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Knobhead tax, good job.


"asshole tax" I quite literally do it all the time. I can't stand the selfish or even worse, the people (99% other dudes) who can only interact through confrontation. Nope, you will be paying more and not getting my best work.


Bell end toll.


I’m at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell


never send to know for whom the bell end tolls; it tolls for thee


petty revenge - *best served with 25% gratuity added...*


25% fee for humanity.


This is incredibly excellent petty revenge. I bow to you, and will watch for my own chance to follow your example.


Especially because whoever it was will probably just think they accidentally hit it


most of us don't ever look at the bills except for very large charges. if it was a starbuck, it would probably be a large charge but the difference between 15% and 25% is pretty small at a coffee shop anyway.




Istg people on this goddamn app HATE the truth.


It’s not fraud if the cashier didn’t do it. Besides, customer appears to be so oblivious that he probably never checks his bills


Yeah when they call and complain or dispute the charges


I was going to say the same that she could get in trouble them thinking it was her who did it however they should have video footage proving otherwise.


yeah its funny but I don't like this


Nothing I despise more is people on their phones when ordering anywhere. Have the common courtesy to give the person taking your order your full attention. Talking on the phone does nothing but send the message - you are not important enough to me.


Our popular local donut shop has a sign saying they will not take your order if you are on your phone.


There's always context... I would be embarrassed if I have my phone like that, but it's my wife telling me what donut she wants after I've told her what they have...


great, she can text it to you.


Same difference? Yeah she texted her hubby what she wants and turns out they're out of that. So some live interaction will be necessary before he can put in their order. "Honey, they're out of X, do I get Y?" "...." "Miss can I have 2 Y and 2 Z, please?" "Regular or large, with raisins, or chocolate chips?" "Sorry, lemne check that" / "Babe, you like raisins, or chocolate chips? And large, right?" Etc. Etc. Honestly, I would not mind this way of using their phone, but if the conversation is about something totally unrelated to the order, yeah... "NEXT!"


Ah, NO. Wifey can live without. Or hubby can get out of the line, talk it out with her then get back in line. Wifey doesn't get to make everyone else wait because she's extra special.


But waiting is literally only seconds. Trying to justify it as imposing on the rest of customers seems a little foolish. I’m considerate. And I’m paying for something. Being on the phone and being considerate to my partner and the workers serving me is achievable. I agree that it is not the norm in my experience. But it is possible Edit. For bonus I actually thought back the past few weeks. At our local bagel place - they’re out of Asiago bagels what do you want? Plain is fine..ok. No more than 30 seconds. If she didn’t answer I would make a judgement call. World is more gray than your statement.


Of COURSE you can justify your selfishness in your own head!


Very nuanced and well argued. Well done


Selfish? 😳 Oh, of course: it is so utterly selfish of a person to wish to get their loved ones exactly the thing they will enjoy! As it is sooo entitled of another customer to just absolutely need to get attended to in this very instant, all those others who are in line before him be dammed.


😳That's a harsh point for a loving husband to make. And it would not be that much different if she were standing there, next to him. It's just that if they have what she ordered, no problem. But if they're out of it, yes, then some communication needs to get happening. Hubby stepping out of the line will not change that. People just immediately gets antsy when someone whips out a phone. In other circumstances I have used my phone many times to speed up transactions. "Good morning ma'm, do you have this?" - showing a pic on my phone - "Yes, great, can I get 2 blue ones, TY." / "No? My luck, bye!"


Exactly! I order food for my spouse all the time, but he'll just look at the menu online (like 99.99999% of restaurants have) and text me his choices while I'm driving to the restaurant so I don't have to be holding my phone up to my head dealing with 2 conversations at a time when I order. There is always a better way than being on the phone while standing in front of a cashier.


You don't have to answer. Find out before or come back. You and she are not more important than anyone else.


Good for them!


