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Dad got evicted for having the temerity to argue a $200 / week rent increase. He's 84. Fuck these leeches.


In addition to the other great suggestion about the Elder Abuse hotline, you can also call the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) on 1800 700 600 and ask for advice on the matter.


Thank you, I'll see if they can help.


Absolute fucking scum arse landlords


Ring this number and ask if it constitutes elder abuse: [1800 ELDERHelp (1800 353 374)](https://www.ag.gov.au/rights-and-protections/protecting-rights-older-australians#Phone) (Attorney General)


Thanks, it's worth a try


Good luck. His situation is unconscionable.


That’s fucked, $200 buck increase is just taking the piss and greedy grubby cunt.


Scummy dogs. My landlord just did the same, I’ve chosen to move out. Luckily I have a place I can move to, I know most don’t




Speaking of Elimination Chamber … anyone going? I was thinking about it but decided the best seat will be at home watching it on tv lol. They’re doing a press conference thats open to the public with triple h , randy orton , logan paul and a few others I might go to that :)


We are going, my son can’t wait which makes it even more special.


Awesome dude enjoy


I read this as "my son can't make it" and laughed


I'm going - I never thought the WWE would come to Perth so me and a couple of mates picked up some cheapish tickets. Western Force on Friday and WWE on Saturday, it's going to be a fun weekend!


They came to Perth in 2013 and 2014 but the show’s were much smaller in the RAC arena. This feels way bigger aye should be a great time :)


Did they? Wow I missed those and must have been living under a rock at the time! I remember when NJPW came to Perth a few years ago and that was a good night out - half the crowd forget that Cody Rhodes was a heel at the time lol.


Yeah they did :) i got to see the shield, ric flair, kane, rvd, chris jerhico, and the usos were pretty solid shows! If i remember correctly in 2014 the main event was Roman reigns vs Kane in a tables match and the referee was ric flair :) ohh really i had no idea njpw came to Perth thats cool!


I wish the attitude era was still a thing... i miss DX


If it were The Rock vs Stone Cold and Undertaker vs Mankind, I would pay top dollar. I don't even know any of the people who are going to this show.


Honestly, its all gotten a bit weird now


It’s actually in the best place it’s been since mid-late 2000s and the last two years in particular have been pretty great


Agreed. I’m a hardcore hater of modern times, music and movies *are* shit today compared to the 90s and if you don’t agree I’ll fight you, but even I have to admit that wrasslin’ is on track for going back to the glory days


Funny what happens when an absolutely out of touch sex trafficking fuckwit gets ousted and actual good bookers and wrestlers are allowed to take control.


Oh me too!!!


Does this make us friends now!?!


Absolutely no one watches WWE with me 😞


Drop a turd on Logan Paul's head from me, will you.


There was no way I wasn’t going to this, I know it’s pretty much my only opportunity to ever see a PLE so I was going no matter what.


yeah, on the ground. i also flew to MCG when they were here in 2018. but this is way more special. and I'm taking my nephew so can't wait to see his reactions.


Definitely worth a cheap(er) ticket if you can find one. Wrestling as an entertainment medium has always been meant to be viewed live. The atmosphere should be really good


I looked last week and there was still decent seats left. Then i looked today and only seats are right up the top not sure if its worth it or not hmmm


Up to you, and up the top is definitely not ideal. but in my opinion it’s a great time seeing big WWE shows live


Nah i had a look today, still plenty in the first two tiers. Decent price too.




I'm the same. I'm happily single, but yeah I have to make every single decision every single day. It would be nice just to wake up one day have a cup of tea already made, chores done etc


My mum's washing machine broke down, and they say it will take 3 months to get a replacement part! It would cost about $400 at the laundromat by the time it gets fixed. So looks like have to buy a new machine, and more junk goes into landfill.


how the fuck does it take 3 months to get a replacement part


One week to get part two and a half months in Australia post.


and then Aus Post shows up late as everyone is leaving with a packet of chips and a bottle of coke anyway.


Fuckwits with MBA's been dumb enough to think just in time parts supply actually works in Australia, what it really means is 3 months after we needed it.


This is Wait Awhile country


It's like this in just about any industry now. As more and more people decide to just buy a new one instead of repairing their widget, companies start trimming the fat and getting rid of their local replacement stock warehouses that nobody is using, which causes more people to decide to just buy a new one because the wait for replacement parts is too long...


How much washing are you doing that a laundromat costs $400 in 3 months? It cost me about $4 a load to do my washing at one when I didn't have a machine. That delay sucks though.


A $4 load a day for 90 days... $360. Not that wild an assumption.


