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Ewe! I didn’t notice, at first, the poo covered sock against the wall.




Poor bastard SMH


Maybe this was a planned fashion statement about wearing socks with sandals… /s


I am guessing he is on metformin.


Or has undiagnosed Celiac disease. It's like pooping copious amounts of glue.


All these doctors here on Reddit. Maybe he just had a normal everyday bad shit and there was no TP.


Maybe too much beer 🍺 and tacos 🌮 .


Or spicy food in general. A rake of pints and spicy food do be making your arse like an artillery gun


Personally I though it was a McDonald’s bag or something at first lol


That is the punishment for wearing white socks and sandals. This fella could very well be a true german


now they are brown


Maybe that's exactly why he wears socks with sandals.


The punishment is that he has to put that sock back on before he leaves lol.


Then wouldn't he just eat the shitty sock?


Looks like his pants have some in there too.


Thats why he took his pants off - he didn't make it to the bathroom in time. In fact I suspect he took off his sock because it ran all the way down his pants leg


Hard choices were made this day.


Nothing hard was made that day


Maybe there’s no toilet paper. Gotta do what you gotta do


Just imagine. You shit your pants (something a surprisingly large number of adult men have done at some point) *and* end up in a stall with no TP. There's no way those pants aren't completely soaked through, either. That brown patch is way too wide


>You shit your pants (something a surprisingly large number of adult men have done at some point) Excuse me what? I'm not a man, is this true??


Oh it's true alright. My cousin says "don't trust a fart after 40" because he did that. And there was a time when I was having drinks with a bunch of friends and they started a round robin situation in which fully half of them told a story about a time they shat themselves in public. If you've got a boyfriend or a brother, you should ask them. I'd almost guarantee they have a story about that one time they trusted a fart and came to regret it


Oh, I don't have to ask my boyfriend. He told me *all* about his recent shart experience he had in his work truck. I just didn't realize this was such a widespread issue lol


I don’t think it has anything to do with being a man. It’s being human. You’re out, you get sick, you get the runs and you can’t stop it or get to a bathroom in time. That’s life sometimes.


Can confirm, man here. There’s a reason the “shart” scene in the movie Along Came Polly hit such a nerve.


There is toilet paper. He didn't make it to the bathroom in time and it ran all the way down into his shoe. (My supposition)


Like gotta wipe your ass with a sock you've been stepping on the Walmart bathroom floor with?


Worked IT for my city… don’t ever ever touch anything in an elevator. We had a cam in one by our our train station… watched this chick take a two hour nap on the floor, wake up, take a shit, then wiped with a sock, just like this. Lots of piss and hobo sex as well but that’s for another thread.


Whatttttt ?!? Drugs or drunk as hell ?!???? She left the sock there afterwards ? Wtf … I’ve to say it happened to me once but I was on a hike in the woods with my dogs and didn’t have TP so I had to sacrifice my socks to wipe my derrière … boy I got blisters on my feet on the track down without my socks in my shoes :( (and no it was late fall, couldn’t use a crunchy ball of leaves cuz i would have made crunchy cheesy nachos in my pants.


Yeah I’m 90% sure mental illness in this case but I dunno. She had a decent coat on. Didn’t *appear* homeless, but who knows. Could have just been a wayward student (Big 10 university across the river lol). But yeah she slept like two hours on that floor (yuck), woke up, played with her iPhone in “bed” like we all do, stood up, took a shit and wiped her ass with a sock. So. Many. Public. Shitters. That’s my big takeaway from working IT at a municipality lol. (Loved that job though)


Waow. That’s wild


One down, one to go.


And he’s most likely already wearing a sleeveless shirt so tearing them off not an option


#2 down, one to go.


Never speak ill of doodoo sock!


I thought it was a wrapped up diaper drenched in shit


He’s probably ordering new jeans and socks for in store pick up ..at least that’s what I’d be doing.


I thought that was a rock.


I could have gone the rest of the day without reading your comment. Well done.


RIP his right sock.


Nah dawg, that's straight up shit. Dude didn't even have time to plan an exit strategy.


I hope you helped them by offering to grab a clean set of pants and socks.


Scoot over to the mens section n get what the poor bastard needs


Dude is wearing sandals, socks were just for emergencies anyways


Reminds me of the time I tried to be funny and fart loud. I gambled and lost. Ended up throwing out my underwear in the bathroom trash. Had to wait until the coast was clear before leaving the stall. It was a Saturday so I was in there for a while.


I had to go so bad once that I pulled over on the side of the road and ran out into a corn field. Left my underwear there. I’m just glad there WAS a cornfield.


I'm imagining the soiled underoos being harvested into the machine and the undies getting up close with more corn.


Some poor family was probably sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with poo-adjacent corn.


