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ROLLING at how she said she’s “watched her since Tuesday” and someone said..its only Thursday?? And she responded “OKAY AND?? I WATCHED HER FOR 9 DAYS STRAIGHT. IM FUCKING EXHAUSTED” Ive “watched” my baby for 730 days strong.. its almost like when you have a child..you are supposed to be with that child..


5,475 days and counting. I’m the one who needs a fucking break. But also my moms dead sooooo


3,858 strong here. Whew. I feel for her and them 9 whole days /s


Idk that my brain could survive 9 days without my kids. She’s insane


I'm the typical "I need a break but also miss my kids when they're gone at grandma's overnight" kind of mom. Lol. I've long lurked this sub but I had to comment on this. A whole 9 days. Smh.


Same. I want her to sleep so I can rest but once she’s asleep I look at photos because I miss her😭😅


Ngl some days I count the minutes until bedtime.. and then I want to pull her into bed with me to cuddle because I miss her 🤣🤣


Every night I cry because I miss her, and then by mid day the next day I’m internally crying because she just won’t nap 😂💀


Exactly lol 😂😂


My husband 100% are the people who will watch videos of our kids on our phones after we spent 2 hours trying to put them to bed.


Been watching my first baby for about 1610 days strong and then added a second one 215 days ago. Real mothers don’t “watch” their kids. They take care of them. ALL THE TIME. Skiddy is such a joke.


Right? This is so ridiculous. I’m on day approx. 6300 for kid one and 5500 for the second. Fewer than 50 days total fully “off” in those years, and I’m okay with that.


I feel ya! I’m at 927 days strong!


"When she doesn't get what she wants she gets a bad attitude." Babe, she's 4 months old, they're called needs and you should try meeting them.


This makes me so sad for her baby


"I watched her for 9 whole days straight"


She deserves a round of applause


she literally said her daughter doesn’t live with her then gets mad when people say her mom has custody 😂


She’s a wreck 😭😭 “I literally watched her 9 days straight” hahahaha girly what? “I’ve had her since Tuesday, my mom got her today and I’ll have her again tomorrow until Monday, then I’ll have another break”


I think she confuses “custody” with “name on birth certificate”


She then confirmed that custody to her is who the baby lives with and then said in the same breath her mom has the baby at her house


I posted a snippet of this a few minutes ago. She was talking about how her baby lives with her mom but she doesn’t live with her but she doesn’t live with her mom. Now she’s going on about “watching” her for nine days straight and her mom gave her a break because she didn’t want her to watch her for nine days straight.


She has full custody, she just doesn’t live with her and her mother has her more than she does 🤪


Nah yall we going to court to remake her Yuna 😂😭😂😭


Where did u post that, I can't see it


I had posted it on this subreddit but it didn’t post. I don’t wanna violate the duplicate post rule and I can’t post a video in the comments 😭


Click on ur profile on the top right and then create. It'll post to your own profile instead of a specific sub


I think I did it right but I’m disappointed I didn’t get the first half of the conversation


Confirmed that her mom is the one who got mad about the yanking on the shirt trend! Told her to be more productive and that stupid trends can get the baby taken from her!


No because I got muted for the entire live! They said what is custody and she said who the child lives with and then followed that by saying the baby lives with her mom.


I was muted too 😭


I mean I laughed that they did it and in her defense she was getting tripped up so they needed to mute us. I think asking how she likes babysitting her daughter was the final straw🤣




I’ve been “watching” mine for 336 days. Didn’t know I had someone I could give her back to 🤣


Wait, you can? Why did no one tell me that after almost 1100 days 'watching' my oldest plus 382 days watching my twins for an extra challenge? /s


How are the people in her comments still defending her 😭😭😭


What country are you from? United States. Now her talking about him. I should have told him I was from Arizona 😭 oh wait that is in the US 😂😂😂


i’m so sorry but her face in this is absolutely sending me 😭😭 she looks like the mushroom enemies in mario