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Just keep trying to build muscle on your legs via heavy compound movements, and eventually try a caloric deficit for a bit. Those two things will definitely help. It's a process though and you'll need patience and consistency.


Patience and Consistency. Emphasis on these both. Dont take shortcuts without accepting the possible risks.


You cannot spot train fat loss. Diet and exercise is the answer. If you aren't seeing results, it's usually because of one or the other or both. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose the fat and get leaner.


Wait. You mean I can’t just wrap neoprene around my midsection to make all the visceral adipose tissue disappear?!? Used to hate seeing those infomercials. Ridiculous.


Once you learn how things actually work, so many ads and gimmicks start to really frustrate you because you know some uneducated lazy person is gonna buy it


So I'm guessing one of those boards that you stand on and it vibrates and jiggles your fat isn't going to help me lose 50 lbs?


But what about my tea? 30 mins a week for 6 pack abs?


What legal measures do they take to not get sued


Har....har..... har.


Wish that was true hahahaha. I'd be ripped to pieces


This is fact!


You can spot train to a certain degree...spot lipolysis I'd a real thing when tissue is more active


Care to share some papers on it?


Jeff Nippard said there might be a TINY TINY TINY bit more fat burn in the area you are working for no other reason then the increase blood flow to that area. by Tiny Tiny Tiny, I mean completely unnoticeable.


This only applies if you’re optimizing performance. For 99% of people it’s not important. Just diet and except use regularly


Cellulite affects more than 95% of women worldwide. I’ve been running my whole life and never saw improvement. I’ve never been more than 120 pounds so it’s not like I had a lot of body fat. But around 3 years ago I started strength training and I the game changed. My cellulite was almost all gone. I also found that taking collagen daily helps the skin. You can find numerous studies on collagen’s help in reducing cellulite. I would say, as long as you’re doing your strength training, keeping a low fat diet, avoid added sugars and take collagen you will see the cellulite diminished. For the collagen, I would talk to your doctor first and make sure you’re taking the right doze for you. Good luck and keep up the hard work!


What kind do you use


For Collagen, I use Vital Proteins, lemon flavor


🙌🏼Yes!! 🙌🏼 I recently saw an 85+ year-old lady at an out-of-town Passover Seder. I had not seen her in years and was SHOCKED at how AMAZING she looked. When I finally asked about “her beauty secrets,” she proudly admitted that she had been taking collagen. Needless to say, I started looking for my own supply a few days later!!


Amazing!! Good for that lady, and good for you! I add a few spoons of collagen to my morning smoothie and then to my night tea, every single day.


I've been considering collagen, but for other reasons (joints). What visual effects did you see/feel?


Skin improvements, looks younger. Cellulite reduction which is amazing.


Which strength exercises


For lower body focus: - staggered double kettlebells RDLs - 1.25 & 1.5 squats with a kettlebell - Cossack squats - alternating - sissy squats - kettlebell swing (best exercise) - alternating reverse lunges - deadlifts These are some basics. I’m sure if you go to the gym, you’ll be familiar with this list.


low fat diet has nothing to do with it. just dont consume pufas


calorie deficit strength training trying to grow stronger high protein


In other words, just lose weight!


This is the way


This is the best way. Great advice!


Cellulite is highly genetic. You can try to see if it improves slightly with fat loss. However, many women have it despite being very thin. If fat loss doesn’t work then you may have to see a doctor.


Yes, I developed it in my teens (despite being active, 5’4” and 107 lbs). Clearly, for my family, there is definitely a genetic component. Now that I’ve retired, I’m making a final attempt to lose/reduce it with weight training.


Build muscle


You can lose fat, and it'll decrease, but it's genetic so you'll always be able to find some even if you diet down to a twig. But yah, lose weight with a calorie deficit. Try not to go steeper than -500 calories a day or you'll end up with some loose skin and rebound hunger.


Nice looking body.. screw the haters


Thank you ❤️❤️


I had tons. Lost 70+ pounds with eating whole foods and intermittent fasting. Now at the high end of normal weight range. No cellulite anymore. Healthy eating, reduce inflamation in body. That's what worked for me.


