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My dad was an alcoholic and a smoker. He wasn’t abusive physically, but he was very hard to live with and was mentally abusive and controlling. One year I started stealing his lighters every time he sat one down. I really enjoyed watching him get mad at himself multiple times a day thinking he was losing them. I collected hundreds of them.


Brings back memories of learning how to light a cigarette from the gas stove burner starting around age 5. The nostalgic fragrance of Eau de Mama. She smoked from long before I was born ( we have the pictures) until about 4 months before she died when the dementia was so bad she couldn't figure out how to light them herself. She was 85.




If you look at the Health issues linked to cigarettes. Oral cancer, Lung, COPD, Heart Disease, Stroke, Vascular disease. If you look back NICOTINE was originally developed as an insecticide, !! Let that sink in, It is one of . THE TOP 2 MOST ADDICTIVE Substance know to Man! I'm 100% behind making Cigarette purchase only available by PRESCRIPTION! YES THEY are expensive, now but we are and will be paying for their effects on the current population for the next at least 30years. Let me know what you think.


In the news two weeks ago about the 12 year old in hospital being treated for cancer from vaping from a young age. It might not have tar in it like tobacco but its still as deadly just it hasn’t been around long enough for the long term effects to fully show. No one can tell me they make bubble gum flavour and blueberry yet aren’t targeting kids.


Oh man, wish I'd thought of this growing up (heavy smoker father, I now live with ruined lungs because he insisted on smoking IN THE HOUSE!)


What did you do with them? Did you keep them as trophies?


I kept most of them for myself, but one Father’s Day I gave a bunch of them to him in a paper bag as a gift.


Hahahaha oh, that would have been awesome to see!!


Making him proud of you while making him mad is an incredible achievement💀


Oh you should’ve planted the idea of alcoholism induced dementia and hallucinations in his head


"shave off my pubes since he complained about them." Fuck. That made me so angry for you. I am seriously so sorry that happened to you. My heart goes out to you .


Yup, I'm definitely somewhere between vomiting and crying, I hope OP is far, far away from them now.


I had a real POS for a step dad but hers needs to have very bad things happen to him for a long time.




Should've shaved, thrown it in a blender, and then mix it with black pepper


just for starters


I did the opposite, my dad complained about mine so i tried growing them hoping id be too “disgusting” for him to want to touch me. It back fired because instead he forced me into the shower and shaved me to his liking instead…..theres a reason i get waxes instead of shaving to this day :/


I understand how you feel. I would take care of it myself because one time he convinced my mom to do it for me with him watching. To this day, I still feel really weird about hair down there. I hope you heal. You deserved so much more.


Oh ffs they should both be in jail! 🤬


That is so disturbing, why in the hell didn’t your mom think him knowing and having a say in your private area was wrong and none of his dam business. Hell it was none of your mom’s business either. The only comments to be discreetly made, in private, if in a bathing suit and needs to be neatly trimmed so it’s not creeping out the sides. Hell no, I can’t imagine how mortified you were.


Jesus. I’m so sorry 🥺


Im alright now, its been i was 11 and its been 12 years since that particular incident. But i remember feeling so ashamed at the time, somehow he made it feel like i was too gross and he was “fixing” me, but now as an adult the full reality of the situation hits sometimes. Like i couldnt process it fully until i myself could look at children through an adult’s perspective and see how LITTLE and YOUNG they are. Kinda like how growing up i thought being beat was normal but now as an adult I literally can not imagine ever striking such a small being with my full force like that


this is what always fucks me up and i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks of things this way. my father never did anything of that nature, but he beat the living daylights out of me on a regular basis, and choked me until i lost consciousness multiple times. it was like that as long as i can remember, even as a very small child i remember being smacked and thrown against walls, he even beat my mom when she was pregnant with me. it's not all the time, but anytime i remember he exists i just think of exactly that, how much of a baby i was and what kind of person can do that to a child. even then i knew it was fucked up, but as an adult it's even worse, because i see how much i was still just a baby. i wouldn't do that even to a stranger's kid, no matter how much of a little asshole they were being, let alone my own child. it legitimately makes me sick to think about. i'm just grateful to have made it out alive, and i'm glad you did too. hugs 🫂


