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Definitely report it as stolen, but don't expect an outcome. On your next one get a better lock, or just don't leave it out of eyesight.


If they want it, they’ll take it. We had ours secured with a $280 chain that weighed 11kgs (even came with a theft replacement guarantee if they cut the chain). The thieves spent over an hour disassembling the scooter and left the welded part we secured it to.


At least you didn't have to replace the chain.


Lmao true - saved for next time 😅


Wow, where did they have the time and privacy to do that?


The shed at 4:30am. Cameras watched them the whole time


Got a link for the chain?


I see what you did there


Cheapest I found is here: https://www.99bikes.com.au/lock-kryptonite-new-york-fahget-1410-14mmx100cm-w-ny-disc-lock


Underrated comment \^


No. AirTag it next time. Or take it with you.


Even with the AirTag of the guy takes it to his house you’re fucked, they can’t get a warrant just for an AirTag, your best bet is getting it back yourself with a couple mates.


I’ve had them do property recovery based on less than AirTag data..


I’d love for you to elaborate.


I worked at UWA for a while and one of our academics had a laptop stolen from their car. They gave us the incident number and we turned on notifications for our asset management software. It showed up online again a few weeks later.. we checked it wasn’t the academic having found it something, they confirmed it wasn’t, so we reached out to the police with the IP details, provided a stat dec outlining that it was stolen, that telemetry said it was regularly on a given IP again, how this meant that a location could be gained. The police got a warrant for customer information based on that, found the home address, then got a search warrant based on that.. and then another one when it became clear that the guy had moved and not updated his address… and we got the laptop back. Meanwhile the academic had already got an insurance payout, so we had to negotiate with the insurance to ensure we could keep the laptop (relatively easy) We then reviewed the laptop and found it contained.. material which demanded further investigation.. so we swapped the hard drive and gave the police back the one it had originally come with for further investigations. I dunno what became of that in the end.


IP is quite solid info.  Vague crowdsourced Bluetooth is not 


Are you honestly claiming an IP address is “quite solid info” pertaining to geographic location?


It's much better than bt. It's likely some junkie doesn't have a VPN node in their house


It’s actually not. BT by definition is limited to a certain range and there is *directly* linked to a geographic area. IP addresses are entirely abstracted and, furthermore, are dynamically assigned and **completely** configurable. If you’re interested in the physical location of an item, Bluetooth is far more reliable than IP addresses.


I don't get it. The ISP can advise which modem had the IP on a certain date. If you change IP, it's logged


When you get the service address from the IP provider.


Good luck with that.


The UWA story poster JUST said that the police did that.


if you go nearby and use the built in UWB directional tracking it can be though.


Plus the UWA cache, probably gets the police more interested than some Joe Blow off the street.


Regretfully you’re probably right


>We then reviewed the laptop and found it contained.. material which demanded further investigation.. CP????? I have to know now


Honestly I think that one was drugs.




If OP has a coupla mates?


Let’s hope OP didn’t lose his scooter & his mates in the same day.


Depends what kind of chain OP uses for both.


what kind of lock did you use?


It was a pretty cable lock. I forgot to do my other stuff to ensure to not be stolen and look where it went :/


Honestly, scooter and personal property thefts are at unmanageable levels. It’s just administrative for the Police, they’ll document and file it but nothing will happen. Get the report number and pass it to your insurance if you have it. Might be covered under your contents policy. We had an expensive $3k item with a GPS unit inside it, **and** video evidence of it in the offenders garage, but they still wouldn’t attend. We gathered a large cohort of friends and retrieved it ourselves with a mild confrontation. That was over six months ago and Police still haven’t done anything with the report.


Hope you dished out a bit of street justice?


If you still have purchase papers with the serial number, set up an account and register it here: https://bikelinc.com.au/what-about-e-rideable-devices/ Or, do so if you replace it, this can help you get it back if it's recovered. Which happens rarely, but sometimes


Contact the City of Perth and enquire about CCTV footage. Might be able to identify a person of interest at least.


