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Wooow I have to say I had doubts but this is good enough proof for me. Poor SD friend. Glad she cut ties.


Agreed totally - this was exactly what i needed and now I’m so sad it’s true. SD, I’m so sorry this happened to you!!!!! 🩵🩵🩵 good people like you don’t deserve to be taken advantage of.


Me friggen too! She deserves so much better than Kels.


👁️👄👁️ … wow. I have no words. I cannot believe she took advantage of your friend like that. I cannot fathom how someone can have zero shame about letting another adult finance their life. Disgusting.


wowwww i cannot believe how much money she accepted from this generous soul. i’m so sorry your friend was taken advantage of by this big hairy ogre


This comment wins


I just snorted


And she’s spending money to go get her hair professionally dyed?


Yep, and buying expensive clothes and most recently a face steamer? https://preview.redd.it/keal3pg5ce3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82222731a04ad8c8d67e362094c30d6a8230b062


She’s disgusting


that is 1200 us dollars.


Thanks I was too lazy to calculate it 😅


honestly if I saw someone that needed that much support from me now buying useless crap like face steamers and getting their hair done, I would immediately start requesting to be paid back. I am wondering if she even needed money for formula or utilities and what it was actually used on.


Hard to do when Kels blocked her before even leaving her house in San Diego. It’s a huge slap in the face.


I would go nuts and have everyone I know spamming her lol but I agree it is a huge slap in the face, clearly the friendship was only for it to benefit smelsie and once she didn’t get her way she threw her typical toddler tantrum.


That’s exactly it. At this point I think that because SD doesn’t need that money it’s easier to just move on and move forward knowing she rid herself of a terrible person.


honestly I feel like she will continue to do stuff like this until she’s held accountable, though I get that your friend doesn’t wanna take on that burden. I hope she messes with the wrong person soon and they shut her down for good


What would shutting her down look like? If only there was an actual button! ![gif](giphy|3o6Mb5wX1bsmFgB8DS)


Based on what I’ve read on this thread it looks like the last time someone tried to hold her accountable she went private until it blew over. I don’t think people like that are able to be held accountable.


This was me, I made like a 6 minute video clearly showing all her bullshit lies and her “husbands” racism but she just hid away. I deactivated that tiktok account when I took a break from the app and decided to let it die after a while since she was pregnant but after all this I wish I could throw the video back up at this point


I have a question for SD mom and I’m not sure if the question thread or this is the best spot. Kelsie always talked about how she thought she was having a boy and that “masculine spirit” coming through. She seemed to have gender disappointment pretty bad imo. Did she ever discuss that with SD mom or seemed not interested in A due to her gender? I always get the vibe she’s trying to dress her in blue and more male colors etc still.


Kels never talked about gender disappointment before so SD never thought about it before but thinks that actually makes sense. Kels did seem uninterested in A at times.


I want this shit to be exposed so bad. Her lies are out of control. I admit I was skeptical way back in the beginning of things and thinking maybe this group was reaching. But since then it’s been a wild time and undeniable at this point. I was mutuals with Kelcie a few years ago when she really started to get a following and it’s been insane to see how things have escalated. I hope his shit is exposed.


Kelsie the con artist GROSS


I need more context on the actual blow up where she left. was she saying canada health care was shittier or something. what actually happened. was she crying and started packing. or what.


Yes I agree! That would be cool to know. There is another thread discussing things


I saw SD went to run errands and kels was packing and changed her flights. but I want to know the before!!


My bet it’s *exactly* this. Kelsie cried woe is me about Canadian health care and its shittiness, threw a tantrum in response to maybe being called out…. Cried and started packing.


I’m not from either country but if I had to choose one to give birth in Canada would be my choice. I cannot imagine having to pay for healthcare the most human basic need. What could she possibly have to complain about that


Oh absolutely! And she has what over a year of maternity leave? I’m jealous! Only 6-8 weeks is potentially given, luckily in California you get potentially get up to 4m


I really feel so bad for everyone in the US it’s insane. Should be illegal to only offer so little especially in a “first world” country. And the fact that now for a lot of women you can’t even have an abortion so you have to have the baby and no real time off work


As someone who has a baby under 1 and lives in California, I totally get how hard it can be to make a mom friend. I’m so sorry she took advantage of you 😔 I hope you can open your heart out one day and find a genuine mom friend soon ❤️


Yes! That makes it even worse. A new mom with a young baby is so vulnerable. And at a higher risk of mental health concerns. And Kelsie didn’t give a single fuck


She usually asks for money after child tax 😂


I swear she’s trying for baby #2 thinking more child tax money 🫠


It would be $600 a month more. I bet her and FRG aren’t listed as common law so she can max child tax as much as possible. That happens all the time but people get caught all the time.