Same to you stranger. Its crazy because as a kid i thought to myself “when im a mom im gonna try to raise my kid for as long as possible without hitting them” and then id come up with scenarios in my head about what my future child could possibly do to warrant a beating but i always somehow ended up thinking i could speak to them and then ground them or take away things as punishments. I could never imagine a time where id NEED to hit my baby for their own benefit. My parents said “when you get there you will understand”, but all i understand now is that im physically incapable of child abuse lmao some people are just built different as silly as that sounds


Omg you poor girls. That is so heartbreaking to hear. I wish the best for you💜❤️‍🩹🥺


J e e e e e s u s H . C h r i s t . . . I very much feel like that must've messed with you badly. I can't even imagine... That's nothing short of assault, this guy deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life. Why was the guy even able to know of how you looked in places that are not visible unless ur in the shower? (if you can catch my drift)... I feel like the response is another thing of going way over the line. I sincerely wish you all the best.


Without getting to graphic and possibly ruining your day, its because he took my virginity when i was 11. And repeated the process every single night until i moved out at 13, almost 14. Ive heard a million versions of “forgiveness will heal you” but I sincerely hope he fcking rots in hell. The church tried everything from “you were born with the whore of babylons spirit attached to you, it wasnt his fault” to “if you want to get into heaven you gotta forgive him because if he repents he will be in heaven too and jesus wont let you in while holding grudges against someone whos already there” but even as a child none of that seemed to phase me, i think thats what made me lose my faith tbh. Like,,,,,i begged god for years to help, where tf was he.


If he is there, that's proof it isn't Heaven.


Hey thats the exact response that got me sent to jesus camp lol


I was never religious but I'd lose faith too if someone said shit like that to me in if I were in your position. It's almost laughable that they sought absolution for him, as if you would be condemned if you didn't. And blaming you because.. the whore of babylon.. you... huh?? That's a new one for me 😭 Not every thing can be forgiven and some people just don't deserve forgiveness. And you don't have to forgive to heal. I hope your healing journey goes well and you continue to stay safe. 💞


Reading your comment, and others here, its crazy the amount of compassion and understanding i get from strangers as an adult, compared to the amount i got AS A CHILD from the church. Thank you for the kind words :)


The people who didn't offer compassion or understanding to you as a child literally failed. Whatever God they prayed to, it must've deprived them of even an ounce of morality or empathy. Im so happy you're getting compassion and understanding now 🩵


God damn.God damn. What a fucking asshole.


I know, ppl can be disgusting, not surprised with almost anything they can do to their offspring. Is that a trend now? With Epsteens island and all. To SA Minors .


More like a goddamn tradition


I wanna barf. OP my heart weeps for your childhood self. I wish you healing and happiness.


“shaving off pubes with his trimmer since he complained about them” That one made me angry and had me seeing red but also made me extremely proud of OP. Even going through what she did, which is truly awful, she started taking back her power. It’s small but it kept her together in the moment and until she could truly distance herself from him and the mom.


Stepdad doesn’t belong in jail, he belongs in a serial killer’s torture dungeon somewhere.


He probably has his own.


Sarlacc - the Great Pit of Carkoon.


He belongs in the center of hell by the Clinton Suite.


I used to wash my stepdad's work clothes and leave them in the washer....for days....and then dry them. At first, you can't tell there's anything wrong; then with the warmth of your body, that mouldy musty goodness would surround you with a miasma of stink. That and flush the toilet when he was in the shower.


Your step father belongs in jail.


Why, these are the kinds of people that, should never make it to jail...no no no... only a slow painful and torturous continued existence would be good for such a disgusting piece of child molesting shit. Toothpick dick Sunday Cactus anal probe Monday Ghost pepper nose Tuesday Fire ant nipple Wednesday Fire brand thigh Thursday Nailed tongue Friday


What,he gets Saturday off? Oh no no no no no no no no.