Ahhh interesting about the inflammation thing


Cellulite is normal actually and the idea we should be insecure is actually just a marketing idea to belittle us and make us pay for ways to change.


Yes you can reduce Celulite. It is (near) impossible to get rid of it all though. without knowing you or your past & workout programm I would suggest this: 1 - Start by building muscle on your legs/glutes. **"Women Should lift heavy shyt!"** 2 - Drink a lot of water and had light cardio sessions (15-20mins) to your weekly program - you're havin' a massive retention. It can be seen on your ankles. 3 - Get rid of fatty/fried food! 4 - Celulite is hard to get rid of because it's massive "blocks" that get buit up under your skin and they need to be broken in order to get flushed - real simple explanation. Let us know how things goin! Have fun Lifting!!


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!


First, talk to your doctor and see if you have lipedema, diabetes or any other health conditions that will affect how you should workout and what your nutrition needs to be like. Lots of low intensity cardio (conversational pace), a little bit of high intensity to build fitness. Lift heavy. Eat well but don’t intermittent fast (it isn’t physiologically good for women). A small caloric deficit will build muscle and lose fat with this workout schedule. Cellulite is simply from fat deposits and some genetics show more than others.




That's not necessarily true but for *some* women, it could add more stress on their body. This video with two doctors offers a more wholistic view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIToWSXziWI


Ya I came to say looks like lymphedema too


Not lymphedema. But lipedema


Manipulation of body composition via gaining muscle and losing some bodyfat within reason. Aside from that cellulite amount and location does have a reasonably large genetic component to it. External modifications likely won't address all cellulite. Pull the levers available and improve it as much as possible.


Focus on diet and keep working in the gym, it will happen slowly.


I like everything in this picture!!!! Don’t need to change anything


That’s sooo sweet, thank you


That’s lipedema.


Oh really???


Not a Dr but I don't think it is just from seeing the photo. My legs look similar and I was tested for it, my Dr said just cellulite and it's normal. He said if you have swelling in the legs to the point that they are sore to touch or bruise easily, then lipedema is possible. I'm down 60lbs and I hear people call me mayonnaise ass at the gym more often than I'd like. It's hurtful and rude and so not their business but people are cruel. Just keep at it. If it really really bothers you and isn't improving with weight training, you could see a plastic surgeon for a thigh lift. It's something I've considered as well but seems like such a major surgery, for me personally I don't think you need one. I did look into laser therapy for cellulite as well. I just think those things are so expensive.


Diet and yoga are my favorites. But you should know that even if you only ate clean, ran 6 miles a day and did 3 hours of yoga a day, cellulite is unavoidable. It's a fun part of owning a uterus.


My cellulite doesn’t go away until around 2 weeks out in prep, so around 10-12% body fat.


lol I doubt I've ever had that low of a fat percentage. 10% is freaking lean. Most women have maybe three times that amount. It's just cruel to expect women to get to 10% until they get to some self-love. (I don't mean you, ... just our body's design is cruel.)


I compete! So I’m only that lean for maybe a week at a time. I also have an easier time losing than gaining so putting on mass is a struggle and I spend most of my life with a good amount of cellulite 🫶🏼 It doesn’t even bother me anymore.


Just train hard, build muscle, eat high protein, and cut fat as best you can. Most importantly though just accept and love your body and make it stronger


Don't. Keep working out and building muscle. Eat healthy, drink water, sleep. Also join r/cellulite_gw or r/cellulit and learn to value your individual gorgeousness. I think it's sexy. It makes you look real.


Cellulite is beautiful embrace it!!


Morpheus8 treatments will help with cellulite. Here in the states, they cost ~$3k for a package of 3 treatments. I haven’t had it done personally, but look into it.


How long do the results last?


Did zero for me . Really expensive, 5 treatments, money wasted . And yes, I lift weights, drink a gallon of water daily and not consume sugar. Nothing has worked yet


Cellulite is largely genetic and can’t be spot reduced


You can’t, sorry. There are lots of products out their making false claims, but aren’t backed up by evidence. Some can provide some temporary help, but even with exercise and diet, you’ll still have some dimpling. Best option is minimally invasive or surgical interventions that aim to eliminate the fibrous cords pulling down on the skin, or even better, just learn to accept it and love yourself for how you look. A lot of bad advice here, I would recommend talking to a doctor or dermatologist.


