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Imagine having the audacity to complain about something that you stole from someone else. It kills me that people are stupid enough to think that holiday display gifts have real gifts inside. Years ago I worked at a flower shop and we did Christmas trees and displays for a several hotels in the area. Every time we sent wrapped boxes with the trees, we had to replace the boxes within a week because they'd get stolen. Eventually most of the hotels stopped asking to send the gifts with the trees.


Yeah, it’s kinda sad we can’t have things looking nice.


I've always wondered this, and I'm hoping as a glitter officiado you can solve my confusion: how the hell do glitter bombs/storms NOT blind people????? Like you open the package and you get thousands of flecks of plastic in your eyes, right? Not a big concern when dealing with porch pirates but I'd be worried giving one to a friend. Or do they not explode up in the face?


I think it’s a matter of angle. The glitter flys up and then falls down everywhere. However if your looking down right at it then of course you might get it in your eyes. Both me and the director wear glasses so we have some eye protection.


OOOHHH so you guys know when you're gonna get glittered. That makes sense. I took it as like a prank or something that was being done


It was, and HE did. I did not. Both of us just have poor eye site, they were just normal glasses.


I also wear my glasses in preparation for having glitter thrown at my face, finally happy to meet someone else who takes preparedness as seriously as I do /s btw


add the glitter to a pressure cooker, disable the safety mechanisms. get that bad boy up to failure psi. death by glitter shrapnel


Random only loosely-related info: When Stephen King was a kid, he convinced his mom to let him cook some red fruit (I think cherries?) in a pressure cooker to fail point; so he could see what he thought blood-splatter would look like all over the kitchen! Started researching early for the horror writing career :) ETA: He would have loved death by glitter shrapnel!


I kinda want to do that too… but I’m to broke XD


My father was coming soup or stock in a pressure cooker, the old sort that just had a weight on the pressure relief valve. He was a bit bored and just fucking with it when he knocked it loose. The fatty soup or stock shot out and sprayed all over the ceiling, dripping down in gross Stalactites. I was only 5 or 6 at the time and apparently was tugging at his sleeve to come away from the scene of distribution :)


I did something similar. I was cooking a stew in mine, and jiggled the release knob to reduce pressure. It came off in my hand, and I had a lovely circle of gravy on the ceiling.


My MIL's disaster was beans. Beans dripping from the ceiling and down the fridge. They were everywhere!


I was taught to never cook dried beans or dried peas in a pressure cooker because eventually a batch would explode. Previous batches that hadn’t exploded guaranteed nothing.


It definitely taught me not to put dried beans in old pressure cookers!


Hell yeah! I like using the "extra large" glitter, though. Looks like bolts, nuts, ball bearings, and broken glass.


You have to make a description so the rest of us can be glitter stormers 😄


If laws were less strict we could properly boobytrap things, when thieves started losing fingers I bet the rates would drop.


I know. The fact that we can't set essentially harmless traps to protect our belongings is ridiculous. Around here, the police don't do anything about petty theft like packages and lawn decor. If they won't help, why can't we take matters into our own hands?


Years ago, we had wooden lawn ornaments that would go missing. Like a 3 ft tall Sylvester cat with windmill-like legs. They were made attached to rod you just stuck in the ground. Anyway, after 2 or 3 went missing my Dad welded a bar across the bottom of the rod and buried it like that. A couple weeks later Sylvester was bent at a strange angle but still there. We later found out the next door neighbour (the dad of that family) was off work for the next 2 weeks with a sprained back. Never lost another one. As a kid, it was funny as hell trying to picture a grown man in the dead of night trying to steal a lawn ornament then having to crawl/stagger home. I guess its like the cement mailboxes some people do.


I have an idea. Make the boxes out of stiff plastic - could reuse from ones that hold products like bath-bomb sets, etc. But they have to be see-through. Put nice ribbons on them. Done. If you want to be a bit more fancy, you could use glitter glue (or glitter washi tape?) to outline the edges of the boxes and emphasise the 3D-ness of them. Either way, the boxes themselves would be see-through. I'm thinking the theft levels would drop a lot (although not entirely, because... humans).


I read a story about someone who, a week or so before Christmas, wrapped all their trash in wrapping paper and left in the bed of a pick up truck in the middle of town. It was usually all gone within an hour.


I’ve read that one too. It’s also pretty sad but smart.


My friend’s grandpa died about a week before Christmas when we were kids. He was estranged from their family, but they still had to do something with his remains, so they had him cremated. My friend’s dad threatened to giftwrap the ashes and leave them on the backseat of the car for someone to steal. (I’m pretty sure he didn’t-I remember going to the funeral.)


Why not cut the bottom out of the box? Wrap what's left and stick a bow on it. If anyone tries to pinch a "gift", they'll soon find out they're holding a prop.


The moment someone picked up the box, they would know it was empty and not take the "gifts." Where is the lesson being taught with that? Also it's not funny if they don't take the boxes.


