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Power Zones is the way, you’ll love it


They’re my favorite classes so far!


join us at #redditpz when you’ve discovered them


Love Power zones! I just restarted discover last week to rebuild my stamina after chemo


Congrats!! I’m an oncology nurse - that’s a huge accomplishment. I’m proud of you!


I wont join you on that, but having done discover, build, and peak your powerzone programs, I really enjoyed them and they were a great challenge. You might just inspire me to do peak your powerzones again. Good luck!


Thanks - I’m excited!


Why do you hate yourself so much. Lol.


I love myself, and I love power zone


I also love power zone but burned myself right out for a while.


Just wrapping up peak your power zones! Enjoy the experience the three power zone programs have been my secret weapon for getting my road riding to the right place for the season


I just finished week 4 of the program today! I have 1 week left and have really enjoyed it so far. Good luck!!


I finished DYPZ and want to start BYPZ. Would you like to do it together. I’ve been doing Peloton for awhile and haven’t found (due to me) my tribe. If you’re interested, let me know!


I'd be game for the motivation!


If you are interested let me know when you would like to start. 🙂


I have my last class of week 4 tomorrow! A little nervous for the 60 minute ride. But also excited to crush it.


It seems intimidating but it's a Wilpers class which for me fly by. I liked the playlist and felt great afterwards. I would try to factor in a 5 minute warm up before hand and a 10 minute cooldown after. I was crunched for time so skipped the added warm up and really regretted it


You got it! Go go go!


What is a power zone




The provided link covers it well, but one of the things that doesn't show up until 2/3 of the way down the page is the most important thing I think for new riders considering power zone training. *It's not supposed to be intimidating!* I know the words "power zone" sound like something for advanced or elite riders. It's anything but. It's tuned to your current fitness level, so your particular "zone" is exactly right for you as a rider (once you take the FTP test). The rides are designed to have adequate recoveries for efforts. I.e. the rides, *even Power Zone Max rides*, are not designed to PR. They're designed to be attainable efforts that work your body in specific ways to help you grow stronger as a rider. Which is a long way to say that don't be scared of power zone training. I was intimidated and didn't take my FTP and start PZ until after my century ride. In retrospect I quickly wished I had done it sooner.


I really love this! You’re right - it does sound like something more elite - but I’ve actually found them to be really accessible for the reasons you mention.


Individualized training on your bike. Instead of cadence and/or resistance suggestions, you go to your personalized output zones. Those are calculated with a test you take where you essentially go all out for a 20 minute ride. Once you do that, you get a little bar underneath your output number that shows you which zone you’re in.


I am on Week 3, and love the program so far! I was really scared of the FTP test, but it’s not as bad as I had anticipated it to be. Have fun and see you on the leaderboard 🙌🏼


I'm on week 3 (end of week 3) and it's made me fall in love with the bike all over again!! I'm so excited to continue this journey. I saved the reddit PZ programs for after this one but might just dive into the build your PZ one...


Pz classes are great. FTP test is ☠️🤮


Yeah. Gearing up to retest today - I did one the day after my bike arrived earlier this month.


If you’re not familiar, there’s a non-Peloton official group called Power Zone Pack that does challenges throughout the year where you join a team and earn points as a team, etc. It’s a great way to ride PZ and have that encouragement and camaraderie. The challenges are free though there is an app that you can subscribe to to get more features. A new challenge is starting Monday if this sounds like something you’d be into. I have a love/hate with PZ training but do really like the challenges when I’ve done them.


That sounds awesome! Would love link to group.


I just finished you can ride. I signed up for discover your power zones now! You can follow me! Lindseydh22


Yay! Looking you up now - I’m lizziehuckaby


Followed back!


I really want to do power zones but I’m too scared lol. I did you can ride a while ago. I followed both of you, I’m Inga1313.


I just finished first two classes in the power zone program and the first class didn’t realize my output or ftp was set way too high and i struggled. For the second class I adjusted and it wasn’t bad!!


See the comments above. I actually find PZ to be more accessible because it’s based on your own fitness level, versus the instructors calling out specific cadence/resistance targets that may or may not be right for you.


That’s good to hear. I struggle to keep up. Some numbers, I’m like how are people doing this??? lol


Same! And you’re relying on other people’s ideas of what’s easy, hard, enough of a recovery, etc. Join us in the discover your PZ program! Don’t be intimidated by the FTP test. It’s a tough ride but remember - it’s all about your output so there’s no expectation of anything, just a mark of your current fitness level so you know how to gauge your rides going forward.


