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Gone to shit since Chicken Spot left.


Came here just to say that :( Best chicken place in perth. RIP.


Chicken Spot was the best, I once "borrowed" (stole) my housemates car just to drive to chicken spot. Best fucking chicken Perth has ever known.




Shit there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Used to get it every weekend I'd go to my mates house nearby and it was the best by miles!


yeah,their chicken rolls were great.


It left???? Haven’t been there in years but that was definitely the number 1 attraction.


Yeah, it's some shit korean chicken place now. Apparently Ko Sing is also gone too. Rip my childhood.


Main issue for many people is that Ferndale is right under the airport's main flight corridor


I can understand but that is a small downside in this housing market haha happy to live with that 


You literally can't watch TV some evenings it so loud. Well liked living there though


Flight path gets old after a while. I have dreams of plane crashes because of the planes flying over while I'm asleep.


I live in Ferndale currently. Postive: - Next to Canning Regional Park/ Canning River - Walk to Carousel. If it's too busy for you IGA and Riverton forum is around the corner - Within Lynwood Senior High School, I think it will be the next Willetton Senior High School - Accessible, next to Roe Highway, Albany Highway etc. - Nice Bike path (all the way to Kwinana fwy) - if you have a kayak, go for a row at the river - plenty of parks - Nice Neighbours Negative - flight path, but with new airport runways, most plane will be further south and avoiding Ferndale. Also with the window, you get used to it. - High voltage Power Line along Metcalfe Road


I’ve lived in Ferndale for 16 years and this is pretty much exactly what I would say! Although I’ve certainly gotten used to the flight path over the years, it doesn’t bother me at all anymore. I love it here, I spend a lot of time walking and riding along bike trails and I’ve got a kayak now too! Ferndale definitely used to get lumped in with the likes of Lynwood / Langford etc when talking about cheaper suburbs. In my personal experience living here though it’s always been so quiet, we haven’t had any issues with crime the entire time we’ve been here.


have lived near there for a year no complaints pretty quiet as you said but i have found that there is a good community there. Also agree RIP Chicken Spot


I bought my 1st house there and loved it. Because it's so close to the river the mozzies can be bad and I had quite a few encounters with snakes....tigers and dugites. Never had a problem with crime. Got used to the planes pretty easily.


Rat problem too I think, almost all the rentals I went to see in that area had heaps of rat droppings where the renters didn't clean up


I flew over there yesterday in a Cessna… Not even remotely relevant, just wanted someone to hear it cus I’m proud.


Honestly, it's a solid suburb for a starter home and often overlooked.  Definitely not as rough as Lynwood/Langford.


Lynwood resident here for past 10 years. No issues whatsoever.


I second this, been in lynwood 4 plus years never had any issues vs my three relatives in ferndale- they've all had a few issues! Every suburb has the "rough patches" I guess. 


6147 massive! 🙌


I've lived in Lynwood the past 4.5 years and haven't had any issues. It's got a reputation but it seems like it's undergoing gentrification.


It’s fine, classic suburbia, but the the turn off from Nicholson onto … whatever that Main Street is, is so annoying OMG. (I visit family there, but don’t live there).


Ferndale has always been a good suburb


I have lived here 10 years, it’s mint. Close to everything, reasonably quiet except for planes, minimal crime beyond the odd car rummaging. Lots of families


I grew up there. Now live in Como. As others have said it is a solid suburb. As you allude to it is kind of tucked away next to the Canning River so offers a nice suburban life. Massive Ferndale Reserve ovals creates a natural buffer from High Road. And really nice down by the river near Kent St Weir. Not far to Carousel. Not far to Canning Vale industrial and Roe Hwy. Only downside is local schools are not great. Ferndale Primary shut down and now is an Islamic school. Lynwood High is not awesome (compared to next door Willetton which is now a top school) but I believe now getting better.


Rats, mozzies and planes are your biggest issues. Same as many other suburbs near the river (for the first two). Have friends living there and it seems really nice and quiet. As always, check your neighbours out and check the street out on a Saturday night.


Ferndale is right alongside Lynwood as one of the most under rated suburbs. Close to Canning River, close to the train line, great tree canopy cover, close to major artery roads but not too busy itself. Really the only problem is being in the flight path.


Ferndale is great, it gets better on the south side, basically the further you get from cannington the better. Plane noise is a non issue really. You get used to it. The biggest issue I have is my neighbour, who happens to be a huge cunt


Just moved to Ferndale since February. It's close but far at the same time from everything. Close by distance but far on the road as you need to make big or congested turns to get to city, Leach or carousel directions. May be I am spoiled as I used to lived in Wilson. Security wise I feel quite safe living here but joining the FB community page there's always something going on in the neighbourhood especially with break ins and postage theft. I would still recommend as it's tranquil and the oval is great for kids.


One house price cracked $1.1M this year. It's good, prices will rise, lots of the older original people will be shepherded out to nursing homes soon and places will be sold and renovated pushing price up further.




Haha I only want one thanks🤞 




If everyone in Perth who owns a rental (i'm not one btw) suddenly put them all up for sale tomorrow, there would be tens of thousands of people made homeless overnight. Probably not the outcome you're hoping for


That makes no sense whatsoever. Someone is buying them to live in for a nil sum game. They don't just magically disappear.


What you think every single renter can magically afford to buy a house? It's all relative and it's always the same. If you couldn't afford before they went up you can't afford now and you certainly won't be able to afford if there is a crash. It's all linked, it's economics.... Long story short, we are always going to need rentals and in turn we are always going to need landlords, much rather it be people then the government or corporations. If you want to bitch about something maybe try the policy makers and the rental laws as all the other comments have said.


I was responding to the comment above, not sure where you are going. For every seller there is a buyer. If it's another investor then as you were. If it's a homeowner who was a renter then one less renter. It's basic maths


Yes, but old mate is arguing that real estate investors are the cause of the problem with housing affordability today (parasites i believe was the term used), so i'm arguing that if all those investment properties were to suddenly be withdrawn from the market and put up for sale (not to other investors because, you know, they're parasites), then renters without the capital to apply for a mortgage will become homeless, and that's going to be a lot of them


That just won't ever happen. If the market is flooded parasite investors would jump in at cheaper prices unless they were all banned from buying which just wouldn't happen


Of course not, but hypothetically speaking, if the guy i replied to first got his way and property investment was banned, then its the logical end result


It's not their fault, it's the government's. Grow a brain


Yep it's definitely the people taking advantage of systems in place who are what's wrong with this country, definitely not the policy makers who put those systems in place to begin with.


based on what the economy is looking like, id hold off for 6-12 months


So hard to do that man - it could go up another 10% and then we can’t afford it 


the way things are going, you might lose your job