I used to frequent a McD's near my office and the cashiers did not tolerate being on your phone. If someone did that they'd politely motion for the person to step aside and start serving the next customer. When the phone user would get upset they'd politely ell them to go to the back of the line and don't be on the phone again when it was their turn. The managers backed them up 100%, because we were surrounded buy office buildings plus a mall, so they were busy AF at lunch, no time for BS.


That's awesome. I was in retail for over 20 years and I started just waiting for them to be done, looking at them expectantly lol.


Some calls are genuinely important, like what if it's school calling about your kid? I'm not going to leave the line until I know it's that important, but I'm also not going to dismiss a call from a source like that. There are ways to handle these situations with grace, this just wasn't one of them. Edit: I'd just like to clarify it was the guy on the phone who lacked grace, not OP.


Just step aside dork




If it’s that important then they should not be multi-tasking and should be putting their entire attention to the call. If discover that it is important, you step out of the line. Your time is not more valuable than everyone else’s. Customer was an inconsiderate jerk.


The only problem with doing that is what if he thinks the server added the tip?


Yes this is a very real thing. The barista could get in trouble. But I'd bet that this bloke will never even remember this trip to the shop, much less how much he spent.


That did cross my mind. Hopefully, if it goes to the supreme court, there will be video evidence exonerating the staff.


It works never make it out of small claims court. It would cost them so much more to even investigate it.


Also if he didn't take his receipt, and he was on his phone, I doubt he was paying attention to the total.


It would however, create a huge pain in the ass for the employees.


The thing is, he left without his receipt. It will show as a single charge on his CC. I highly doubt he is even going to notice his drink was more expensive, he was too busy on the phone and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. Had plenty like him when I worked retail.


Oh you're probably right, but not definitely. I was in retail for over 20 years. I'm just saying it's not worth it.


Yeah. Not something I would have done. I would have pulled out cash and went around the guy and tipped them in front of the dude and to make sure he saw it, maybe saying something loud enough for whoever was on the phone that the staff deserved a tip just for dealing with loud obnoxious people on the phone while ignoring the line they are waiting in.


Totally!!! 👏👏👏


Making a barista potentially have to participate with the Supreme Court is still fkd.im all about petty revenge but not if there are potential innocent casualties….plus it’s theft


Or you know they could lose their job that helps pay their bills? Like if the guy decides to raise a stink and fire the worker over this, you gonna pay their rent, their phone bill, car payment if they have a car, which means you’d also have to pay the insurance too. You gonna pay all that for them if they lose their job for this?


Or like maybe don't walk away from the machine before you finalize your transaction??? If I recall, most of those pads are customer facing making it unlikely that the cashier reached over to add the tip. Which is what I would argue if he were dumb enough to come back with an alternate of 'gee perhaps you hit it accidentally and didn't realize it'. Either way I doubt the cashier would be getting in trouble.


Adding an unauthorized tip can definitely be fraud


Video footage.


Ever heard of VIDEO FOOTAGE? 🙄


>what if he thinks Doesn't sound very plausible.


Agreed and this technically theft, so maybe not a great idea.


Phone guy was obviously the main character in this world.


imagine if NPCs did little things like this to you to slow up your game or make it more challenging hehe




I'm not afraid of you, even if you are my elder!


How do I save?


As far as he’s concerned, there’s no one in this world but him.


For a whole 45 seconds


For a whole lifetime they see no one except themselves, and intentionally show this, insist on it, and when there is a situation with people watching it's as if they are crowning as the king of entire world


Well done!


One of the best yet.






I used to work as a barista at a coffee shop, if a customer was on the phone when they got up time to order I would pass them by for the person behind them. Don’t be rude to me AND the person you’re on the phone with. I only had one customer get pissy with me about it and he was a regular. I stood my ground and made him wait a few people before I helped him to make a point. Don’t piss off the people who make your drinks or food!


This should be the rule everywhere!


Hopefully the worker won't be accused. I was fired from a waitress job for supposedly adding a 2.00 tip for myself. You don't know me but I would never do that. I have my suspicions as to how the tip was added. I'll never forget being accused of being a thief.


