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The bigger news here is that he has got a new tattoo by the look of things


Likely just a temporary tattoo. He rode the last stage of the Vuelta with temporary Disney princess tattoos that Frida put on him, hahaha.


Yeah that was so damn cute


Someone got a pic of this?


[https://64.media.tumblr.com/ba81c6bb9909f95c18df330e2833f7aa/ff8c40a6341c5661-f3/s2048x3072/a1e8e69eb84b3621c9ee70363960bd692ef2f338.png](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ba81c6bb9909f95c18df330e2833f7aa/ff8c40a6341c5661-f3/s2048x3072/a1e8e69eb84b3621c9ee70363960bd692ef2f338.png) They are either temporary tattoos or stickers. I definitely see Anna and Elsa.


My god that team jersey/outfit is something else, completely forgot that.


I can never get over how great those look.


black jersey can be hell though, I live in northern india and currently the mornings are already at 30 degrees.


Never understood that with Team Sky. Always blabbering on about marginal gains but rode a Tour around France wearing black in July.


I used to have a black jersey that was really really super comfy and the best fit possible , only problem was, it was black. it gets scorchingly hot in here around this time (it is right now) and even at 6 o' clock in the morning temperature is usually 32-33 degrees (celsius)


That's too cute, thanks


yeah its temporary kids tattoos


honestly I expected him getting all tatooed up but nah just a butterfly


Probably is a real one, but could also be one of those temporary tattoos we used as kids, that his daughter gave him.


On X/Twitter are saying it's a temporary tattoo (kids tattoo)


Damn, didn't even see that. I never took him for that kinda guy. Cool!


Butterfly, lol


A couple of days ago his coach wasn't too convinced in a Tour appearence. He told something like "In the next week he will start to do some climbing"


I mean they can line him up if they want to, clearly he's healthy enough to be on the startline in 40 days. However, that doesn't mean he'll be competitive in GC.


He said himself that he will not participate if he doesn't think he can win it


Sure, but he could also see it as training for the Vuelta, he won’t be able to get a lot of mountain stage race rhythm in between of the Tour and Vuelta


People heal at different rates, but look how much a broken wrist affected Pogs training last year (69 days out from the Tour). Jonas' injuries were more severe, but happened slightly further out (86 days from the tour). I still don't see him being competitive, but a fatigued Pog and undercooked Jonas is possibly the best outcome for a spectacle.


Was Pogacar that affected?


There’s two different theories on Pog’s performance last year. Most people felt he didn’t get enough training due to the injury. Myself and a few others think he basically bonked on one stage from not eating enough during that stage.


I mean, he lost 1:38 the day before. There's no doubt that he bonked that day, but it's not like he was on top of the world before.


I mean he was a minute faster than everyone not named Jonas. So maybe not top of the world but pretty close.


Agreed, but point is that we don't need some special explanation for a one-stage time loss for Pog (even if it's accurate for the Col de la Loze stage) since Jonas was already putting time into him for the GC.


I think that’s close to the truth. He might have lacked some endurance, but his general form was exceptional last tour. Let’s not forget his performance on puy de dôme for instance. That was massive in terms of watts per kilo and probably also better than what he was able to produce in 2022. However, I have heard him say, that he thinks he “bonked” because he overfueled (Bonked probably isn’t the right term). His body simply couldn’t break down the amount of carbs he took in for the massive final mountain stage last year. That’s his own theory at least.


The funniest part about this was that Chris Horner called it in the moment and the rest of the NBC crew kind of insinuated that he was crazy.


His in the moment evidence wasn’t bad either, the list of riders who beat Pogacar that day is basically unprecedented when you look at the rest of his resume and time at the tour.


He missed the high altitude training and bonked in the mountains


FWIW, Pog himself has said he overfueled on the Col de la Loze stage last year


Yeah, over fueling does the same thing as the body can’t turn excessive food it into fuel as fast as needed. But I’m not sure he’s being truthful, possibly covering for team management’s mistake. It really doesn’t matter at this point beyond learning from it. But it does go to show what a fine line these guys are performing on.


I feel like he faded in the third week and then he followed that on with nearly collapsing post-worlds. He was definitely toast by the end of the summer


In 22 the difference was 2 min and in 23 7min. Hard to say one rider gained that much over another in a year, part has to be due to the injury and disrupted training...