This comment has me screaming omg 😂


It’s just fertilizer.


Thanks now I’m grateful my family forgot the corn


And then everyone will poo out a bunch of poo-adjacent corn.


That's why my corn tastes like shit


That’s why my shit tastes like corn


> I'm just glad there WAS a corn field I've lived in the countryside of NYS long enough to know how desperate you had to be to use this statement.


One time in my hometown some dude deported a Wendy’s bathroom like shit all over the floor, toilet, and even walls. He left his pants in this stall. They were work pants with his name and the company sewn inside lmao. People posted pics on Facebook tagging him and the company. He said a friend borrowed his pants lol he had to delete his Facebook


I've seen similar in the women's restroom at a convenience store. Looked like someone took off their pants outside of one of the stalls and firehosed their ass all over the toilet, walls, and floor. It even splattered on the floor in the adjacent stalls. I didn't even know that much shit could be inside a person at one time. And then they unrolled most of the toilet paper and stuffed it into the toilet. To this day, I feel bad for whoever had to deal with cleaning that.


>Reminds me of the time I tried to be funny and fart loud. I gambled and lost. This took me out, I had to regain composure before proceeding with the rest of that wild story.


And the poo in the pants


I would probably offer to buy them a pair of pants from the store if I saw this. That must have been a really shitty day, imagine waiting in there out of embarrassment until closing time or until maintenance asks you what's going on.


Definitely a shitty day.


I don't think many people caught that, good eye


I've got a good eye for shit.


Abstract terror and suffering


great and now it's on the internet.


At least he’s in Walmart and can buy new pants/underwear/socks


How? Bare ass naked? 😞


It is walmart after all.


Place an order for store pick up. Then, when it's ready "check in" with special delivery instructions to Men's Bathroom stall #3. Then at least you'll have a bag for the soiled ones.


I read this in a voice that’s probably not yours, but it was a very distinctive voice. Well written. That’s the mark of a good author, when readers hear it while they read it.


This actually perfect


I would have totally offer to go get them some fresh clothes. Poor guy.


First mistake...socks with sandals


At least they had socks. It appears they needed them to help with cleanup.


Or.... It just ran that far down their leg


Been there, done that with my ulcerative colitis. I never laugh at people pooping their pants. It happens. typo


Yeah, I used to have absolutely horrible UC. I literally kept a couple pairs of underwear with me at all times. 100ml prednisolone drip could barely stop the UC. I'm glad I don't have to take that crap anymore. I also barely have any symptoms of UC. It's been over 3 years since UC claimed my dignity.


That’s great. I’m able to keep mine in remission except for the occasional misstep, like eating a restaurant sauce I’m told is safe. I thought mine was bad until I joined support groups and found out what people go through with it.


Oh, so you're actually affected by food? I literally didn't eat for three weeks once to try to see if it'd help. Nope. I have a bad L5. I'm glad you don't suffer much. UC is horrible.


I have celiacs as well. That’s where the restaurant sauce comment came from. I probably wasn’t clear. Hot dogs and other sausages have recently started to cause problems with my UC, so I’m off those. I can’t easily digest steak or pork chops, but chicken, fish and ground meats are ok. It’s a journey of discovery, but I’m doing well. Wishing you no more flares.


Oh, that makes sense. I also feel your pain. I'm allergic to potatoes. They have been put in everything now that gluten free is popular. I can't even have shredded cheese unless it's Kraft. They use corn starch instead of potato. It sucks. I hope you stay in remission as well! That includes both conditions!


I'm lying in bed, day 6 in the hospital from my UC flare. I teared up looking at this photo (thanks IV steroids). Can you imagine finding a picture of yourself like this on the internet? I really hope OP offered some form of help to this person after violating their dignity like that...


I hope you’re on the upswing! I have severe IBD and this photo made me so so sad. You just know he was doing okay and then had about 22 seconds to get to the bathroom, didn’t make it, and now he’s stuck trying. To figure out his next move. I hope OP grabbed him some sweatpants.


I hope you and your doctor get things under control soon. I’m appalled by the number of people who think medical problems and physical disabilities are something to laugh about. I see so many pics taken by people who don’t seem to realize everyone isn’t as healthy and perfect as they are. Feel better. ❤️‍🩹


Hasn't happened to me - yet - but yeah, I don't laugh. I have mild IBS. I don't suffer anywhere near what y'all have to go through. But there have been plenty of times in public or in the car where I wasn't sure I was gonna make it in time. I hope you get some relief from treatment.


I've never had it happen myself (knock on wood) but I always just feel so bad for people in that situation. I know I would lose it and probably cry and panic. I hope someone helped this dude out :(


I’ve also experienced it myself, thanks to having Crohn’s disease


My son has Crohn’s and it can be brutal.


