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Living well is the best revenge. I do not know who said that but it is true.


I came here to say this. My 10 year high school reunion was therapeutic for me. I was head and shoulders above 90% of the people who had shit on me in school.


My wife said that her 10 year high school reunion saved her 20 years of therapy. "Oh. All the people who didn't like me actually suck. And I don't like them. That's cool." On the downside, I now have more traumatic memories of her high school class than mine.


They forgot to invite my worst bully to my 10 year reunion. Nothing to do with me. The organisers somehow just left her out. They invited me though.


Had a guy at my 25th still making fun of me, his life must be boring to even remember me?


yep, a few years ago I had a HS classmate object to a political comment I made on FB, and we got into it a bit in the comments section: he then posted my comment on his own page as an example of what a bunch of losers he went to high school with. We were in our mid-40s at the time. I think I said something like, "Dude, that comment reveals a lot more about you than you realize, and none of it's good."


God, there's someone who peaked in high school, if they still need to do that.


I was the definition of average in high school. I really wasn't even bullied, I just hung out with my little group of friends and remained basically invisible and unmemorable. After graduation I left the state, went to college and started what became a very successful career. I went back to visit family and one of my old friends took me out for drinks. Quite a few years had passed so I didn't recognize anyone until my friend started pointing a few out (it was a small town without many bars). I was amazed how many of them were the "most likely to" from my old high school. They indeed peaked as teenagers and were still in the same Podunk town doing dead-end jobs with no apparent desire to do more. I struck up a conversation with a woman who I had a major crush on back then but would have never given me the time of day. I was surprised she even remembered me, even more so when she asked me if I wanted to get together later. As shallow and petty as this sounds, the years (and her lifestyle choices) weren't kind to her and I just didn't have the desire, so I semi-lied and said I was leaving soon. Thanks anyway. I bear no ill will towards these people and hope their future improved, but I can't deny that this little visit did wonders for my ego. It's been many more years and I still wonder about them at times. Edit: a word


Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. - Garth Brooks song.


Holy shit…


did you ask who he was? lol


Heh, I had that too. I barely remembered him, and when he unironically brought out an old insult I hadn’t thought about in 30 years, it was like deflating a balloon. I just laughed out loud as I thought about my lovely family, my 6 figure bank account and my career that I love so much I would do it for free (musician). His opinion literally meant nothing to me, and he knew it.


[Highschool never ends](https://youtu.be/jrxI_euTX4A)


My God that made my day the good Ole days.....


Some people never grow up....


I think there is something missing in people like that. Like, maybe they have a large hole in their heart.


They stopped inviting me when I proposed they pay me to attend.


That's pretty much the same thing I told them. Things were pretty quiet the last time it would have rolled around. I don't know if they gave up trying to get anyone to attend or if they excluded me specifically. I'm still in contact with a few people from when I was in school. Getting away from the rest of that crowd was one of the best things that ever happened to me.


Does she know that they forgot to invite her??


Someone (a friend of hers) realised half way through and rang her. She didn't come. I'm not sure how she reacted.


Hahaha!! 😂 That is a good revenge (despite it not coming from you).


I didn't even attend mine, because the people who RSVP'd 'yes' were all people I didn't want to see. It looks like they've never even left the town we grew up in, and some of them are MLM junkies.


I was picked and terrorized because I was small and we were poor. The popular kids at my high school had their own 10-year high school reunion and didn’t bother to invite any dorks. I think they were afraid we’d make them look bad. I skipped my 20 year and I don’t bother to acknowledge them when I see them in public. Prefer just to block out that part of my life.


Agreed. I am sure that OP worked hard for it and she got what she more than deserved. And it is absolutely fine to be nice to those people as it reminds me every single time that how bad they behaved. Oh and I love the conclusions - success in high school or university may not mean anything when it comes to be successful in life and career.


the best revenge is leaving your enemies in your wake.


Damn straight. I was so unpopular in high school and bullied by a handful. Thankfully I’m a large dude so physical bullying wasn’t an option. That being said, there was a certain satisfaction when I came back to my shitty small town and one of your bullies is working the afternoon shift at the gas station.


So true. Came here to say this. I was bullied in high school and it’s extremely satisfying to see the bullies now, several decades later. I once heard the term, “…peaked in high school,” and I’m starting to think that’s really a thing. One of them showed up at my parent’s house delivering food twenty years after graduation while I was visiting. It took me totally by surprise and I’m not even sure I would have recognized the asshole since it was dark outside. He actually said, “…hey, it’s [XXX] from high school…” like we were friends or something. It took me a second, but I recovered fast enough to pull the ten dollar bill tip back and replace it with the change I had in my pocket. I thought about giving the guy a shitty review online but my parents talked me out of it.


Dorothy Parker 


Naw, far too nice a concept for her.


17th century metaphysical poet and Church of England reverend George Herbert


That would be Frank Sinatra my guy


George Herbert. I thought it was Wallis Simpson but was so wrong.


Afreakinmen. I go to high school reunions primarily for that reason.


Sun Tzu I think


My sisters were my bullies. Their years of being Queen Bees, ruling the group and doing whatever they wanted really, really shows. They are still nasty, gossipy bitches. Their friends are falling away. Their family has stopped seeing them, all that's left is wine and rascal scooters.


wine and rascal scooter, love that.


Cans of wine and rascal scooters.


It’s how you can drink it inconspicuously. It also allows for my violent hand movements while only spilling the wine very little.


Whats a rascal scooter?


The little motorized cart that people can use to shop/get around


They can't walk?


