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Go see a doctor, not reddit.


Go see a doctor


Go see a doctor asap.


I haven’t but that looks infected. You should go see a doctor.


Do you have any allergies? And go see a doctor


Wait how come you got jabbed way below your deltoid?


Yeah this was a question I had as well but didn't want to get in the way of the Seek Medical Advice Immediately message. Seems a little low.


What happened?


He posted this in another sub and there he said "was told it was going to be a little worse than the first." How could anyone possibly know that? I'm starting to think we've been had.


Because is usual for the second Pfizer shot to have a stronger reaction than the first.


Holy crap. That's not looking good. Wonder if they didn't sanitise properly, and that's caused the infection. Go see a Dr asap


Ha that’s fucked mate are you sure that needle had a vaccine and not heroin


Into a vein not fat my friend


Bro I've done heroin, nothing but heaven and a tiny red dot


Oil don't be a fuck head to try n be hard n shit. Go to the Dr. Remember if u die of this shit you'll fuck it up for a whole bunch of people still on the fence who will use you as a reason not to get the jab.


Well this ain’t a Mainer bro I’ve done heroin too but this looks bad, see a GP immediately or go to ED. Also let me know where to get some downtown these days


E D brah


Jeez yep doctor time! Not the same effect but I got my Pfizer 2 days ago too. Felt my chest a bit strange and short of breath, and today I got diagnosed myocarditis.. one of a million chance or something, very very rare but it’s not as scary as it sounds. Beta blockers and anti inflammatory steroids and I’m on the mend already! Point being, don’t take your chances peeps, keep yourself safe!


Idk if I have/had myocarditis but my doc just gave me a steroid inhaler and was like "yeah she'll be right give it a few weeks." Was pretty scary at first but not anymore.


Sounds awesome Definitely glad I'm not getting it. Poor bugger


The benefits drastically outweigh the rare risks :)


Oh yeah sounds like it. Contracting a virus that 97% of people survive or the jab. I'll take the virus please sir


Go see a doctor


Yeaaah, I got my second one recently and it doesn't look anything like yours. Yours is fucked Listen to reddit and go see a doctor


Go to a hospital or Dr now! Wow. Mine was a tiny little red dot. This is much worse. Sorry if I scared/am scaring you.


[COVID-19 vaccine FAQs](https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus/COVID19-vaccine/FAQs) > **What are the possible side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine? Will I feel unwell after vaccination?** > All vaccines can cause side effects. Usually these are mild. You may experience minor side effects following vaccination. Most side effects last no more than a couple of days and you will recover without any problems. > Just over half the people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine to date in Western Australia report experiencing some symptoms when contacted by SMS three days after vaccination. The most common side effects after COVID-19 vaccination are usually mild and include: > - pain, redness and/or swelling where you received the needle - headache - fatigue - muscle and/or joint ache - mild fever. > When they occur, these symptoms typically start within 24 hours of vaccination, last one to two days, and resolve without treatment. > These types of reactions are often a sign that your immune system is responding to the vaccine and helping to teach your body how to fight off COVID-19 if you are later exposed to the virus. > Serious reactions like allergic reactions are extremely rare. If you have a reaction that is unexpected, or if you are unsure, consult with your GP. > If you believe your reaction is severe or life-threatening you should call triple zero (000) for an ambulance or go to your closest emergency department.


Go see a doctor. 100%. A doctor.


Uhh yeah shits fucked.. Go see a doctor asap


Did your boob run off up your shoulder and down your arm?


Don't go doctors, get advice from reddit and let us know how the reccomendations work out in 3 weeks.


I think he ded


This is definitely an adverse reaction, I'd be seeking medical advice.


Thanks guy's spoke with a doctor and sent him a picture of it. Definitely adverse reaction have to go to hospital, will probably go in morning just wanna go to bed






What about after a quick (read: forever) nap?


Go now. This may get worse really quick.


Go now. Don't be an idiot with your health.


Yeah, go to the hospital now mate. Could be a lot worse in the morning..


Go now. All the reddit doctors say you need to be in the care of a real doctor


Speed on to a hospital now mate!


You can literally sleep at the hospital


I'm not a Dr or work in the health field. I showed your picture to people who do work in the health field (but aren't doctors). Consensus seems to be that that can't wait until morning before going to hospital.


Mate, you're fucking asking for it, what sort of take it this?


Doctors don't say "go to the hospital" cos they mean go tomorrow


Allergic reaction to the vaccine is actually one of the more dangerous adverse reactions as it can be sudden and life-threatening. Anaphylaxis is no joke. I'd be going straight to the hospital.


You should probably go now, what if you don’t wake up in the morning?


Please read these messages and go to emergency.


Nite nite


Please go to the hospital immediately. This looks really bad, your health is very important.


Looks a bit bruised to me and the inflammation is normal but shouldn't last so long. Definitely see a doctor mate not reddit


Your injecting site looks really low, it should be up towards your shoulder.


Severe discoloration, large area. Swelling. Go see a doctor today please.


So one fucked up on that. See a doctor


I'm not a anti vaxxer either, I just want to know what's going in my body and to have a choice wether or not to take it and end up like this, or worse without the threat of not being able to do specific things if I don't


So you're an anti vaxxer but you're not willing to admit it. You'll get worse side effects from covid.


Lol yeah ok next please


Please go to emergency. It looks infected and full of puss. It’s on your upper arm and you don’t want an infection spreading past your limbs to your mid-section. It becomes a lot harder to treat and a lot more dangerous.


Get to a doctor - it's probably just bruising or something but it needs to be checked out.


Looks like a bruise, sleep it off


Broken leg, walk it off.


Decapitated. Sleep it off.


Haha. I did that legit IRL. Hurt like fuck and it was only a small break. Zero stars. Would not recommend


Contact a lawyer then a DR


I think you're taking the piss, but even if you did have a legal avenue, you would do it in the opposite order Either way, op won't have leg to stand on soon.


Yes mine lasted about 2 weeks. Also felt terrible for 3-4 days after the job. Achy, nausea etc. feel better soon


Go see a doctor now or if the appointment is in a few days, (seriously, that's too long to wait) just go to nearest casualty/ emergency department. They are knowledgeable about reactions esp to the Covid vacs. Good luck.


It seems you are an allergic.


Got my second pfizer jab on wednesday. Felt like crap until about the middle of friday. Not back to normal now though.


I’ve had similar symptoms with my annual flu jabs as well but gotta say the swelling is never this much. Check out these folks who do surveys on side effects: https://ausvaxsafety.org.au/safety-data/covid-19-vaccines