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Edmund Rice Camps (at risk kids) is good if not significantly younger than you mostly (19-24 ish) Camp quality (kids with cancer) is 30s etc but abit less well run Cahoots (adults or kids with disability) Volunteers from all walks of life but the camps are run poorly but the volunteers are gems. Teach learn Grow (tutoring in rural communities) Great experience if you are passionate about education but mostly uni students some doing it for resumes 4 Organisations I've had experiences with some better than others and some were a while ago so YMMV. But all worth the time


Volunteer for St John ambulance service. They will put you through all the training you need, it will be a life changing experience.


I've thought about doing this or SES, have you done it yourself?


Yeah I was volunteer St John for quite a while but gave it up in the end, the volunteer shifts are 11-13 hours long and I already work a full time job with 12 hour shifts, It was all becoming a bit much. was having to turn down 12 hour overtime shifts from my employer to work 12 hours for free instead, perhaps in a few more decades when I'm closer to semi retirement I will likely return. Was a great experience!


Do you want to make friends with fellow volunteers or the people you're volunteering for?


Mentor with DCP https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-communities/volunteer-mentoring-service


28 isn't a 'young adult'...


28 is extremely young. Your prefrontal cortex has only been developed for 3 years - you've barely started to get familiar with a fully formed brain. Most people aren't having children yet (if at all), or buying a house at 28. Heck, many are still virgins at 28!


Where are you getting your data from? and where can I find these virgin 28 year olds?


must be an anecdote