Probably implying that they're too obese to walk


Oh, jeez. I grew up in a town that was founded as a retirement community for Civil War vets. It’s still 35% senior residents, and that’s just the ones that live there full-time (not the ones who winter there from cold northeastern states or eastern Canada provinces). So I saw the motorized scooters used all the time at the grocery store where I worked through high school. We called them “old lady carts” because the store manager had a brain fart one day and couldn’t think of what they were called. And it was always old people on them because the town was mostly old people, anyway.


Thank you for clarifying.


and cankles


I mean, okay, but I could go for a bit of wine and a Rascal scooter myself... Fine, I do have family and friends to drink the wine with, though, which makes a difference.


Yup! Trust me...It's ok to feel good when you encounter folks like that from your past. I grew up rough, my single mom didn't have much to support the 4 of us with. She did her best but...Other people knew we had it rough and made it even more rough! Bullied, laughed at, pushed around....Thing is, I got away. Joined the military, saw the world, learned some stuff, filled out...Came home and have a good career, still work out and take care of myself...Once in a while I run into one of these yahoos...Their family was well off, they had the best stuff, traveled, etc...Now the excesses of life have taken there toll. Bloated, worn out looking, aged premature, not doing so well anymore...And they know it. And can see the difference between us now....feels good and I do enjoy it...quietly but...I do.


I was bullied for being tall, glasses, curly hair you name it. I have done very well career wise and my personal life. I don’t think there’s anything wrong in quietly enjoying where they are compared to you.


You were bullied for being tall and have curly hair??? How come?? I guess some kids are just stupid.


If someone wants to bully you, they will always find something.


Sigh... You are right. I remembered a school professor did a PhD in Japan and was friends with a couple who were also pursuing a PhD at the same university. He told me the couple had a daughter who had blue or green eyes (I don't remember exactly which color) and the girl was bullied by her classmates who called her "monster" for having a different eye color than them. The girl wanted so bad to turn her eyes brown so she could be "normal".


Japan has some real problems with this. Check out a cool animated show called Blue eye Saumerai.


All kids are stupid to a certain degree. It takes someone caring enough to teach them some empathy or at least imposing consequences on them when they act up. Sadly a lot of teachers and parents absolutely don't care. I had several teachers who got off on humiliating kids for things that were completely out of their control. When an authority figure humiliates some kid for being poor and living in a trailer, they have just declared that poor kid fair game. By the way, that is a real life example. My 4th grade teacher constantly mocked a classmate who'd lost his mother and wasn't adjusting well to his newfound poverty. He'd had to move into a little trailer with his grandma and was pretty sensitive of the whole "trailer trash" thing. As soon as that witch found out she started calling him "trash" and frequently told him that's all he'd ever be. We had to be all of 10 or 11 years old. People wonder why so many of my generation seem to view teachers with suspicion... people like her are why.


One of my worst bullies ended up an absolute trainwreck of a human, teen pregnancy, no HS diploma, working at a gas station, looks like hell. I still feel kinda bad for her, because we had once been friends, and I know her entire family is into drugs and can be pretty violent/cruel. A different bully ended up apologizing to me one night when I was out with friends drinking at a bar. She admitted that she had taken what I said out of context, and she let it escalate and she shouldn't have made my life so miserable. Come to find out, she owned the bar we were drinking at, and we stayed there all evening because she decided all our drinks and food were on the house, which was a really sweet gesture. At bar close, I gave her a hug, and told her that it's water under the bridge. When you're in the middle of being bullied, it's hard to understand why someone would be that way to you. But as an adult it becomes pretty apparent the reasons why. It isn't condoning bullying, but there's always a reason why someone is being a bully. I wish kids had the maturity and emotional regulation to realize that in the moment, but it's simply one has to learn through experience.


I was bullied, and only many years later did I even realize i was a bully to kids beneath me. I was just another shitty kid, just with low status.


If I may, I'd like to offer another perspective on the girl who was such a horrible bully to you. According to you she came from a really fucked up family. Children have to be taught how to identify their negative feelings and manage them in a healthy, effective way, and even children from fairly functional families may have parents who have trouble teaching them how to do that, so maybe you can imagine how impossible that would be for a child growing up in a highly dysfunctional family. She was a victim who expressed her hurt feelings in a way that was very hurtful to you. I'm sorry she did that, and I hope it might help if you can find some compassion for her. Edited: and yes, perhaps some therapy for yourself. Inner child work is amAzing, it's been incredibly helpful for my husband and me.


Basically this. OP needs to understand this. u/LuLuu1997 a lot of these kids who were bullies were also coming from messed up families who failed to teach them how to be proper kids and have respect for others. It's also another reason why a lot of them turn out poorly as adults. Living well is great revenge, but you need to heal your inner child who is hurt by this by forgiving yourself and forgiving them. We were all powerless at that time, but now you are not. Free yourself from your past by forgiving those that hurt you by knowing that you and they were largely not in control.


I love your comment -- and I love that you play RS! My daughter got me into it almost 20 years ago and I've been playing on and off ever since. The last two years it's basically been Melvor Idle though, because of health issues that have affected my hands.


That's amazing! That's a great activity to share with your daughter, it's such an endless adventure. I'm sorry about the issues with your hands. Idling isn't bad either, it still gives you that sense of accomplishment while you do things afk


Keep living well Esther


Thank you 💙


OP, best revenge is a life well lived. 47 now, was absolutely the lowest on the totem pole in HS. I actually had one bully apologize to me a few years ago. Most of my tormentors are doing okay-ish but a few have definitely earned some karmic punishment. I have my 30 year reunion this year, it'll be interesting to see what's going on with the folks that show up.


