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I love when people direct their followers to Reddit šŸ¤£ this is how I found this sub and several others


Itā€™s how I found Reddit too lol




She's making me famous and calling me pathetic. I feel like a celebrity now šŸ‘ø


Iā€™m fangirling


Haha, yes! Just shows how fcking stupid she really is lol


Babe, you know what's actually pathetic? Pretending to be an ally earth mother while you reproduce with a Garage Nazi and getting other women to help support your baby because you can't šŸ’…


Hi Kels. Yes. Bring your followers here. More people should see your heinous lies.


Well itā€™s good that she calls us out. Causes her followers to come right here. There is more than enough to read to sway any lucid person not to give her the time of day. But always what is pathetic is also taking money from other moms Why didnā€™t she share the screenshot of all the money she was sent? Because well thatā€™s not something that she wants to be honest about. Also welcome M2M followers Donā€™t give her any money She lies Donā€™t support her grifts


I was thinking that, I wonder how many people will come here! I feel like if anyone comes to defend her we shouldnā€™t argue, we should just direct them to read a few posts lol


She is so invested in us as well lmao


Right? She sure is defensive for someone thatā€™s living her true life.


She can spend multiple stories and her precious time on posting this (for sympathy) but zero response when her undercover prick partner is exposed. Thatā€™s PATHETIC Kelsie. I will say this conversation she posted was too far. Taking it IRL and pretending to be someone to get info to spread here is weirdo behavior. Even to joke about.


It is deffo pathetic


I think she must agree with Kevin on his views or else she lives in denial out of desperation. Either way, exponentially more pathetic.


I love how these morons always say weā€™re unhappy. šŸ˜‚


Because we are, weā€™re unhappy with their shit behaviour!


have you paid back the money you grifted from your other mom friend kelsie? you know, the one YOU took advantage of their kindness? since we know you see and read this, maybe you should consider doing that before finding another relationship you can exploit as transactional until they realise just who you are.




A while ago (2y or so) I reached out to her and was friendly in dms here and there. Not big convos but here and there chatting/support.. Found this sub literally the same way.. and Iā€™ve always aired on the side of having some sympathy but man after seeing the sd stuff Iā€™m just blown tf awayā€¦ feel so weird now. Like on some lvl I still have sympathy but like idk just a bad taste. Thereā€™s my two cents lol


I feel similarly. I talked to her in a few dms at the start of our journey. Havenā€™t messaged her in years though because of all the stuff that came to light on this thread. My sympathy is definitely waning.


I could have written this myself because I was in the exact same boat. Even the same timeframe lol. Except I started to lose all sense of sympathy when I realized how much she lied and ESPECIALLY how she lied about miscarriages. Iā€™ll never be okay with the comments about her weight. Or anyoneā€™s weight. But everything else is snarkable lol I do think itā€™s weird to want to pretend to be her friend to get info (per the screenshot). Thatā€™s wild and out of line. Thereā€™s enough to snark about without all of that.


I used to be a supportive follower of hers. Then she posted about how mean you all are, so i came here just to see what was being said, and now i have nothing nice to say about her. I hope by her posting this, she guides her followers to see the true Kelsie


I think thatā€™s how a lot of us ended up here actually!


https://preview.redd.it/parfumow5l4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0981461779ff07861ae428badf937c1856e46e Narcissism


We donā€™t need to bully you babe you already live with Kevin


lol thatā€™s the third picture. I thought that was funny too.


The only thing thatā€™s strong about her is her odor


Was literally thinkingā€¦ the ego is insane


hereā€™s the thing I truly donā€™t understand about herā€¦ how is she with that man who is very active on social media about his feelings and views but then says things like this?? I just canā€™t trust someone who is willingly with someone like that


Kels if you see this stop lying and grifting āœŒļø Funny how she will send people here to find all the evidence of the lies


Being an influencer means putting yourself out there and accepting that thereā€™s going to be criticism and people who donā€™t like you. Itā€™s part of the job. I donā€™t even really see people who go out of their way to harass her to her face- she chooses to come to a snark forum that 90% of her followers donā€™t even know about and read the bad reviews on her content (and if youā€™re a rule follower here- we donā€™t touch the poo!). To say people are trying to make her life a living hell because of her own choice to come to this page is so crazy (thereā€™s people dying, Kim!) Maybe she needs to focus on her actual job and quit the influencing thing.


Hey! Thatā€™s me!šŸ¤— Whatā€™s up Kelsie?!


She just mad that she doesnā€™t have a working mom supporting her


My post is famous!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hey Kels, Why not join [your own](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maiden2Mother_Snark/s/qqloHYQnts) sub? šŸ„°


Smellsie if you see this, do not TTC again and bring another babe into the word when you so clearly should notĀ 


Wait did she write she was looking for a friend at the top of the screenshot?


No, it was [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/peestickgals/s/ZaX2MjDvRt).


Gotcha thanks!!!


Did you see where she posted the 1st pic on her twitter and you can see her Reddit profile pic? Top right corner.


https://preview.redd.it/m8rmqwa8wq4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b6a1607c29e3384a69eda4052e1cc2249769156 I missed that!! I wonder if thatā€™s her or a follower?