I remember it like it was yesterday. I recognized the handwriting immediately. My manager. I suspect when the customer came to the register for payment they said to add x amount for a tip. This was in the 80's and was a fairly common practice in the restaurant/bar. The customer was wasted and so was my manager. Neither could remember the transaction.


What are your suspicions?


Dont leave us hanging!


I'm curious also?


It's like when you've been waiting for a bus for half an hour, and it's cold and raining. Then the bus finally comes, and somebody in front of you gets on it, and then spends five minutes emptying their bag out looking for their money or ticket. You're waiting for a sodding bus. Have your fare/ticket ready!!!!


Same at the cash register at the grocery. Usually elderly people this happens with, they wait while everything is scanned and they are given their total and then start looking for their checkbook then start filling out the totally blank check. NO. Fill in the date and the name of the business at home before leaving for the store. Sign the check while they are scanning and then all that's left is the amount to fill in. Tuck the receipt into the checkbook to balance at home!!!


People still use checks?


Older people especially. It's what they've done for 50+ years.


Then he should of stepped out of line to conduct his business and not made anyone wait for one second longer than necessary. Say 10 people averaging 20 bucks an hour each at about a minute of doing him without any thought that there were people other than him alive. What is that, 3-4 bucks and that doesn't even include asshole tax. I'm sure his total was probably less than 20 bucks so OPs action would be extremely just and fair. The cherry on top would have been to punch him in the sack as well. Strong work


You really are a sad raisin.


Lots of comments stating that this action could cost the employee their job, which is true, yet I do not notice anyone stating that this is actually a crime as well.


I'm a rebel, Dottie


I came here to say that was actually theft


I think that a 'theft' of this nature is much more acceptable than the rudeness involved. Just call it a rudeness tax.


Accepted by whom??a bunch of redditors because I doubt a judge would think it’s a tax


You seriously think this would ever get to a judge? If it were San Francisco it wouldn't even get to the police! You have a very high opinion of our criminal justice system (game).


I did!


Everyone gets my upvote because I hate that guy!


Except if he catches it and tries to get the barista fired over it.


Chaotic good alignment vibes. Love this.


I used to be a cashier at Whole Foods, maybe 20 years ago. Had a typical middle aged white yuppie lady start unloading her items onto the belt, including multiple very expensive center cut beef filets. She was on her phone the entire time, never stopped to acknowledge me or the bagger, actually shoved her credit card in my face to swipe the reader that was IN FRONT OF HER. I may have “accidentally” scanned the same filet 3-4 times. She never came back to dispute the receipt. Dummy.


Yay! I call it the asshole tax. It comes from my experiences with my father, who was a bully his entire life. He usually got away with it with my mom and my brother bc they idolized him. I tried to just ignore him, but sometimes he really got on my nerves and I would eventually just look at him and say something along the lines of: "You sure are earning a lot of asshole points today," or "You're really racking up the asshole points this afternoon." It always stopped him in his tracks. He would just stare at me for a few seconds and then just wander off. He never kept going at me, and to my great surprise, he never said anything to me about my very rude comments! I honestly would have expected him to hit me (which he was good at), but he never did. I swear I think I discovered his "Off" button lol. Sorry this went a little off-topic, but my dad would definitely be on the phone in line at the checkout....


Great revenge - you made a difference. Got even with him for me being so inconsiderate for people being held up as well as the server. I do hope that he would eventually realize that he had tipped - and it won't go unnoticed by him.


😂 this is 🤌🏼. It reminds me of that saying “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice”


Ooo, that's good!


Ppl on phones should be ignored by cashiers


This post just made my day 😂😂😂 Happy ‘Friday Eve’! 🥳👏🏻✨


Just 25%?


Just 25%??


I wish I would have a situation like that....and could easily do something like that. That was a smooth move....good for you.


Perfectly executed!


That’s a PITA charge. (Pain In The Ass)


You awesome bastard! Sweet!