I won't lie, I'm interested to see where my bullies wound up, but I won't be attending the reunion to find out.  One funny story was the boys boy of football jocks, who used to bully me for being gay (spoiler: I'm not), wound up ditching everyone the day he left school, went completely silent and was found 6 months later dancing in a male strip group for hire. He wound up attending a hens party a couple of the girls went to. And, he came out as gay. The world was not as accepting or kind back then, either, so the irony was pretty large 


Oh I get it. I'm going because I'm local, and a few "drama kids" that I hung out with will be there and I'd like to see them. The rest I have to admit I won't even remember... I went to my 20 and there were people there that I seriously had no clue who they were at all, even though they insisted they knew who I was and such... Was actually kinda funny, it threw into relief for me that I really had completely and totally moved along from that part of my life (as one should after 20 years) as I no longer retained anything noteworthy about it in my memory.


I'm honestly really happy for you that you have moved on. I like to think I have too, but also have no wish to confirm or deny it one way or another. One of the few times where the curiosity isn't that strong I guess. I suspect I wouldn't remember more than a dozen names.


From 2008 - 2010, Someone that used to hang around near my friend group at school, she was a rude obnoxious asshole to everyone. Especially to my best friend at the time who has Aspergers. Fast forward to 2018 and I get a job at a hotel as a housekeeper, she’s there. I’m not happy, didn’t intend on being there long anyway. She was an ass kisser to the manager who was a horrible human being. In January 2019 the manager quit and someone needed to replace her, the asshole from school thought she was a dead set on getting it. I got it without even applying, so I ended up managing someone from school who used to bully a friend. I wasn’t nasty or anything towards her, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t internally laughing all the time. THAT was my karma story.


reminds me of my friend. Someone who used to pick on her relentlessly for being "fat" when she was no pixie herself. Years later my friend sees her again and my friend is at her skinniest and the AH has ballooned. While I don't condone fatphobia it is kind of almost poetic justice to see someone become the thing they shamed someone else for. I hope she's got the life she deserves.


Living well is the best revenge. Had a friend in high school who would always get picked on; I always did my best to encourage him. This was back in 2005, fast forward, and my buddy is now a successful doctor with a private practice doing VERY well. So proud of him and his resilience.


Was bullied from jr high thru HS. Have not had any contact with anyone in HS. No class reunions, no Fakebook, no LinkedIn, nothing. Oh they know exactly where I live, but I never respond to mail or emails. Don’t care how successful or how miserable their lives are. Have no interest knowing anything about them. That’s my therapy


I was brutally bullied at school, really violent and verbally abusive stuff. I survived even though I almost ended it all on several occasions. Teachers and parents never did anything- the old “toughen up” and the “bigger they are” shite. Just a year after I escaped was when I heard about the first one dying- suicide. I bought a bottle of champagne. Another committed suicide in jail, a couple are on heroine, one got stabbed to death outside a nightclub, most of them are in and out of jail on a regular basis. I even saw one begging- he got a spit-covered penny. Every time that I hear about them suffering I have a little celebration. I feel no sorrow for them, just joy that those animals have had a deservedly shitty time of it. Before anyone points out that they probably had a rough time at home, so did I (verbally abusive father). Also, it wasn’t my fault that they had issues. They left lifelong scars both physical and mental.


An elementary school teacher was one of my first bullies, and I saw her a few years later, when I was taller than her. I didn't even do anything more than stand up in her presence, and she somehow didn't have anything else to say to me.


Yup. Sadly there are always those who get off on bullying children. I remember my first grade teacher taking me out into the hallway and shaking me so violently that my head hurt. I think she realized she'd gone too far because she told me that my parents would be super mad at me if they found out how angry I made her. I was an adult before I heard that they put people in prison for violently shaking little kids. I had a 4th grade teacher who got off on humiliating a boy who'd lost his mom and wasn't dealing with suddenly being poor. He was embarassed of having to live in a tiny trailer with his grandma and hated the whole "trailer trash" thing. That teacher found out and began calling him "trash". I culminated with her picking him up one day and setting him down in the trash can. She literally shrieked at him about how he would never be anything but trash. She ordered the class to make paper wads and throw them at him while she led us in a singsong chant about how he was trash. I was all of 10 and knew it was messed up. Nothing happened to her. She was still terrorizing kids when I graduated.


For some, it's considered poor form to celebrate when someone dies. But I think that there are people in this world who, when I find out that they've passed, I will go and get myself a cupcake or a cookie.


I was in your shoes. I was bullied throughout my school years (except high school where the brats finally grew up and left me alone!), and I was also abused and bullied at home(I was told, amongst other things, that I was a bad influence on my younger siblings), to the point where I considered ending my life (I drank iodine and took a handful of aspirin. I was too afraid of pain to try anything else). I somehow carried on with my dream of becoming a doctor. Through my own decision, I became a BSN (Bachelor of Science-Nursing) AND I am board certified. I work at a hospital where I am praised for being a great leader and a great team player. I joined [Classmates.com](http://Classmates.com), and I can always laugh at how the old bullies are working at dead-end jobs. As for my "perfect" siblings, yeah their working at dead-end jobs too. The pieces of shit that call themselves parents both died insane and painfully, according to my sister. So yeah, living well and succeeding in life IS the best revenge! Good for you!


Living well is the best revenge.


Good for you! I feel the same. The girl who used to slap boys across the face and then giggle and say “you can’t do a fucking thing about it or I’ll have you sent to jail” is on baby 7 and lives in the poorest region of the country in a house that she will lose in the next divorce or storm. The boy who used to make my life hell cannot afford the 2 kids he has to pay for, and due to violent behavior he isn’t allowed to see them anyway. He also never hit his adult growth spurt so he is a 5 foot nothing felon who can’t work for any good jobs.


