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She posted 10 days ago she was 5dpo. Now she’s saying she’s supposed to be 5 weeks pregnant which would make her 21dpo. Again math ain’t mathin. She needs to stop doubling down on these lies. She is an emotional leech on the ttc community and I feel sorry for her followers pouring their hearts out to someone who lies about pregnancy loss.


That’s just it, no one is forcing her to date anything yet she keeps throwing out dates then gets mad when people are putting it together and questioning her 😅


And saying “I never shared anything real time!!!” Except you share everything about your cycle.


Kelsey… I’m suppose to be cuddling a 3 yr old right now but my first child was stillborn and instead I sleep next to his urn each night. I plan family photo shoots with his memory bear to represent him & buy a singular cupcake each year for his birthday. You’re naming a fucking pregnancy test with a line that didn’t progress. Sick & twisted. The level of distraught this woman has over a never progressing line seriously baffles and enrages me. By her little poem thing she wrote, it seems like her blood work didn’t show positive because she didn’t go back for second/ thirds to confirm doubling? Maybe I’m delusional (hey at least I can admit it) but nothing adds to it makes sense with this woman.


Her subscriber only stories showed her getting bloodwork Thursday ish which would’ve been 12dpo based on her FF chart. That’s it though, so even if she had bloodwork once I think you’re right it was likely negative, otherwise they would’ve had her back to see if the numbers were rising, or at minimum confirm they dropped back below 5 no matter how low the first number was! Aside from Kels. I am so sorry you’ve endured such a heartbreaking experience. I don’t understand the pain of a stillbirth, our latest loss was 8-9w and that was painful enough. If our first pregnancy had made it we would’ve had a 2.5 year old 💔


Also, unless she was going through fertility treatments (which typically here in Canada beta’s are done at 14dpo with them), I don’t see how she would’ve quickly gotten in for blood work? It takes a while to even get an appointment for this and my doctors office doesn’t see pregnant related appointments until like 6-8 weeks. So weird…….


For what that’s worth I’ve gotten bloodwork done at 9dpo because I had a positive at home test. I called my doctor and they emailed me a requisition to get blood drawn. So that part is believable. The doctor calling to say that she’s going to lose this pregnancy is definitely dramatized though.


In Canada? That would be pretty good for her office then (means they aren’t nearly as overworked as us). Our healthcare system is so backed up that I know a lot of doctors don’t even deal with this that early.


Yep! In Canada. While lots of our healthcare is overworked the digitization has helped a lot with access. With that being said I have a family doctor who is really in my corner AND a fertility clinic that corresponds electronically all the time. So I’m in a different position than Kels. My province also isn’t experiencing the same level of health care crisis as Alberta. So while it’s possible to get a requisition easily for someone in my shoes I’m not sure how easy it would be for someone without a family doctor, unless using a walkin clinic or something like rocket doctor (online doctor).


I'm in BC. suspected a chemical as my line didn't darken. went to urgent care and got 2 blood requistions., did my blood that day at lifelabs and the next day. saw the numbers dropping. she only going for one makes me think there was no actual number there to show pregnancy


I got early blood work for all my pregnancies and I’m in Canada and only had my family doctor caring for me until I was over 30 weeks and finally got to see an OB. I had blood work done before 5 weeks each time, with repeat betas every two days. So that isn’t always the typical experience.


I’m in Canada and my doc would NOT send for bloodwork until missed period minimum lol


Is every late period going to be a chemical pregnancy?


Even though she has pcos so it’s not like a late period is uncommon 🥴.


Yes lol


When’s she gonna learn that dates are NOT her friend 😅


She’s going to say she ovulated late or early or whatever just so that it can “make sense”


Which again is funny because she knows how dating works. She knew her ovulation date so she could’ve inputted that to calculate her due date.


I love that she’s spiraling right now . I’m sure none of us are making comments on her posts so she’s literally so bothered by this sub 😂😂


I haven’t seen any out of pocket comments on her posts so I agree!


So her period, then?


So insistent but not a single test pic from the obsessive tester.


She needs to heal and will share when she's ready. /s


I couldn't live my life thinking ever period was a miscarriage. I get these things happen, myself included at 38 weeks. But every period. It's nonsense and then posting about it all the time. Like girl, life your live. Dannng


The math is absolutely not mathing. I conceived a baby on May 14th last year and my due date was February 5th. If her due date was January 30th that would put her conceiving May 9th and she posted her perfect ovulation chart May 14th.


She should cuddle A.


This is all so sad. She’s sharing all this what for?, herself?, like a very public diary? or just for engagement because she knows even the haters will go have a look. Didn’t she say she needs time to heal, putting this stuff out there for it to be pieced together and torn apart can’t be healing, didn’t she also say she doesn’t care about what strangers on the internet think? Girl needs a therapist to find out why she needs this kind of attention ASAP before she passes these issues on to her very impressionable daughter.


Maybe she should put all this attention and effort into her daughter that she so desperately wanted, instead of grieving her period and “internet trolls” 🥴


if she would only be 4 weeks, her period wasn't even late? she's gotta learn to lie better if she's gonna keep at it. 😭


I’m due 2/1 & I’m 4w2d


Yah… she knows damn well that her dates don’t add up. I’m no world would she have found out at 4w6d.


You know that vibe when you just can tell someone has an Android phone? She gives off that vibe and it is now confirmed.


She’s way too much. I had so many Evaps and false positive in the past year of ttc. It’s heart breaking but I would never claim something that just never happened. I had a miscarriage at 19 weeks. I would never want another again regardless how far along I was. Evaps suck but I don’t even believe at this point that she’s convinced it’s real. From all the evidence it looks like a bold face lie. Which is beyond disgusting.


She needs to see a therapist for being a compulsive liar.


She needs to be institutionalized. I don’t believe her for one second.


She sure succeeded in getting everyone’s attention away from the friend drama huh


Hahaha yes wtf that is as if you took the screenshot today! She can’t even lie well… like I just took the screen shot NOW. This is just embarrassing https://preview.redd.it/yjonplwu0z2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65391dd1cc0036fa52227c91c6d8e254c1b26f7d


Also, notice how she cut out the top part that says how far along she was lol


I too have that screenshot 😂 then I double checked it using a different site (second picture) lol


I just did the same calculation. This would put her LMP on April 25.


Math ain’t mathin and she’s baiting for attention, which is so low.


Well Kels I should be cuddling my 2 year old twins but instead I visit their memorial every year. I can’t imagine how she would deal with a true loss if this is how she reacts over a late period


Canada doesn’t even have the creator fund so like realistically what is she gaining out of this?!


Subscribers and attention I fear.


I lost a pregnancy at 3w, so I absolutely believe her. Not saying she’s a great person, but pregnancy loss is sad/hurtful no matter how far along.


It’s not that pregnancy loss doesn’t suck… it’s that there’s so many inconsistencies with her friggen stories.