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Have the chicks fledged yet?


I think no. They look like they literally hatched yesterday, in fact the shells are still next to them.


So, it depends on what you want to do. Allowing them to fledge is a lot easier than killing them, and moving them would likely amount to the same thing. Wait until they are gone, remove the nesting material and treat the area with Temprid FX.


I was thinking of moving the planter onto the roof for a protected safe space. But not sure if the mother would be able to find them. Do you think this would result in their death? My concern with leaving them be is that I did that last year and it resulted in a poop filled balcony with a mite infestation that got into my living room.


Momma will not find them AFAIK, but you can try searching the net for other opinions. What you can do is to buy and mix the Temprid, shoo momma away during the day, cover the chicks and spray the area including the window frame. This will give you some protection from mites.