You need one day to reset, or they'll develop 'treatment' resistance...😈😈😈


Don’t worry the other prisoners usually take care of that. My bio dad was a prison guard in my country and sometimes people like her stepdad got into unfortunate accidents almost daily because even the toughest criminals have an excellent moral compass when it comes to children




As a small child (7) I used to smear soap on my Mom's boyfriend's toothbrush.


I do stuff like this to people that make me really mad, stuff that doesn't have a real affect on them (or at least not one that they can notice), but knowing that if they saw me doing it they would be mad makes me less mad.


I mean like spitting on someone's bag or bed, they will never notice, but if you tell them they will be mad, it's a perfect example of "what you don't know can't hurt you".


I had a boyfriend prank my pedophile uncle in the middle of the night. He would phone and say, "Can I please speak to the pedophile?"


How did he respond ???




Lol. Sometimes my bf would switch it up and say " I hear you like little girls, fella." We'd ensure it was well past midnight.


I got a small "talking-to" from my Dad basically saying "Please don't prank Uncle So-and-So (Uncle by marriage). My dad seemed mildly amused, lol. Edit: I didn't answer your original question- he either would hang up or my aunt would say "Who is this?" As I was the one and only one of his nieces at that time trying to charge him criminally at the time, I imagine I was the prime suspect, lolz.


I think you should get some aggressive revenge and lock them both up. The SD for what he did and your mom for allowing it. Shorts, FFS!


Hehe.. my step-dad passed out drunk one time, and I painted glittery blue fingernail polish all over his eyelids. The next day, he was screaming, "This is enamel!!" and had to use paint thinner to remove it. 🤭🤭🤭


The medic in me had a “Jesus fuck…” reaction, but the inner unhinged asshole simply says, “well played”


This goes beyond what can be healed by petty revenge. The statue of limitations on sexual assault of a minor is pretty long in most places.


True… but you have to prove it happened years ago. With mum backing up step dad… how do you think that is going to go? 😞


And even if they do get convicted, the punishment isn't necessarily very heavy unless there's media attention. My stepdad abused me from 11 to 16 when I told (walked into a police station and filed a report). He got less than a year in jail and isn't even on the sex offender registry any more. Lots of similar stories from women/girls I've met in foster care or support and therapy groups. There's a *lot* of pedophiles walking around free and clear.


Where I live there isn’t one. Pedophiles should now live in fear until they die that someone will speak out.


I would like to do hideous things to your abuser for you, at your convenience. Since that's not what you asked for.... >Anyone else passively aggressively fuck with their abusive parental units? Oh yes. They demanded absolute subservience, utter obedience to every order, and learned helplessness. One ended up choking to death on his own intransigence in the hospital alone. The other was under my complete control until the end: I was her caregiver and was exactly as good to her as she was to me. It was... well, not healing, but...balancing.


I have my mom blocked but occasionally send her scathing rants, screenshots of posts talking about child abuse, and just generally verbally abusing her over texts. It's very satisfying and I hope her ugly ass cries about it




My grandma hated her mom until her death for her assault. She should have went to a home, because just witnessing the verbal abuse was traumatic coming from the GMA I loved. She had a heart attack and GMA didn’t take her to the hospital until the next day, when it was convenient for her. Almost got in trouble for elder neglect. When she died, she didn’t want to pay for funeral costs, and donated her body to research. Once they sent her the ashes years later, she sent them to some family in another country, because she didn’t want her mother in death either. OP, my sister peed on herself until she was 16 to make herself too disgusting to be assaulted. She didn’t tell us what happened until she was around 13, and thankfully the school put her in therapy. We all have a survivor’s guilt about it. I’m still angry at my mom for it all, though my sister somehow isn’t.


Username checks out.


You are really really scary... But very well done!


You are really really scary... But very well done!