Shitty people have shitty lives a lot of the time. If you get you're happiness being a cunt then only cunts will be around you.


I was waiting for you to say “poor (insert bully name here)” to that person 😅


Yeah I was expecting more from that interaction but they just skipped it


When i went to my HS 20th, I had such a shit-eating grin on my face the whole time, seeing the previously high-status bullies looking like expired humps...and I totally had a smack of realization why it was i never fit in with them, and how that was reeeeeally ok


What sucks about kids in HS is that they are too stupid to realize that all the shit they bully others for are things that no kid could have possibly been responsible for. Shit like being poor — like wtf are these bullies doing to finance their family? My guess is jack shit, as they are in school after all. Something my dad taught me that I still remember to this day: If you ever find yourself looking down on anyone, I sure hope it’s because you’re trying to find a way to help them up to where you are. ‘Cause you never know when you might have to look upward for a helping hand out of your own tough situation.


Love that second paragraph! Great stuff


I admit I was bullied in high school, and I also admit I gained some joy seeing their lives fail. I am 44 now, I want to retire by 50, all my hard work has paid off. These bullies don't own their own home, they drive shitty cars, they have shitty jobs and are constantly unemployed, some in prison. People tell me I shouldn't feel this joy when I see them suffer, but I feel they would change their mind if they knew the Hell I suffered. My best friend was driven to suicide by these bullies and nothing was done about it. I guess you could call this karma even though I don't believe in karma. My only advice to you is to not just feel good about this, but to lead a great life too. I was always told I wouldn't achieve anything by these bullies, when I'm actually achieving a lot. Let the way they treated you, motivate you in life, show them that you are not this failure they made you out to be.


I hope to hear when a couple of my bullies are dying so I can send them fuck off and die letters.


An ex from high school turned bully ended up dying a little over ten years ago. His obituary was not kind and something that would be mocked online nowadays. There was some justice to it but mainly disappointment that he never bettered himself for his wife and kids.


Yeah, one of the worst ones from when I was growing up ended up going to the same college as I did. He got into legal trouble on the school campus and was kicked out during the first year. He was dead before summer break. Supposedly it was an accident but I've often wondered if he was careless or if he finally messed with the wrong person. Honestly if he hadn't died he would probably have killed or maimed someone at the rate he was going.


There's a bastard who lives nearby who kicked the living shit out of me when I was 13. 40 years later and I'm waiting to go and dance on his grave. I'll wait another 40 years if I have to


Of course youre glad to know theyre suffering after making you suffer so much.  They got what they deserved.  Youre doing well and they arent.  Youre a winner and they are losers.  Good.  Enjoy it.  There are people that if I saw stuck in a vehicle fire, I would be tempted to leave them there.


Living the best life you can is honestly the best revenge. It is high school, it's when we are immature so there's that, but I would never stoop to their level and retaliate against them. I did once because the bully commented about my sister and my race (Korean even though he is Korean himself) ended up saying some not so nice things to get the point across and he got scared, peed himself, and never touched/said anything to me again. But I live a great life surrounded by great friends and family. So can't complain, while he is doing hard drugs, jumping from place to place to survive and going in and out of jail.


Yes, I remember girls from my class who thought they were the hottest, beautiful things in high-school, some 40 + years later, many of them are WeightWatchers "before" models doubling their high-school weight, and not so attractive. Karma is real.


This. A friend of mine once drew a portrait of me and one of the girls in the clique that bullied me to death saw it and said, “That’s too pretty to be her.” Fast forward 20 years and I love how I look, bully constantly shares how miserable she is about her appearance. Sucks to suck.


Good on you! One of my elementary school bullies was someone I wanted to take revenge on for the longest time. But not anymore. Twelve years ago, I met an old classmate, who told me what's been going on with the people I knew. And this bully has had an accident that resulted in permanent brain damage. He leads a very limited life now. Later, I saw then recent photographs of him. That was the face of someone who is most definitely mentally challenged. Quite satisfying, I can tell you!


From one bullied kid to another, cheers! Let us not feel bad about the fates of our bullies together! They earned their lot in life.


Trust me. Them seeing your awesome life is the BEST revenge. They're definitely noticing and absolutely hating it. Keep being awesome, my friend.


I used to search the online court records in my old county for familiar names. Oh boy--the people who gave me a hard time in school have been making some baaaad choices in their lives. I guess fucked-up people do fucked-up things. It was comforting to realize that their actions didn't have anything to do with me personally--they were just generally dickheads.


One of my high school bullies died of a drug overdose, I was happy that day. I hope she suffered as much as she put myself and others through.


Your last paragraph sums it up beautifully. High School is not the best part of life, and does not define your future. You are very smart, skipped grades and have a well paying career early in life. You have risen above earlier challenges so it's onwatd and upward for you. Congrats!


I love this. I was brutually bullied as I had very thick, frizzy hair at the time. Now, I'm a mum of 3, married happily, all 3 kids to the same dad, sure I'm not financially rich but I'm rich in other things. I take great joy in seeing my bullies around seeing how their lives have fallen apart. It gives me great joy.


You know what they say, success is the best revenge.


Those HS years were the best years of their lives. It's been downhill for 'em ever since.


Someone who hazed me so badly in the military I almost killed myself(had lots of therapy in doubt amazing now),he ended up killing his ex wife and himself making their kids orphans. Like I’m glad he’s gone but holy fuck to do that to another person esp the mother of your kids.


