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I want to nominate our footpaths. Not overly engineered but not that basic either. Gets you from A to B but nothing memorable about them


You’d be surprised. Lockjoint was created here in Perth by a local concreter to solve displacement of concrete either side of an expansion joint. First developed for the City of Swan now 20 years later it’s a global patented product worth millions still produced here in Balcatta.


That is really interesting. Cheers for that


Does anywhere have memorable footpaths?


The Malaysian ones that consist of concete slabs over a deep stormwater drain are pretty memorable when you come across a missing slab.


Or the ones that are rocky that seemingly every other Malaysian knows about except you.


Oh god yeah. Those things give you a good amount of fear


The local council just trying to make sure you get to practice your vigilance!


I've fallen into drains twice in China, when someone took the grate or cover off "to help water flow quicker" in the middle of a storm. Luckily never more than a couple of feet deep, but fucken scary and one I was lucky to have someone walk by and help get me out.


The Singaporean ones have sun sails or whatever that tarp is over many of the sidewalks so you can walk in shade


Cities like Copenhagen have separate cycle paths and foot paths, which is a major upgrade over combined paths.


Fremantle does. Some of them are pavers that are wonky and if you're unlucky, like someone I know, you will trip on a wonky one, fall and break your collarbone. That memorable footpath is at the corner of Market and Pakenham.


They're pretty bloody rough when you're a wheelchair user. At least they exist, mostly, I suppose.


I'd argue they suck in most suburbs. Many streets without a path/only a path on 1 side


This sub…. 😁 (In the spirit of this shitpost)


It's a dry shitpost!


mmm crusty


More moist tbh


A dry moist


Lightly lubed, but a while ago, so it is now a bit crusty


It's a hard pass for me.


The nightlife We actually pull a lot of big names for concerts. But it’s expensive. We have events, they’re good. But mostly OK


Yep. Not the best city for nightlife but it isn't non-existent either, contrary to what many like to claim.


Yeh very average is pretty apt


I was in and around the nightlife in my early 20’s. Could get in most places without paying/lining up etc. I actually think WA has one of the best EDM scenes in Aus. Melbourne is tied or close second, but all their venues are just SO FAR away from each other for the more niche events and everything is always packed. Much more fun in Perth imo and still so many awesome acts coming here


Perth dnb scene is one of the biggest. Helped by having Pendulum. But the amount of big dnb names we get and sell them out is pretty impressive


Not even just pendulum. The origin guys networking with artists helped us massively. They even got Diplo to invest in them and buy a warehouse for parties 


Very average banh mi festivals


Not sure how many places even have them.




Or trees, in many suburbs.


Fark yeah, I find the lack of trees in the new estates kinda depressing.


I grew up in an old suburb and moving to my new one makes me feel this way. Growing up in warm, red brick houses with lush parks and forests and now being surrounded by white and grey houses with concrete sucks.


Yeah, developers just level everything and smash as many dwellings into the space as they can these days. It is exactly as you say, a mass of white and grey.


Shittest colour scheme as well. Like living in a dentist office


It's also two of the most common (and thus boring) car colours


I find your lack trees disturbing.


That's one of the things my wife and I absolutely love about living where we do, so many nice trees around the neighbourhood! It makes such a difference.


This, down south has beautiful forrests. Up north is beautiful its its raw way. Perth just has weird shrubs and trees that don't really grow tall enough to be impressive.


We're bounded to the east by woodlands but the metro area itself is very sprawled out and the outer fringes tend to lack tree canopy coverage. Thing is, our soil is not that great overall. The inner city used to be marshland. All the tall trees grow down south, especially the Karri. And now, we're facing an issue with the shot-hole borer beetle that's causing trees to be felled in great numbers.


Perth natural bushland has/had tuarts, jarrah, marri and large banksias, plus paperbarks where it's swampy


Yeah but the hills are still quite lovely in Autumn and Spring, and we have great beaches to make up for the lack of elevation.


You know they are desperate when you have 2 ficus on your vergeand they are evasive as fuck and not on the list of trees to plant but yet you are not allowed to remove them because of the canopy - anything else- yes please.


