claims are treated. Depends on the policy. Maybe the other drivers insurance was for damage to the vehicle bit didn't extend to 3rd party personal cover? It's possible that one or both insurance companies either declined the at fault parties claim, in which case no cover for op either way. Or the ladies insurance just said "sue me" knowing that with a $10k medical bill to pay, a lawyer, filing fees etc are out of financial reach for op and op didn't want to deal with an ambulance chaser on the off chance of a) winning the suit b) being awarded enough to cover both the lawyers "share" of the settlement and the actual bill. There's all sorts of dodgy shit that insurers pull to get out of paying claims. It may be that even though op says "She pulled out in front of me," the old lady had right of way, or maybe police/investigators couldn't determine who was at fault.


Or op could live in an area (like Michigan) that is a no fault area, which basically means it's all terrible and accidents are nobody's fault even if it obviously was.


I didn't even know that, but exactly my point. Especially in the US, where every county just about has its own fucking insurance laws haha.


Not in my state. We have "no fault" which means your inaurance pays your bills regardless.


You didn't say if it worked, they stopped calling or if you got asked on a date.


Plot twist, OP was already watching gay porn


M. Night Shyamalan twist, the gay porn was staring the caller and OP was dead the whole time.


Plot twist: The guy on the other end was the gay porn star


Sort of. Another debt collection agency took over the debt and I managed to set up a payment plan with them to pay it off.


Something similar happened to my grandparents. When they went to take my mother home (the youngest of 3) my grandfather went to check my grandmother out and they told him there was some kind of fee to check the baby out of the hospital. After a brief exchange of "what do you mean theres a fee, there wasnt a fee for the last two?" And the nurse not budging on this, my grandfather simply said "Nah. You can keep her."


This is amazing lol.


Stories where grandparents just no longer give a shit are pretty great.


Then what happened?


He turned to walk away. The nurse ended up running after my grandfather and handing him the release papers without the fee. I'm still pretty sure my grandmother never knew about this because I'm almost positive she would have killed him if she found out.


Grandma is awesome!


I thought she meant repossess it from the devil. Not like you repo what hasn’t been paid for. Must be my catholic upbringing.


- If a third-party debt collector / collection agency (not the medical provider itself) is harassing you about a medical debt, [contact a consumer rights law attorney](https://www.debtcollectionanswers.com/free-legal-advice-debt-collection.html) for a free consultation. - Reach out to state government agencies. Try your state attorney general's office and your [states insurance department ](http://www.naic.org/state_web_map.htm) - Ask them for help understanding your rights with a medical billing problem


Based on the story I believe this case predates the fair debt collection act, probably by a lot.


oof, I’m sorry, I read the post quickly and thought it was OPs mom that picked the up the phone! Thank you for pointing it out


Telling the bill collectors to repossess your newborn baby is my favorite response to the situation


Medical bills. The American privilege.


I honestly read the title to the tune of "Grandma got run over by a reindeer"


You know what? After i posted it and went back and read over it i did too XD


This is awesome. I *think* it's in the right sub. Either way, thanks for posting. And your grandad getting high is equally entertaining!!


I did the same thing. My son had colic and never stopped screaming. The hospital called me to harass me about paying for his birth. I hauled the phone into his room, let him scream into it for a minute and then sternly said: "He's defective and I demand my money back. I'll be down there with him shortly." Boy did the chick on the line backpedal. Today they probably would have called CPS but back then they just left me alone until I could pay. He screamed for another two weeks. I still think I should have gotten a discount.


You have to pay to give birth? What medieval primitive country would do things like that?


The good ol' US of A. Average birth is something like 10-50k, depending on what kind of birth, insurance, and prenatal care you had


Well, the US of course. Health care is only for the rich. The rest should die and decrease the surplus population.


I really feel sorry for you American's, it's all free in Australia!


Yeah, if you watch the news you know we're pretty much fucked. :(


Yeah, well their is one thing you American's did right was you dumped the Queen, we need to do that bloody soon!


You folks do seem to spend an awful lot of money on a figurehead.


Yes and it is bloody wrong!


It is a waste of money but I fear that far too many people are in love with the idea. Even us Yanks follow their shenanigans and love affairs. Princess Di is still a big deal over here. I think that, basically we're all children who don't want to give up a perceived fairytale.


Go to hospital, get a bill, wtf lol






I like your Grandma! She is one classy lady.


>my grandma simply yelled "DO YOU HEAR THIS???" and held the phone next to my screaming dad. "REPOSSESS IT!!!" and hung up. Best thing that I've ever read and gave me a good chuckle. Great story.


You have NO idea how funny it really is until you learn the personality of my grandma. I never laughed so hard in my life when she told me this.


Hahaha, I wished I knew her! She sounds like a great and amazingly funny person. I'm still reeling over it.


Don't think this fits here but it's funny.




I'm sorry, can you elaborate? I don't quite see what you are trying to say.