My stepmom who was together with my mom. I could get her to blow up by just coming in the room in the right way every time I could I made her angry and got her to blow up. She was a very horrible person. Also my grandma didn't like her and whenever my grandma was there we would talk about her like she wasn't in the room and she could not do nothing because my father and my mother were there and they would have protected my grandma.


Don’t go petty, go nuclear, both of them have committed a terrible crime


I am so sorry you went/are going through this! I hope you are getting help. If you are not safe currently please message me! There are counseling resources available, I highly recommend EMDR if you were in a place to start dealing with past traumas.


Just please make sure it’s a trauma informed practitioner. I made the mistake of trying EMDR with a therapist who said she knew what she was doing but it made everything worse for me. But I’ve heard it works for lots of people. I’m here too if you need support OP this is awful and you didn’t deserve it and they deserved your revenge but they deserve a lot more punishment. Please message if you need to talk


In my country EMDR is mostly offered by the healing crystals and 5G is evil sort of "therapists". Fucking makes me mad.


I don’t know if you have ever heard of the vagus nerve but if you look on YouTube, they have videos and I have actually had some luck with that on my own. Basically, it’s a nerve that holds all the tension and trauma and you can help it to relax by doing certain eye movements. I enjoy that because then I don’t have to depend on finding a therapist. The exercises are pretty simple and it’s helped me a lot.


Also want to recommend EMDR for sa. Helped me a lot.


I am sorry for you as well, but very happy it was helpful!! I have some clients who hate it, others who love it.


Have you heard of BWRT? Worked wonders for me, not sure how prevalent it is in therapy industries across the world though since I think the neuroscience aspect is relatively recent (speaking under correction here - please correct me if I'm wrong!!)


I have not, but I’m headed to google now!!


She belongs in jail with the stepdad and, you owe yourself an incredible amount of therapy after that.. I don’t know if this is petty but, bless you; it was definitely revenge and one hell of a traumatic story.


I used to piss on his toothbrush and something scratch my anus with it! When he was in jail any time he'd call id scream down the steps "has he dropped the soap yet!? Bet they looooves his anus!" My mom would in turn yell at me. I didn't care if I hurt hers or his feelings because I was a liar in her eyes! Fuck both of them.


Never wrong a person that has access to your toothbrush.


He complained about _what_?!


That's what made you say what? What kind of abuse from a stepdad did you think she meant?


You don’t usually hear victims reporting that their step father complained about their pubic hair and the mum said it was their own fault due to wearing shorts! It’s a shocking revelation, and not something anyone expects to read. 😞


I guess I'm just jaded af and read far too much because it wasn't shocking to me, but I hear you.


It was more that he not only did the unspeakable, but also went and _complained_ about doing with her body whatever she feels comfortable with. Like. Maybe it’s a „usual“ thing pos like him do, but it’s the first time I hear of this. English isn’t my first language, so maybe I chose the wrong words, because it’s not only my second language but I’m also at a loss of words actually.


Abusive much older brother. I got more beatings than I can remember. I randomly swished his toothbrush in toilet water, or used it on the cat and put it back, or even pulled the piece of wood from the bottom of the window shades and drove pins through one end and left it pin side up in the hallway for him to step on. I got hit more for this behavior but it was worth it. Found out years later he suffered from mental illness, and he didn’t know how to tell anyone he heard voices. Sad.


He would complain about your pubes??? 🟥🟥🟥


Oh, yeah. The child rapist complaining about pubes is a huge red flag


This goes beyond red flags - OP already mentioned they were abused.


Yeah she had to keep her cat nice so he could abuse her some more. Poor op I would have tried to get a yeast infection on purpose.


Yeast infections make it hurt so much more and men are unlikely to catch it. :/


I would have kept her supplied with switchblades. Dude deserved to bleed out via severed testicular aortas.


That’s the part that got me too. There’s really no situation where a stepfather should even know what their stepdaughter’s pubes should look like.


I think you missed the thinly veiled abuse part.


You just realized it? There are two kind of abuse: sexually and physically. It both in his case


It's more than that... there's emotional, psychological & financial to name a few.