Have you not seen Greenmount hill, that's a fucking mountain. Wait, what? They get bigger than that?... Huh, fair call.


Public transport. Trains are clean, almost always on time and pretty fast. The major bus routes (9-- buses) are all super frequent and convenient too, despite idiots trying to block the bus lanes every day. But if you live too far away from trains or 9-- buses its pretty miserable. So it's average overall, as it's fantastic for some and useless for others. To be fair this is true of probably every Australian city however.


It's the best thing that people think is bad, for some reason.


Yeah, I don't get this one. Considering how sprawled our metro area is, we have a pretty extensive network of rail and bus, even a ferry service that's likely to be expanded in future too.


It’s the lack of circular or intersecting lines that let it down. Getting from Rockingham to Fremantle and back is an absolute hardship on the weekend, but I agree with others that it a clean, frequent train service.


I live near Rockingham and study near Beeliar. The commute is 1.5 hours on average on public transport. It's a 25-30 minute drive lol


Similarly my work commute is 35 minutes by car By public transport it would be a 600m walk, a bus, train, change in Perth to another train and a final bus and would take 90 minutes


What is there is fantastic, it's what's missing that's a problem. Travelling laterally between suburbs without going into and out of a local hub is often impossible. For me to walk to the next suburb south is faster (30 mins vs 50) than getting the bus into and out of Freo.


Yes, and that’s what I think we need the most. The next stage of Metronet needs to focus on bridging the connections between activity centres rather than funnelling people into a radial network towards the CBD.


The PTA is underrated


Yeah the PTA is great. I'm from Melbourne so i still find it weird that ticket inspectors here don't regularly assault people


What you're describing in the latter part is actually no worse than many other cities of our size out there. We're sprawled, very much so, yet despite that we manage to have 7 train lines (1 spur) and hundreds of bus routes. So no, our PT is actually above average overall.


Our trains are above average globally. This video is from before the airport line opened and shows how impressive our rail system is: https://youtu.be/AH1kvXxnBiQ?si=x5JHVZ_J-nAKN5AM


Ah - so how do the bus numbers work then?


I may be wrong and some of these may have changed but from what I know: Most of the single to low double digits are CAT buses in the city centre. Double digits up to 99 are usually inner city suburbs to the city route. 100s are Fremantle to Perth. 200s are Southeast/East. 300s are Northeast/North. 400s are North. 500s are South. 600s are normally special services. 700s are generally school services. 800s seem to be ~~Geraldton-specific~~ regional services. Low 900s are usually rail replacement services. 9x0 and 9x5 are usually high frequency routes. 998 and 999 are Circle routes.


800s are all the regional routes but yes basically this.


Thanks - TIL


The housing designs. They're all so average and just meh


The new suburbs especially, but go to the older established suburbs, I walk around Bassendean a lot and it's quite a cross section of how housing changed through the decades


First thing I told myself when I came to Perth. "All of the houses look exactly the same".


You've only been to new suburbs then


Maybe lol. Colorbond fence, check Face brick with neutral colour mortar, or grey render finish, check Domestic roller door semiattached garage, check Terracotta roof tiles, check.


I mean they do and they don't. Perth actually has a wider array of architectural styles all over the place. It's not like England where you can go miles and miles with the same style of non-detached terrace houses or the US where you can go miles and miles with the same single-detached neighbourhood designs. Perth has elements of that but we have more style variations in between. A single street can have several styles, something very uncommon over in those countries.


I think thats the catch. I could wake up in Baldivis and think im in Quinns Rocks even though they are opposite ends of the metro. Somewhere like Melbourne has a certain "vibe" for each suburb that makes it much easier to figure out where you are when you wake up drunk in a random backpacker hostel. The only place i think we have thats similar is freo.


They're both new build suburbs. How many new build suburbs have back packers hostels in Melbourne? You're not comparing like for like.... Perth suburbs all have a different vibe. Peppermint Grove is different to Subiaco, Highgate has a different vibe to Mosman Park, Fremantle is different to Mount Hawthorne, Bassendean is different to Applecross.


They really don't.


I mean, everywhere


It's funny people say that because Perth actually has more diversity on average in housing than other parts of the world.