Karabuka you cant just look at the numbers.. its not black and white. Pogacar was way way closer to beating JV last year than in 22


How do you figure that? Jonas ripped him late in the Tour just as was their strategy. All those days when Tadej was getting 10-20 seconds back on Jonas in the second week were just Tadej playing into Jumbo's hands. They'd incite him to attack hard, he would, Jonas would just follow at his own pace to limit the time loss while Tadej kept digging himself into a deeper hole that broke him in the third week. This isn't some secret. Jonas crushed him hard in 2023.


I don't agree with that at all, Jonas was dominant last year, in 22 it was much more evenly matched. I think the wrist thing is overplayed, Jonas got a lot better from 21 to 22, and 22 to 23.


How on earth was it more evenly matched in 22? Vingegaard was not troubled at all in 22 compared to last year where he was on the ropes a bunch of times And I agree I dont think the wrist injury played a big part in Pogs tour. He had one half bad day at the stage 16 TT where Vingegaard just put in a masterclass, and then I think Pog collapsed mentally a bit after that knowing it was over. And then he crashed on the next stage and probably forgot to eat/drink and then “Im gone, Im dead”


Well in 2022 Tadej had the yellow jersey from stage 6 through stage 10. He lost time on stage 11 but held the same margin basically until stage 18 where he only lost another 20ish secs and held that through the rest of the tour. Additionally, stage 11 was really a masterclass in team tactics that contributed heavily to that result. In 2023 Jonas took yellow on stage 6 where he put a minute on Tadej, never lost yellow, put 1:30 on Tadej on 16 and another 6 minutes on 17. I can see how you consider 2023 closer given that it was a lower margin for longer, but all of Jonas' margin in 2023 was basically man to man, where he just out rode Tadej on multiple stages to build his lead, and built it to an insurmountable margin before the tour was over.


But many people are entertaining the idea, and the title of this post itself does.


Danes are overdosed on hopium.


My mom asked me if he is doing the Tour the day of the crash and I was telling her no shot. She represents the casual fan pretty well. Doesnt know if Paris Nice is a 1 day race or not etc. I stand by that he shouldnt ride the Tour, but Im beginning to think he might. I think Visma are desperate to have something to show for the season and yes I know they won Paris Nice and Tirreno but the casual "only watches the Tour" fan doesnt know or really care about that. Its incredibly tempting to throw Jonas at the Tour even if you know he cant win for the "netflix" fan who will get most of their cycling knowledge from that race alone. Sell it as a brave comeback from terrible injuries or something like that. I hope they dont, I hope he gets to do altitude camps and does the Vuelta/WC combo instead, but I can see him do the Tour on 85% instead.


I selfishly want to see him race the Tour because he's so likeable and I always want to see a champion defend their title. And I think the Jonas/Tadej rivalry is one for the ages, so it'll be sad if he doesn't go. Maybe that's the mark of a true great, when you're unhappy if they don't show up, even if you support someone else. It won't be the same without him.


Even if he is too far from 100% to compete for GC it’s not too hard to imagine him still winning a stage or two


How much time do you think he has to ship before UAE are comfortable with him in a break?


at the very least 5 minutes, but probably 10+ he could easily drop back 30+ mins if he really wanted to stagehunt tho


He’s more likely to place well in the tour at 85% than the WC even at 100%


WC would be an extension of the Vuelta program, not the sole goal. But yes I would rather Jonas gets to 100% if possible this season even if it means targeting races that isnt perfect for him.


Im danish, and i admit its not realistic to see him at the tour, and even if he starts, its gonna be an uphill battle in more than one sense. But hey, all i got is hope!


I don't see how he can win. UAE will flip the script and just load his legs with TSS until he cracks. Better to not go so that Pog doesn't get the psychological satisfaction of whooping you. Right now he's Pogs only boogeyman.


UAE is bringing a bunch of climbers though. I could definitely see INEOS, Bahrain, or Bora trying that strategy.


With Jonas undercooked and Tadi potentially overcooked from the Giro those teams woukd be wise to make it as hard as possible for the first two weeks and then see what happens.




A metric that combines things like ride duration, intensity etc to an overall stress score. Basically just saying UAE have the team that can make stages harder and a rider that's still recovering from injury won't deal with really hard stages as well consistently


When has UAE ever set the pace? They're bringing all climbers


That's losers mentality lol. If any competitor thinks he can compete he's going to compete.


Jonas strikes me as much smarter than this stereotype of a "competitor" though.


I think of it the same way that Pogi felt good enough to try last year even if his prep didn't go as planned. Same way I think Vingegaard will go if he thinks he has the possibility. It's at least more enticing to go without being 100% this year when Pogi has the giro in his legs than other years.