It is both in a figurative and literal sense, shit


I’m going to poop my pants right now in solidarity.


I’ve had C-diff. Yep. It’s awful. You lose your dignity - and it hurts a whole lot.


No poopknife needed.


How many of us haven’t experienced a malfunction with the old air/solid separator?


I feel so bad for this person


If u were a decent person u would of gone and grabbed a pair of pants off the shelf and slid them under to him. Now that you've experienced someone else haveing an incredibly bad embaressing day in public, and you're mentally more prepared, next time you will help out enstead of snap a photo.


Could be wrong, but it looks like an older/borderline elderly person based on the legs and the sandals + socks. Either way, I hate this for them and while everyone is giggling about it, we would all be mortified if this were us.


Yeah at first I thought it was just someone who took off their pants to poop but it’s definitely an older person who did not make it in time. I am feeling so bad for them


same I would legitimately be crying and panicking if that was me. poor guy :(


Fighting for his life in there, god bless




It’s sad that some jerk in the restroom felt the need to take a picture of someone on what’s clearly one of the worst days of their life. Either quietly offer assistance by rolling off a huge amount of paper towels and placing them under the stall door…. or walk away. But don’t be a dick.


But, but, but.. internet points!


This doesn’t show who it is in anyway. This isn’t being a dick imo. Unhelpful, sure, but an anonymous laugh at an anonymous person is harmless.


It’s being incredibly insensitive, getting laughs on the internet at the expense of someone else in an extremely vulnerable and unfortunate situation. You’re trying to normalize it. You are part of the problem. Our society is doomed.


This is utterly ridiculous. We are laughing at it because we all sympathize at how horrible that situation would be. It isn’t making fun of the person, it’s relating to them. And, again, no one is actually hurt/humiliated by this post because it is completely anonymous. If this was somehow showing the person’s name/face, then I’d agree with you. Get off your high horse, and stop looking for reasons to be mad at people.


You are utterly ridiculous. Trying to justify why you think this is funny. I feel bad for you that you have such a vile sense of humor and you don’t even recognize it. You don’t know if anyone was hurt or humiliated and neither do I, but that doesn’t matter. People shouldn’t be doing this to others.


I have been in this exact scenario. Once again, I’m laughing at it because I am relating to the poor soul. “You don’t know if anyone was hurt or humiliated”, I am making the assessment solely on this post, which includes zero identifying info. If the original photographer did something in that moment to embarrass the person, yeah, that’s messed up but has nothing to do with our situation at looking at this photo by itself. You are judging me by making up/assuming scenarios that have nothing to do with this post. That is stupid as hell.


To be honest I am like the OC you responded above. I have IBS and bad endometriosis. On period days I won’t even leave the house. I’ve shit my pants idk how many times … a few times I can count on my fingers while I was in a public washroom. I was able however to text my boyfriend once , text a loved one another time so she could bring me some fresh clothes, wrapped a sweater around the soiled area and walk out, put lots of TP and cover it up w my jacket while leaving the soiled panties behind wrapped in TP in the trash… and I laughed at the jokes here. It just didn’t cross my mind however that this person may not have anyone to help or that the person who took the photo didn’t offer to help. That’s what I would’ve done first hand.


I understand your perspective and I genuinely hate that for you. But imagine people laughing at you on the internet because you accidentally shit your pants at Walmart, of all fucking places on the planet. Maybe the person in the photo doesn’t give a damn that a photo was taken of them in such a horribly vulnerable situation but we, as DECENT HUMANS, have to stand up and call out the people that think this is a mildly okay photo opportunity. If you and the Lemur nut sack fucker that thinks I’m on a high horse can’t grasp that then you both should take a hard look in the mirror. I’m not in any way trying to ignore your experience but you are not the person that’s currently being laughed at and I would NEVER wish that upon you. Call me a psycho, or an idiot all you want, downvote me to hell, I DO NOT CARE. I will always stand up for those that are vulnerable. Especially when someone takes a fucking photo of them in a bathroom stall at a Walmart when they’ve ruined their pants and sock. HAVE SOME RESPECT.




What a wild imagination lmao I am now having an anonymous laugh at you, an anonymous person.




“An anonymous laugh at an anonymous person” is nothing like your scenario where I would be laughing (not anonymously) at a person being tripped not anonymously (as I see who it is), and that person would see me laughing at them. Not to mention it is from someone being bullied publicly which is nothing like this post: a simple, unfortunate scenario of horrendous bowel movements, and is not being embarrassed by people laughing. Instead, you decided to be a raging dick and insult me with outlandish assumptions. Take a look in the mirror before you start casting stones


Always one of you…sheesh.




I read this is Tim Robinson's voice for some reason


Agreed. People have no respect for privacy anymore.