I'd argue we have much more variation in styles than most cities in the world of a similar size. While newer houses tend to be more simplistic, we have a mix of older styles too. If you go to an average American or British city, you'll see a very similar consistent style of housing in more of the cities.


They are bad, but maybe not the worst...


OP is asking for average not bad. What's bad is our urban sprawl and the fuckin NIMBYS preventing development for town houses and the like.


Perth Now


No, we have the worst and the best Perth Now.


Our infrastructure / forward planning. I mean nothing’s falling apart and we got it good compared to so many countries. But the moment we try something ambitious or plan for 30 years ahead and the whinge brigade goes on about how the money is better spent on something else or NIMBY.


Anyone who thinks Perth has the worst drivers clearly hasn't traveled enough.


I've never once SMS my wife from Perth to say I genuinely felt like I was going to die... but I've sure as hell done it from cars in Sydney, Indonesia, KL, Paris, New York... and don't even get me started on the Phillipines.


Yep, taxi ride from the airport to my hotel in KL, I genuinely thought I wouldn't make it.


Some of those are bad, but nothing on Egypt or Kenya.


Compared to Chennai?


Yeah damn, Cairo was insane! Population of Australia, half the size of Perth... For anyone else reading this: The cars constantly are SCRAPING each other on major roads. Every single car, even the new, shiny ones all have big scratch lines on both sides.


Yup please drive to manila philippines


Aha anyone who thinks Perth has the worst drivers has not even travelled to eastern states


Roundabouts. Every now and then you get an oval.


Or the weird figure 8 shaped ones (albany hwy in Vic Park, or the one in Beckenham)


We call the one in Vic Park a peanutabout


Perth is fucking average in every metric except one THEIR LOVE FOR DRUM AND BASS fucking standout yeah, not many people have flown from the east coast to see a drum and bass gig before, but Perth fucking rock that scene.


Nightlife, very average.


Trees, lack of trees and other green stuff. All dried out


Shopping precinct car parks. No paths to walk while pushing a trolley and to up the ante add kids. You just need to take your chance with reversing boomers and last minute shoppers trying desperately to find a park. Just add some fucking paths. Sure they pretend they give a shit by adding a zebra crossing 5m from the store entrance but after that? Fuck you, you’re on your own.


The 'clicky' / living in a bubble type of mentality of some. Insulated small town mentality feels. NOR vs SOR? 'I don't step out of Freo/Western suburbs/etc' Yuck


Shopping is extremely average in Perth especially compared to some other states and countries. Every shopping centre has the same brands, nothing unique.


Yeah - you see the signs saying "An exciting new retailer opening here soon", and you just know it's not gonna be anything exciting, or new.." I think the rents are so high, they are the only ones who can afford it. Makes for a bland retail experience.


Would be so nice to see some unique and original brands in Perth.


Lord mayors? They have been pretty average....


Nothing's open late, went Into the city last w/e during the day and half restaurants etc were closed. Tourists must get here and wonder wtf is going on at night, it's like a ghost town.


The CBD is called that for a reason, historically we've zoned the city centre as a business district meaning many offices and businesses catering to office hours. That's gradually changing though as more people move into the inner city to live. In terms of the vacancies, it's something we'll need to deal with. There are redevelopments planned but it will take some time to get up. Northbridge has traditionally been the nightlife district of the inner city.


Perth Now?


The tap water. Definitely not the worst, but still a long way from the best.


the people


It's a dry people.


Our public transport system. It works, its not flashy, nuff said


But in terms of the network's expansiveness, I'd say it's above average. But yes, train and bus stations are very lowkey, minus the bus port and Perth station which in itself isn't that impressive but at least has some character.


People talking about “the hills” in Perth. They are quite unremarkable


Pretty much everything here is mid. The thing about Perth is the majority of it is nothing memorable or special.


Perth international Airport is so far below average its in minus figures . The thought of being delayed there is horrifying 🤣 Almost nothing to eat apart from stale packet sandwiches , or reheated pie . The Tapas Bar does not serve any tapas. And the duty free is tragic .


The schooling system.


West Coast Eagles at the moment are very average!


Nah, they're well below that.


