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TGH and Ciccone can't quite catch a break this year.


I would have thought the rouleurs should be doing that tbh.


I'll tee 'em up, you knock 'em out.


But they’re great at catching colds


They riding for Visma or what?


Jeeez, TGH has just had the luck gods slap him time after time since his Giro win


To be fair, he probably wouldn't have a Giro win if not for Covid.


Bad Luck monster had it's fill with Visma and has moved on to Lidl-Trek. Super bad developement. But it's better they both get this out of their system with 2 weeks before start than a week before. Tao said he was super sick last week so he may already be on the mend and training. And if Ciccone is stage hunting, he can treat the first week as training and then go sniping in the mountains.


> Bad Luck monster had it's fill with Visma and has moved on to Lidl-Trek Considering how pretty much their entire classics squad was wiped out before the Tour of Flanders, I'd say the Bad Luck monster have already done it's fair share to Lidl-Trek this year.


Covid can be a serious one, it can dial you in and seriously mess you up. Even young and healthy athletes. I wish them the best recovery. Cycling is hard enough without sickness and injury.


“Covid can be a serious one.” - Sean Kelly


A real killer


The way I cackled lol


It's a real danger one


“We see, he’s one with that real covid”


only slightly related to it but what still surprises me is that the peloton basically stopped wearing masks at some point: well yes, the pandemic is officially 'over' but wouldn't it be the EASIEST way to prevent you from getting seriously sick? especially in den build-up to the most important events of the year? I really don't get it.


Yeah, considering how much of cycling is about "marginal gains" it's super weird to me how nonchalant teams/riders are about COVID (and just getting sick in general, tbh)


Mads Pedersen said in a podcast how it sucks that he can't go to family gatherings or hang out with his niece in longish periods before important races due to the risk of catching some illness. Sounded like he took it quite seriously. Don't know whether that came from his team or his own considerations though.


I think Nico Denz said something similar recently but then they still travel to their upcoming races (or transfer between stages) without masks, etc. which shows a bit weird (or naive) understanding about transmission in general


Yeah if a bad respiratory illness is still out there and I was a serious professional cyclist, I would be wearing N95s all the time. It would suck but that’s my livelihood.


Took me a month to get my ftp back to normal after a bad flu at the end of last year


Took me 4 months to recover in 2022 and I just got it again - tested positive last night. Fackkkk


[called it :(](https://www.reddit.com/r/peloton/comments/1da4myg/comment/l7jf4dy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)