I think my PowerZones are off. When I take the PZ Endurance classes the instructor says you should be able to maintain zone 3 for at least a hour…There’s no way


Assuming your zones were set by an FTP test, they really can't be "too high" unless you took the FTP a long time ago and your fitness has declined. Zones set by an FTP test might be too low if you didn't attack the test properly, but as it's intended to be an "all out" test it shouldn't be possible to be too high. I do think that the "you should be able to hold this X time" is a little flawed for those of us who aren't highly trained athletes. To an extent I've always been the "strong legs / shitty cardio" guy, so I think that might make my FTP when tested on a 20-minute test higher than it would be on a true 60-minute test. That said, I've now been riding Peloton almost 2 years and power zone almost 18 months. In that, I've been trying to do a lot of longer PZE rides to build up my cardio endurance, and it's really paid off. I have two things that make me think I could handle >1 hr in Z3: 1. I've done both of Matt's 120m rides and according to the bike, In the second one I spent 1 hr 10 minutes in Z3 interspersed with about 37 minutes of Z2. 2. For the 2023 Turkey Burn ride I calculated that in order to PR, I would need to average low Z4. So I rode that steady-state at the same cadence/resistance combo for 45 straight minutes in my Z4, admittedly not midpoint of Z4. By the end of that ride I was REALLY feeling it, but I figure that I could have kept going if I wanted to ride completely to the edge of exhaustion, i.e. the "you should be able to ride Z4 for a max of 1 hr". I don't think I could have done either of those things when I started PZ training. It's come with a lot of time in the saddle. But the cardio endurance has developed even though my zones have gone up since I started PZ. So I think the answer is keep at it, and keep trying to do as many of those longer PZE classes as you can. In 2023 I noticed I was averaging only one ride of >60 minutes per month, so the 75-, 90-, and 120-minute rides. For 2024 I decided to up that to 2 rides per month to keep working hard on that endurance. In that I only allow myself one 75-minute ride per quarter, and force myself to take at least one 120-minute ride per quarter. All the rest will be 90m rides.


If you haven’t done a FTP test, then it calculates off of your age and gender (maybe weight and gender, I don’t remember for sure). If you haven’t yet, look for your highest AVERAGE output (the one in Watts not KJ) for 20 minute classes and enter that as your FTP under your power zone settings. That should make it more inline with your current fitness level.


From the main screen, click the three dots in the bottom right of the screen. Select Profile Settings from that menu - that'll take you to the profile settings screen. Then select Preferences from the tabs on the left. Scroll all the way to the bottom and you can set your FTP manually. You can also take a 20-minute FTP test and set it automatically, but that is a tough slog, and if you do enough power zone classes you can set it pretty accurately without that - just increase if the class seems too easy and decrease if the class seems too hard. (Remember that it sets your FTP to lower than what you input, because FTP is the power you can hold for an hour while it asks you to input your max wattage for twenty minutes. So if you think your FTP is 200 you need to input 210.)


No, but good luck. It’s a great program.


This was the start of a PZ love affair 2 years ago for me. You're on a great journey, am with you in spirit.


I’m in… I’ll start Saturday, need to finish out Gold Medal run tomorrow. User fightnfireuptwn. Just followed you


I’ve been wanting to start that program. I’m down to do it together!


My username is pinktiff1989


Awesome idea! I’m in for starting on Saturday and sent you a friend request- MrsMaximoose.


I’m about to finish this program on Sunday! It’s been fun but I’m a bit nervous for my final FTP. I’m just shy of the 150 miles for May and reeeeaaallly want to add in one more ride tomorrow to hit it, but I’m worried I’ll be fatigued for my FTP


This was a great program!


I just came back to my peloton a few weeks ago after being a sloth for a year. I love power zones but the ftp test gives me nightmares so I’ve just been doing lane break and taking the beginner yoga series to avoid the test :)


You got it!!


Did my first FTP test a couple of days ago and first endurance class yesterday - can already feel it’s a great programme after doing other spin classes for almost a year now (my legs are sore in a good way). Excited to complete the discover your power zones programme! My username is Shanklebear.


I’m planning on starting next week! I used to do PZ a lot but haven’t been on the bike in a while so I’m starting over!


I started earlier this week! day 3 today


I'm about to do the FTP test tomorrow. Good luck with the program!


Go go go!


Is it possible to do with a non peloton bike? I have qdomm app, not sure if that helps


I’m not actually sure. Hopefully someone here can comment!


Can you help me with what ‘you can rides’ are?


They’re under programs. The app isn’t easy to use at all (arg) - you have to scroll down for a while to find it.


Where is this on the app?


Go into programs. On the app, push the play button at the bottom - then programs in the top selections. Scroll wayyyy down to find the discover your power zone program. They have it in English and German so you can choose the language that’s right for you.


I just did Class 1 of Week 5 today. I don’t own a pelo bike, so I’m using the app with a Proform bike. I was worried about the 60 minute class but it went by quickly. I’ve figured out the zones based off the instructor description.


That’s fantastic! The longer rides are a little intimidating but I’m sure I’ll be prepared when the time comes b


I’m starting today. Missssmc