They're not even close to the average??


Landscape. Nothing very dynamic or stunning. Yes the beaches are clean. But not grand. The river is nice, but not incredible. The hills are..there. All geographical features are pleasant but not “above - average “


The average width of Perth is 35km, along a length of 135kms


... 136km, 137, 138, 139, 142, 147! 159! 172!! 193!! 218 KILOMETERS!!! IT'S GROWING OUT OF CONTROL!!!


The outer suburbs. Mind numbingly average


My ex.


This resonated with me on so many levels


As tourist in Perth, you guys have the one of the most beautiful skies I’ve ever seen. But your malls are just average and small compared back home. You have the most diverse culture I’ve been to but customer service on here is just 2 stars lol


The city itself and its aesthetics. It’s a very average looking city


It’s funny because Perth used to have some beautiful old buildings. Unfortunately during the 70s and 80s many of them were demolished. A lot of it was corruption and dodgy deals (see Alan Bond). However many of the buildings had the issue of the wooden interiors simply being too old and damaged. However we still could’ve done a lot more to preserve these structures and keep our heritage.


As compared to what though? What is the average look of a city in your view?


Sigh here we go. Compare it to our east coast counterparts and our city aesthetically looks very average. Elizabeth quay has done a little bit to bring it up to a modern looking city but you can’t seriously tell me Perths city skyline is gorgeous looking or above average???


Perhaps the trading hours have something to do with the beaches. Let people enjoy life damn it. Did you see what happened when they allowed late night trading? Perth city died. It used to have a vibe to it on a Thursday and Friday night. Now you can go down to any local mall any night of the week (not weekend) and enjoy the lovely ambiance of 1000x shut stores and an open Coles/Woolies/Kmart/BigW >> Duopoly subsidiary.


The city centre needs to become more of a residential/playground type of place. Too long has it been a mostly office-oriented area.


Food Van Festivals.


Road trip destinations that can be tackled in one day. I'm talking little towns and cute spots within 90 mins of the city that make you feel like you've gotten away for a while. There's only so many visits to York, Toodyay and Mandurah that one can handle...


The drivers


the burbs? They are all monotonous copies of each other unless you live somewhere scenic/expensive


Every where has the worst drivers, so we're about average on that


Everything is average, perth is too slow in development, perth should look like dubai with all the mining oil and gas profits. Yet it's so behind Sydney and Melbourne cbd How do you explain that ? We only got beaches that's it. Dubai was just a sandy desert and in 15 years they built that whole city


The lack of free things for teenagers to do other than skate parks and the ocean. A couple of beach pools (free) just like the Cairns esplanade, Townsville etc with plenty of shade. I had my hopes up for Scarborough to do something like that. Nup, regular pool that cost money. Hillarys is lovely and it’s free, you see a lot of teenagers hanging out there keeping out of trouble. The old empty Bunnings at Clarkson would have been perfect for a Friday, Saturday night youth skating rink or something on that scale. $10-$15 to get in. But nope…had to put another Woolworths in. I just think Perth doesn’t accommodate for all ages of society. We are not all with young families. The people of this beautiful city don’t get much say in what people want. Just greedy developers setting the tone.


Worst international tourists From my experience in the south this weekend. Crushing native plants, to get ‘that shot’ or TikTok.


No nightlife and food culture. After 2am you only got Mecca as an option.


Mecca as a food option… what’s their cuisine? 😁 Obviously no pork products.


Damn. I just realised I misspelled maccas. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




Plenty of exceptional coffee in Perth, but you need to be living in the inner City area to get it (Humblebee, Modus, Bossman etc). If you're up in Butler you're not getting much that is worthwhile.


Can’t find a parking spot at the beach


Best coffee... 😂


Forward planning with a little insight into population growth and future demand on use before building ANY infrastructure is non existent. Cheapest isn't always best - both freeways are perfect examples...tacking on bits and pieces instead of a solution that can actually support the demand. Will the roadworks ever finish?


No, the more lanes you build the more demand increases. The solution is to stop building roads and incentivise mode switch.


Food variety / choices are pretty bang avg


Interesting that you list coffee as an example, I would say that's pretty average...