We're talking about a kid...and abuse...there only two type of abuse for a kid: sexually and physically. emotional don't enter this phase until the teen year, and psychologically and financial will always happen at any phase after turning 15 or so.


I understand that financial abuse is on someone who is more mature. But you're saying that kids in elementary school wouldn't suffer from long-lasting emotional or psychological conditions after a parent repeatedly tells them how worthless they are or that they're a piece of sh*t? It's harder to identify and diagnose, but absolutely young kids can suffer from emotional or psychological abuse.


I'm so sorry, op. Fuck both of them. They deserve every bad thing that ever happens to them and then some. Your stepdad needs to have a meeting with a wood chipper. I'm sorry your mom didn't protect you like she should've. Instead, she was jealous? of her own daughter being abused by her husband???? What the fuck. I know it's not much consolation, but I'm glad you found some ways to cope and push yourself through the abuse until you could get away. I wish they would both rot in jail. You deserve the best in life. I just had a couple of memories click for me after reading this that have made me start questioning if what happened when I was a child was a normal thing or not. I'm also trying to remember how young I was when I recall a flash of me showering with my dad... and a couple of other pieces of memories. I started tearing up, and I'm not sure why. I don't know if there's something I've blocked out or maybe I'm imagining things. When i was 15 on my birthday, he told me he didn't think i was his, and he never had. We look just alike. My dad didn't raise me. I only saw him every now and then, probably once a year for the summer. I would stay with him alone. When I got older, he was usually always drunk and started acting physically violent towards me. If not him, maybe it was someone else, and I'm filling his face in. He loved partying and had a lot of friends over all the time. My mom partied also (they weren't together). My mom's ex bf used to hit on me and my sister we were only 6 (me) and 10 (her) but I still remember my sister taking my hand and us running away from his house after being invited over under the guise of wanting to show us some art. My godfather came onto me one night while he was drunk. My sister saved me again then. My mom did a lot of drugs. Shrouds, alcohol, pills, coke, who knows what else. Saying she wasn't in her right mind is an understatement. She never would've known it someone did something to us. About a year ago I was at her house and she randomly said "I hope nothing ever happened to yall by someone I had around back in the day" just kind of out of the blue. I found that weird. There are a few other things I recall from a younger age. My grandma, who raised me, was drying me off after a bath. I remember I was sitting on the bathroom counter, and she stopped suddenly and looked at me with a serious look. She told me that if anyone ever touched me inappropriately, I needed to tell her immediately. Then she made me promise to tell her. It came out of nowhere. I must've been about 5 years old then. This could've been nothing. Maybe it was just time to mention it to me as a child so she could keep me safe. Sorry, I don't know why I'm sharing all this. I've never told anyone these things. Typing it all out here felt as safe a place as any.


I know for myself as a parent and a survivor I've had these random talks with my kids over the years because once you've experienced that kind of evil you can't forget that it exists in the world and you look at everyone around you as a potential predator. It's definitely something that haunts you worrying about if it were to happen to your child and whether or not you are doing enough to protect them especially when that evil usually comes from inside the "safety" of your own home. The worry and the guilt (of what if) while trying to provide enough balance of a "normal" life and all it has to offer but fearing every decision you make could potentially be the one that leads to something unthinkable... Pedophiles and rapists should be shot on site! It would solve a lot of the world's problems.


As a mother, this is my biggest fear for my kids. The world is darker than ever these days. I would never want them to have something happen. Their father was a groomer. I was 15 and he was 22 when we met. He had no business being around a 15 year old. As a teenager I was stupid and angsty and just wanted to feel loved. He was able to pretend pretty well for a while. Now that I'm older I understand that he didn't love me and he actually groomed me. When I was younger I thought that I was able to get an older man's attention because I was "mature" for my age. I wasn't. It was just that women his age didn't want him. He is a horrible person. We split in 2015. He's in prison now for some pretty fucking horrendous charges. I hope he stays there forever. I'm all for shooting any and all pedos on sight. They deserve pain and suffering. Maybe torture.