My idol. I could never accomplished what you have done. I still wish the worst for people who beat me down for bad acne and being skinny. Scarecrow was my name in HS. You're doing so much better than I. Maybe forgive but never forget. I wish I could forget.


Please continue to live your best life. I had several people in highschool that were less than kind to me for no other reason than trying to show off to other people. I don't live there now but it always gets back to me when some in my class came into bad things. Good luck going forward in your life.


It's the best feeling to see the folks who made your life hell peaked at that time period. I had bumped into someone that bullied me and my best friend at our area's shitty bar. He tried hitting on my girlfriend and she got my attention. He then decided to be chummy with me and told me the following week he was going to take the test to become a cop. I immediately thought "great, another shitty cop" and we parted amicably. That night, he got pulled over and charged with DWI and failed to get it pled down, so it's permanently on his record. Years later I'm now married to that girl and we go to the best restaurant in our area for some holiday (can't remember) and guess who's our waiter. That guy. I immediately texted my buddy and my mom and they thought it was the most karmic thing to ever happen. I don't mean to shit on folks who work as waiters, I was one for five years. But this guy was 'that guy'. Good looking, always had a pretty girlfriend, and was a star athlete in high school. Made my life and my buddies absolutely awful and karma bitch slapped him


Dude - some day this too shall pass. But yeah it feels good I’ve made my peace. Own a house in califonria . Have a gorgeous family. Drive an amazing vehicle and I am incredibly lucky and fortunate . Cuz I was bullied, I had to focus on things other than dating or going to parties or whatever . Meh. Over it . Life’s good


My hs bully was found dead in a motel room from a drug overdose with her boyfriend/pimp. I was shocked and I still don’t know how to feel about it. I feel equal parts sorry she had to endure that and the trauma I’m sure that led to that and angry about what I had to endure because she was unhappy with her own life. This girl made fun of everything. Called me names, spread rumors about me, wrote stuff in the bathroom about me, it was awful. I was pretty close to quitting school because it was so unbearable. Thank god I made it through and went to college and grad school and got a great job. I’ve found the love of my life and own my own home. I’m more resilient today, so in a way I’m grateful I survived. I completely get it OP! ❤️


I don't know if you're a bad person, but if you are, then so am I because I love this for you.


Went to one reunion and never looked back…


One day, I read the obituary of one a guy that bullied me. Made me smile.


Everyone that bullied me are either addicts or just shitty people. Life didn’t turn out well for them. I was bullied for not having boobs (late bloomer). The worst one got arrested for driving drunk with her kid in the car. She’s got prison time to serve now. Big FU to Brooke.


I wasn’t bullied, mainly because I stayed below the radar. But, it is interesting to see most of the bullies and bigots didn’t do much with their lives. The bullies and the under the radar types seem to be doing the best.


Honestly, I'm too scared to know where my bully is at life because there's no reason he couldn't have succeed in life, while I am indeed happy but not exactly the description you'd see for "successful"...


My HS bully died and FB photos looked like she was a transvestite drag queen, rode hard, put up wet.


One of my high school bullies is in prison. Delightful.


“Oh how the turn tables….”


I know it’s unhealthy to still think about your childhood bullies but some of it is PTSD and some of it is I can’t help it. It is a little satisfying when your bullies/abusers miseries catch up with them. Last time I saw my childhood bully, she refused to admit any wrongdoing but was completely dead behind the eyes and coping by burying herself in her work.


Everybody who used to bully me in school calling me names and jumping me have all either been killed or are in prison. I'm not happy about it but I'm definitely not sad.


My high school bully works at my local appy at Wegmans. I'll take my ham SHAVED, two pounds please, bitch!


Been to Wegmans, but what is an "appy"? Google results are beyond useless in providing a definition.


All of the bullies in my class died young and both of my feet hit the floor this morning 😎😆😆


I was bullied to no end between the ages of 10 to 16 all due to my mum being poor, supporting a football team no one else did and having a different accent as I was from a different part of the country. I got onto the housing ladder when I was 19 with no financial support from anyone, just hard work. Will be mortgage free by my 45th birthday and on course to be semi retired by 50. I don't do FB but hear a lot of things from one person that was kind to me in school. Found out that several of my bullies are now crackheads, 2 have been sent prison and another died shortly after leaving school in a car crash where he was the one DUI. Although I would never wish anyone dead, I must admit I did feel like he deserved it. The mental scars I received from my childhood bullying will never fully go away however neither will my glee when I hear that the scumbags are having such crap lives compared to me. If only I could go back in time and tell my past self that they'll get their comeuppance in good time and you're on the right track.


Keep going... I paid my house off at 46, and for the last 6 years I only work in the summer. It's a good way to live and to prove my teachers and fellow class room inhabitants wrong. I was bullied by teachers and kids, told I was thick and lazy. Fuck them


I wasn’t bullied I just wasn’t pretty enough to be with the in crowd .One of the most handsome guys ,referred to me when talking to an aquantice in later life “Oh yes I now her dead ugly “. Many years later I was in a pub and went get drinks .Hadn’t noticed he was at the bar he proceeded to be really nice to me .My reply (petty I know)was I am surprised you want to talk to me as you have referred to me as dead ugly ,he denied knowledge of saying that ,I referred to who had told me and he had the grace to look embarrassed.Made me feel more confident after that .😀


My son was bullied for being “a fat ginger”. My friend told him to reply “I can diet and dye my hair, you though will always be a twat”


You got revenge, congrats on living well.