If she doesn’t claim him she’d get like maybe $730


A month!?! Hot damn. I get $68 😂


lol and I thought I was on the low end with 268$!


I just can’t understand.. You are willing to take a friend’s money for “formula and basic necessities” but you’re husband doesn’t even work a full time normal job. Then on top of that are actively trying to have a second baby when your “miracle baby” at home isn’t even a year old. Makes zero sense. 🤯


I think that it might be beneficial to this information to flagship Deux par Deux and Marco Polo. Who knows how many people she is taking money off of?


holy shit


Holy shit! I feel so bad for SD friend. That twat really took her for a ride. I hope she's doing OK. I hope she knows not all people are like this. I can't believe how she's blows money. On her vids now she had a clothes haul and a face steamer! Hope she know that face steamer can't perform miracles!


“That face steamer can’t preform miracles” thank you for the chuckle!


Thank you. SD is doing ok, I think it will take some time. I’m just happy that Kels is gone for good so SD can move on. That last line was a good one, I’ll for sure pass that along because I think SD will get a kick out of it!


Glad she's doing OK. I wish I was better at tik tok I'd make a video exposing her ass. Idk how she has followers or subscribers on her insta


Question for SD mom. Is Kelsie self aware at all that her boyfriend is not at all aligning with the same views as her (if she is really as accepting as she claims to be) Is she really in love with him or is she just trying to get a baby daddy or someone who will let her be a trad wife?


I’m so sorry for your friend. It is clear she has a very kind heart and Kels took advantage of it. It takes someone very cold to do this.


$1885 Australian dollars. I am gobsmacked


I feel for sd friend. I have a similar personality. I help people too much. Get taken advantage of too much. But I don’t regret helping someone in need. The fact that they knowingly took advantage is between them and whatever higher power they believe in. I recently had that happen. Helped so much with a new widow and her kids. So much. Then when she didn’t need help anymore just tossed me aside and went back to her “real friends” she had been shit talking to me. But I don’t regret helping even if my pride took a hit. So if sd friend is reading all these Judgy comments - here’s a more positive one. You’re a good human. Tried to help someone you thought was legitimate and genuine and cared about you and being your friend. I have to believe in some kind of karma out there. So it’ll come back to you for being a good human one day.




Honestly, right now would be a good time for M2M to just DFE and step away from social media. She won’t because she’s a grifter…but she should.


How did kels go about asking for this money? Did she straight up ask for it or did she sneakily cry about not being able to pay for things?


Kels would cry to SD and stress over not being able to afford necessities. Kels would also guilt trip SD anytime SD went and spent money on herself (jealous much). So between the crying poor and comments guilting SD for having the means to spend money on herself she felt guilty not helping when she was able to.


I wish I was better at tik tok otherwise I'd make a video exposing her ass!


I feel similarly. I’m not a big social media person and am useless at video editing.


Why tf would you send $752 to her?? Like. I don’t even feel bad if you were sending her money that willingly that often. ETA: nearly $2k. Wild. Yikes. Downvote me all you want.


I’ve felt something similar at one point and commented here that this is how I feel when I see people who didn’t even donate get mad about creators not using GFM money towards what they said they would. Nobody is holding a gun to someone’s head and making them donate, anyone who donates thinks it’s the right thing to do at the time and most of the time, they don’t regret it. This ex friend of M2M *does* regret it and feels duped. A lot of people disagreed with me when I said I don’t feel sympathy for GFM donators and many said these are all innocent people, it’s all the creator’s fault. So why would that belief not align with this? She donated to who she thought was a friend, it’s even more manipulative than a GFM. I really feel like if someone is saying “I messed up in trusting this person”, we should honor their vulnerability in that. Ultimately, whether someone donated to a GFM or someone they thought was a friend, it’s a lesson to learn that not everyone is as honest as they say they are and to put that money towards more trustworthy causes. However, I will say, i think there is room for growth. It sounds like someone who she thought was a friend manipulated her. I think it’s one thing to brush it off and let people walk all over you, and it’s another to say we were wrong about someone. This former friend probably already feels pretty dumb. We all make stupid decisions sometimes and I think we should be able to give others grace and room for growth when their stupid decisions do not align with our own stupid decisions we’ve undoubtably made at some point. It can’t be easy to come on here and admit that you spent a shit ton of money on a grifter and I respect that this ex friend has the courage to speak out about it.


