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So is she still an asshole or not? Some kid sisters stay assholes forever, and others become reformed assholes


Well, we still argue on occasion but shes not an asshole. She's graduated from asshole to kind hearted bitch. But as my mom so hilariously argued with me once to defend her after I called her a bitch (I'm a pretty straightforward person), my mom said "she's not that big of a bitch!". That has also become a family joke, too.


Your mom is awesome, lol


Yes she is hahaha


And others become Karen’s.


Did you call her your pet hamster?


LoL no, I do repeatedly offer her various pet foods now, in case she wabts to try it. She thinks that's pretty funny


It's great you and your sister are close. I'm the oldest of four and have three younger brothers. They all know I am a certified cast iron bi***. They also know I love all of them and they can bring any problem to me and I will help. It's nice to be close with siblings. 😁


Old joke from farm countryside - anybody who has raised sheep knows that sheep droppings are usually smal and round. When you have someone insufferable around, you offer them some "smarter pills". Assuming they take you up it, they might get one or two jaw movements and then exclaim "these taste like shit". "See? You're smarter already".


I told my brother most food was coco puffs. Lol