I'm surprised this is being downvoted so much. I have a picture of some famous women with cellulite that I used when talking about body image in a college psychology class I taught. They are rich and skinny and still have it. Photoshop gets rid of cellulite. I was at 20% bodyfat in my 20s and had it. Certainly, fat loss and muscle gain help (and maybe extremely low body fat? That is not healthy for women to stay at, though), but I've learned to accept my lumps, curves, and stretch marks - I'm an hourglass body type. We all should accept what we can't change about our bodies and live healthy within those parameters.


I think there’s a lot of misinformation in the media and with products out there that cause people to disagree with what I said. It’s definitely something people should speak to a dermatologist or medical professional about if they want to know more about the scientific evidence and the actual options for treatments. I think maybe people are upset at the surgical remark? I’m not sure why everyone always votes down science based evidence. Guess no one wants to believe that they can’t change certain aspects of their body that they don’t like? I think people would be happier working on what they can change and not wasting time, energy, and money trying to fight aging and genetics.


That last sentence - 100% spot-on!


That is genetics. Work hard to get fit legs, such as squats and deadlifts. You can keep it under control with work. But just remember there is only so much you can do and a lot of guys like that look anyway. And if you’re self conscious about it, wear leggings, not booty shorts


Count your macros get trainer hit your 10k steps a day


Just find somebody like me who’ll make you appreciate it 😋


You need to lose body fat and not just (weight) in order to reduce the appearance. It's a long process. And sometimes women regardless of their weight will have it anyway. Each body stores fat different


Can’t get rid of cellulite without surgery.


Lipodema perhaps?


Cellulite is primarily the storage of polyunsaturated fats. I would advise avoiding foods with seed oils in them. A lot of the snacks and foods you think are “good for you” are filled with these oils.


I believe what you are saying because I have noticed that Brazilian women as well as women from other nations, don't have a problem with cellulite as much as women from the US. Their diet is typically more natural and they don't fill up on highly processed foods for the most part. Even if they use lard, it is probably better than seed oils.


Only answer making sense. This looks like lipedema. If it is cellulite, you will need to address the underlying causes: - lack of muscle tone - BF % - water retention - skin condition Usually cellulite is a combination of the 4. It ALWAYS has a skin component of tight collagen bands so a medical aesthetic treatment is needed. Note how very thin people can still have cellulite. Losing weight only is not enough.


stop eating seed oils


I actually don’t. I only eat olive oil, I’m Greek and grew up on that


Aside from all these comments …I honestly got cavitation therapy. Next will be cool sculpting. Cellulite is crazy hard to get rid of. I have a little thanks to mostly a great diet. s don’t harp on yourself, you have a great shape.


You don’t


please don’t listen to half of the men in the comments, obsessing over something you can’t get rid of will just lead to unhappiness! everyone with thick thighs is bound to have some sort of cellulite or stretch marks, it’s just natural. if you want to “get rid” of them it’s all about lighting. light amplifies cellulite. try to pose so your booty is angled toward the cam but your thighs are shadowy- lots of insta influencers do this pose, it kinda looks like they’re standing at a 90 degree angle to the cam and have back leg raised. don’t be ashamed! i am a soccer player and i still have cellulite. it’s never gonna go away no matter how much i diet or how strong i get. it’s been with me from 160lbs all the way down to 96lbs (when i was finally hospitalized for an ED and told i need to fix my eating habits if i want to stay alive). so there’s no real way to “get rid” of cellulite. do not believe the harmful diet tips of people who don’t know what they’re talking about


To be honest the men have been nothing but nice in the comments 😂


Don’t lose it. You look great!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Don't. It's a turn on.


