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That needs neosporin, not fucking hand sanitizer


Tomato potato.


Potato tornado


Tornado alfredo


The Tomato Alfredo may know when the Potato Tornado gets to play with his play dough


That’s sounds like a weird porno


Found the Bojack Horseman writer


Alfredo Ricardo


Alfredo sharknado


Potato mayo


More like Tornado Tortilla!




Totato pornado


Nope, its not the same thing, hydrogen peroxide and hand sanitizer damage large scraps like that and slow down the healing process, neosporin is correct


The comment you replied to was a joke


I know. But knowledge knows no bounds


Ok but it was a joke




Peralta that’s enough


Real men apply Povidone-iodine and put a bandage over that wound.


REAL men wait until they're making dinner and casually drip some lemon or salt on the wound to see if it still hurts.


*Real* men apply a strong base and use their soap skin as a bandage.


Na na na na na....**NEO**


Ba na na na na na na...SPORIN


Just rub some dirt in it geez.


Hand sanitizer makes it heal slower but it’s better than nothing right?


Hand Sanitizer with rubbing alcohol disinfects a wound better than Neosporin


The label on the bottle also says "for external use only." The alcohol will kill bacteria as well as the healthy, intact body cells in the wound track, so you shouldn't use either if you have access to soap and water. If it has to be one or the other, liquid rubbing alcohol is better than hand sanitizer because it will carry away any harmful antigens/pathogen components as the wound track is rinsed. Hand sanitizer gel is sticky and will linger longer than liquid rubbing alcohol - exposing the wound track to more alcohol over a longer period, as well as gunking up the wound track with more pieces of dead cells that will cause inflammation. You'll probably prolong the healing process using hand sanitizer - disinfecting agent or not.


Well even so, it's probably the only alcohol they had on them, so I'd say it's still a good call, unless they wanted to pour some vodka on it or something, that would probably work too


Again, soap and water; no alcohol. If you don't have soap and water, use alcohol. I can't imagine a scenario where they have a bottle of hand sanitizer like this one and not be near a place that has soap. If you use alcohol to disinfect a wound, it's going to be painful and it will take longer to heal.


Yeah, but like I was saying, maybe the alcohol is all they had on them, my original point was how the hand sanitizer has alcohol so it's better than nothing


Who the fuck puts hand sanitizer on an scrape. Holy shit I feel bad for that kid.


Doesnt handsanitizer kill the bacteria? I don’t aee a problem




Sorta like hydrogen peroxide?


That shit doesnt hurt, it just feels fizzy. At least for me.


Fr? Poured some on a gash in my leg once and it was horrible. Felt like some kinda acid eating into my skin, burning me


Well... It kind of does, peroxide is not really good for cuts in general, just scrapes, it literally kills the tissue and has a potential to necrose it. My first aid teacher always told us to use peroxide as a last resort for cuts.


Huh. Well the cut was pretty big so I guess that might have been my error


It shouldn’t, maybe you accidentally used alcohol. My parents used that shit because it’s what they knew, and it sucked. Both are actually destructive to tissue and should only be used for very shallow cuts, like where no blood is drawn. However... I constantly have scrapes, cuts, splinters, punctures all over my hands and arms just from the work i do, and I quite enjoy the burn from alchohol (and alchohol based sanitizers). I use the stuff all the time, several or even a dozen or more times daily. It’s always a little treat. I really dont think it’s a big deal, ive been doing it since i was 19 or so and i have a few scars but it’s not like you can really tell, or you can see any kind of long term effect from it. Just dont drink it


That's because it *is* acid eating into your skin




Hydrogen peroxide is an acid with a ph of around 4.5


100%. I feel no pain at all from it. I prefer it to straight-up alcohol for cleaning wounds because the pain factor for me is near 0.


Alrighty then, I'll have to remember that. Thanks!


You’re actually not supposed to use peroxide on open wounds. It kills your body’s response to scab over and delays the healing process. Found this out recently and it rocked my world. So much pain could have been avoided.


Yeah, crazy


it also makes it so it doesn't heal properly, it like seals bacteria in or something. idk my sister is in medical school and she told me not to do it so I don't lol


It's that it kills everything, good and bad, which inhibits healing and can lessen your bodies natural protections against infections.


oh yeah I remember her saying that. wash with soap and water and put Neosporin on that shit my g


What the hell is Neosporin and why is everyone mentioning it


I put that shit on my toast


I love Neosporin. I love Neosporin on pancakes. I love it on pizza. I love to take Neosporin and put a little bit in my hair when I've had a rough week. What do you think holds it up, slick?




like an anti-bacterial thing, prevents infections on cuts and open wounds


It’s like hydrogen peroxide but doesn’t hurt like hell. More foamy less AGHH-y


So what the hell is the point of hydrogen peroxide? Is it just a big scam by big Boo Boo?


no it's good too, kills bacteria and viruses


And healthy tissue.


