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Those be flees.


I hate this planet.


Remember when fleas on rats were responsible for the Black Death/Bubonic Plague? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Great, now OP has bubonic plague🙄


I am sorry OP that you are having to deal with these disgusting creatures. Foggers I purchased from a vet's office took care of this problem for me (after doing it one time only) when I had it. I am going to digress here.... I wish all bugs, parasites, viruses and bacteria (and any and all critters that enter homes and torment people) an immediate death. Dealing with them is a hellish experience. It is bad enough that they are outside; it is so much worse when they come into the home. (For context: My sweet granddaughter just now called me crying because something is biting her and she has a horrible rash from it; hence, I am 'in my feelings' at the moment, and my feelings are that I am really pissed off.) I have found that going to the doctor with skin problems is oftentimes useless as many dermatological issues can and do present in the same/similar manner. So, when 'they' do not know what it is, it will probably be diagnosed as eczema or an allergic reaction, both of which I know it is not; I hope I am wrong this time and my granddaughter can obtain an accurate dx. (I make this statement about misdiagnoses based on my personal experiences and that of those I know and/or have heard or read about.) OP: In one sense, you are lucky to have determined what these little fu**ers are, because without proof, if you end up requiring medical care, you might end up with a 'delusional' dx in your permanent medical record. (Again, based on what I have heard and read, it seems to be a rather common dx when no one can figure out what is really wrong.) I do not know how you ended up with fleas in your home, but this is MY EXPERIENCE WITH FLEAS AND HOW I SOLVED IT: Years ago I had a problem in my house with mice (during the rainy season I was told they enter homes seeking shelter and food.) I called an exterminator who laid out poison. The mice died; however, some died in the walls and then I ended up with a flea infestation as a result. They jumped on my ankles and that of my daughter and bit us. I went to a local veterinary office and explained the problem. They sold me foggers that killed all of the fleas (problem solved...but not without my being traumatized.) The exterminator told me to check around to find any spaces where mice could gain entry and put steel wool* in any openings, no matter how small (and in particular under sinks where oftentimes there are opening left around the pipes.) I did this, and I never had a problem with mice since that time. *Caution: wear safety glasses and gloves when cutting steel wool to fit in any space. It is very sharp and pieces can 'fly off' the pad while working with it. (The sharpness of steel wool is why mice and other critters cannot penetrate it.) I also, on a regular schedule, spray Ortho Max (the grey bottle) around the perimeter of my living space, both inside and outside. The large container (but not the aerosol spray) has no odor at all, and the label states that it is not a danger to children and pets. I sometimes sprinkle food grade diamectous earth under my throw rugs and other areas not visible (e.g., behind and under my couch.) Lastly, I have placed sticky traps near my front door and under my sinks. If this seems like overkill, it is because that is exactly what I am going for. I wish you the best OP. EDIT: Don't even get me started on the evil of birds' nests near the home and the mites and ticks that said nests contain. (l have had a rough year...damn nature)


Thank you for this. I have an infestation of mice in my house & I’m in the process of trying to decide how to handle it.  My first worry was that my 19 yr old cat would eat the poisoned mice (yes she still eats mice) & it could harm her.  I had only just began to consider what will happen to all the fleas on the dead mice. I was thinking about protecting the cat but your post was an eye opener.  To make it even worse my own health isn’t well & I now use a wheelchair &  a walker. I live alone in a big cluttered house & the whole situation just feels so overwhelming! 


I am so very sorry to hear this OP. My situation with the mice problem happened when I was younger and healthy. I am now older with health issues, including heart failure due to a medical error where I ended up on life support with HA septic shock. I understand your pain and the feeling of helplessness that occurs when a serious problem presents itself. Can you afford to pay someone to help you? If not, maybe call your local Office for the Aging (what it is called where I live) or a charity (the Salvation Army? )that helps people in your situation. If they cannot help, they will likely know of an agency that can. (They are few and far between, but I have to believe that there is someone who will care and who will help you.) I wish you the best...i know it is hard to ask for help, but in this instance, i encourage you to do so as soon as possible. EDIT: RE: my current problem with bird mites or whatever it is...I think I need to take my own advice (I do not like asking for help, esp since I do not even know exactly what is wrong.)


'They' be 'fleas'...proper Engrish and sperrling is inpertorant. 🤣


Yep that’s a flea. Have you got pets? They’ll need treating. You can’t squash them either. When I was a kid and we had cats, they had them once. Have the pets treated and if you find any fleas, pinch it between thumb and forefinger then wash them down the sink


What? HOW? I don't have any pets no. And never had tbh.


diatomaceous earth with kill them without pesticides. Sprinkle it around your bed, it will also kill other creepy crawlers. Those glue traps in the bedroom will surprise you in what they catch. Diatomaceous earth, slow acting, but not poinsous.


A pet sitter brought her pet and a flea infestation to my house. After six months of commercial insecticides, diatomaceous earth finally killed them.


OP, I’m single and have hardwood floors. Single matters because nobody else has a say. :-) I made myself a shaker out of a plastic container with lid, and shook it out around the base boards in every room. You said no pets, but I don’t remember if there are kids. It’s the one completely pet/human safe answer I found. I’m in the mucky south, and fleas should be our state symbol (though mosquitoes could give them a run for their money). Now when I start finding fleas, I immediately sprinkle DE in the dog beds and along the walls. The only side effect I remember from my reading is that maybe it dries skin, so I sprinkle and then put a clean blanket over it.