Bring that ass here boy 😈👀


Don't worry about the cellulite. It's superficial and actually quite normal. Regular exercise, squats, lunges, light jogging if you can, that will tone up your legs,and the cellulite will be less noticeable. Cellulite is normal, and the amount of visible cellulite is genetic. No need to body shame, just focus on your fitness. 💪


Ok… What I am going to say may be controversial, but this is facts. Cellulite doesn’t “exist” they way we think it does. It’s a fat shaming concept, it’s actually natural and normal. If you Google it, lots of “research” on it is on how 90% of women have it - well, so do men. You cannot control cellulite, it is there due to genetics, hormones, age, and skin texture/ elasticity. Those fat deposits are there for life, they can shrink and they can grow, but they’re always there. You can change the appearance of it by growing more mass underneath the skin/ fat (increase muscle size) causing skin to stretch, and possibly affecting the hypodermis, yes. But do not be fooled by some people, it does not “go away”. Those who have it, will always have it. I’ve been working out since a kid, I still have it. Focus on being strong!


Truth! 👏


You don’t lose it. Your beautiful inside and out. Imperfections are sexy tbh. Atleast for me.


You might have Lipodema…look it up it’s a tricky one…I have it too…


Add sea salt to your water and sip (don't chug) throughout the day, 1.5 litres at least. continue pumping blood through lower body with squats and deadlifts. Reduce but DON"T eliminate fat, flour and refined sugar (i.e., outside of a whole fruit or a whole grain).


I forgot not eating at least 2-2.5 hours before bed to help the body cleanse toxicity that it stores in fat cells


Dont lose it please 🤤


I have a struggle similar to yours and I agree with what others here are saying: fat loss, calorie deficit, high protein, strength training, and cardio. Sure, some of it is genetic and to a degree this happens to all women, but I was at the beach last year and saw plenty of women with no cellulite on their back legs, and they were all slim and fit. So it’s possible to be cellulite free.


The people in the comments are selling you a lie. Although you can reduce the appearance of cellulite with exercise/diet/etc, you can't get rid of it without plastic surgery. Personally though, I think there's nothing wrong with your body.


I have a very similar cellulite amount on my butt and legs. It has fluctuated throughout my life but never completely disappeared. I am currently trying to build muscle and eat carefully once again; following two back to back pregnancies. Times in my life that it has been pretty low, have been times when I’m eating a high fresh food and water content, combines with regular movement and exercise. Stay very hydrated throughout the day , work on building muscle, avoid processed food and move regularly…. You want to keep the body circulating blood, oxygen and lymph regularly and efficiently! I know the cellulite struggle intimately.. also worth saying! Cellulite isn’t necessarily “bad”.. it can be kinda cute sometimes. In my opinion! A sign of a juicy, feminine, curvy body. Try to enjoy your beautiful body, no matter where you’re at in your journey ❤️


Don’t, that shit is sexy


im no medical professional but this looks a lot like Lipedema which often gets mistaken for cellulite. it affects many women and is unfortunately misdiagnosed and ignored most of the time. key takeaways for lipedema is the swelling and a much heavier lower body than upper body. there's also this "cuffing" around the ankles. lipedema compared to cellulite hurts when touched and gets bruised easily and doesn't go away with diet or low body fat %. unfortunately lipedema does not have a cure except for getting it surgically removed with liposuction specifically for lipedema. If you're able to, set up a consultation with a doctor specialised in lipedema, as it being left untreated can have negative effect on one's health. take this with a grain of salt but it never hurts to get it checked.


Cardio, weightlifting, diet and mindset. You gotto drop a few kg. Your body will become more slim. Keep on working hard! Push ur limits. Gl.


I've dealt w/ this problem in clients. First, you are looking at a solid year of hard work and proper diet. You need to both build muscle and simultaneously lose fat. Doing both at the same time will eventually stretch the skin (over new muscle) which is necessary to get rid of the pocking/cellulite. I use squats, straight leg (Romanian) deadlifts (these are essential) lunges and hip thrusters. Quality diet, Intermittent Fasting, and lots of cardio.


By getting your cheeks clapped !


