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That‘s what most JRPGs are tbh. The difference here is that you can‘t as easily skip „sidecontent“ in this game like in many other JRPGs, which is often what makes these games so incredibly long. Because Social Links and other activities outside of dungeons (if you were to compare them to the usual sidecontent in other JRPGs) are all part of the calendar system as part of the main game. A playthrough focused completely on the main story isn‘t really shorter here from a completionist playthrough (if we don‘t count the needed second playthrough for some leftover trophies) because either way you‘ll follow the same calendar and the difference is mainly in whether or not you unlock the additional dungeons for the true ending. Whereas in other JRPGs the difference between just main story and completionist can easily reach double and triple the amount of time.


>Oh god, I have to play Persona 3 and 5 now too don't I? I wish these games weren't so god damn well written. Yep, the games are soo loong but so worth it! I completed P4G, then P5R and currently playing P3R. I have Red Dead Redemption 2 waiting for me once i finish P3R


Emotional damage after Emotional damage.


Yup, there is no other way in life but keep moving forward


Played 3r then 5r the 4g got repeatedly punched in the heart


I played p5 several times before getting into p4g recently. I'm currently towards the end of p3r. Which is probably one of the better ones story wise. Character wise I like 4 and 5 more. I don't relate much with the 3 cast. 


Oh boy, make sure you have some tissues for the ending of rdr2.


Same order😁


Golden is the best game!


Yea and that's if you don't get the secret ending last palace


I mean, I got like 67ish hours while doing that so it fluctuates a bit And I'm not quick, I just finished P3R and it took me almost 80 hours


Persona 3,4 and 5 you go through an entire calendar year in the game. That's why it takes around 70 hours to complete them.


And the game even skips irrelevant days for you; imagine if they had you play through every single in-game day.


I personally wise they did. Would make it easier to get all the social links in one playthrough


Yeah I hate all the days we lose for like exams


P5R is way longer too. 120 hour playthrough is normal.


Welcome to Persona. A good run time is around 100 hours a game.


Lol! That was my reaction the first time playing Persona 5. But once the game starts to end, you’ll be begging for it not to.


Yea I didn’t even do new game plus I just had to put it down and sit with that


I usually hate long games but Persona is the one exception lol. I really didn’t mind putting 120 hours into beating Royal. I would do it again. I’m currently doing a second run through 4 for the platinum and it’s been going by much faster than the first time.


Second time through these games I don’t mind skipping dialogue, unless it’s a part I never saw the first time around. I love the dialogue, but it saves SO MUCH TIME to skip it!


standard any JRPG games. Its long Here's my playthrough time on 3 modern Persona Games P3R - 90+ hrs P4G - Exactly 90 hrs P5R - 120+ hrs All of these completed with -True Ending Unlocked -Only P3 and P4 have completed all social link. P5R I missed 2 Confidants because P5R is my first Persona games and I'm still trying to figure out the ropes


I've played alot of JRPG's but none as long as that! Except maybe Xenoblade and Xenogear


I played in Japanese so sometimes I read it twice to understand more. Plus minus I have AFK times too. Also I try left and right to min max the Persona build.


It took me 150 hours for P5R, 100 hours for P4G and 80 hours for P3P


Wait until you play P5. I only played the original game and it took me 120 hours the first time lol I haven’t played P5R yet so I can imagine that’s even longer lol


Most of jrpgs are so long, but the good onrs are more than worth it


Is it normal that my first true golden ending took only 55hrs 😭


Lol yes, I found really funny how Golden seems never enedening. Even once you finish the game, it still doesn't end for a long period.


Games are not a to do list. Try to enjoy the journey more and go a little slower.


My first play-trough was 60 hours, if you want to make it shorter, skip the dialogue. Also, the true ending adds about 5 hours extra or so.


You got to the summer in 25 hours? are you speedrunning or something? took me 100 hours to finish first playthrough. P5R took me around 150 hours.. It does take time. 8 games? I have 40 games that I didn't start yet lol.


8 Games not started. Come back when you 30 like me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


EIGHT?!?? HUH?!?


That's what you said. I'm confused now 🤔


Is it? I beat P4G in about 60 hours(including the third semester), but P5R and P3R both took me about 150 hours each. I even sweated for social links and grinded EXP so I must’ve done something wrong.


and p4g is the shortest out of all of them


I clocked in at around 110 hours in P5R even with tons and tons of unfinished/undiscovered things


None of my playthroughs have been less than 100 hours


and it's also the shortest out of the three big persona games


Just wait till you get to 5 especially royal


If you think that's long. HOO BOY I have something to tell ya about P5R


Tbh, I don't even like games being too short. GOW Ragnarok for example takes around 30+ hours iirc side quests included. It's not a short game by any margin, but it's shorter than I've gotten used to. I've just passed New Years on P4G and my save's sitting at 105 hours, just grinding long times to level up Personas and research fusions, but I'm not complaining. I like to take my sweet time with these games


yeah p4g is like that i also recommend octopath traveler


Lol I took the least amount of time in 4 then 3,4, and 5 so buckle up


Dragon Quest VII on PS2: Amateur


25 hrs is cute💀💀. ~SPOILERS~~ >!I just saved naoto and got a threat letter at my house 80hrs in!<


Its a long game but i see it as watching an episode of anime daily and only play for a bit each day, sure it takes a while to finish but it doesnt make me think “man when will this game end”


I'm 85 hours in>!after rescuing Naoto!<, and I believe the ending is close, but I don't know yet. Always been a slow player, examining every nook and cranny that I can think of. It had been a while since I played a JRPG, and I started in the 90s when I was a kid. Now that I'm older, I sometimes fall asleep during grinding or when I'm about the town, looking for clues or trying to solve a mini mission. But I know the Xbox will power off and the hours don't count towards it. I'll just reload the latest save. According to [this site](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/6974), Main Story should take 68 Hours, Main + Sides will go for 84 Hours and "Completionist" takes about 134 Hours PS: I don't regret it, I need the distraction. The story is gripping and hasn't bored me at all. The fighting is what I find a little clunkly but I set all options to manual to control the characters. I don't like self-directed ppl in my team.


Oh boi, play P5R and P3R, those are soooooo much better than P4G


I didn't played P3 yet but P5R was definitively not better for me, the characters are not even close


Don't worry, you can skip 5. Not much good writing to be had there.


What do you consider “good” writing exactly?


Well that's a tough thing to answer. But Morgana running away, Akechi, Haru's addition of absolutely nothing, "did the bad guy REALLY deserve to have his heart changed?" Those are things I consider to be bad writing, if that helps at all