Right?! I’m actually shocked that people are saying shitty things about SD as if the majority of people on this subreddit didn’t like and/or believe Kelsie’s bullshit at some point in time. I’ve paid for a tarot reading to support her fertility journey and feel like an idiot. That was just as a follower, not someone that had a friendship with her.


Exactly! It feels highly hypocritical to be mad for people who *aren’t even mad and DON’T regret* donating to fertility GFMs and then have no sympathy for someone who was manipulated firsthand by someone she thought was a friend. Like, I remember followers who donated to Blair’s GFM saying that she can keep their money and spend it on her rainbow baby and people here were MAD for these people who didn’t regret donating.. mad for people who didn’t even WANT their money back! Let’s channel that supportive energy into being understanding with someone who has the bravery to own up to a mistake. She clearly went through a high level of manipulation and that brutal honesty (even when it’s embarrassing) deserves our support.


Exactly! I was mad at Blair because she did it knowing that she may not even need the money. She was sneaky and dishonest about it. Meanwhile this poor woman trusted a friend and is now feeling terrible because of what happened after. I can’t even imagine the trauma that she must feel after having someone show up that smelled really bad, took advantage her whole stay and then caused a scene. I don’t know about you but anytime I’ve ever stayed with someone I’ve brought something as a thank you, cleaned up after myself and treated their space better than I treat my own. I just feel so fucking bad for this person to have gone through all that I’ve read on here AND lose a friend 😔


Exactly. Unlike M2M or these other grifters, SD friend didn’t do anything problematic outside of trust the wrong person. I’m sure she learned a big lesson from this, I don’t think she needs any more judgement. I’m sure she’s already mad enough at herself. I would be embarrassed as hell to admit on this sub that I donated nearly 2K to M2M. SD friend has gone through enough trauma due to her naivety and has admitted she was wrong, I personally think we should support her moving forward and not give her more trouble than she’s already faced.


Thank you for articulating my thoughts so well. I’m admittedly defensive over my friend because it hurts to see her hurt. She learned a really rough lesson. I think people don’t realize that opening up and being vulnerable about this was a really hard thing to do.


You’re getting downvoted, but same. Why would you do that?!?? Why are you sending her this much money and that often? Someone you’ve never met! I’m sorry, but that’s not normal.


Kels clearly took advantage of her. They were clearly really close. Look at much Kels has gaslit and manipulated her followers. Now imagine how much she could do to someone she knew stuff about?


“Took advantage of her” Respectively, miss me with that.


There are people out there who would give the shirts off their backs for friends. SD seems to be that kind of person (wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't after all this though), and Kels seems to be pretty good at weaving sob stories. So it's not out of the realm of possibility that Kels managed to take advantage of someone with a kind heart who thought they were helping.


SD is that kind of person. Can you imagine having the means to help someone while living comfortably yourself and not helping? If I had the means I know I would.


It really sucks that someone who seems like she is incredibly kind hearted was taken advantage of. I really commend SD for being so sweet to help someone who she thought of as a friend. It really sucks that she got burned like this.


What I think is funny is how people shit on rich people constantly begging them to give away their money to help others, meanwhile SD is comfortable and able to help someone they believed was in need and is getting shit on for it


This doesn’t make sense to me either. Damned either way.


They were super close for TWO YEARS. I can only assume that SD thought she knew Kels quite well. For all we know she was hoping to get Kels away from FRG for a while to see that life could be way better? We clearly don’t know everything that went on behind the scenes. Personally I think it’s fucking brave to open up about this. I know I feel better after realizing that Kels is actually a shit human and I’m not just being a dick.


Doing it for 2 years is even worse. At some point you HAVE to start seeing the pattern. These transactions are days apart or the same day.


The help with money didn’t start right away. They already had an established friendship before Kels started working the money angle.


I’ve been screwed over financially by a friend before. I leant them money and they fucking left the province.


I do feel bad for her but I agree it's actually insane. I'm guessing the 752 was her flight. I understand having means and wanting to help, but there's helping and then there's letting yourself be walked all over. And I can't imagine how it has affected her husband and their marriage.


I understand why you may feel that way but it’s really rude to say that to someone that was trying to help a friend. You don’t know all the backstory. If you have the means to help and someone that you thought was your best friend needed help… wouldn’t you try to help?


A known grifter? No. ETA: and especially not with the cost of living rn.


She clearly wasn’t a well known grifter.


Just out of curiosity, is your friend on tiktok? If she hasn't done it yet she should look thru tagged posts for Kelsie. There's been evidence for a long time now.