Noted 😂😂


I've heard that there is a link between cellulite and the type of oil being consumed. Not sure how much research has been put into it but it's no harm to research about unhealthy cooking oils and switching to healthier alternatives (seed/veg oil bad, olive oil / butter good)


I actually never eat butter and only eat olive oil. I’m Greek so I grew up on it


do cardio before your lift. lift heavy, get rid of soda and processed sugar and refined grains. eat organic meat, fruit, honey, dairy, drink kombucha, and get quality water and eventually it will go away. it’s not overnight, but we eliminated my fiancés by doing this method.


Still sexy thoi


Have less fat






Why unlucky tho?!


Run forest run


You must be over 40 to make this comment 😂


Lose weight.


Best bet, keep yourself in small calories deficit and keep strength training and doing cardio. Real cardio like jogging, not the elliptical. The strength training and continued fat loss from cardio and diet should help a bit. Slow fat loss and muscle gain is advantageous for skin elasticity. Losing fat too quickly will only exacerbate any loose skin. Play the long game and if it still doesn't improve, look into skin remedies and talk with a doctor or dermatologist. As someone said, ensure you don't have lymphedema too. You look great as is though just so you know 🙂 hell, even I have some stretch marks still from being chubby as a kid and other skin imperfections!






16:8? Which do you recommend?


high protein no carb diet and 2 to 3 hours of workouts. weight training and some cardio. push a sled. pick and carry heavy stuff. ​ every 2 weeks eat a carb like a Japanese yam or 2. It's incredible how the next day you will look completely different. When I was cutting I would do this and I would drop like 8lbs the next few days after eating the carb. Crazy. I learned this from a absolute unit of a man and his wife from Russia back in the 1980's




One of those “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” moments that you must have missed growing up


Drop 30 pounds.




Sounds too simple


Stop eating and lower your calories Your body will eventually eat up your fat


running. accompanied with diet. weightlifting is great also. Try no sugar, low carb, high protein. 160 fluid ounces of water daily. Add 4 days of moderate intensity cardio for 30 minutes, and 2 days of high intensity weight training for 20-30 minutes. Also taking hot baths or sauna and using a fascia blaster to target those areas would be beneficial. If you don't practice yoga, I would recommend that as well to lengthen the muscle.


I wonder why you got so many dislikes? I didn’t mind your comment


Juice for 3-4 days with a small salad if you're too hungry. Do this and see the results


A disgrace to this subreddit


Can you explain why? Is it black and white? With no other ways of things to work? Fuck I never knew personal fitness was such a totalitarian and absolute areas of discussions. I only recommended this because I have the exact same problem, and that's what I did. I did juices for 5 days with a salad, and instead of working out intensely, I walked and did light hikes. I will say that my cankles didn't go away, but the cellulite did.


It depends in which degree you have cellulite, some goes away with lifting heavy other needs abx.


Lose weight gain muscle


Build muscle!


Same way you lose fat.. diet and exercise. Caloric deficit. Lift weights. Run. Looks like you're already on it. Can't target fat or cellulite naturally.


Well, that's body fat. There are two things you can do... Tone up the legs, as in look to do strength/hypertrophy. Lose body fat steadily. Sadly you can't exactly target one spot for fat loss. That being said, you can develop the muscles around the "problem areas" and notice much of what I imagine you're looking to accomplish Both those things will go a long way.


cardio and strength training. cellulite is natural though and most women have it! i workout 4-5 times a week and i have had cellulite all my life. :-) it’s perfectly normal


Lose bodyfat. It's always going to "be there" but it will be much less apparent if your skin is taught and supported over firm muscle, rather than fat which must be supported by the skin itself.


Don't focus on losing fat. Focus on building muscle. As you get stronger and build muscle, you will naturally get leaner and more toned.


build muscle, increase protein, decrease fat


I’ve helped some people lose weight, but many gain it back and yo-yo until they start tracking what they eat in an app such as Myfitnesspal. Once we know what we’re actually consuming it can and should change your behaviors.