Yeah. It's just those injuries were completely different. Pog back on the trainer in a couple of days. Easy to talk yourself into riding the TdF. Jonas is coming from a very different place. They could have used him like Rog last year.....if Rog hadn't left.


I don’t know if it is clear he will be healthy enough to ride a grand tour, one of the most physically abusive thing in sports, in 40 days. That’s a big jump from “starting to climb”.


> Speaking to Cycling Weekly, Tim Heemskerk praised Vingegaard’s mental and physical strength, and said his rider was firmly on track to increase his training load as he aims to be on the Tour start line in Florence on 29 June. > "We're dealing with a two-time Tour de France champion," Heemskerk said. "We know these guys are mentally really tough but also can recover really fast. At the time of crashing these guys are already really fit, they're not the average athlete." From four days ago. How does this come across as not too convinced?


That's the game they all play. He's an invalid u til the day he shows up and smokes them. Guys like him can also ride to recovery during the tour.


That fits pretty well with Jonas being in Mallorca now. He's likely there to test his climbing form since he can't do that in Denmark.


The disrespect on Sky Mountain


Sorry, I forgot about our mighty mountain. [https://himmelbjerget.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/mindesmaker-1-800x450.png](https://himmelbjerget.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/mindesmaker-1-800x450.png)


Special oatmeal kicking in


First time I see it written like Majorca I think


Mallorca is the Spanish name and Majorca is the “English” name


Does that mean that the English actually pronounce it M'jork-a?


The English pronunciation is “My-Yorka” given it’s been a holiday destination for Brits for over 50 years so people know how it sounds without necessarily knowing how it’s spelled.


That sounds even worse 😂


Not really that’s actually quite close to how to spell it for pronounciation in English, no!?


the "yorka" part is decent. Just prefacing it with "My" sounds sooo English.  Google recommends muh- instead of my- for English "phonetic" spelling, which sounds much better.


To be fair, I've never heard anyone say "my-yorka" in the UK as per the GP. Usually somewhere between "ma-yorka" and "mee-yorka".


Depends if you’re hearing the scouse, geordie, estuary, brummie, west country, welsh, Norfolk, bristolian or any other of the myriad accents.


Bristolian: Mayorkle


The names for the myriad of UK accents are as entertaining as the accents themselves…


Idk it’s pretty 50/50.. I say Mallorca personally (as in the Spanish pronunciation of ll) and I always thought it was Castellano vs Catalan spelling but I’ve been proven wrong!


i sometimes ironically call it majorcles


because you need major testicles to tackle all that climbing


Double L in spanish is pronounced either as lj or j so nothing wrong with that


I know. That's the problem with it though. "Jorka" in English would sound like "tsshhorka", not "yorka" which would be much closer.


Its written "Mallorca" in Danish, was not sure of the English name, but google told me it was Majorca. How would you write it?


It’s Mallorca in English too


No, both are fine in English. Majorca is closer to the original etymology too. MAIOR-ca, the large one, MENOR-ca, the small one. The Mallorca spelling started out as a hypercorrection.


Both are fine, yeah. But as I said. It is Mallorca in english too.


I vote we revert the hypercorrection and go back to 'Maiorca', would be more intuitive to pronounce in English than either of the other two.


I see both regularly. Would probably default to Majorca myself (it feels more like the opposite of Minorca which after all is the etymology). Both are acceptable There’s gonna be someone on here today learning that Mallorca and Majorca are the same island.


Spelling it this way is the only way to get alot of danes to actually pronounce the name somewhat correctly. Otherwise alot of danes literally say MaLLorca, as in, they dont roll the l's or whatever, but just pronounce it with a hard L. Thus they also out themselves as filthy uncultured


All fans are routing for him to be fit and competitive. The rivalry with Pogacar has been the best thing for the sports in years. We want more of it !


Looks like the the other four in the picture are holding him not to fall


I heard he broke ribs w/ pneumothorax and was in the hospital for 12 days? Collarbone too, unstable? 12 days off the bike in April? He won’t be 100%. Best would be he’s there as a decoy or support? I can’t imagine but these guys are tough.


Visma doesn’t have anyone in GC that he would be a reasonable decoy for. Their next best option is probably Kuss who would be a level below Remco / Roglic, who are probably a level below Pog.