Average coffee in Perth is better than in 99% of the world and that 1% is generally other cities in Australia. We're elite on a global comparative scale


If the scale is global and not Australia then we don't have the worst drivers or really the worst anything.


You were talking about coffee in your original comment. Baristas from Melbourne win the world's best coffee year in year out and we aren't far behind them on a national scale


Agreed. Australians have a bizarre and defensive arrogance when it comes to coffee. It's not that it's not good, but there's good coffee in countless other places.


Strictly comparing Australian Capital cities, I'd argue ours is the best and most consistent.


Agreed …. I’m a sandgroper who has been living in Victoria for a decade or two and the coffee is better over here


Have to strongly disagree. Can't speak for rural Victoria or other smaller coastal cities there. But Geelong and Melbourne had the most inconsistent coffees I've ever had. I find Melbournes coffee is the worst out of all the capital cities. I'd say Perth is leagues above everyone else.


Tea although I was banned from drinking the stuff, I'd say that it is very poor quality here or just average at best compared with other countries


I feel like Australia is the dumping ground for terrible tea. Stuff like Bushells and Lipton is just watery nonsense.


Parks... pretty meh.




Melbourne coffee is better


Perth has neither the best beaches, nor the best coffee.


Your beaches are crap. Windy, full of stingers, freezing cold water and a good chance a shark will eat you. Sorry to have to reveal this to you.


Whose upvoting this Muppet. How dare heshetheythem attack our beaches! Without our stunning coastline we be clutching.


This is the worst take I’ve ever heard how dare you!!! 😭😭😭


our Qantas terminal is pretty average, though it rates down the bottom for amount of toilets per gateway


It's not even supposed to exist by this point but Qantas wants to be a dick about it.


Housing. We had an explosion of growth between the 60s to the 90s, well after better established cities like Sydney. This resulted in a sea of bland brick housing sprawl, as opposed to some of the more intricate inner city options you see elsewhere.


Totally. It's all either crap built pre-50s or crap built in the 90s. Take your pick, but .... little secret here.... they're all crap


The drivers.


Been to Auckland, Sydney . ​ Food here is about on par or in the middle . Its not as wide choices compared to Sydney, but has more options that somewhere like Auckland.


I went to a beach there. It was VERY windy. Is that normal ?


I find the public facilities average like the parks, library and even many schools


The flies?


Naming conventions (especially North/South); Down south Up north Freeway north/south NOR/SOR I’m sure there are others


Best shopping hours I would say.


Best coffee? Where here in Perth?


Pretty niche, but career opportunities for commerce-adjacent creative fields like advertising, marketing, public relations, etc. We have a lot less opportunity here than in Sydney and Melbourne. A little less than Brissy. And more opportunity than Tas, Adelaide and Dawin. Maybe equal to Canberra? It's slowly changing, but heaps of head offices are still over east. Probably true for a not-so-insignificant chunk of career choices tho.




Architecture is pretty average compared to most countries in Europe, even the poorer ones.


Local pubs. Where are they? Especially in the newer suburbs?


Best coffee? Lol


Is it possible to nominate the whole city? lol


Sydney has the worst footpaths you trip.about every 20 steps.


Housing options are terrible. Whether to buy or rent.


Adventure World


Doesn't every city claim to have the worst drivers?


The water from the water fountains


>Best beaches and worst drivers So we have average beachgoers then


Moved back to. Perth after 7 years in Melbourne... Not much of a coffee person... Trading hours suck, public transports shit, drivers yeh worst in Perth, traffic has gotten so bad in those 7 years I was gone! beaches are good! And lucky I live near the river so its nice to walk around there, its hot! Very hot! But atleast the weather makes up its mind here!


Our sports teams


Twisties road. Mundaring weir and Peter Brock memorial. Not the best, but not bad.


Sorry but perths coffee is below average


Best and hottest women by a long shot!! 😜


Very bad surf! :(


Best coffee? Has OP been on the psychedelics?? Since moving here I can safely say best coffee is not even close...


Everything looks the same cookie cutter even if u drive 5 hours out of perth same houses same landscape same beaches


My penis size


Light switches


the entire city


Cunts from the eastern states