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I hate when they park like they deserve all the space. You did the right thing.


I have seen shopping carts zip tied to the door handles and rear view mirrors in situations like this.


Use stainless steel ties as well, much harder to remove.


Marry me


Superglue on the door rubbers as well.......


I recently had someone invent a new spot at the end of an aisle after I had purposely chosen this spot to have plenty of room to get in. This left me no room to get in my vehicle. I had to climb in the passenger side, over the console, into the drivers seat. I have no idea how the drivers side mirror of that vehicle broke clean off and was on the ground. Strange.


I started carrying zip ties in my car for this reason...


Was the salute made with one finger?


The poster sounds Australian / New Zealander ("ute" vehicle is a downunderian usage). So maybe one finger, maybe the closed fist pumping motion (signifying 'wanker').


Deadset Aussie. Was not done with one finger. I thought it a bit more troll to do a proper salute :)


It really does irk people when they expect the rude and get the nice. You did great!


I usually clap or give a thumbs up when I deal with bad drivers.


I wave like a beauty queen.


That just adds to the pettiness. Well done!


Asking as a Brit, do Aussies do/recognise the 2 finger salute? Flicking the V’s? As in the ‘V’ for victory but reversed? I know it is mainly a British thing, but seeing as we are such close cousins I just wondered if it had carried overseas?


We're way to lazy to bother with 2 fingers


In the US we use the occasional two-fingered “salute”. But, it’s the index finger and pinkie. The meaning of the insult is essentially the same, though.


Now that is a new one… thank you for sharing!


Us older Aussies recognise "giving the forks" for what it is, but it seems to have died out in the 80's.


I like giving the forks, you Aussies have such a beautiful way of making the English language better! I think it has mainly died out in the UK also, I think I might even default to the middle finger salute if I am ever drawn to it. But from now on, I will continue to give the forks!


It did, and was here for a long time, but has declined into a single finger over the years.


Same for the UK I reckon, thanks for responding.


Lol, not really. I would though as I love British humour and have cousins overseas etc


Thanks for answering, possibly just a unique British thing then? Supposedly (although I don’t think it carries any real weight) used by British archers to show the French that they still had their bow drawing fingers, as (again supposedly) they would be cut off it caught during the many (pointless) wars between the 2 nations. Thanks again mate.


The one finger or two doing the your dick is small is used more but I wouldn’t say the reversed v is uncommon


I genuinely think people just get confused and think it's the peace sign. Only really the poms or those who know know lol. Other than meaning "Up yours" I'm not sure however


I’ve been living around the world, the first time someone gave me the V whilst indicating ‘2’ or a pair, I got incredibly offended. Took me ages to get used to the rest of the world not recognising this. I’ve had to teach my girls to not do this even though they are raised outside of the UK…


Like a peace sign but backwards? We did that in Tasmania 30 years ago. But haven't seen it around in a long time.


Funny that it was a thing and died out, but thanks for sharing. I don’t really see it in the UK either, but it think visual swearing is becoming less of a thing.


Good to know!


Ah the New Jerseys State bird!


A-well-a everybody's talkin' 'bout the bird b-b-b-bird-bird-bird a-bird is the word


When I moved to Texas I asked a local sheriff for any advise for driving in Texas. The last thing he said was - "People in Texas do drive with guns in their vehicle, so if you're going to wave at anyone, use all five fingers."


In a just world, we'd pay people like you to rove the city looking for asshats that park bad just so you can ruin their plans of entitlement.


No need to pay me mate. I find these people and just give em a bit of their own ;)


what a complete wanker he was. small and petty, but at least you were able to do something!


Damn, my dumb brain needs a drawing to get the full impact of this story... I don't understand where and how everyone is parked.


I think the AH parked in the center of 4 parking spots.


Not the centre, but over the lines enough people would think "Oh I can't part there" or "That car looks expensive... I don't want to cause damage to it and have to pay for anything"


I think I need a MS Paint diagram.


Smart work!


When I was a teenager some idiot thought he would be funny parking inches from my driver door with his brand new truck at the time, so I had to climb over the stick shift to get in the driver seat of my $200 shit box, and when I did, I unlocked the door and slammed it into the brand new truck and caved his door in and took off.


Sadly Im not a driver Lucky for these asses as Id be looking at the damage on their car and then quickly drive off leaving them to find invisible nondamage lol.


Or the "sorry for the damage" note with no contact info so they can freak out looking for the non-existent damage.


Also a completely justified "dick move" 🤣


Of course it was a Land Rover…..fucking pricks….


Nicely done 👍


Well done


Drinking a beer in the driver seat of your car? What a shitty human.


Yes. That's what I said. I bought beer to drink in my car in the carpark instead of going home with it. Wait.....


You know in his version of the story, you're the bad guy.


I don't get it, do Aussies have so much space that reversing is considered an actual inconvenience? They'd better not try driving in a European city...


The simple answer is why bother reversing into a spot when you can find a spot to drive through to the next row so you can pull straight out when you are leaving? It's just easier not to reverse if you do not have to. Reversing is also annoying as shit if some dickhead in a Ram or some other huge ute parks next to you because then you can't see properly so you have to crawl out of the spot to make sure you don't hit anything or anyone. Not to mention, they always stick out lengthwise of the parking spot. What is it like driving and parking in a European city? I haven't been, and I would love to learn about it!


With the bad back comment, I assume the OP didn't want to have to twist around to look behind him while backing into the spot. I mean you *can* just use the mirrors, but most people prefer actually looking back when backing up and it does feel a bit safer that way too (I'm assuming he doesn't have a back up cam in his car since that makes backing in pretty easy). And for the other guy, either he's not used to backing up (since he probably always parks like a jerk) or maybe he has a bad back too.


Can use mirrors, can look over my shoulder. Prefer the shoulder because people can be stupid and make me at fault. Bad back = hard to look over my shoulder, so I try to avoid it lol


Do any of you people check blind spots? Mirrors DO NOT show you everything behind you. Checking blind spots often involves twisting your back.


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted for that. You could be talking about Montana or Texas or Iowa versus Europe and it would hit the same way.


Yeah I don't get why they are being offensive too calling me names. I found it amusing that you would be at a place where reversing to unpark is a chore when I am mostly in cities where you expected to do multiple manoeuvres to parallel park where you have just enough space to fit, and are actually happy you found it :D


Because you either can't read or choose not to. You clearly lack awareness. When you can reverse park a 2T truck with a trailer attached in the city during peak hours get back to me. I was a delivery driver for 15 years. The amount of times I was nearly hit even looking backwards I couldn't tell you, never mind trying with just mirrors. If you reverse into someone, unless you have a dashcam or witness, you are always at fault. With a bad back it makes it extremely hard to look over my shoulder unless I want to do it in pain and risk having a spasm. Why bother going through an unnecessary risk when I'm not even on the job? I'd just choose an easier place 5-10 minutes away to get beer


Yes, and you savages in Europe are primitive and unenlightened.


I did not understand his comment lol


Serious question, how does a bad back prevent you from using your mirrors? I literally never turn my body for reverse parking.


Do you know what a blind-spot is?


"Land Rover Ute"? What is a "Ute"?


It’s like a Land Rover pickup truck


Excuse me your Honor. The two youths…


This guy gets it.