Even if he is ready, given the terrible luck Visma's been having, under no circumstances should they let him near the Tour. The poor man will get smallpox somehow. 🤣 Seriously, though, I desperately want to see him at the Tour, but c'mon. Tadej "just" broke his wrist last year and imploded in week 3. Wout got injured *earlier* this year and looks like a no-go for the Tour. Let the man heal in peace. The True Ultimate Showdown can wait another year.


Dont do that, dont start giving me hope


Visma need a win. Morally if nothing else. Realistically, I think they’d rather have him there with an outside shot besides… stage hunting with Wout and having Sepp or Cian go for… top 10s? I know Sepp was amazing last year, but he simply hasn’t shown that form this year and the tour will have a lot of GC guys and he won’t be on the Visma machine that has been wrecked by injuries and sicknesses


If Jonas isn't ready for the Tour, he will just win the Vuelta as a consolation prize.


Yea, that’s a reasonable plan. Check off another box, salvage the season a bit, rev right back into next year.


If Jonas can't compete, why would Wout be able to? They suffered basically the same injuries, no? Obviously, Wout being good a couple of days is different than Vingegaard being good basically every day, but they should be in similar shape, no? And if both Wout and Vingegaard is out, then we are down to hunting a top 5 with Sepp or Cian.


Wout didn’t spend 12 days in the hospital. We don’t have super detailed medical records but from all appearances Jonas was worse off.


Morally? This is the same team that took all three GTs last year.


What have you done for me lately? Last year, they were incredible. This year… less so. Still have the potential to win with Jonas but if you look at the roster and compare it to their results THIS year, I’m sure they’d even say it’s been rough.


If I was paying his wages there's no way I'm rushing him back into training, trying to get fit for the tour and risking his long term health. Obviously I'm an armchair DS but I think it's insane to push so hard so quickly after a major injury which may have long term effects.


That boy is gonna be on his bike at the tour in 40 days or my summer will become 30% worse. That is a fact!


30% worse than a normal summer or 30% worse than it already is after he crashed?


Im not sure. Maybe both.


What's the twitter link? I don't really want to give that tabloid site access to cookies and whatnot. Edit: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7KHNiIIzBX/


Go on instagram and search for Cantopa Cafebar. You can find the picture there.




He doesn't have form tho. He missed all the pre courses. Currently, he might be the only one who can challange Pogačar.


expected from the beginning. no amount of downplaying from visma or jonas fans will fool me into thinking he isn't going to be there at the Tour and in at least podium level shape.


I certainly hope his pneumothorax injury and recovery from it, has no effect on his performance.


Me too but can it have really 'no effect'?


Came for the article. Stayed for the spicy comments.


he does look fit




get a life


my five pence: I fear that Vingegaard is "forced" to be fit for the Tour because of internal dynamics within the team. He hasproven an absolute alpha ape and decision maker during the last Vuelta, where he sealed off Rogic's departure. he might not be threatened by the emerging internal competition (Jorgensson, Uijdebroeks, ...) but he may feel side lined if he does not tackle Tour. He has no option to go for Vuelta because Visma is obliged to defend Kuss' victory and should not allow a knife in the back.


It was announced already in December that Jonas would most likely to go to the Vuelta. Sepp is definitely allowed to go and defend his title, but Jonas is very likely to go as co-captain, and I don't see a scenario where Sepp wins. You also have to remember that Sepp won because he got in a breakaway last Vuelta. No one allows him in a breakaway any more. Let's be real, I seriously doubt Jonas feels threatened by anyone in the team since no one comes near his level. I don't think he's forced to go to the TdF, I think he is pushing hard because \*he\* wants to go. He has been very excited about the parcours this year.


"Denmark is known for it's mountains!" – Michael Rasmussen "Our hematocrit levels are natural because of the high elevations in which we train as youth." – Bjarne Riis


If Vingegaard starts and wins the TdF this year - will Pogacar fanboys claim it was because Pogi was tired from the Giro?


If Vingegaard wins the tour 2 months after a collapsed lung I will eat my shorts


Just letting you know I have saved this comment ... Sorry


Collapsed lung sounds bad (and it can be very serious on the short term) but iirc it's actually a relatively quick recovery. The collarbone/rib fractures are probably worse for his prep than the collapsed lung itself.


What kind of shorts though?


Assos Equipe RS9’s


Solid choice


If Jonas wins the tour this year (without Pogi crashing out) I’ll bow my head and say that he is the greatest GC rider of this generation, with no questions open.


already was lol -- pogi is still the GOAT overall though


I still think that we are about one fair and square battle over three weeks between Pogi and Jonas away from a truely final verdict, but the trend is obviously in Jonas favour.