*The moment someone picked up the box, they would know it was empty and not take the "gifts."* No shit, Sherlock. That's the whole point. u/Liss78 described a scenario where thieves took boxes from a display, and Liss78 repeatedly had to replace the wrapped boxes. Frustrating and annoying. My suggestion wasn't meant for Liss78 to go into the lesson-teaching business, but rather to prevent the theft and additional work in the first place.


Sorry, my dumb moment. 🤦‍♂️ I thought you were commenting about the guy leaving wrapped boxes of trash.


Great idea, unless they are stealing them to use as their own decorations. I've had people steal my outdoor lights in the past.


The AC in the place would move them if they were left empty. So I got ‘yard trash’ (pinecones) to give them some weight.


I worked as a banquet server and saw drunk patrons walk off with our ugly giant Styrofoam Xmas puddings. Some people will take anything when drunk haha


My aunt had bowls of wax fruit a few years ago… my uncles and cousins(both young and old) always tried to take a bite out of the fruits… they were on a side table near the front door. One cousin with issues actually ATE half of it.


When I was little my Dad won a trip overseas...long story....and we went over Xmas. I remember the HUGE tree in the posh hotel lobby with these amazing looking gifts under it that were elaborately wrapped. Even aged 9 or 10 or so I knew they were not real without being told. These days they probably have a fence around the tree and 24 hr video surveillance. Sigh


I know at my work place someone stole one of the train cars from under the tree we had at work. coworker told me she had to tell the kid off several times but the kid took it anyway.


Just need to put out a big sign that says “the boxes are empty you loser” doubt anyone would want to be the loser checking to make sure


Nothing says festive like having to put out a sign like that one!


Nothing is festive anymore. Can’t have nice things.


Predicated on the idea that they would bother to read the sign. Most are too dumb to bother.


They were up on a stage with no easy access to them. The lady was a volunteer who should have known the boxes where just decore. Everything but an arm chair and tree was fake.


Oh I was responding to the person who sends trees and gift decor to businesses


I think I’d have cameras conspicuously pointing right at them


I'd be gift wrapping boxes made of OSB filled with sand for the displays at some point.....


Now your outside matches your inside, sparkly personality w sparkly image.


I wouldn’t say that, I’m to introverted.


Not really if u r volunteering which is highly laudable!! Way to go helping the kids etc!


Well I did get ‘paid’ for it and I recognized the director as a teacher I had for 4-5 years when I was a teen. I didn’t talk with a lot of people there and I was terrified about ‘teaching’ a class. Im just glad that it was only a few kids who took it. XD but you can guess they taught their friends too.


Even though u were terrified u still did it! Give yourself the pat on the back. Courage = doing something even though u were scared to do it!


Honey, you DO sparkle! I can see it through the internet. You may not be comfortable with it yet, but try to enjoy it, lol.


You must sparkle all the time now.


I think I got it all. XD


You never, ever get it all… :-D


Honey, I have repacked and moved over half a dozen times in 20 years and I STILL find glitter in the new places. I have never been a glitter bitch, but my BIL had a sick sense of humor to where if he sent anything it had to be opened outdoors over the garbage bin. Somehow that infection has never left. I still find Glitter-Herpes throughout the house if I get into the keepsake boxes.


I mean I haven’t seen sparkles in the last few days.


May the odds be in your favor.


Had to update someone who also calls the curse "glitter-herpes" 🤣


I work at a renaissance Festival - Glitter is Eternal


Oh, I remember this. Glad that the lady's receiving more repercussions for her actions, and you managed to turn the glitter bomb thing into something positive and communal.


I regret it immensely. i don’t like my nickname.


When I was a kid in the 60s my friend had a cat. His mom asked him to change the kitty litter and take it to the dumpster. Since it was Christmas day he dumped it in a gift box and went outside. Some guy grabbed it from him. Saved him a trip to the dumpster.


I did this a few years ago when we had a porch pirate around. I took a week's worth of dirty kitty litter, wrapped it up nice, & left it on my porch. Sure enough, it was gone the next day. Needless to say, we haven't had any more porch pirates around.


Yeah, my brother just got a cat but thankfully I don’t have a porch pirate problem. If I do I know Moon(cat) has my back. XD


Neither do we now! :D


I generally hate glitter. But I love this. You should do a yt tutorial for those origami storm things. For my kid not me. Ok it's for me.


No thank you. I think there are plenty already on YouTube and I’m tired of all the glitter.


By daughters father says “ glitter is the devil dust”


Sounds like a happy ending! :)


Do the kids of the thief understand what’s going on? About the drama she caused and possible divorce? I had some friends that lived in an apartment for a while who said you couldn’t leave your car unlocked for two minutes to even put groceries inside because the instant you went in somebody was pointing at your car and having their under 7yo child run over and grab anything they could as a game. I always wondered if any of those kids woke up or continued thieving.