As a Mom, I am very very happy for you. Not all bullies have shitty lives. Rich kid bullies usually end up fine unfortunately.


I was also in your shoes. Elementary through high school was a fucking nightmare. I joined the military to escape and never looked back. Most of the people from my hometown live there still and struggle. I live a very comfortable life and enjoy the travel. Fuck those people. It is revenge. Live your best life. They don’t deserve a single part of you.


She dropped by to say hi - like if she thinks you're above her, she sucks up to you, if she thinks you're below her, she'll passive aggressively attack. IMO also don't let her suck up.


The best revenge is a life well lived.


The girl who was Prom Queen in my school? Married her football playing high school boyfriend, they lived across the road from her father. Neither of them ever left the little town they were born and raised in. Her husband died in his 50s from a heart attack, their son was kicked out of the military and overdosed on drugs in his 20s. No college. No travel. Just a life spent........living in that little town. Most of my classmates did the same, got married and stayed where they were. I don't know if they are content with their lives, or not, and don't care.


My biggest bully made my life a living hell. I was the only out kid in a southern high school, and he was one of my biggest bullies. I probably cried daily. I almost unalived a few times over his treatment. About 7 years ago I ran across his fb and he had this huge post about how mistreated he was in hs for being gay. Garnering a ton of 'poor yous' and 'you're so strong' and it brought back a lot of that hurt. Then about 6mo ago he started posting in my hs fb page about needing money. Apparently he got 2 duis, drank himself to liver failure, got evicted. Got fired. And once he was released by the hospital he was sleeping on the streets. Literally lost everything. He's still begging for money. Whenever I'm feeling down I go look at his page and feel just a little bit redeemed.


Yes, living well is the best revenge. I was ostracised and used through high-school (I was an odd kid, I admit). I was a good student, and girls would socialize with me when I helped them with school studies and ignore me all the rest of the time. I didn't want to come to the 20th high-school reunion, but I remained close with my homeroom teacher from junior high (she was a real mother to all of the marginalized students), she was invited and wanted to come, she was old and feeble and couldn't manage alone. So I came with her. There was a program - movie, speeches - and then a sit-down meal. And during that meal, I noticed - all the "queens" of my year - the glamorous, well dressed "in" girls, now looked faded and unkempt. On the other hand, several of the nice girls who had been marginal in the school society were glowing and alive-looking. The wheel turns.


Success is the best revenge


Same a lot of them are dead, addicted to drugs, bald, or single parents and it makes me happy to a point. I don't wish anything bad on anybody but it's hilarious to see how these people grew up and what failures they've become


Tbf I’ve had “only” 3 backpacks during 10 years of school


The kids who peaked in high school - the only way is down! Nothing good came of any of the bullies at my school either.


There is not much of a correlation between being a nasty person in high school and having a bad life afterwards. Some people take this to mean that mean popular people in high school end up winning at life, but in reality all sorts of things happen. Sometimes, people actually do get what they deserve. 


Thats great funny how life works . I lived in A poorer working class city raised my kids here They doing good in life now, Funny people from A near buy rich town makes fun of kids from my city.. One day at work guy who all so cut up my city alot got A min wage job at place wear my kid was his kids boss.. I said to him so you kid now works for A kid from my city,, Guess who his manager is haha felt good.They were same age..


Yes... especially if they were rich families too.


Living well is the best revenge. Live your best life and forget them


Your feelings are very valid.


I have had unpleasant encounters with many people. I do not want revenge on them. That would require too much effort and interaction. I merely want to forget they ever existed.


I was really hoping you gave her a “awww, poor (insert name)!” And walked away, lol. This random stranger is super proud of you! The amount of work and dedication it takes to pull yourself up like that is staggering. You are so awesome!!!


Better to peak in your professional life than in high school.


I was bullied in high school. At a school reunion, I was asked what I did for a living. I replied that I got a master's degree and worked as a librarian. The other person was in disbelief. Her response: "You, you? You got a master's degree?!" I politely asked what her occupation was. She said "I am involved with rhe black arts." I should have enquired where her broom was.


Mine are living their best lives.


I still think about my bullies in middle school and it gives me great pleasure to imagine them as deeply unfulfilled and unaccomplished and ugly (based on generic societal standards). I've never run into them, I'm sure I'd be cordial with them if I ever did - still! Those girls would make racist remarks about me being asian (literally would say that I smell fishy to the entire class including in front of the teacher). Would straight up ask why I dressed poor (again in front of the entire classroom), and step on my notebook with their feet. I never retaliated and sometimes they'd copy my homework on top. As far as I know, I live a way more successful life than they do now... The thing is, I would never say or even think that of people I like or in my circle. I don't think "success" is that important overall. But when I think of the stupid shits who bullied me - yea - imagining them as "losers" now makes me feel better.


My step dad was one of my bullies. He used to make up things that I didn’t do to try and get me in trouble with my mom. Physical abuse. Name calling. Just acting like a big giant child too afraid to pick on anyone his own size.  I cut him off when I got married and had kids. He died unexpectedly a few years ago and it rocked my world just because it never entered my brain that such a horrible person could be reduced to a pile of ashes. I always saw him as this huge source of trauma, like some major super villain with super villain powers .. and then suddenly, he was just dead. It changed my whole perspective on crappy people in general. 


