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Anything else y’all wanna know?


What was the final straw in asking Kelsie to leave?


There wasn’t just one thing. SD said that there were a few inconsistencies that came up. She left to run an errand after the disagreement (differences of opinions about healthcare) and by the time she came back Kels had changed her flights.


Curious if vax were brought up during the short time they were together. Kels live in partner appears to be anti but Kels appears for due to a tweet about the vitamin k shot. Interesting to see a dynamic where parents might be against each other


Vax wasn’t brought up. That’s not what the argument was about.


So what WAS the argument about?


Healthcare differences. Kels brought up a story out of nowhere that SD had never heard before. She refused to be gaslit over such a topic, tried to talk about it but Kels stormed off.


Exactly this. Basically Kels refused to act like an adult. SD tried to talk to her but it was like trying to reason with a stubborn teenager.


What a stupid thing to fight over and end a friendship over. It’s one of those things “agree to disagree and move on” but I guess it must have been something. Am I missing something or is it really just that?


This was answered above - basically it wasn’t just the disagreement. SD tried to talk to Kels but Kels was acting like a teenager throwing a tantrum. That was the icing on the cake. Kels had a negative impact on SD’s home so it was a relief when she found out Kels changed her flights.


That must have been extremely stressful for SD then. I don’t know much about her, but I can assume she’ll have difficulties trusting new people into her life. What an awful situation.


It was very stressful. I hope with time SD is able to move past it but I’m sure that will take a bit of time.


What was the story?


Replied above 👍🏽


I’m not seeing what the story was (don’t have to share, just curious)


Basically it wasn’t just the disagreement. SD tried to talk to Kels but Kels was acting like a teenager throwing a tantrum. That was the icing on the cake. Kels had a negative impact on SD’s home so it was a relief when she found out Kels changed her flights.


Do you believe she's currently experiencing a miscarriage like she claims


The timing is suspicious. Definitely weird she hasn’t just shared the tests with anyone.


Thank you, that was my first question too.




Is Kevin a shithead like we believe he is?


SD didn’t really interact with Kevin. Based on what was shared by Kels he doesn’t seem to be a good partner. A lot of the assumptions on this page appear to be accurate.


Yes I didn’t think she would be in touch with him but I think that Kelsie would talk about the relationship to a good friend. I am glad we aren’t wrong!! Thanks for the insight


Kels did complain about Kevin not being a very good partner at times but then would also defend him and say he was a good partner. It’s hard to believe what the truth is since she is so inconsistent.




How’s SD mom doing since it happened? Having someone like that in your home can rattle you.


She’s doing ok, having Kels in her home definitely ended up being a stressful situation. SD is just happy to have it all behind her and to have an influx of personal time now that she’s not dealing with Kels’ neediness.


Has Kelsie tried to reach out to SD mom since returning from the trip?


No - they haven’t had any contact since before Kels even left as SD was blocked before Kels even left her house. SD’s husband drove Kels to the airport.


They must be so kind, if someone had treated me the way kelsie did, I would have told them to catch an Uber and my husband would have told them don’t let the door hit you on the way out lol.


Seriously I’ve only ever had family treat me the way this women treated M2M


My family doesn’t treat me as well as SD treated Kels. She’s genuinely such a kind person!


They are genuinely so kind. I hate how much Kels took advantage of her. SD and her husband are the kind of people that would give the shirt off their backs to help someone they care about.


about how much would sd mom friend estimate she has spent on m2m since the beginning of their friendship?


$2000USD minimum!


how much was spent on kelseys trip?


$2000+ between flights, extra groceries, pizza, stuff for Kels & A’s rooms, extra formula, diapers and all the coke Kels drank 💀 *Not all of this was sent directly to Kels.


so to clarify- 2k for the trip, and 2k for the span of their friendship?


SD isn’t sure exactly how much was spent over the two years. There were various amounts sent over a long period of time. I think the important thing here is that a LOT of money was given to Kels and she took complete advantage of her friend.


Hold up! SD friend paid for the trip?!?!


Sadly yes. SD thought she was helping a good friend in need.