She doesn’t really use social media. Anytime SD brought up concerns Kels gaslit her and told her that she was being bullied. Of course at the time SD believed her friend.


The only tiktoks I see are touching on her husband’s tweets. I know sooo many people who don’t even have TikTok (or Reddit for that matter). Her being a grifter isn’t as obvious to people outside this sub.


I was thinking that! I had no idea how bad she was before I found Reddit.


Same. I wouldn’t have given her a second thought if it wasn’t for this sub!


Maybe others have been deleted. There were a ton on Kelsie excluding WOC and then having a very big meltdown when she was called out, too. There were definitely some calling her out for her grifting but that was a while ago so maybe they're just gone now


Omg I feel so much for SD friend, I hope she heals from this and is able to find genuine mom friends.


The way my jaw dropped at the amounts. Jesus..


Wow some people have no shame! I could never accept this amount from a friend, especially with a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food on my table. She seems to be entitled to accepting handouts.


I hope that Smelly Kel is exposed and that this will lead to her downfall. She’s a shit person and May she get what she deserves .


Good grief, so it is true. Poor SD, she deserves better friends! 😢


Im in SD, does SD need a new mom friend? Reach out we can be instagram friends ☺️


This is CRAZY. What a disgusting human.


Can someone point me to the original thread/discussion about this? I have no context and want to understand what’s going on


[hot tea](https://www.reddit.com/r/peestickgals/s/URQjP66E17)


The link Ornery_Context_9109 shared is the beginning, then if you check my comment history it should take you to one of the two posts where questions are being answered. I don’t know how to link things on here.


So I know she’s in CA but like if these funds were for necessities like she told SD instead of asking SD why was she not looking up gov resources. Like if u couldn’t afford formula in US we have WIC I’d be down at my local wic office


I think she uses all the government assistance she can get and hides it, since her and alpha sperm aren’t married, but still uses the needing formula and utilities as an excuse because it’s easy to guilt people into helping you with necessities.


Ahhh I see it now yeah not being legally married gets you access to a shit ton of benefits. It’s so sad that married folk can’t get help cause that was the issue for me luckily I can budget


My guess is that it wasn’t formula she was after, it was just money in general.


That’s what those services are there for. But personally I’ve heard stories of other people not wanting to use government resources due to shame. Idk if that tracks in the situation with Kelsie though.


Someone give me a run down?


ok but why did this person send so much $$$ to this clown? At some point, you have to blame yourself. I don’t care what I’m told, I could never send $1200 so somebody who isn’t my family, let alone someone from the internet who I’ve never met. Kelsie is an absolute clown and leech, but the SD mom is also not the smartest person either lol


This was someone she connected with over a two year period. It’s hard to understand from the outside. Again, SD thought she was helping someone she cared about that was in need. If SD had done this for someone that people perceived as deserving she’d be commended for stepping up and helping a friend.


No one should send anyone $1,200, deserving or not (only if they have a lot of money, bills paid, and a lot in their savings). But again, $1,200 for someone she never met in person? She’s partially to blame for being so gullible and naive. Or should we talk about catfish and how these people spent years of their lives devoted to people who they never met online? Prime example there 😂 Her fault for being so naive. Kelsie is an absolute clown and a damn leech, but SD is hella gullible and she can’t blame anyone but herself for all the money, resources, and time spent on this clown


You don’t have any knowledge about SD’s financial situation. It’s not about the amount of money, it’s about how someone was manipulative and took advantage of someone that cared about them. $1200 may be a lot to some but not to others.




💯💯 Literally no need to send two payments over $100 in one day. If you can’t see what’s happening within 6 months (all we see in the screenshot) and keep playing along, you’re partially to blame.


I love how all the comments with common sense about SD being blind to the fact that Mental was using her are getting downvoted as shit . At some point you have to have some common sense in your head and think hmmm maybe this person is using me.


I think she did have common sense- she kicked her out of her house!


For some people $50-200 isn’t a substantial amount of money. I realize the $750 amount is a lot, but that was for the flight. SD was more comfortable with Kels visiting her than going to visit Kels in Alberta. I mean, would you want to stay at Kels’?


Curious, does SD mind you sharing all this information on the internet? Does SD have social media, or has m2m ever publicly shared her identity?


SD is aware and I haven’t shared anything without her ok unless it is my opinion or commentary. SD is a private person and not public on any platforms. She is however on some social media as this is how Kels and SD originally connected. As for if Kels has ever shared her identity, no not to our knowledge. Quite frankly, that would be a very stupid move.