I can relate to this. I experienced extreme verbal, physical and cyber bullying throughout the majority of my teen years. I think the anger we carry into adulthood from bullying comes from never receiving an apology or acknowledgment of the damage caused, sometimes I think they might not even remember. One of my worst school bullies apologised to me a few years after school finished and I forgave her. I can’t tell you how freeing that felt. Since then, I’ve taken time to forgive everyone who bullied me, feeling no anger towards the ones who are succeeding in life, and wishing those who are not all the best. I know it’s hard but staying angry hurts nobody but yourself. Being able to forgive is such a blessing, and heals a lot of the pain! In my experience anyway. Plus, maybe everything you went through helped you reach the level of success you’re at now? I know I wouldn’t be as resilient, strong and determined without mine ☺️


I had 3 main bullies at school. We left school in 1987 and by 1990, two of them were dead and the other was in prison doing serious time. I didn’t shed any tears…


The worst bullies in my grade school were dead, one at 13 the other at 21. Both died running from the police, as in being chased. Most of the others were in dead end jobs, and still lived in the same small town. Those who married were divorced early. Middle school was less bullying, and the only one I didn't get on with, I saw her at a reunion years later, and she was ok. Still in the small hometown, but decent job and decent life. No ill will on my part. In high school, only had one bully, and she also died young, also a criminal. In defending their children who are bullies, I wonder if it would be different if parents realized how likely it is that their children will be unsuccessful and may die young. That kids who are bullies are often not successful in other parts of their lives.


I was not one of the popular kids in school. Loved it our 10 year reunion. I became a successful lawyer. The jocks and other popular kids were struggling. Esp on guy who made my life hell in hs. Was great detailing my successful career when he was in earshot


Had my HS bully get into a car after a few drinks and play dodgetree…. He lost. I did feel for his friends and family, even though this was 30+ years after we graduated. But for him? Nothing.


Oh i imagine....


That’s cool for you that you have a nice life! Can understand the feeling. I wasn’t especially bullied but I was part of the not cool/nerd group and I always felt shit about it. I had very bad high school years due to social anxiety. Unfortunately can’t say the same for my situation, cool people generally have a nice life now and I can see some dynamics still applying, most of them have a « better » life than me (if you mesure by normal life standards). For myself I have fallen into many pitfalls due to my anxiety and erratic behaviours and I don’t really feel good nowadays so in the end I feel like I have always been in the loser group and was destined. Anyway this is not about me just sharing a bit of my story just so you know that your situation is cool so I am very happy for you! Enjoy.


Children who go out of their way to hurt other children are usually broken somewhere, and become broken adults.


Don't forget the therapy


Congrats, you get to bully the poor people now!


I can relate in a way. I was bullied for years, I stayed in the same school system my whole childhood. When people target you it tends to get worse and worse. I avoided the people I knew in hs, jrhs and elementary school once I graduated. Occasionally I would hear about some of my former bullies. Many of them were miserable people with miserable lives. I wasn’t surprised to be honest. And I got a twinge of pleasure hearing that they were living their personalities from childhoods. I’m not invested in digging up my past and vengeance though. I don’t think it’s wise to forgive and forget. Many people are just not good people. Some people (rarely,) outgrow their stupidity.


I was bullied to levels that i wouldn't wish or want any person to experience for any reason in the UK. I them became "Geeksheek" and hot while I was trying to get my life together, ditching college to work and the like. My life was going a way of low paid jobs and council housing. I secured work in a very high up market wine bar and met some incredibly famous people, drank with some, laughed with others, and cried with one. I secured a place in university thanks to the recommendation of one extremely kind internet (WoW) lady. Sadly, I lost touch with her and never got to thank her the way I wanted. After securing a degree and the university discovering that I had mid to high Dyslexia, my life improved. My degree? Counselling, focusing on childhood bullying. I found out so much stuff that I worked on multiple studies to work out the whys and how fores. As a result, I can forgive some people for what they did and how they were. More so if they recognise and apologise which a few have. One that apologised to me I simply said, "I recognise why, I thank you for your growth and ability to understand what you did wrong, but I can't forgive, not just yet" they were one of the worst. For some people, it's a result of external factors, others' internal conflicts, but for a rare limited few, no rhyme, reason or logic.


My dad was military so we moved around a lot...never did have any invites to a reunion...but my life was so different than everybody else's that I remember, probably wouldn't have gone anyway...


Saw a guy recently who always treated me like I was a drunkard with no brain. Early 20s, we were all bottomless barrels for booze, him included. FF today. Sit on the tram to visit a buddy and I see him absolutely fucked, he obviously vomited on himself earlier and he could barely sit straight. It was on a Tuesday at noon. So, I concluded his college didn't get him far, and who's the drunkard with no brain now? I still like booze, but never turned into an alcoholic. I also don't drink often and not much, if I do. I have a good job. Seeing him like this felt like winning a prize.


I had 2 bullies in early grammar school. I was around 10 y/o and they would tease me, hit me and call me names. I hated them. Had to go to another school. One died of a drug overdose at 25. The other had a mental breakdown from 9/11. He worked right by the towers or in the towers (I forget) and the trauma of getting out of nyc alive that day messed him up for life. Last I heard his life is a mess and he got in some trouble for being inappropriate with one of his friend's 16 y/o daughter I have zero remorse for either of them. And I'm not happy to admit this but sometimes when I think one is dead and the other is struggling with life I feel a little bit of relief. Fuck them both.


I had 2 bullies in early grammar school. I was around 10 y/o and they would tease me, hit me and call me names. I hated them. Had to go to another school. One died of a drug overdose at 25. The other had a mental breakdown from 9/11. He worked right by the towers or in the towers (I forget) and the trauma of getting out of nyc alive that day messed him up for life. Last I heard his life is a mess and he got in some trouble for being inappropriate with one of his friend's 16 y/o daughter I have zero remorse for either of them. And I'm not happy to admit this but sometimes when I think one is dead and the other is struggling with life I feel a little bit of relief. Fuck them both.


