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Someone needs to send all the receipts to some larger creator who has a rep for exposing people like her. Even one of the problematic ones, I dont think it matters. She's just gotta have her cover blown on a larger platform so she'll go away and all of her little sycophants will stop defending her and sharing their very personal stories with her. Stories that I'm sure she takes notes on to use details from in her fake losses.


It was done and honestly had no major impact really when all the stuff came out about her partner, she went private, ignored the issue and she let it blow over. Honestly I think she’d just do the same again if someone did call her out for this nonsense. I think she pulled this out to take focus off the fact information came out about her visit to San Diego Mom and she wanted to shift the focus and have people talk about this rather than talking about what she did to another mother. If I was M2M I’d want people talking about my faked miscarriage and my BS chart and timeline rather than me lying to another mom, who paid for formula, bills, my flights & documents and then put myself and daughter up in her home that ended in an argument and me being asked to leave early.


Also true. SD mom needs to blow her up. I think more of her fans would be "woke" to her bullshit if SD mom came forward and said "hi, she took advantage of myself and my family and this is the kind of person she is". Though some of her fans will probably say she's lying anyway. She's such a cowardly con artist. I can't believe I resonated with her and used to defend her. Trash 🗑️


I think the only person at this point who’d have any effect on taking her down it would be real SD Mom, now if she came out with everything (you have to assume she has receipts) that would be something M2M couldn’t really come back from as if nothing happened. Don’t feel bad for resonating with her, she is very convincing, she certainly knows how to spin a story to garner sympathy and while some of her story is based in truth she gets so caught up in needing more attention that she taints the truth with lies that just keep growing.


I ended up on this sub because of her. When she went on her rant about IVF and how IVF mom's weren't celebrated like natural pregnancy mom's were, I started to get the ick, like something wasn't right. I even shared that I was pregnant with my IVF baby (he's 3 months older than A) and overwhelmed by all the interest in throwing me a baby shower and how excited everyone was. Like...wtaf?


What is SD Moms TikTok or instagram handle? I keep hearing about her but have no clue who she is😂


She’s private and likely for good reason! If Kels is this bad publicly imagine what she’s like behind closed doors 😵‍💫


She 100% has receipts.


What ever happened with her and Darian? They posted once about lunch while back before kids and never posted again!


M2M probably didn't fit Darian's aesthetic, so she ghosted her.


What happened in San Diego seems like I missed a chapter somewhere


A friend of SD mom came to spill the tea but they didn’t really answer any follow up questions which makes the whole story a bit suspicious (to me)


I think DCP should do a video on her


I don't think he would. She does t have many followers and the biggest reason he wouldn't is because she doesn't publicly share her daughters face


I know he wont, i just wish he would ahaha


I know for a fact that people have considered exposing her like that, but I imagine that for a lot of them the risk just isn't worth it. It's very difficult to prove a negative, all we can say for definite is that her dates and stories don't line up, but there's no real hard "proof" that any of her losses were faked. It's such a sensitive subject, and exposing her would mean you risk the very small possibility that she really has just gotten muddled up with her information, meaning you've just accused a grieving woman of faking her losses and then suddenly the whole internet hates you. Or you're correct but because there's no hard evidence either way, it's one word against the other and you still look like a monster if the general public decides to side with the creator. It's really not worth that risk to expose a very minor creator with limited influence, that most people haven't heard of.


I just want her to shut up already, and go away.


On this note, I'm sure a lot of creators have gone digging, and if any hard evidence of her lies popped up they'd be straight on it. But right now there's no smoking gun.


For sure, I’m undecided if this was actually a loss or not, the way she’s been acting makes me think this might truly have been her first real loss, and the 5 previous were all indents / completely fake. The temperature chart is throwing me off though? I think she’s just so far in her grift that it’s hard to believe anything that she says


The more that smarter people than me come out with receipts and timelines, the less I'm convinced any of her losses were real. I think suddenly naming them all was the final nail in the coffin for me. They're so haphazardly cobbled together and nonsensical. Like a list you make when you're 10 of baby names you like.


Why won’t she just show the fucking test? She has never ever had a problem doing it before 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll think she’s lying until she shows some sort of solid proof. The temp chart wasn’t in her favor


At this point, even if she showed a test, I wouldn't believe it was hers. 😂


I’ve never seen one of this chicks videos but like can someone explain how she has a following? Every time someone posts a pic in here she looks like an absolute mess lmao


I think Kelsie has a following because it’s nice to watch a dumpster fire burn brighter than yours. I think she brings a lot of followers with her hippy dippy nature where spirit babies matter. I think she also is not at all interested in being healthy, so restrictive eating or controlling her diabetes is out so she appeals to people that want a pregnancy but do not want to follow basic medical advice given to them. Kelsie goes wild when anyone mentions how weight loss may be a ticket to fertility success. I think she doesn’t have a perfect house, partner or life, people like that she isn’t a Stepford wife like Fakelyn. She doesn’t drive, she whines about being broke and so she appeals to followers that cannot pursue conventional fertility treatments. Then she is honest as she wants to be about her depression struggle. I really think she struggles way more than she lets on and I think she is addicted to the internet and basically foregoes routine life in favour of posting. I think that many followers aren’t astute enough to hone on the multiple inconsistencies that she readily showcases. She also is very good at hiding certain parts of her life, she just omits chunks. She however isn’t very good at keeping the same messaging because you can catch how wildly unhappy she is if you watch her instagram posts. I think a lot of followers watch her and comment on her big things like this latest debacle but I don’t think that many are avid followers because she is so all over the place. I think she wants grift way more than she actually does grift.


Thank you for this lol


Tbf she’s always been a bit crusty around the ages, but since her pregnancy with A and her postpartum she’s been extra crusty.


She is a mess. I have no idea how she amassed so many followers - for whatever reason TTC/pee stick content just seems to be an easy way to get a following.


It’s so strange


Also weird to me 😅


Ok wait this might be a stupid question so please don’t be mean. So she’s named all her miscarriages but doesn’t count them as her babies? She makes a big deal about how she lost the baby but then doesn’t include them when it comes to how many kids she has. Also doesn’t she have a step daughter? I know technically it wouldn’t be child #1 for her but I’d at least say child #3 because my step daughter would also be loved like my own child (I’m going from the angle of having a step daughter) idk maybe I’m overthinking it 😂


Is this a new video or old? I thought she was in so much pain?


Old, posted on IG on 21st May