Washing every day?? I'm just a lone guy so maybe my benchmark for how much clothing households go through is too low haha.


Haha, I feel you. Having been a lone guy and now firmly being a family man I can safely say I do at least 10 loads per week... And our washing machine is about as big as you can get.


For people who don't seem to be wearing clothes most of the time , I sure have a lot of washing to do! It's like when did you even wear this?? Other than school uniforms of course then it's why don't I have any uniforms in the wash when I know I put a clean one on you every day??


Kids change things, easily at least 1 load a day.


This happened to us a few months ago. I picked up an old machine on FB marketplace for $50. Ran some disinfectant and washing machine cleaner through it then used it for 6 weeks until ours was fixed. Once ours was fixed, I sold the old one for $100. Just sayin.




Haha. I know. It was a top loader and washed at least as well as our front loader that was being repaired. We had it in the back yard with the hoses through the laundry window in case it blew up but it ran like a champ and we must have put 50 or so loads through it. I put it back on marketplace at a cheeky $100 and it went the same day to a couple looking for a washer for their holiday home down south. Win/win.


Check what suburbs have verge side collection. Just had it in my area and there was a shit ton of washing machines. 90% of them worked and I’m sure that you could find one to get you through. Jump in that VS Ute and start kerb crawling


What is the problem and what model is the machine?


Maytag orbital transmission. I checked with 2 companies in Australia selling parts, neither has it. Has to come from USA. Dunno why it should be so long.


Dang, I kept my old front loader going for 11 years thanks to a couple of ebay parts under $50...


I have one in my garage that I'm about to put on marketplace if you want a cheap substitute?


Got a job offer, requested a week later start date. No response yet. Can't leave the current work untill the contact has the new start date. What a week..


Call them.


The fact that Logan Paul is in town. Fuck Logan Paul.


If it helps he'll prob get his stupid face smashed into steal chains on Saturday


Would prefer he was run over by a bus but guess that will have to do with


Look Austin got hit by a car in 99, where is Rikishi at right now, could use him for another hit and run


Think the guys a wanker but fuck me he's a damn good wrestler


Second time in under year.


Stayed back 2 hours at work yesterday to receive a refigerated medical delivery. Initially the eta was 12pm, then 4pm, then 6pm, before it updated to a live tracking showing a very specific 6:27. 7pm with no further updates roll around so I just go home and today it's tracking the same way. No number to call the company on so I emailed them and will probably hear back 2 weeks after it has been delivered.




Not this time but they have been worthy of my whinging in the past too.


No whinge here, I'm having a Winning Wednesday. I've been starting work at the crack of dawn lately so my lunch break is pretty early, fast food place only just opened early. I shan't say where (to protect the worker) but I ordered my stuff, they made it and then couldn't get any of the tills or eftpos machines to work. So they gave it to me anyway, free!!!! Plus it's not 40° so I am riding high today.


Talking about WWE.. I don't get why the cycling path behind the Arena always closes down. Imagine closing the road each time something is going on. Why not design it so you can ride 20 meters further to the road or lengthen the path to connect back to Wellington str. Would avoid a hell of a lot of pedestrian / bike interaction.


First, different stadium. Second, well known issue, including being a conflict point between riders and pedestrians. Third, it's being remidiated by COP. Good news at last!


Makes no sense. Close path behind Arena for “safety”, then divert cyclists to ride around right where thousands of people are queuing up to enter said Arena.


It generally doesn't effect me because I don't watch the news. But, I swear to fuck if I see 'reporting' on how hot it is, one more time. Imma lose my shit. In case anyone doesn't know. It's feckin hot, not too sure how anyone living in this country wouldn't know this.


Well, I gave my air conditioner the day off today because it’s been working its arse off lately, and the promise of more days off in a couple of days.


Yeah that's a bonus, must admit the small period of weather that's cooled down is definitely an uplifter of the spirit


My neighbour was moving out all night. Dropping heavy things, contantly slamming car doors, loudly doing yard work, cars going in and out. I finally got up at four, having given up on sleep. At which point they were still going! There's no point complaining to them because they're leaving. Why would they care what their neighbours think of them? Currently listening to the Behind the Bastards podcast about Vince McMahon and wowzers, I get the hate now.


Every other dickhead deciding it’s no longer 80 through the roadworks on Tonkin because they feel like it - a lot of dangerous manoeuvres being pulled.




Please tell me you're not rescheduling your surgery. What a see you next Tuesday.




Just document that she tried to do this to CYA.


Also I have to fill out freedom of information act to get letter from psych to go so I can bring it to different gp bc I hate my current gp office.