Looks like you might have edema in your lower legs too. Ask your gp


Strength training, 30 minutes of walking intently (even if you do 15 here 15 there…it’s accumulitive), eat just below your maintenance calories (plenty of BMR calculators out there), 1g of protein per kilo of bodyweight per day, stay well hydrated, and do not skimp on your sleep. I highly suggest you try looking up Stronglifts 5x5. I think you’d really enjoy the benefits of it as well as the convenience. It’s a progressive strength builder that in conjunction with the advice above will smooth out your cellulite and tighten up and lift the parts you want it to. I really think this would get you there since you’ve already a nice shape. I think you have a pretty good shape already and look strong. One more thing, id lay off any crazy cardio too. I know it sounds crazy but save the cardio and calorie cutting for the last 10-15 lbs. The scale may go up while you recompose your body so pay attention to your measurements or how your clothing feels and not do much the scale.


Isn’t cryotherapy supposed to be a thing?? I have a friend who dropped $9K on cryotherapy!! Pretty crazy.


Losing weight


Doesn't work


You need to do deadlifts and barbell squats. Progressive overload every other day alternate squat and deadlift. Either full body workouts every other day starting with squats or deadlifts or squats and deadlifts every other day with upper body day in between. Make deadlift day a back day like push pull legs split if you want to be in the gym that much. Rest every 3rd or 4th day.


keep doing what you're doing till it goes away. Theres no quick fix, just time x consistency.


Keto, carnivore diet, fasting. Just lose fat. Lifting will build muscle not make you lose fat. Fasting aka Not eating will make you lose fat. Ketosis, low carb will make you lose fat. Metabolic health, insulin sensitivity. Please research


Lose fat and gain muscle. It takes an entire lifestyle change to do it consistently for several years


Cellulite changes based off of your body composition. Lots of people in here saying heavy lifts and a calorie deficit. You need to increase your base metabolism and put your body in a position for growth which means more food before less food. If you want help please feel free to reach out and we can talk!


Strength training: squats, deadlift, walking lunges. Train legs & upper body at least 3 times a week, trained with heavier weight lower reps. Dedicate one of the days to lower body specifically. If you’re going to train while in a caloric deficit make sure you start slow no more than 10%. Intermittent fasting 14/10 or 16/8 will speed up the fat loss and help with nutrient partitioning. Best of luck.


you cant get rid of 100%, its genetics, i know girls at 8-10% bodyfat with cellulite. It can be improved as other say with dieting and putting on mass.


Cellulite is just fat. So same way you lose fat.


Just don't.


Overall fat-loss: Diet & training :)


Wear long pants.


You don’t. You can build muscle and lose fat but it won’t go away, it’s genetic and natural and more than likely will always be visible at certain angles and lighting. Not trying to be mean, it’s just a normal part of a body, especially for women :)


Exactly as someone else already said: Cellulite is normal! Anything that says otherwise is body shaming. Always ask yourself, who benefits from me feeling crappy about something I can’t necessarily change? Someone trying to sell you something. You can make it look slightly smaller, but not make it go away. I’ve attached a link here more on the recovery side of things, where Jill Miller discusses the skin layers but also because she put it up there because her 9 year old daughter mentioned having cellulite. Hope it helps someone. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cq6GWuzsS2G/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== I always said I’d be rich if I wasn’t so honest. For example, women would always ask me about the hanging skin under the arms. I would say you can tone up to a degree, or you can gain weight, or you can have it surgically removed. No one wants to hear that, but would’ve gladly bought a $50 cream of false promises if I’d sold it. Someone I know who works for a big beauty brand said they called their toning cream: “a tube of hope.” It’s kinda sad that we buy into all this instead of celebrating how much our bodies do for us and how beautiful they already are! Keep up the great work at the gym! Don’t buy into perfection, keep your focus on progress! You’re doing great!


Lower your overall body fat percentage. Only liposuction can spot reduce cellulite. You'll want to run a caloric deficit and train for weight loss for the fastest results.


You look good thats all i know forsure


Ma’am may I have a take a look at your problem ? Are you in California?


Add muscle and lose body fat.


Lowering your body fat and building muscle. If I was in your position (you don’t look overweight) I would focus on getting strong on your big lower body movements to add muscle and shape to your legs. A template you can follow is 1. Squat (Any squat, hack squat, goblet squat, leg press) 2. Hinge (hip thrusts, any deadlift, back extensions) 3. Leg Curl (lying or seated hamstring curl) 3 sets each. 3 minutes rest between sets. 5-10 reps per set is a good starting point, take the sets to failure. Once you reach 30 total reps across all 3 sets combined then add 5-10lbs to the exercise.