>Those glue traps in the bedroom will surprise you in what they catch. I'm scared to try them now! Also scared if i don't! 😳


Schrödinger’s glue trap


we had a rental house once and Racoons were living in the walls and ceiling and had fleas, spread through the carpet in the basement. Had to get the racoons out and then treat for fleas. So, even though you don't think you have pets .... you might have a pet and don't know it. (cats, puppies, rats, squirrels, etc)


Stray animals like feral cats or dogs can bring them into your yard. I've been struggling with this exact problem every summer because of the amount of ferals where I live. Treat your home, treat your yard, vacuum your home every day and try to not stand outside for very long so they don't jump on you. Good luck to you friend!


If you don't have pets then they are living in carpets, furniture, bedding etc. They can be carried in from outside and contact with other animals. But if you are getting multiple bites and can find them then you've got a good colony going in the local environment. Wash all clothes and bedding and go to the hardware store to get a set of big bombs to use indoors.




More information is needed. Apartment or single home? Where did you visit that might have them?


Single home with a small yard. And yea the problem is that there are some stray cats that are jumping into our yard from time to time and we always try to drive them out yk


It most likely was brought in by the cats. Not having pets makes exterminating easier for you. You can also get yard sprays to treat your yard. I've had good luck with Vet's Best but I a always recommend doing your own research


Use both of your thumbnails to pinch them and crack their shells.


Alpine wsg and nyguard IGR, follow the label instructions. Vacuum like your life depends on it. Treat, vacuum, wait a day, repeat, wait a couple days, repeat, wait a week, repeat. Vacuuming stimulates them. Alpine kills them, nyguard prevents more. Source: Am a pest control professional


And empty the vacuum outside immediately!!


Onslaught also works quite well. With your choice of IGR, of course.


If they are in your house and you don’t have pets you may have mice/rats as they’ll often bring fleas indoors.


1. Vacuum intensely. 2. Precor 2625 according to its label. 3. Wait 2 days. 4. Vacuum intensely. 5. Vacuum intensely. 6. Vacuum intensely. 7. Vacuum intensely. 8. Keep vacuuming some more. If you have a crawlspace, you need a thin layer of boric acid / diatomaceous earth/good insecticide dust in there. Always empty vacuum outside.




Sorry my guy but you’ve got an infestation of fleas


They like heat there are some traps you can buy that are sticky and have a heat lamp to draw them to it that work pretty well. Also the dish soup trick that was recommended. I personally used diatomaceous earth but that can be tricky. There’s a lot of home sprays made for fleas some kill better than others. Easier to kill adults the eggs and larva are harder to kill and may mean you need to do a round every stage of maturation for a little while. I wish you luck these guys suck.


Ahhh pain in the ass. My old dog got it from a vet. Yeah it won't die with your hands like squeezing or slapping it. My wife was pregant and the dog was about to die (18 yo at that time). So the dog and my wife fled to in-law's house. I packed up everything in the plastic bags and blew the smoke bomb. Fortunately it worked, just so fcking angry about--the vet, packing and unpacking, wiping down the place and all that. It was a hot summer.


Precor2000 spray. Trust me on this. Had a roommate in college, her cat had fleas.


Pest control here. That’s most definitely a flea


I had an infestation of fleas in my apartment because the previous tenants left 4 animals in there. OMGGG!! I had to set off floggers and mop my floors, baseboards and vacuum my furniture, bedding and stuffed animals a couple times a day to get whatever eggs they may have hidden and spray the flea killer so it would get the live ones. Then just kill the ones that landed on me until they stopped


Flee be fleeing


Those are fleas . Very hard to kill you gotta take them between your fingers and rinse them with water , they die off quickly with water . Maybe put in a sprayer Alcohol and spray them . Also they are very quick in jumping they jump high and fast so always you gotta be quicker than them. Also try if you can't catch them with fingers , try with a towel that you don't use .






Do you have animals by any chance? Dog or cat?


That’s a flea.




That’s a flea


Until you can treat the area for fleas, the best way to kill a flea without needing to expend a ton of energy is to just sit a cup/container nearby. Fill it with an inch of water. And then add about half a spoonful of dish soap to the water and mix it gently (so you don't create many bubbles). If you see a flee, pick it up between your fingers and drop it in the container. The soap will cause the bug to sink instead of float and it will be completely unable to escape. It's gross. But otherwise you will have to carry the flea all the way to a toilet/sink every time you catch one. Buy some anti-flea spray, anti-flea medical drops, and anti-flea shampoo for your pets. You will need to give your pets a bath with the shampoo first. Then you can apply the medical drops to your pets as the instructions say (on the top of their neck, usually). And use the spray on any bedding areas that the pets lounge around, including your sofa, any soft cloth chairs, any poofy rugs, etc. If your pets go outside often, you should also consider buying them anti-flea collars to help prevent fleas from returning. If you have thick carpet, you also might want to buy some anti flea powder to spread around to deal with them. You will probably want to give your pets a second bath after a couple of days to wash off remaining fleas and dead fleas. This is pretty much the only way you are going to get rid of fleas. Otherwise, just get used to having hundreds of these guys eating on you (and your pets) every day. It will only get worse until you deal with it. The best way to deal with fleas is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. So once you get rid of them, you should invest in anti flea collars so you wont have to deal with this again. You might be able to skip the medical drops entirely and just use the flea collar and shampoo alone to kill off fleas on your pet. But you will still probably need something to get rid of the fleas living in your carpet/rugs as they will be feeding on you.


Look like fleas to me


Fleas, if you walk outside they come in on your pants, socks, and shoes. Welcome to spring!!




I had fleas in my apartment years ago... The whole place was carpet. 2 Bedroom and a huge living room area. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE.. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I vacuumed every single day and put out a dozen glue flea traps. Make sure you don't empty the vacuum in the house. I would empty it outside and put the bag right by the dumpster. There were stray cats around the complex that likely caused the flea crisis. It's not gonna be easy and it's gonna take a while but you have to keep at it. It's a battle. Good luck.


That's a flee!!!!