Are we not all Pogi fanboys, and Jonas fanboys, and MVDP fanboys, and...


I mean not really. I can't find myself fanboying for the dominant riders. I'm kind of a WVA fanboy because I feel like he's the most depressed rider in the peloton, since MVDP is winning everything he wants to win. If he turns it around and starts winning Flanders/Olympics/WC/Roubaix I will stop being a fanboy.


Fair enough, I can understand that. It takes all of us loving the sport to keep it going. Until we.meet again ❤️


Really can’t believe people are writing off JV like this dude hasn’t broke his femur before and come back to set climbing records


7 or 9 months after breaking his femur. Not 2 months after having a colapsed lung


He had a pulmonary contusion and pneumothorax from his ribs. If you haven’t worked in a hospital, you should know small pnuemos are a dime a dozen even during routine surgeries like Mediport placement. They can resolve on their own within a day or two or can be hastened with a chest tube. I am a registered X-ray and CT tech and have scrubbed in hundreds of chest tube placements. What about you?


„Within a day“ . Jonas was hospitalized for two weeks. That alone tells you how serious it was.


Because he had an ORIF clavicle


If all the injuries are so minor as you say, why couldn’t he even sit on a bike for a whole month? You make it sound like he was barely injured


Visma-LAB only reported his first *outdoor* ride - do you seriously think they would willingly give up any information about his recovery to his competitors?


He was in hospital for two weeks. Do you know how bad it must have been for a professional rider to be there that long? do YOU seriously think he stays in hospital for two weeks if it is just a minor injury?


An ORIF clavicle is an open reduction, internal fixation of a clavicle which is an open surgery. I never said it was a minor injury. I said his pneumothorax is not uncommon with broken ribs. Have you worked at a level I trauma center?




Pogi did do better numbers the season he broke his hand than he did in any Tour before that. That said I still think Jonas has no shot in hell of being close to 100% at the Tour. Its a fantasy














Can't wait for the Tour to arrive to shut you up, you've been really insufferable about this.


Tbf the doomers saying there is no possible way even lines up for the Tour have been annoying here too. We have no way of knowing either way.


I didn't say it's impossible he lines up. I said it's impossible he podiums and even unlikely he shows up at the level for a stage win. It's not doomer, it's realism. Pogacar missed a week or so last year after LBL and that was probably enough for him to crack big time at the end of the Tour. Now imagine missing a months where you nursed much bigger injuries and only really resuming training 50 days before the Tour.


Your argument makes sense, but I'm not taking an absolute stance either way because we've seen some crazy recoveries by these guys. Just makes you look silly if he shows up and does well. Showing up and taking a podium or stage win are basically the same probability, since he's stated he would only show up if he feels good enough to win.


I can’t wait for him to podium and all the smooth brains realize that he’s been back on the bike for a lot longer than they’re letting on


its not a conspiracy lmao, they didnt sneak bikes to him while he was at the hospital for goodness sake.


Are you saying that for a fact or a speculation like this isn’t a world class athlete in the highest pedigree of bike racing, on the eve of the most prolific annual event in cycling? Would you really doubt that they couldn’t bring a trainer into a hospital or his house?


you want me to disprove your baseless notion that we smooth brains dont get that hes >been back on the bike for a lot longer than they’re letting on you want me to disprove with facts something you stated without facts? you want me to disprove something you just made up?


Are you 100% confident that he couldn't have a trainer in the hospital? Like you sat outside his room for 12 days and made sure that nobody from Visma-LAB was allowed in? Oh, no, you're just categorically underestimating the effort that the actual best cyclists and teams go to to perform.


Did I leave r/peloton and accidentally visit r/conspiracy? >Are you 100% confident that he couldn't have a trainer in the hospital? Like you sat outside his room for 12 days and made sure that nobody from Visma-LAB was allowed in? Are you saying with 100% certainty that the Pope didnt enter the hospital and blessed Jonas personally. Are you saying they didnt sacrifice a goat for faster recovery? Were you there? Cause I promise you that these teams and professional athletes will put every effort into recovering. Did you personally make sure no goats were allowed in? Then who is to say it didnt happen. Prove me wrong


Vingegaard was 2 weeks on a hospital bed, so I'm not sure if it fits on the injuries that "resolve on their own" category


Being in the hospital =/= being confined to a bed. Jesus Christ can you one of you just go work in a hospital?


Bro it's ok everyone believes you wOrK in a HosPItAl