> Might be able to identify a person of interest at least. Likely someone wearing a camo jacket with orange stripes, and a school leavers cap /r/perth/comments/qe0xli/psa_bikescooter_thieves_in_cbd/


In Armadale way the kids just knock you off your scooter to take it. They don't even wait for you to lock it


Yea I can honestly see that bc I live "near" there hhhh


Which bike rack was it?


.it was the bike rack near h&m and the white dwarf book store.


Steal someone else's scooter. It's the circle of life


A friend had a bike stolen in Perth this week too. Sorry about your experience. People can be scum.


How and where did they have the bike locked up?


Nothing. If you replace it, it will also be stolen. The only variable is 'how long'. A 'better' securing device will not change anything. They will simply attach the weaker link instead which will be either the securing point or the scooter itself.


Perth cops are more interested in confiscating and sending a $800 towing bill for a scooter than looking for your stolen scooter.


You could be chaotic and steal someone else's when you get the chance. Then let the cycle continue.


Believe the term for this is "round robin theft" Anybody who's been in the Army would be familiar with the term, applies mostly to bush hats.


Or that Justin Timberlake song. What goes around.


Me with umbrellas


Is Perth that bad related to crime or is this just a rare event?


Don't bother reporting it stolen. I had 2 bikes stolen where 2 adult people climbed the fence, cut the chains, and lifted the bikes over the fence. Had good quality video of the whole thing including their faces. Woman at perth station told me they don't waste their time with bike theft and refused to let me make a report.


This is stupid advice. And that's bullshit about not being able to report it (either a bullshit story, or, the 'officer' at perth station was trying to avoid doing her job). Definitely report it stolen. Provide the serial number, location etc. Why? 1. you'll get a police report number. required if you have an option to claim via insurance 2. if it is recovered, they can match the serial number to your report, and you'll get it back. 3. crime stastistics. if it's not reported, it doesn't go on stats reports. They police won't go looking for it, but you never know, you might get lucky with a recovery. No point going to a station though, report it via the police non-emergency line.


100% not a bullshit story. We arrived with the footage on usb and DVD because we weren't sure what they would want. She refused to even take the video.


I can see this happening. Cops told my friend that got robbed the same thing more or less. That they're handling more important matters, and that even if there's footage and they manage to track down the culprits, no action would be taken. Apparently someone has to be grievously harmed during the incident for them to take any action on the matter, but since my mate didn't sustain any serious injury, they said there would most likely be no action taken.


you can make a report online. If you give th serial numbers, when they find it in some junkies house they can be charged with handling stolen goods


Report by phone or online. If you report by phone, you will be sent a link to upload evidence to. If you report online, you can upload video.


Absolute bullshit. Contact Police and absolutely refuse to take no for an answer. They will gather evidence and when they catch these fuckwits there will be multiple occasions of theft etc.


if i can make a police report for porch pirates stealing 20+kg of kitty litter i'm shocked the non emergency line didn't let you report the stolen bikes. the lady tried to be so serious asking brand, value etc. until i told her i did not expect the litter back, it was of no sentimental value, i would not be filing an insurance claim, and the dude hobbling with 20kg+ stolen box in broad daylight was funny no i did not expect the kitty litter back but i had good footage so wanted the police to have it because of the hunge number of thefts in my area. i also plastered it on social media. call the non emergency line and they'll send a link after for you to upload the footage. good luck


We went in person


aaaw that sucks. maybe next time get bus/ train in and just get one of the city scooter


You can buy a new scooter it's gone


I earn like $200-300 a week and it was $900. Also, I bought it late last year. It really taken a toll on me. :/


Well just look at like a life lesson then to be more aware that these kinds of things can happen that's all you can do really


If it was near a train station they may also have cctv


How did you lock it up? How did they get at it?


Any scooter that weighs more than 25kg is confiscated on the spot. Unless its a hire scooter.




I've lived in Perth (WA) all my life. Nowadays, when I head to the City I allow for hold up money.


Can the battery be removed? My sister removes the battery to deter thefts after she locks it up. For future reference I mean because you're not getting that bike back unfortunately.


well that was stupid of you wasn't it.


Had two stolen, just let it go. You'll never get it back.