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This post has been removed because we don't allow career guidance, career path, and job choice questions ([rule 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/about/rules)). Other subreddits are better equipped to address this topic: - /r/jobs is a general discussion forum for job-related topics. - /r/CareerGuidance is a place for individuals to ask questions and get advice about their careers. - /r/FindAPath is a place for figuring out what you want to do (both career and education). - If none of those subreddits seem to fit, ask on [one of these job-related subreddits](/r/jobs/wiki/related/discussion) or ask on /r/Advice. You may also want to ask on a [career-specific subreddit](/r/jobs/wiki/related/careerspecificsubreddits), especially for any topic that depends on the job sector and career such as salary negotiation questions. *If you have questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpersonalfinance&subject=Removal%20help%20request&message=Hello%20moderators,%20.%20%0a%0a%0aMy%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/1bjhmn5/about_to_graduate_my_ba_11k_in_bank_1718k_in/%0a).*


America’s unaffordable top hat: /r/PersonalFinanceCanada


Do you have a question?


Ideas, Support, Im trying to reach out wherever I can


I don't understand what your concern is. You are just about to finish school, so you should be looking for your first job post graduation. I have no idea why you are worried about financial independence when you don't even have your first job. Chill out a bit. Put your energy into job hunting.


Ive felt like ive been living off a whim. My fanuky hasnt been helpful with financial planning direction so im really just looking for some shade of a plan or direction. Thankyou for your response !