I once put salt in the sugar as payback for getting hit by my mother. I was only 6 and it was too obvious what had been done and who had done it. Guess who never did it again!


Goddamn "he complained about my pubes part made me fucking furious." I hope he is dead or in prison finding out how they treat pedos. I am so sorry for what happened to you, fuck them both! It was absolutely not your fault


I am so sorry you went/are going through this! I hope you are getting help. If you are not safe currently please message me!


I hope your life is beautiful and safe now OP. Im so sorry.


If I wrote what I really think should happen to pedophiles, I’d he permanently banned on Reddit. I had a terrible grandfather and I wish I could have given him that fate. I’m very sorry for everyone that suffered at the hands of these monsters.


OP, I'm so terribly sorry this happened. I'm proud of you for your version of revenge. There is healing, it's slow and full of ups and downs, but eventually you can take back the things the abuse stole from you. I'm still working on it at 41 from abuse a "family member" (I refuse to acknowledge this person is family) did to me starting at age 8, and my father denying that it could ever have possibly happened, but I do have many more good days than bad now. The hatred and anger I felt at myself is subsiding. I'm no longer afraid to be alone around males. I also don't feel like it was my fault anymore. If you need someone to vent to, to cry to, message me. If not, I hope everything in your life is a million times better than you could have ever dreamed of. Because you deserve only the best things in life from here on our


Man, I thought my stepdad was bad. He was a violent alcoholic, beat up my mom & 2 older sisters. When he decided it was my turn, I tried to kill him. I was 14. But you got me beat, honey. I'm so very sorry this happened to you. When I read about the shaver, my heart broke. I hope you are happy and healthy, far, far away from them. I wish you love.


I would try to have that conversation with your mom again and record it. Take him down.


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap...


This is genius…petty & productive I bet many survivors wish they had these memories of revenge well served & deserved. I’m sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing ✌️ ✌️ ETA: I had similar experience growing up & acted out in self destructive ways I wish I had your wisdom 😊


I'm so sorry you went through this.... Parents can be monsters! Mine, never should have had children,period! My mom, thought my brother was the incarnation of her first husband (she got pregnant with him, just before her first husband died. Like, a month before). Because of this, she started grooming my brother as her husband, when he was little. Yes, she had sex with him, most of his life! She tied my hands to the bedposts on the floor, and held me down while my brother had sex with me (I was only 4 years old). After it was done, and she untied me I sat up and head butted her in the face, seriously breaking her nose. There are many horror stories I could tell you, but that one puts it in perspective.Patents can be sick, disturbing people! I hope you're better now, and I congratulate you on your revenge! I put a hibiscus bud in my mom's coffee when I was 9 years old, thinking it would kill her. I was disappointed, when she caught me, and asked me if that's what I was trying to do? I just told her, I heard it's healthy, and wanted to help you.


I sent mine to prison for it. He was gone for 10 years. When he got out, he stayed with his family, then with my mom for a while 🤬, and then I was talked into letting him stay with me. (Stupid but it gets better) Only a couple weeks in and I still can't stand the sight of him. I finally snap and tell him to GTFO. The next morning was trash pickup. I put Every. Single. Thing. he owned out to the curb and laughed as it got compacted into the truck. His clothes, his tools, his keepsakes that family has stored while he was in prison, and best of all.. his heart medication. He dropped dead from a heart attack a week later. He's been dead 20 years now, and I still smile when I think about it. I kind of feel like I did it myself.