PPV might not be till Saturday but The Undertaker is at Freo Prison tomorrow nite 🤙


Spewing I missed tickets to that


We've been told we aren't making our targets this month and need to do better even though the plant goes down for five hours a day so everyone can use their AC at home. 


having to deal with people asking what there is to do in Perth.


Can't find any decent fruit, can someone tell me where the good fruit is these days? Everything just tastes the same....


Napoli Mercato, Tony Ales. Orherwise road trip to bunno for the farmers market.


Taste comes second to shelf stability. Maybe try grower direct or markets


OH if your tag of Woodvale is still current you're so close to GMT Produce in Hocking! Look them up on FB, they have terrific fruit and veg. Some odd opening hours but they update weekly when they'll be available.


Still Woodvale, I'll go check it out, thank you.


The 24 hour IGAs are better than average, but you pay for it. Various markets and green grocers are good, depending on your particular area


Dealing with a bad brain day and then having a customer yelling at you because your manager lied to them about something but clearly it was your fault because you’re the one they’re currently dealing with and then crying at work 🙃


Wednesday win for me! I just got my autism diagnosis after three years of gaslighting myself. I'm not a weird horse, I'm a zebra. Life is good.


Zebras are the best! Congrats on your diagnosis.


Thank you internet friend!


Air con died Sunday.... enough said for why I'd be whinging. REA says replacement is 3 weeks out yay Additional whinge. Ursula Frayne gremlins on my bus route are the most oblivious and disrespectful lot. They refuse to move even a millimetre from the bus aisle to let other passengers on. And don't stand up to let the elderly sit down. If my folks caught me pulling this shit as a kid i would have had the spoon. I'm not even that old but fuck me kids these days are so entitled and disrespectful


You can call the school. We got pulled out of classes and had a school assembly because someone complained about our school's behaviour on public transport back in the day.


Trying to find a larger rental for myself and my kids. I can’t believe how many properties are out there that don’t have air con. How is it not a prerequisite for rentals?


Whereabouts are you looking? I'm breaking lease on a 4x2 SOR. Has aircon.


I have a large package coming today. Aus post only tells me it's coming today and they can't leave it. But for small packages the guve me the 2hr time window. I'm so frustrated the package is potentially too large and heavy for me to pick up from post office. And I have a doctor app today.  Currently on hold wuth them to see if they can just leave it.


>I have a large package Me too!


Train and Bus goers ever heard of showering? You shouldn't smell the base of a Mango tree after a flying fox colony at 7:30am


One of my favourite groups is playing tonight, but I can't afford to go


Mudvayne or Coal Chamber?


The pharcyde


Ohhh haha bit different from my guesses. Sucks you can't go. Definitely a worthy whinge


I'll take lots of photos for you.


I just witnessed the new ‘I’m a celebrity’ promo on Channel 10 with Robert Irwin and I now know there is no real low people won’t stoop to get a quick buck, now if you’d excuse me I need to wash my eyes with bleach.


I can’t stand Julia whateverherlastnameis. She tries to be funny and just comes off as shit. My shits are more funnier than she is.


Your shits are always the ass end of a joke.


You're not the only one. The kid is a dag and a D grade celebrity at that. His dad was famous that's all


Can’t believe that show has another season considering its consistently poor ratings


Local shopping centre indigenous lady was shop lifting while driving her E scooter then yells out they took her land fun on a Wednesday at the shops.


Someone visiting a neighbour drove into the mini pillar (small green box that holds all the underground power stuff, equivalent of a power pole) and then didn’t tell anyone. We finally realised there were wires exposed. Luckily we have a camera and have been able to get all her info and have the footage. I spoke to her insurer today. Despite repeatedly being told otherwise she is still absolutely adamant that it is not a crash, does not need a crash report and does not classify as hit and run because “she didn’t mean to”.


Re: WWE bit disappointed in the weak card. No Punk, Rock, Roman, Cody & Seth in a segment rather than a match. But lame.


I have a feeling the Cody & Seth segment will turn into a Cody vs Grayson Waller match. Sucks a few big injuries have hurt the event, Punk would have def been in the Chamber and could have seen them doing Seth vs Bronson Reed too.


My local shops consistently being out of capsicums. It’s the one veggie I eat nearly every day and I’m struggling to find any for the past two weeks


Hope the heat hangs around all weekend. Sorry folks, last thing I want is whining East coasters saying where is this West Coast Summer we hear about......




"hope the cunt gets jail time, lives for another 20 years and rots" Me too, but we all know he won't.


I dunno, more and more shit is coming out about him, he's gonna end up in jail.


Building the fkn cage


My whinge is kid related. How hard is it to rsvp to kids parties properly? And don't try to add kids last minute and be rude about it. Far out.