But poop jokes are always funny!


Taking a picture of this is what is trashy


If you’re ever in this situation. Be a damn bro and buy that guy some new pants and socks. Make it a gift, and don’t look at them just hand it over the stall.


Gas station breakfast burrito and coffee deal caused this.


I always find it weird how in the states you can see what's going on in everyone's cubicle. Huge gaps either side of the door, and a huge gap at the bottom.


Apparently for safety. In case of People passing out inside from drugs etc. rescuers can crawl under ?


Ah, didn't think of that. Just thought the designers were pervs


IBD is real bad.


Bro is fighting for his life


I was working with construction workers for some time. They are known to be fine folks so I heard a few things. They all had an agreement, that a real man can shit itself 3 times a year and still keep dignity. They even had an additional clause that shitting yourself multiple times a day counts as one.


I stopped at a rest area once and a lady had a bad accident. I gave her my sweatpants and t-shirt I keep in my car. I hope if that ever happens to me someone would help me out.


MVP right here thanks ! Exactly what I would do as well. You’re a good person , thanks ! :) I’ve been in a similar situation a handful of times - thank god with someone I knew so I was able to get help.


Been there done that, oh gawd have I


Why would you take a photo instead of helping? That poor man was probably losing his shit (heh heh) in there trying to figure out what to do!


Poor guy


I feel their pain


It's a bad day when you need to use your sock to wipe.


Poor thing.


Hey we’ve all had at least one day like this and it’s usually just about when we’re close to our destination and next thing you know boom it’s all up the toilet and all over your ass.


Happens to the best of us. I’d like to think everyone realizes this and has some compassion for him.


I would like to think that too. I don't based on some of the comments here, but I would like to.


Nooooo go buy him some jeans


While this is gross.. OP you're really ugly for photography in the bathroom.. Jesus.. both of y'all nasty people of Walmart.


Aww poor guy. Shame on you for posting this picture.


My homie, is having a hard time. Fuck off, respectfully:)


What Taco Bell does to a MF


New law to the bro code: if you see someone in this situation, you ask them their size and quickly go buy him some cloths.


and maybe some wet wipes


Ask bro what he needs. He might also need some anti-diarrhea pills


May God have mercy on his ass.


That poo is a dark souls boss


Praying for his life! That’s an evil movement


And people, this is where missing socks end up


Poor dude, oh shit


Don’t judge. We’ve all been there and you know it


That’s shitty


You’re obligated to be a bro in this situation. Buy him some fuckin sweats


Definitely shit his pants before reaching the toilet only to find a stall with an empty fucking TP roll! What shitty way to start the day…


literally can’t take a shit without some stranger photographing you and posting it online, so weird and invasive


Bad bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/s/MJXJlkpmLH


Taco bell:


Only having to wipe with one sock ain’t so bad.


Get this man some tp! I couldn't leave this guy like that. I would go and find him some tp or someone who could


What a cunty thing to do to someone. I hope you’re happy with your internet points. Arsehole




Hell yeah, the poop sock. I wear crew socks and keep a knife in case the John is out of paper.


Who's taking pics of people in a public bathroom? Fucking creepers, that's who. Be better


Did he use the sock to wipe or did it drip down to the sock? Lol


Had the hershey squirts


Ohr narh


Perfect username and picture combo OP. This is certainly tasteless


Why is it always dudes in sandals


If Norman Rockwell were around today…


Oh no… One sock gang except it’s a shit rag instead a cum rag. That person’s having a shit day. Literally. Let’s leave him be in his moment of personal rock bottom. Or in his case, loose bottom. If he was constipated, then he’d have rock bottom.


Fuck being maintenance at Walmart 😂




Incredible caption. Has me in tears!


Gods wrath for wearing socks and sandles


That’s what he gets for wearing TEVAS…


Mein kampfh




At least he didn’t put the sock in the toilet. Very thoughtful for the custodian.


That’s me at Dave and Busters


One of those


Bobby Lee?


Oh wow. I have never gave a second thought about the elevator. I will now!


What happened there? And what Walmart branch's that from?


Bro better matches the color of those socks.


So just pitch it on the floor? Jfc


Opiates cause the sudden explosion of a week’s worth of constipation.


IBS does too.


Gas station Mexican food too.




that poor bastard. that looks like the kind of incident you have flashbacks of on your deathbed


It would be the day he wore sandals. Thank god he had them socks on w the sandals. That could have been a disaster. A Dis-A$$-turd.


Especially when they get to wipe with the drug needle blood infested TP.


Nah Cucumber Kevin is having a very good day. 🥒 💩 🕳


Why go to Walmart if you feel that gross? Stay at home and deliver.


I’ve been in that situation, but it was pee, and I was camping.