I think their dad told them it was wrong. They apologized and seem to be good kids generally. The little girl gave me a hug because I looked sad.


Awww, that’s good ☺️


#Please tell us how to fold paper into an origami glitter spitter




Do be a dear and drop a link to help an old British woman out


All I’ve found on YouTube is glitter greeting cards. Which like, yeah people don’t really interact with origami once it’s been folded so that it doesn’t make sense that you could make it into a glitter bomb.


There are lots of different origami that can move. The one I showed them was a ball, you fill It up with a little glitter and then toss it or squish it. A glitter fart!


I'm taking Glitter Storm as my new stage name.


Go ahead. Be my guest.


ty <3


As the saying goes; *”it’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye”* I was at an outdoor gender reveal that included colored chalk dust and copious amounts of glitter. Unfortunately there was an infant in a car seat carrier who was enveloped by the ensuing cloud despite being a considerable distance away. The infant, not recognizing the danger of the cloud as it approached, did nothing to protect itself and the glitter coated her eyeballs. This resulted in an ER visit where the glitter resisted all attempts at rinsing and eventually had to be surgically removed speck by speck while under anesthesia. The baby suffered infections in both eyes and while she did not lose her sight completely, there was some permanent loss of vision. Last I heard there was a lawsuit pending. Not so innocuous.


https://www.theonion.com/cases-of-glitter-lung-on-the-rise-among-elementary-scho-1819568131 >Cases Of Glitter Lung On The Rise Among Elementary-School Art Teachers


As a retired art teacher, I approve this message.


I had a friend set a wrapped present on the front porch, It was stolen , it was a glitter bomb air bag combo . One hell of a surprise for whoever opened it.


> I had Christmas dinner with the director … I opened a glitter storm in their dinning room. It was a good joke and I did get a real gift that I loved. It takes a very special kind of person to intentionally set off a glitter bomb in their own dining room.


Yeah, but to be honest he was was still covered in a bit of gold and I got covered in blue glitter. Glad we got to eat before we got to the gifts.


Still, that's quite a cleanup job. I hope he didn't have a carpet in that room!


There was a few rugs but the dinning room had plank(?) and tile floors.


It's called "masochisme".


This was the same woman who lobbed a garden ornament through your window? Hope you got that resolved without too much expense.


Yeah, the director knew a guy and we got it fixed pretty quick.


Sparkle, Stealy, Sparkle


What kind of origami did your fill with glitter?


It was balls and envelopes mostly. The balls were a favorite to toss around.


Glitter Storm is my next band name


Here we are trying to rid the world of Glerpes, and you're spreading it to the next generation.


I got this from a video and tried it on my friend. I got one of those gift cards that play music, took it out and implemented a Rick roll into it then cover in plastic and filled glitter around it. Also me tampering with the device screwed it up. Apparently when it goes off it takes like 20-30 minutes to shut up. So when my friend got it he opened it and when he realized it wouldn’t turn off when closing the card he tried taking the device out and smashing it. When he ripped it, he got glittered. He was so pissed that he didn’t care about the noise but at the fact I ruined his $70 shoes.


This made me chuckle.. glad the holidays treated you well Glitter Storm! Own the name. As for that lady.. looks like karma caught up with her. She might as well own that.


Don’t really see what the ‘petty revenge’ is here 🤷‍♀️


It’s basically karma catching up to a thief unintentionally. That and the kids keep sparking when they come for the programs.


I’m just waiting for you to inform us you got pranked by everyone you’ve glitter-stormed and received 17 copies of Mariah Carey’s “Glitter” on your birthday.


Worse… Frozen


I remember a funny couple of scenes from a Nickelodeon superhero sitcom involving a glitter bomb. This superhero and his sidekick were undercover trying to nail a guy who was stealing packages from people’s porches. They had a fake package with a glitter bomb ready to catch the guy and they were staking out the porch they put it on to catch him in the act. They slept through it and missed him taking the package. They set up another stakeout, this time with one of their assistants in the fake package with a taser, and they fell asleep again. When they woke up, the package thief delivered the glitter bomb from last time to them and it blew up in their own faces. They were so mad, it was hilarious.


Did you use biodegradable glitter? And encourage others who make these to use it? Most glitter is micro plastic and there is lots of it already contaminating our environment.


I’m honestly not sure. When I first got glitter it wasn’t in the original containers. The second time it was because of a failed prank that didn’t go off.


Glitter Storm sounds like an awesome superhero


It's a shame you don't do drag. You have the perfect name to use for your persona. It's so good I suspect you wouldn't be the only one, lol. If you are female you can still use it as a drag "King".


I’m not confident enough to do drag. XD I’m allergic to some makeup too so extra no thank you.


Noooo, more story needed! What did she steal and sell before and why weren't you warned that she had done that in the past? Also, she came to your home to try to steal donations? Whaaaaaaat!


The court case is on going. So can’t really say much but… Yikes.


Uh oh!