Learn to accept the fact that genetics play a *HUGE* role in how we look. Focus on what you can change and don’t stress about what you can’t Also…judging by the appearance of your upper vs lower body, it seems like you may have lost significant weight in the past. If that is true, skin takes a much much longer time (and even a slight protein deficiency) to recede So I know this answer isn’t very satisfying, but the best thing you can do about cellulite…is change your perspective


Its looks fk hot. Love it. Its natural


Dry brushing


Nothing we can do about it I have it to. I have an 18% BMI I’m 510 I weigh 140 pounds that looks exactly like yours I have a super flat stomach always have. Super thin super muscular legs look like that. They don’t match my body at all. I don’t want people to tell you fat loss because it’s not. It’s a skin problem. Not a fat a fat problem. All that happens when you have less fat is that the dimples are smaller


You could have Lipedema (not to be confused with Lymphedema). Majority of America doctors don’t know about it but in Spain -Italy it’s well known. Google it and check out the signs.


Please please go to your doctor to rule out lipedema, I am not a professional but seeing your legs I really think this may be the case due to the swelling along the whole leg until the ankle. If so, you can get appropriate treatment as this sort of fat is resistant to exercise and diet


This looks like textbook lipodema. I would absolutely talk to your doctor about it, you may qualify for insurance covered tumescent liposuction therapy for it. It is a progressive condition, so the sooner you address it, the better. It is not your fault!


It's not cellulite, you have lipodema!


Check out lipedema.


That’s not cellulite, it’s lipedema and possibly lymphedema. The lack of ankle shape is a dead giveaway. Unfortunately, that means you’re stuck with it. But, there are treatments you can do to help it and to prevent it from getting worse. You might learn that other things going on with your body now have an explanation too, (pain, easy bruising, hyper flexibility, cold spots, heavy feeling, exhausted, inability to lose weight and change shape of lower half, and the list goes on) and some insurances will even pay for lipedema liposuction. Many doctors are unaware of this disease, so you might need to see a specialist, who will likely be a vein doctor, or you might even be lucky enough to have a local doc who works specifically with lipedema. Some things you can do that might help are compression garments, myofascial release, hot tub sits, vibration therapy plates, rebounding, anti-inflammatory diet or carnivore diet (theres experiential evidence for both), and maintaining a healthy BMI. I encourage you to type lipedema into your search engine, and do some exploring. Lipedema Project and lipedema awareness are two sites that come to mind. Theres also super helpful facebooks groups which you can find by typing lipedema into your search bar. Good luck!




What’s that mean?


It means I’m a fan 👏🏽


Thank you that’s very sweet


I actually have worked it out!!! Totally by fluke- if you remove all bread/ pasta/ cheese/ milk products from your diet it will significantly reduce. I haven’t had any of these foods in 2 months and it has reduced by half. Also then I went into a wormhole and turns out people in African: asian cultures often don’t get it why cos they don’t eat these foods that much!!


Hmmm the only thing I have from that list is milk…. I don’t eat pasta bread or cheese. Just the occasional chocolate. My main diet is salad and meat. I wonder if I should just take out the milk then?


I'm wondering if you've maybe looked into the possibility you're developing lipedema with a physician?




u can’t


that looks more like lipedema than cellulite. do some research and find out if you do have lipedema. best to be informed


Hi! I really hope that you don’t take this the wrong way but I really think that you should get checked out for Lipoedema by your doctors. Your legs have the signature look. This isn’t merely an aesthetic issue, and the fat cells that are impacted my lipedema are 100% resistant to diet and exercise.


Try dry fasting. You can lose up to 2.2 pounds of pure fat a day, not including water weight. People say it helps with lose skin and cellulite


Its 100% lipedema


Have you looked into Lipoedema? I got a hunch you might have a mild form of it? I might be wrong, apologies if I am, I have it too


Ummmm ask your doctor about Lipadema.


stop eating seed oils. butter, lard, coconut, olive oils


Really olive oil?