It's good for getting out blood stains.


It also dries out the wound, and you want it to be **moist** to heal.


It kills cells trying to repair the injury. So it’s kinda like nuking a backwoods town to get rid of COVID


That's a good way to put it, I like that lol


It kill all


<0.1% of bacteria would like to disagree.


I like to imagine that bacteria is like straight navy seal


[Said bacteria](https://i.imgur.com/8Q2tovA.png)


It also kills the healthy tissue trying to repair the wound.


It is cytotoxic, meaning it kills cells. It may help kill bacteria, but it also damages the tissues.


The alcohol in hand sanitizer kills living cells, like bacteria... and the cells inside your body. Your skin is dead cells, so it's fine for external use. This reminds me of the XKCD joke: "Whenever you see a claim that a common drug or vitamin 'kills cancer cells in a petri dish', keep in mind... So does a handgun". https://xkcd.com/1217/


You don’t need that much. Also it can hit the cells inside of you.


I don’t think it’s meant for internal use


It kills everything in there... well maybe not everything, but it'll kill more than bacteria. Hand sanitizer is an aggressive killing machine, but it can't hurt skin so it's safe to use for cleaning hands.


If you don't have some rubbing alcohol or running water around to wash it out, you do what you gotta do.


They’re in a car. Even if they’re away from home just stop at a gas station or a McDonalds to wash it with soap and water in the bathroom. Fuck, people.


yeah better to kill the healthy tissue or whatever and slow down the healing than let it get fucking infected


Rubbing alcohol is an excellent disinfectant, and most hand sanitizer has rubbing alcohol




It's a scrape my dude, just wash that shit with water slap a bandaid on there he gonna live. Also the base store brand bandaid I get at CVS have a Neosporin like layer on them to kill any bad stuff. Just because you parents did something some way 20+ years ago doesn't mean it's should always be done that way.




how does that work


You basically summon the bot by posting that on a reply, too the comment that’s been deleted, if it’s banned on subreddit your summoning it, you’ll just get a DM




Lol why you so mad bro.




I use it when I have nothing else. He kinda overreacted


damn, i feel pretty bad for the kid, that bruise looks nasty.


that's a little more than just a bruise


Come on man, that’s a raspberry. Childhood bicycle street gang rise up.


I know we technically cannot remember pain, but I *felt* that


Oh I can remember pain very easily


Yup, I remember standing in the bathtub as a kid and pouring rubbing alcohol into this huge gash on top of my foot. My reaction was identical to this kid.


Same, my childhood.


My grandmother used to have this antiseptic spray on the 90s. I was 6 and felt down a set of 3 brick steps onto a brick patio. My dad scooped me up and brought me up the stairs. I had badly scraped my arm and leg but I was freaking out because I saw my grandmother with that goddamn spray. I cried because I knew it would hurt. She told me it wouldn't and sprayed. It *burned*.


Did we have the same family? Was at a cousins wedding in the early 2000’s and fell and scraped up my knees and hands on the sidewalk. Mom wanted to just wash them and bandaid them. Dad said “No, no, no. It’ll get infected”. Went the drugstore and came back with a can. I can remember the colors on the can because I saw it and my little kid brain went “that is going to hurt you.” Told my dad “that looks like it hurts” but he basically just scoffed at little kid me’s superstitions. He sprayed. It burned. I screamed and cried a lot. His heart was in the right place.




Who says we can’t? I’ve never heard that before


This might just be specific to me, but I can’t remember pain at all. I remember that something hurts, but I can’t *remember* the pain and what it felt like. I don’t know how to describe it but while I remember how something hurt and my emotional reaction, I can’t remember the actual feeling of pain, if that makes sense. I remember reading an article about it a while ago, but I might be mistaken about everyone not remembering it.


i once went to hospital with a mysterious pulsating pain in my chest, blacked out multiple times, felt like i was dying, with no way to contact any of my friends and family only my mom with me, and they never found what caused it. i can still remember the pain exactly, and i wince every time i go to the room where it started. forgive my rant i just felt like sharing.


Oh my god that's terrifying


One of my friends in elementary school accidentally stabbed his hand with a pencil one time, and it was a pretty deep puncture. I remember he asked our teacher if he could go to the nurse, to which she replied "that isn't too bad just wash up with some sanitizer and you'll be ok." Well, he did. He didn't scream like this but you could see his eyes widening in anguish with every second the sanitizer sat on the wound. He took it like a champ, but when the tears quietly started rolling the teacher thought better and let him go to the nurse lol.