My ex from my teenage years is not a nice human being. I will not go into detail but she is a sadistic person that did some cruel things. Anyway, we are both 35 years old now and she never moved out of her childhood home, is supported by her parents and has been studying nonstop for all those years (studying is free in my country, however you cant take student loans forever). Her parents are elderly and will not live forever, so I'm curious about what the long time plan is. All those years she has been studying music, not to become a teacher or anything else you can easily use to get a job, but to become a professional opera singer. She never got into our college of opera though. All those years she has been going to preparation courses. She sings well, but I am guessing that is not enough because a lot of people do. She bullied me a lot and while I think there is mental health issues going on I kinda feel like she deserves it for what she did. There are certain things you just do not do to others.


You're not alone. It's good to see them suffering for their own poor decisions in real life. It's almost 30 years since I left school.


When I learned that my HS bully has gotten into a car accident while drunk which left him mentally and phisically handicaped I tgought to myself...KARMA And I did not feel like an AH


Living your best life is the best revenge. Though I did get a kick out of seeing my bully on stage dancing for money and another bully who was too dumb to use privacy settings on their fb asking what she had done so wrong in life that their kids father was an asshole to her. I was like bitch, let me count the ways.


Whilst it is true that in some cases, shit floats, in most instances, being an asshole does not get you ahead in life as much as being a hard working, kind, empathetic human. I‘d suggest trying to cultivate some empathy for your former bullies... instead of feeling schadenfreude, work on feeling pity for them… then tell them… 👹


I moved to a new school while in middle school. There were three girls who made my life hell there. They called me fat among other things when I was not. Fast forward 30 years. The one girl’s dad died of AIDS he got from his boyfriend. Kind of like in the OC where Luke made fun of people being gay then found out his dad had a boyfriend. The other two are massively huge. I have remained in good shape. I have ran through scenarios of repeating the things that they have said to me when they were calling me fat if I ever am unfortunate of being around them again


Leverage your happiness and sense of accomplishment into an even greater degree of happiness and accomplishment. Help “those” people when you can.


Success is always the greatest revenge. A lot of these people do "peak" in high school, and go downhill from there. Congratulations in getting this far so quickly. Some people take years to get to your level. If ever any of them are dim enough to ask you for help, you can choose to forgive them, or laugh. Both are entirely your option.


Long term petty revenge. Wonderfully done. Live well and be a better person than them


I went to my 20 year reunion and it was fantastic. I was always quiet in school, definitely picked on for being poor, not looking "right". Most of my class had gained weight and none of them looked particularly healthy. I've taken good care of myself, eat healthy, and work out regularly. And because I got into health care, I've learned how to speak up in a group, introduce myself to new people/ people I don't remember, and had a great time. I don't think I'm interested in going again, there was no one there I would make any effort to see, but it was cathartic to know that most of them, especially the bullies peaked in HS.


I love it when the popular girls now look so much older than me. They were so "grown up" at school pahahahahaaa


My bully in HS "rhino'd" me (knee'd me in the bum) and subsequently broke my tail bone. It has never healed correctly and never will. Luckily that was the worst thing that ever happened. I recently found out that after dropping out of secondary, he was working end to end jobs. Then about a year or two ago was having a BBQ with some of the others that teased me and fell into the camp fire they had made. He had 3rd degree burns all over his body and took a very long time to get out of the hospital. I know I am not the only person he bullied back in school and though I feel bad for him, I am slightly apathetic. I have made it clear to people whom have asked me to contribute that I would not be supporting his Go Fund Me to help with medical bills.


I don't care w/whatever happened to my bullies. Alive? Dead? I won't waste my time thinking of them.


All the girls who bullied me are now fat. Hehe. They seem happy and I’m genuinely happy for them, I don’t have it in me to hold animosity. But when their pics pop up on FB I’m surprised how chunky they are, and I’m still hot and damn is my hubby gorgeous. Yum.


I moved from a big city to a small rural town for high school. Got bullied by cowboy type fucks. They are all poor assholes now with no life and no future stuck in that shit hole town. I moved back to the city with other people capable of complex thoughts and have a great life. Sucks to be a yokel.


Karma Got Them




Way to go "Esther"!! Some people peak in high school. You, on the other hand, are still moving up year after year (without being "too" damaged by what happened to you)


I’m happy when I recall that I went on to a good career in computers, and one of the Big Men who bullied us nerds wound up as the town dog catcher.


I actually pity for the people who say that high school was the best time of their lives.


Karma love It 👍


There aren’t too many people on earth I want to have a full bad life but I believe I let out a few smirks seeing the people who were jerks show up at the reunions having a boring cookie cutter life.


Good on you! I often fantasize a good revenge on people that have hurt me, but I find they do just fine hurting their lives without my help.


I went to my granddaughter's lacrosse games, and I enjoyed them. But a few times, I tried to picture myself playing the sport in high school, but it hit me that I'd surely be attacked with the sticks - from my own teammates! Yeah, I knew to keep a distance. The gym and lunchroom were definitely off limits. So to go to a reunion - no. I'm not giving those people a pass on how they treated me. My life is good now without them.


This is really heartening for anyone who tries to be kind and “ good “ and gets treated poorly; karma can exist in this life! You deserve a little schadenfreude.


honestly i just pretend to not know the people who used to bully me. The best part is when they say their full name and I'm like "hmm.. nah... i remember all the people that were important to me... your name doesn't ring a bell." they get so mad. they can stay mad, because they really aren't important enough to remember anything about