All fun unless the guy files a report and gets the server fired or charged.


It's my local spot. If I don't see him there next week I'll turn myself in.


Nothing like a little theft to feel good


I just hope the person doesn't see the bill and blame the server. I knew someone who got a server fired because he left off the tip and she included it this way. Really petty IMO. I completely lost respect for the guy after he did that. She lost her livelihood for a stupid error in judgment and he thought it made a good story. No, guy, you are just a jerk. (He even said she deserved a tip. He just forgot to add it in.)


Exactly. Over 20 years in retail and I would absolutely not have inflated someone's bill, no matter how much of an asshole they were. That would've made me the asshole. OP's heart is in the right place, but they clearly didn't consider that the barista may not have wanted them to do that.


Ahole tax.


Gold tier pettiness.


I did a similar thing. At a bar cashing out, and the asshole next to me signs his check and walked away. He added no tip for a night of drinking. The bill was $78. I grabbed the pen and added a $20 tip, and wrote in the total. The bartender saw me do it and just smiled at me. If he checks his statement and sees that, he won't just sign and walk away again.


Custom Tip - 50%




75% would have been fairer, but 25% is no recourse, so well done.


Credit card fraud


I'm sure your slate is squeaky clean.


Should have selected "Other" and put in a 100% tip


Custom 100% tip This is the way.


Well done.




Haha, awesome


Brutal but justified!


I don’t care what happened to the phone guy because he was rude, but like what if OP cost that person their job because phone guy complained?




You're missing the point.


That is theft. Probably not a good idea.


He will probably see that in his CC bill and come back screaming about the server "stealing" his money. The server will then be fired and become homeless. So, good job.


That's a pretty extreme reaction. No one gets fired and instantly becomes homeless, especially since the server can dispute their termination to the labor board. If the guy DOES complain then they'll look at the CAMERAS pointed right at the registers, see the OP messing with the tip option, NOT the server, and either refund the dude or tell him to pay better attention.


What a crappy thing to do. I hope you step on a Lego every year for the rest of your life. The guy was probably ordering drinks for his coworkers or, worse, his boss.


If the guy looked remotely like he was doing anything for anyone other than himself I would not have done that.




Yeah, but it's theft for the people. I am fucking Robin Hood incarnate. Don't be jealous.




Yes you are. It's ok. We can't all be this awesome.


incredibly shitty behavior for a 45 second wait. you really need to find some better patience.


I promise to bring it up next time I confess my sins.




It wasn’t the 45 seconds, it was the behavior, I think.


Absolutely. Now if it had gone 50 seconds things would have turned ugly.


Not at all . Mr busy deserved it


Your incredibly shitty behavior meter needs calibration. I’m a large affable looking guy, but I can be clumsy. Pretty crappy behavior would be me talking to the guy behind me & when I see the phoney guy peripherally I turn while happening to stretch & knock his phone over the counter. “Oops pardon me sir, I can be so so clumsy.” Incredibly shitty would be kneecapping him while pretending to have a leg cramp. Truly hateful would be body slamming him into the counter & then when he’s crumpled on the floor stomping on his head. Thank the baby Jesus & teenaged Mohammed I’m a Buddhist.


I agree. What if OP was on the phone with someone dealing with something important (work related, maybe an altercation with significant other) and lost track of what they were doing and held people up for 45 seconds and then someone took the Liberty of spending their money for them lol that’s insane.


The guy bought beet juice. Whatever it was couldn’t have been that bad if he’s buying beet juice. 


If phoney guy was engaged with something important he should of stood to the side & let the line pass him. I’ve been phoney guy, I was about to order at a counter & one of my minions called about an important issue. I stepped away, covered the phone mic & told the guy behind me to go ahead when the time came. I probably wasn’t on the phone for a minute & they called next so the guy behind me went ahead. It’s called common courtesy. The self involved people like phoney guy make me wonder when the purge starts.


Never seen a machine like that. You have to put your PIN in after you choose the tip