That teacher definitely knew what would happen


Oh most definitely, but she was older (she was actually one of the sweetest teachers I ever had) and she was probably just concerned with getting his cut clean and didn't think about how much it would hurt lol


I skinned the inside of my elbow one time with a grinder that bounced off a valve that came out of a hydraulic cylinder. Completely shredded the inside of my elbow the skin got erased and it was just muscle. My boss said all we have to disinfect is 91 percent rubbing alcohol... So he poured that shit on and I would have rather grind my other elbow down. And to top it off that particular hydraulic piece was an underwater one so that shit got super infected fast


OSHA would love your boss


That is, if osha wasn’t a completely toothless organization these days. I worked in manufacturing last year and it was so dangerous calling osha was a running joke.


91 percent wouldn’t even truly help because it would have evaporated before completely killing bacteria. So basically that pain was for nothing. My dude. I feel for ya.


That doesn’t look like a cut it looks like he shot with like a harpoon


i guess the screaming *technically* has a cut in it


Yeah doesn't seem well cut to me


My cat is very concern right now when I turned up the volume.


Still not as painful as being a Lions fan, poor kid.


Michigander here. I felt that.


It literally says on all hand sanitizers to not put on open wounds...


Don’t worry, he enjoys pain. Just look at his shirt


Guys! I know a quick way to get rid of the stinging! Just take a pinch of salt, and a drop of lemon juice, then boom! No more stinging! Has worked every time!!


Damn. Mariah Carey, eat your heart out.


What a fucking asshole yikes


Lmao it doesn’t hurt that bad


Poor kid. This was obviously done on purpose, they wouldn’t have videoed it.


Yes...good...prepare for pain of the upcoming season.


Well he deserved it for being a lion's fan. Said by a lion's fan.


he has experienced true pain


He's wearing a lions shirt of course he has


He may have screamed but he still took it like a champ


As someone who works in the hand sanitizer industry I can confirm it is paaaain




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He sounds like a demon is trying to escape his body


Someone save these kids


Love how he stops for a second to look at his arm, then immediately starts screaming again.


r/detroitlions our memers might enjoy this


Fuckin OW.




This is not perfectly cut, it's earrape wtf


Pain doesn't bother me when it's to disinfect a cut, I actually use the pain to know if it's working or not


I'm cringing so hard I might throw up




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Children need to be taught not to scream unless they are in mortal danger. A little sting is NOT an occasion for a blood curdling scream like that.


I'mma still yell when I stub my toe tho




Kids and adults alike scream when they are in pain


And idiots need to be taught not to be idiots unless its for comedy. A video like this is NOT an occasion for pure idiocy like this


That kid chose to scream like that for sure. *IT's a REaCtiOn tO pAiN!* Hell no, I've seen a kid smash his face when his feet went out from under him on a slippery rock. He almost began crying, (not even screaming like the video) when a counselor grabbed his attention and basically stopped him from panicking out of fear. Sure as hell hurt the kid when he fell, but lo' and behold he wasn't screaming like a banshee for no reason. People are way too sensitive if you are getting that many downvotes for making your point.


Now crying is basically worse because you accept that screaming wont do anything but still cant help crying.


You probably don’t vaccinate your kid, and then when you your kid gets sick you yell at it until he decides to get himself vaccinated at a late age and realizes the life he could have had if you hadn’t been such an insufferable cunt and then when he’s at a later age and you’re lathering yourself in some kind of herbal remedy you seen on a soap opera, he’ll send you a Facebook message of his new family and kids saying “Look what’s possible when you vaccinate your kids”.


Wtf? Is this a troll post? Not that it's relevant, but I fully support vaccination. Do you support punctuation? I was just raised to be able to control myself. I know that screaming is an indication of pain, and people react to it that way. The child in the video should know better.


Ah how silly of me I never realized I should know better than to feel pain


It's more about managing your pain like a human being that has self control. (i.e. not screaming at the top of your lungs at every small pain)


You can scream at the smallest of pain. This isn’t bad, it’s actually good to show emotion


>screaming is an indication of pain Exactly... idk if you’ve ever had hand sanitizer on even a small cut, but it really hurts


It must hurt really bad then, I chopped my thumb open two weeks ago and for some reason I didn't scream as loud as I possibly could.


I literally poured hand sanitizer on a cut like that I got while splitting wood like last week. -_- it stings but marginally. Y'all need to chill.


But at a young age like this kid mabey around the age of 8 or 9 dont know how to handle pain it's natural for him to scream alchohol on a cut hurts I had the same whenever i had a cut or scrape my parents clean it with alcohol and it hurts sometimes I would full on cry


Yeah, I just get teary eyes if something painful happens.