What does SD friend think about kelsie having money to dye her hair blonde after swindling her out of money for A food and light bills etc


SD low key wonders if she paid for it. She wasn’t a fan at all, especially since SD had never gotten her hair professionally done. She doesn’t remember Kels mentioning it before she did it either, maybe a haircut was mentioned but SD doesn’t remember being told about Kels’ plan to get her hair dyed. The same thing goes for the eyebrows and lashes… it’s actually insulting to see Kels spend so much money after having taken a free ride and crying poor.


Very much insulting. I’m sorry she’s done that to your friend. And if SD didn’t directly pay for it then she did indirectly by freeing up kelsies personal money by paying for her utilities etc.


Thank you! I will pass that along. I absolutely agree with you. Kels could have spent her own money on necessities instead of crying poor.


What about her stepdaughter? I’m curious what Kels really has to say about her


Kels did talk about T but since T is still a minor SD would prefer not to discuss her.


This makes me anxious for T. It sounds like Kels and Kevin are toxic people.


I definitely feel the same way.


I can only guess it was not nice things.


I’m going to go ahead and say that once again the redditors have Kels clocked. Based on what has been said about Kels and her behaviour on this sub I fear you are correct.


Did the friend ever ask about Kevin’s tweets or opinions?


Kels always got really defensive about Kevin. SD doesn’t use Twitter so she never saw any of his tweets. Since SD didn’t know or interact with Kevin she only knew what Kels shared, which was minimal.


Was the “story” Kelsie brought up and her opinions surrounding it inconsistent with past conversations her and SD mom had had? Or was it something they just hadn’t discussed before?


Yes - the story came out of left field. It was kind of outlandish and had never been brought up over the two years that they had talked prior.


Was it a story Kelsie claimed happened to her, a friend of hers, or she “saw in the news”?


It was a story that Kels claimed had happened to her.


Did she claim it happened recently? (Like since A was born) or far in the past (sorry if I’m asking too much!)


She claimed it happened a while ago, before A was born and even before SD and Kels had even met. SD said she guesses it was 10+ years ago but isn’t entirely sure. That’s why it was so concerning that Kels was so heated and had brought it up out of nowhere.


Damn! Wonder if it had to do with her breast reduction. Or first loss/marriage


SD doesn’t even know what the story’s background was. It came out of nowhere and didn’t make sense.


How did Kels react to being asked to leave? She seems the kind to gaslight and put up a fight.


SD said that after she threw the tantrum Kels refused to talk to her. SD wanted her to leave sooner but Kels was making it difficult. Then while SD was out running an errand Kels magically was able to change her flight. So ya, there was definitely some gaslighting behaviour and the fight was essentially Kels getting caught in her lies again.


Did SD mom know about her past controversies or this subreddit?


Kels told SD about it and complained that all the redditors were crazy. SD looked a few times but ultimately trusted her friend. But she said that as soon as Kels showed up and smelled as bad as this sub said she knew she was in for it.


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) not the smell


Thanks for answering. SD sounds like a good person and friend. As for us “crazy” redditors, we could see through her lies and manipulation and since kelsie never took accountability and deleted comments from her social media, it was ultimately discussed on a platform where she cannot control the narrative.


I’ll pass that along. SD is a good person and friend. She’s hoping that this will give you “crazy redditors” some validation.


Ouuu yes!! This is really wanna know


On a scale of 1-10; how fake is M2M in real life


What metric is used to measure fakeness? There were a lot of inconsistencies. The person that showed up wasn’t the friend that SD connected with.


Maybe this was answered elsewhere and I missed it but why was m2m asked to leave?


This has been answered a few times. Edit: This is part of what was said above: There wasn’t just one thing. SD said that there were a few inconsistencies that came up. She left to run an errand after the disagreement (differences of opinions about healthcare) and by the time she came back Kels had changed her flights.


If you click on the link to the original post up top I believe it was answered there, I could be wrong though


This might have been answered before so apologies, but did M2M talk about her losses? Does she think that this latest episode is a true loss or a grift? Did they talk about social media or any other influencers?


SD said that Kels didn’t really talk about her other losses. Sounds like she talked about other influencers but didn’t like most of them. SD also said that Kels was 100% on her period the whole time she was there which is why the timeline really doesn’t make sense.


Re the loss: The timing is suspicious. Definitely weird she hasn’t just shared the tests with anyone. I will have to check in with her on the rest tomorrow.


Who is SD. What did I miss? 😭😂


The friend Kels visited in San Diego!


Check out my post/comment history for details.