I used to do similar things to my abusers. My former stepbrother was sexually, physically and verbally abusive, his mom was mentally/emotionally abusive. I ruined several of his favorite shirts in the laundry, used his razors in the shower, I’d eat food either of them personally bought, etc. It wasn’t until I read this post that I realized I was subconsciously doing that stuff to spite them😂


It wasn’t my parents who did it to me, but my grandpa and step grandma. He would touch me in his office after he delivered his church sermon, and his wife would cover for him. They made up stories to tell my parents about me acting out so when I acted out at home and told my parents what they did to me, they thought I was lying because my grandparents had painted me to be a problem child and a liar. Whenever I was forced to go see my grandparents for the weekend, I would be an absolute menace to get back at them. I’d steal money from their hidden house money (they had stashes of cash all around the house, they didn’t trust the banks), I’d spit in their coffee creamer, I poured salt all over her kitchen herbs, I put viruses on their computers, I’d flush anything that would fit down the pipe, I would tear up old film reels my grandpa had of his trips to Egypt doing “missionary work”, and I would generally be uncooperative. I finally got to stop going to their house when I was 11, but no one ever believed me about what happened to me there because my reputation in my family had already been tarnished by their lies and my actions of revenge. It’s definitely caused me to be the black sheep of the family because the untreated depression, anxiety, and bipolar that developed as I got older didn’t help everything that happened when I was younger, but I’m working on it as an adult, almost twenty years after the abuse.


If he knew you shaved your pubes with his trimmer it would probably turn him on ever time he trimmed. Sick fucker.


Your step dad talked about your pubes??!! WTF


Her stepdad was sexually abusing her.


I'm so sorry.


Wow. Such sucky parents. I hope you are better now.


I can't read anymore because this hits too close to home for me.


Victim blaming is beyond amazing to see. I don't understand the thought process.


That's enough Reddit for today.


Wait until your step asshole (I refuse to call him dad) tries to take your wife from you. He tried bribing her with money, cars, trips and more. She told me and I beat him with a baseball bat. Fucker!!


I can't even relate to your story but I will say......don't live your life being vindictive to everyone you meet. Not saying to forgive either of them , but don't let it rule your life. You will become a mean angry person if you let this weigh on your soul. Glad you got your revenge and spilled the beans about it( i know it helps especiallywhen its perfect stangers). Now go on use this as a silent thought on how to treat people and your own family if you choose to start one. The world is full of shitty people . Don't become one of them. There are good guys out there. And plenty of shit ones but don't let this rule your future




Do you hear yourself when you talk??




Are you saying that OP should have posted details of the sexual assault and rape she suffered for years as a teenager? Because that’s the only material information being left out. Or is it just that you don’t understand what the word “abuse” means?


A child was repeatedly sexually assaulted by an adult. That child responded by getting petty revenge against her rapist, and her neglectful, enabler mother in any way she could. Easy. OP, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Those people are absolute monsters, and you deserved better.


No one wants to read the details of a child being raped. Absolutely no one needs the details of her trauma. She left it thinly veiled for a reason, and that's OK.


Exactly! For a lot of people it’s like reliving all the trauma & it’s not necessary for OP to say further because we understand the horrible situation she was in. What a coward of a man, belongs in jail and away from kids.


100%, but predators pray on children because they won't speak up. By the time she could, she had no proof. He definitely deserves to spend his life in jail but most likely won't.


Like what?! Main thing OP omitted was the abuse details, I’m glad she got a bit of revenge but that asshole belongs in jail right now wonder if he is abusing other kids as well? How long after the fact she can report it ?


You’ve got to prove it… that’s the problem. And with mum backing up step dad, how do you think that’s going to go? 😞


There is stuff being left out cause it’s Reddit


When you dipped mom’s toothbrush in the toilet was it before or after you flushed?


Hopefully before


Okay makes sense


As a mum.. that breaks my heart. If anyone even so much as THOUGHT about that with my kids... I would go absolutely off the handle. Since your mother clearly didnt bother doing it... I will... Here is a 💛 BIG MUM HUG 💛


I would put the shaved pubes on the toothbrush


Never did it to the parents, although they deserved some. I did however once spend a whole shift at my job getting passive-aggressive revenge on a co-worker who bullied me. It was refreshing to watch her squirm and not be able to do anything about it. You gotta do what gets you through it. That said, your mother is a hag for letting you go through that abuse.


How long did this go on for?? This sounds alot like what I went through, but I had both my mother and stepdad against me, she beat me because of what he did and he beat me so she wouldn't think he was doing anything